Special Counsel

Did they ever find cocaine in the Trump WH?
They pretty much live streamed it

It's a shocker how many Republicans are disowned by the Trumpers.
It’s not about being a Republican any longer, it’s about total loyalty to Trump. Anything less than that makes these Republicans, like me, “RINOs.” There’s a very large number of longtime Republicans on their RINO list. Hell, even George Will is on it. It’s a very strange phenomenon, it’s even stranger that they never consider the idea that their hero doesn’t deserve their loyalty. He sure as hell has no loyalty for them. He’ll turn on each and every one of them if he senses they aren’t loyal to him. They’d be added to the RINO list in a heartbeat.
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One reason the plea deal broke down is because prosecutors wouldn't agree not to prosecute Hunter or others for additional crimes they might find during their investigation which is still ongoing. Maybe you are too impatient.
It broke down because the judge questioned the prosecutors. Had the judge not asked, the sweetheart deal would have been completed. Now those same prosecutors that gave Hunter the deal until caught and allowed the statutes to expire on the most serious crimes are special prosecutors. SMH
It’s not about being a Republican any longer, it’s about total loyalty to Trump. Anything less than that makes these Republicans, like me, “RINOs.” There’s a very large number of longtime Republicans on their RINO list. Hell, even George Will is on it. It’s a very strange phenomenon, it’s even stranger that they never consider the idea that their hero doesn’t deserve their loyalty. He sure as hell has no loyalty for them. He’ll turn on each and every one of them if he senses they aren’t loyal to him. They’d be added to the RINO list in a heartbeat.
Aloha, I am not a Trumper. I’ve never called you a RINO. I’ve treated you with nothing but respect while arguing with you about this stuff. I will continue doing that. All us republicans need to stay together to get rid of Biden.
It broke down because the judge questioned the prosecutors. Had the judge not asked, the sweetheart deal would have been completed. Now those same prosecutors that gave Hunter the deal until caught and allowed the statutes to expire on the most serious crimes are special prosecutors. SMH
This will be the end of the Hunter Biden saga, at least as far as his DOJ investigation until after 2024. Perhaps house republicans can pull a rabbit out of hat. Eric Schwerin should be interesting.
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Aloha, I am not a Trumper. I’ve never called you a RINO. I’ve treated you with nothing but respect while arguing with you about this stuff. I will continue doing that. All us republicans need to stay together to get rid of Biden.
I’m all for replacing Biden with a Republican. Trump isn’t that guy though. We absolutely have to dump Trump or Biden or another Democrat will be President after the next election. For the record, I don’t believe Biden will actually run. He’s clearly in mental decline due to his age.
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Aloha, I am not a Trumper. I’ve never called you a RINO. I’ve treated you with nothing but respect while arguing with you about this stuff. I will continue doing that. All us republicans need to stay together to get rid of Biden.
BS. You voted for Trump, continue to support Trump, and will vote for Trump again. You attack Biden because of your love of Trump.
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BS. You voted for Trump, continue to support Trump, and will vote for Trump again. You attack Biden because of your love of Trump.
Yep I voted for Trump. I am not supporting him this election but if the choice is Trump or Biden I will vote for Trump. I attack Biden because he’s a lying crook and he deserves the same treatment Trump is getting.
I’m all for replacing Biden with a Republican. Trump isn’t that guy though. We absolutely have to dump Trump or Biden or another Democrat will be President after the next election. For the record, I don’t believe Biden will actually run. He’s clearly in mental decline due to his age.
I hope you’re right about Biden and I hope republicans choose someone other than Trump.
I don’t think she would win and would be a poor choice. Pretty woke. Left of her hubby. Anyway last stuff I had read from her
You kidding me? There’s nothing shady or embarrassing about Michelle Obama. She’d win in a landslide if Trump was her opponent.
You kidding me? There’s nothing shady or embarrassing about Michelle Obama. She’d win in a landslide if Trump was her opponent.
I’m not counting on trump running. So woke, policies are my measure. But I agree she would beat trump
In this article from British source, The Telegraph, it’s believed Michelle Obama will be drafted.

That's someones fever dream.

If they want to nominate a competent, progressive woman with governing experience, then they need to nominate Whitmer.
So would many. But he'll never get the nomination.
Right just like no republican will get nominated that you would vote for over Biden. So here we are with two incompetent old men to choose from.
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Not the Dem one….

The only way Trump doesn't get the nomination is he either dies, gets convicted in one of the federal cases, or the Pubs change the rules about how the convention is run and the not-crazies anoint someone in a smoke filled room.
The only way Trump doesn't get the nomination is he either dies, gets convicted in one of the federal cases, or the Pubs change the rules about how the convention is run and the not-crazies anoint someone in a smoke filled room.
Does conviction of federal case preclude him from running?
The only way Trump doesn't get the nomination is he either dies, gets convicted in one of the federal cases, or the Pubs change the rules about how the convention is run and the not-crazies anoint someone in a smoke filled room.
Not the pub one either.
Does conviction of federal case preclude him from running?
Two conservatives say he's already disqualified from serving as President by Section 3 of the 14th Amendment:

Edit to add: Here's what Section 3 of the 14th Amendment says:


Section 3​

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."
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No, but I think that might be enough to keep him from getting nominated. Maybe. Perhaps.
Doubtful. Pubs are all in on Trump unless they realize they are going to lose and decide to lose with dignity.
In this article from British source, The Telegraph, it’s believed Michelle Obama will be drafted.
Michelle has made it very clear she has no interest in any involvement in politics at all. I’d be stunned if she ever holds public office.