Special Counsel

So nothing will make you people happy, will it? Victimhood at its finest.
We have gotten so deep in the culture of losing that we can’t recognize a successful media cycle any longer.

On the day Weiss withdrew from any further plea negotiations with Hunter and set things on a path likely to either: (1) a humiliating election year trial for the Biden family, (2) Joe destroying his reputation by pardoning Hunter, or (3) Hunter accepting a deal that sends him to prison, Republicans are somehow missing the message that Biden had one of the worst days of his presidency. The indignation that Garland should have chosen one attorney no one has heard of over another attorney no one has heard of is a missed opportunity to fully seize the narrative now that the 65% of the country outside the conservative media sphere is finally waking up to Hunter as a huge problem for Joe.

I reject the idea that Weiss is a deep cover tool of the Bidens and Delaware Dems. He was appointed in a two for one package with the Senators: he and Colm Connolly are the two R’s, Judge Norieka—who everyone is hailing as the savior—is the Dem who had close ties to Carper. If anyone is politically suspicious, it’s her—and she’s proven herself anything but a hack.

Weiss is probably exactly who should be prosecuting this: career Delaware prosecutor, #2 in this office since the Bush administration, zero ties to DC, knowledge of the district and ability to promptly get it to trial without the steep learning curve anyone else would have had. Hunter and Joe should be held accountable
I don't disagree with any of that with relation to Hunter's situation, although there is another FBI whistleblower who testified to the Senate Judicial Committee about being limited by his superiors with regards to questions about Trump/Rudy. So it cuts both ways within the FBI...

But back to Tapper, while he may be curious regarding the Special Counsel probe of Hunter, he is far more skeptical of Comer and his unsubstantiated claims of Joe Biden's corruption...

Since we're posting Tapper pieces, here is an appearance by Comer in which Comer lies reaptedly and for the most part Tapper calls his bluff. He could have done a better jo of pressing Comer on various lies and the Christie expose of Trump/Kushner corruption was more damning than what he showed Comer during the interview. He let Comer off the hooki with regards to the double standard and hypocrisy...

For example Comer says as a way of "excusing" Kushner's grift with the Saudi's that Kushner "had a business" and he got paid after Trump left office. Now at that point Tapper should have reminded Comer that Kushner's "business" was a total bust prior to securing the huge "investment" from his buddy the Crown Prince, who of course benefitted from Kushner's direct intervention in US policy in the CP's behalf.

Now unlike Hunter B, Jared Kushner was actually a member of the Trump Admin,( and the Trump clan) and the timeline makes it extremely clear how all of this was set up while Kushner was an active member of the US Govt. Also, note to Comer if you're going to point to a What's Ap message from July 2017 as "evidnce" of Joe Biden's corruption and excuse Kushner because Trump was no longer in office, you sound like a hypocritical moron.

I counted at least 7 lies Comer told in this interview, particularly with regards to what Archer claimd or testified to. Can you spot them?

And Tapper should also have hit Comer with the fact that Gomer is sandbagging the actual testimony of Lev Parnas. Parnas who was not only point man on Rudy's attempt to dig up dirt on Biden in 2019-2020) but also has sent a 10 page letter to Comer detailing why Comer's pursuit of Biden is a joke, as well as offering to testify in PUBLIC.

Every time stupid people repeat the ludicrous lie that Viktor Shokin was a "great Prosecutor" and that Biden was paid $5 Million to get him fired they should listen to Lev's account of meeting and interviewing Shokin, on behalf of Rudy/Trump...

My guess is Comer and Jordan are bluffing about an "impeachment inquiry" to placate the base. Right now Comer can gaslight and claim that Parnas has no worthwhile testimony to provide because at this stage the GOP can control who is allowed to testify before the Oversight Committee.

But once they expand into an actual "impeachment inquiry" then the Dems are able to subpoena witnesses as well, and Lev is ready,willing and able to testify. If he gets up on the witness stand and recounts the fact that Russian businessman Vitaly Pruss told him,Rudy and others in a meeting in NYC in May 2019 that he had personal knowledge of Hunter's laptop being hacked by Russian agnets in early 2019 what's Rudy gonna do? Plead the 5th, lie and deny he wasn't told that before anyone even KNEW Hunter had a laptop and that same laptop mysteriously fell into Rudy's hands 6 months after the May 2019 meeting?

Again my prediciton is there is never an "impeachment inquiry" because there is no way Comer can risk Parnas revealing on national tv the contents of the letter he (Parnas) sent to Comer 2 or 3 weeks ago...Lev knows where the bodies are buried and he kept very accurate notes...
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We have gotten so deep in the culture of losing that we can’t recognize a successful media cycle any longer.

On the day Weiss withdrew from any further plea negotiations with Hunter and set things on a path likely to either: (1) a humiliating election year trial for the Biden family, (2) Joe destroying his reputation by pardoning Hunter, or (3) Hunter accepting a deal that sends him to prison, Republicans are somehow missing the message that Biden had one of the worst days of his presidency. The indignation that Garland should have chosen one attorney no one has heard of over another attorney no one has heard of is a missed opportunity to fully seize the narrative now that the 65% of the country outside the conservative media sphere is finally waking up to Hunter as a huge problem for Joe.

I reject the idea that Weiss is a deep cover tool of the Bidens and Delaware Dems. He was appointed in a two for one package with the Senators: he and Colm Connolly are the two R’s, Judge Norieka—who everyone is hailing as the savior—is the Dem who had close ties to Carper. If anyone is politically suspicious, it’s her—and she’s proven herself anything but a hack.

Weiss is probably exactly who should be prosecuting this: career Delaware prosecutor, #2 in this office since the Bush administration, zero ties to DC, knowledge of the district and ability to promptly get it to trial without the steep learning curve anyone else would have had. Hunter and Joe should be held accountable
Just for clarification, what should Joe be held accountable for? What was his crime? I don’t recall Joe being charged with anything. Maybe the special counsel will finally uncover what everyone in the republican media/blogosphere already know.
Just for clarification, what should Joe be held accountable for? What was his crime? I don’t recall Joe being charged with anything. Maybe the special counsel will finally uncover what everyone in the republican media/blogosphere already know.
Maybe I missed it but Weiss is investigating Hunter not Joe?
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Maybe you missed it, but the last line of the post I replied to said both Hunter and Joe need to be held accountable.
How is Joe held accountable if Garland didn’t add him to special prosecutor’s area of investigation?
How is Joe held accountable if Garland didn’t add him to special prosecutor’s area of investigation?
Again, what is it he needs to be held accountable for? And if some Nowhereville, IN accountant is aware of a particular crime that has occurred, why would we need an investigation?
Again, what is it he needs to be held accountable for? And if some Nowhereville, IN accountant is aware of a particular crime that has occurred, why would we need an investigation?
Good for you. I asked a question and you replied with snark.
Good for you. I asked a question and you replied with snark.
Right, I asked a question too. I actually asked it twice. Once to another poster, where you felt the need to interject. Then, I asked you. Maybe the third time’s a charm.

What are we holding Joe accountable for?
Right, I asked a question too. I actually asked it twice. Once to another poster, where you felt the need to interject. Then, I asked you. Maybe the third time’s a charm.

What are we holding Joe accountable for?
You already know the answer.
The special prosecutor can go wherever the evidence leads.
I think you are thinking of the statutory independent counsel like Ken Starr. That statute was repealed. Special counsel is a,pointed by the AG, is given a specific scope by the AG, and is ultimately responsible to the AG. The SC does have grand jury authority and independent budget authority. If the SC wants to expand the scope, he must seek permission. SC is more like a United States Attorney with a specific assigned task.
I think you are thinking of the statutory independent counsel like Ken Starr. That statute was repealed. Special counsel is a,pointed by the AG, is given a specific scope by the AG, and is ultimately responsible to the AG. The SC does have grand jury authority and independent budget authority. If the SC wants to expand the scope, he must seek permission. SC is more like a United States Attorney with a specific assigned task.
Can’t say you’re wrong because I’m not a lawyer, but seems special counsels have been going wherever the evidence leads. I hope it’s allowed and if there’s evidence Joe Biden is involved in anything at all that’s criminal it’s fully investigated.
I don't disagree with any of that with relation to Hunter's situation, although there is another FBI whistleblower who testified to the Senate Judicial Committee about being limited by his superiors with regards to questions about Trump/Rudy. So it cuts both ways within the FBI...

But back to Tapper, while he may be curious regarding the Special Counsel probe of Hunter, he is far more skeptical of Comer and his unsubstantiated claims of Joe Biden's corruption...

Since we're posting Tapper pieces, here is an appearance by Comer in which Comer lies reaptedly and for the most part Tapper calls his bluff. He could have done a better jo of pressing Comer on various lies and the Christie expose of Trump/Kushner corruption was more damning than what he showed Comer during the interview. He let Comer off the hooki with regards to the double standard and hypocrisy...

For example Comer says as a way of "excusing" Kushner's grift with the Saudi's that Kushner "had a business" and he got paid after Trump left office. Now at that point Tapper should have reminded Comer that Kushner's "business" was a total bust prior to securing the huge "investment" from his buddy the Crown Prince, who of course benefitted from Kushner's direct intervention in US policy in the CP's behalf.

Now unlike Hunter B, Jared Kushner was actually a member of the Trump Admin,( and the Trump clan) and the timeline makes it extremely clear how all of this was set up while Kushner was an active member of the US Govt. Also, note to Comer if you're going to point to a What's Ap message from July 2017 as "evidnce" of Joe Biden's corruption and excuse Kushner because Trump was no longer in office, you sound like a hypocritical moron.

I counted at least 7 lies Comer told in this interview, particularly with regards to what Archer claimd or testified to. Can you spot them?

And Tapper should also have hit Comer with the fact that Gomer is sandbagging the actual testimony of Lev Parnas. Parnas who was not only point man on Rudy's attempt to dig up dirt on Biden in 2019-2020) but also has sent a 10 page letter to Comer detailing why Comer's pursuit of Biden is a joke, as well as offering to testify in PUBLIC.

Every time stupid people repeat the ludicrous lie that Viktor Shokin was a "great Prosecutor" and that Biden was paid $5 Million to get him fired they should listen to Lev's account of meeting and interviewing Shokin, on behalf of Rudy/Trump...

My guess is Comer and Jordan are bluffing about an "impeachment inquiry" to placate the base. Right now Comer can gaslight and claim that Parnas has no worthwhile testimony to provide because at this stage the GOP can control who is allowed to testify before the Oversight Committee.

But once they expand into an actual "impeachment inquiry" then the Dems are able to subpoena witnesses as well, and Lev is ready,willing and able to testify. If he gets up on the witness stand and recounts the fact that Russian businessman Vitaly Pruss told him,Rudy and others in a meeting in NYC in May 2019 that he had personal knowledge of Hunter's laptop being hacked by Russian agnets in early 2019 what's Rudy gonna do? Plead the 5th, lie and deny he wasn't told that before anyone even KNEW Hunter had a laptop and that same laptop mysteriously fell into Rudy's hands 6 months after the May 2019 meeting?

Again my prediciton is there is never an "impeachment inquiry" because there is no way Comer can risk Parnas revealing on national tv the contents of the letter he (Parnas) sent to Comer 2 or 3 weeks ago...Lev knows where the bodies are buried and he kept very accurate notes...
There are several hundred Trump threads on the forum currently. This one is about Biden's issue. "Look over here at Trump" means nothing in this conversation. Your post is a multi-paragraph off topic squirrel attempt at distracting from the idea that Hunter is a crook and there is an awful lot of smoke indicating dear old Dad is right there with him. Heck, the whole family appears in on it.

And if this is all true, it really hurts that moral high ground you all have been claiming you have doesn't it?
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There are several hundred Trump threads on the forum currently. This one is about Biden's issue. "Look over here at Trump" means nothing in this conversation. Your post is a multi-paragraph off topic squirrel attempt at distracting from the idea that Hunter is a crook and there is an awful lot of smoke indicating dear old Dad is right there with him. He'll, the whole family appears in on it.

And if this is all true, it really hurts that moral high ground you all have been claiming you have doesn't it?
They should be treated as totally separate issues, but people on both political sides just can’t separate Trump’s issues from Biden’s. It’s interesting, but also irritating.
Can’t say you’re wrong because I’m not a lawyer, but seems special counsels have been going wherever the evidence leads. I hope it’s allowed and if there’s evidence Joe Biden is involved in anything at all that’s criminal it’s fully investigated.

COH is right, in that the current Special Counsel law was passed after the Clinton years, where an investigation into financial questions in Arkansas (Whitewater) ended up going after Bill for has sexual transgressions. They wanted there to be some guardrails in place to keep a SC from getting a blank check to investigate anything and everything he came across, no matter how distant from the original charge.

In this case, if they turn up something directly implicating Joe in Hunter's business shenanigans, then there would be no reason for the SC to not pull on that thread. If, on the other hand, if he decides to pursue something totally unrelated to Hunter's business dealings (let's say a campaign finance issue), there might be a reason to restrict that investigation.

Of course, IANAL either, and will be happy to be corrected if I'm mistaken.
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There are several hundred Trump threads on the forum currently. This one is about Biden's issue. "Look over here at Trump" means nothing in this conversation. Your post is a multi-paragraph off topic squirrel attempt at distracting from the idea that Hunter is a crook and there is an awful lot of smoke indicating dear old Dad is right there with him. Heck, the whole family appears in on it.

And if this is all true, it really hurts that moral high ground you all have been claiming you have doesn't it?
Except there’s zero evidence Joe is involved. And there will always be moral high ground when a vile human like Trump is involved. Always.
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Just for clarification, what should Joe be held accountable for? What was his crime? I don’t recall Joe being charged with anything. Maybe the special counsel will finally uncover what everyone in the republican media/blogosphere already know.
I was lazy…let me re-phrase. If Weiss finds Hunter or Joe have done anything wrong (as it pertains to this investigation) they should be held accountable.

Weiss kept his job only because he opened the Hunter investigation in 2020 and Joe couldn’t dismiss the Trump appointee investigating his son without paying a political price. Although, if Weiss had been Trey Gowdy, Joe probably dismisses him anyway, but the Hunter investigation is absolutely the only reason Biden didn’t let his term end and appoint one of the many Delaware Democrats from his orbit to the highest federal legal post in the state.
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We have gotten so deep in the culture of losing that we can’t recognize a successful media cycle any longer.

On the day Weiss withdrew from any further plea negotiations with Hunter and set things on a path likely to either: (1) a humiliating election year trial for the Biden family, (2) Joe destroying his reputation by pardoning Hunter, or (3) Hunter accepting a deal that sends him to prison, Republicans are somehow missing the message that Biden had one of the worst days of his presidency. The indignation that Garland should have chosen one attorney no one has heard of over another attorney no one has heard of is a missed opportunity to fully seize the narrative now that the 65% of the country outside the conservative media sphere is finally waking up to Hunter as a huge problem for Joe.

I reject the idea that Weiss is a deep cover tool of the Bidens and Delaware Dems. He was appointed in a two for one package with the Senators: he and Colm Connolly are the two R’s, Judge Norieka—who everyone is hailing as the savior—is the Dem who had close ties to Carper. If anyone is politically suspicious, it’s her—and she’s proven herself anything but a hack.

Weiss is probably exactly who should be prosecuting this: career Delaware prosecutor, #2 in this office since the Bush administration, zero ties to DC, knowledge of the district and ability to promptly get it to trial without the steep learning curve anyone else would have had. Hunter and Joe should be held accountable
Half the Republicans on this forum need to read your post, and then keep reading it until they get it.
Except there’s zero evidence Joe is involved.

“But don’t worry, unlike pop I won’t make you give me half your salary”

'I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled”

20+ instances of Joe calling in to business dinners to discuss “the weather”. And 2+ instances of in person meetings.

Flights to China on Airforce 2.

You would be correct that there is nothing criminal that has been proven. But the willful blindness to not admit that Joe knowingly let his son trade on his name and position and profited off of it is ridiculous.

Explain why Hunter references providing financial support to his father. Explain it.
Half the Republicans on this forum need to read your post, and then keep reading it until they get it.
I was shocked that Republicans seemed completely unaware that they had their best day in the 3-year long Hunter Biden saga Friday. I suspect that if Hunter does take Joe down, Friday will be the turning point where the story broke out of conservative media and the country woke up to Hunter as Joe’s Achilles heel. I was late to the story but was surprised to see GOP socials pumping out outrage instead of taking what I assumed would be a victory lap.

Obviously, Paul Clement would be far better than Weiss (although actually, maybe not—Clement has never prosecuted a felony in Delaware). But the reaction felt a bit too much like the liberal protesters with Sharpie pens standing outside of SCOTUS waiting to write in the name of the nominee they were protesting.
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I was shocked that Republicans seemed completely unaware that they had their best day in the 3-year long Hunter Biden saga Friday. I suspect that if Hunter does take Joe down, Friday will be the turning point where the story broke out of conservative media and the country woke up to Hunter as Joe’s Achilles heel. I was late to the story but was surprised to see GOP socials pumping out outrage instead of taking what I assumed would be a victory lap.

Obviously, Paul Clement would be far better than Weiss (although actually, maybe not—Clement has never prosecuted a felony in Delaware). But the reaction felt a bit too much like the liberal protesters with Sharpie pens standing outside of SCOTUS waiting to write in the name of the nominee they were protesting.
Not at all. Surprised to see you off on this one. Too trusting perhaps.

Noreika described the original plea agreement variously as “not standard”, “not what I normally see”, “possibly unconstitutional”, “without legal precedent”, and “potentially not worth the paper it was printed on”.

Weiss put his name to that malarkey. Not to be trusted.

The idea that the two parties were talking last each other in terms of broad immunity is a non-starter. You don’t actually believe that do you?
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Can’t say you’re wrong because I’m not a lawyer, but seems special counsels have been going wherever the evidence leads. I hope it’s allowed and if there’s evidence Joe Biden is involved in anything at all that’s criminal it’s fully investigated.
The starters for Hunter B. are the tax charges and gun charge that were previously part of the failed plea bargain, summarized here.

However, in a different case, a federal appeals court has apparently struck down the federal gun statute that Hunter B. faced.

So, maybe charges against him will be added or subtracted, or maybe not.

It's hard to understand how the other accusations being raised (but not yet filed) against Hunter might somehow apply against Joe. Some of the rants seem to be saying only that Hunter overcharged someone for access to Joe, because (1) Joe was an almost-powerless vice president or (2) even out of office when it happened. Someone would have to be stupid to pay money for access to someone who lacked power to grant a benefit.

In any event, Trump's predicament shows that we should just wait to see what new charges are actually filed and against whom. Then we can compare the dozens of counts actually filed against Trump against those actually filed later against a Biden. Right now Trump has a commanding lead.
“But don’t worry, unlike pop I won’t make you give me half your salary”

'I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled”

20+ instances of Joe calling in to business dinners to discuss “the weather”. And 2+ instances of in person meetings.

Flights to China on Airforce 2.

You would be correct that there is nothing criminal that has been proven. But the willful blindness to not admit that Joe knowingly let his son trade on his name and position and profited off of it is ridiculous.

Explain why Hunter references providing financial support to his father. Explain it.
Easy enough. Do you think Hunter is known for telling the truth?
Easy enough. Do you think Hunter is known for telling the truth?
What purpose does lying to his daughter about paying his fathers bills serve?

Once may be a lie. Repeated references to his father or a big guy might just lead me to believe that Joe Biden is involved.

But I’m a conspiracy theorist,
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What purpose does lying to his daughter about paying his fathers bills serve?

Once may be a lie. Repeated references to his father or a big guy might just lead me to believe that Joe Biden is involved.

But I’m a conspiracy theorist,
Yep we know. No idea, but I paid some of my parents’ bills when I was at the lake place. And all those combined of Biden’s were about $10,000. Doesn’t amount to much.
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  • Haha
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There are several hundred Trump threads on the forum currently. This one is about Biden's issue. "Look over here at Trump" means nothing in this conversation. Your post is a multi-paragraph off topic squirrel attempt at distracting from the idea that Hunter is a crook and there is an awful lot of smoke indicating dear old Dad is right there with him. Heck, the whole family appears in on it.

And if this is all true, it really hurts that moral high ground you all have been claiming you have doesn't it?
Admittedly, having the moral high ground on Trump is pretty goddamn low bar. It wouldn’t be hard to find someone who has the high ground on him.
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Duh. It’s the JOE BIDEN CRIME FAMILY. They know how to win. They know the rules. Just kickin trump’s and conservative’s asses at every turn. Like the Dream Team does to libs on here. The irony is that some Dream Team members support Trump. Slump. The guy who cannot stop losing
The dementia is an enormous issue, but that aside, we’ve finally figured out Joe’s weakness (we’ve quickly forgotten that, for as much as we mocked him, Republicans never found an attack that worked in 2020 and Biden is the only person who has really beaten Trump in a debate).

Joe has enabled Hunter for his entire life and cannot bring himself to cut a degenerate 54-year-old off or allow him to face the consequences of his actions. Maybe there’s some world where that’s arguably good parenting but it’s his Achilles as a politician right now, a flaw that’s more controllable than his health but which he’s incapable of controlling.
The dementia is an enormous issue, but that aside, we’ve finally figured out Joe’s weakness (we’ve quickly forgotten that, for as much as we mocked him, Republicans never found an attack that worked in 2020 and Biden is the only person who has really beaten Trump in a debate).

Joe has enabled Hunter for his entire life and cannot bring himself to cut a degenerate 54-year-old off or allow him to face the consequences of his actions. Maybe there’s some world where that’s arguably good parenting but it’s his Achilles as a politician right now, a flaw that’s more controllable than his health but which he’s incapable of controlling.
joe biden is just a grumpy old ahole who goes with the wind. any decent pub should be able to destroy him in a debate and an election. folks. can you afford a house? a new car. groceries. gas. college? our lives have gotten insanely expensive under biden's watch. let's get rid of him and see if things improve.

people don't look into the minutiae of stuff. they think has their lot improved or not. and for most the american dream has gotten farther away under biden. but, alas, we still have millions who support slump. so who the F knows. if real evidence is shown that biden was getting paid that'll help. otherwise hunter being a shit bum supported by his dad probably won't help much. that just makes him relatable. hell, both of them relatable in that respect.
joe biden is just a grumpy old ahole who goes with the wind. any decent pub should be able to destroy him in a debate and an election. folks. can you afford a house? a new car. groceries. gas. college? our lives have gotten insanely expensive under biden's watch. let's get rid of him and see if things improve.

people don't look into the minutiae of stuff. they think has their lot improved or not. and for most the american dream has gotten farther away under biden. but, alas, we still have millions who support slump. so who the F knows. if real evidence is shown that biden was getting paid that'll help. otherwise hunter being a shit bum supported by his dad probably won't help much. that just makes him relatable. hell, both of them relatable in that respect.
Voters will ignore many of Biden's personal faults so long as the alternative is ...
joe biden is just a grumpy old ahole who goes with the wind. any decent pub should be able to destroy him in a debate and an election. folks. can you afford a house? a new car. groceries. gas. college? our lives have gotten insanely expensive under biden's watch. let's get rid of him and see if things improve.

people don't look into the minutiae of stuff. they think has their lot improved or not. and for most the american dream has gotten farther away under biden. but, alas, we still have millions who support slump. so who the F knows. if real evidence is shown that biden was getting paid that'll help. otherwise hunter being a shit bum supported by his dad probably won't help much. that just makes him relatable. hell, both of them relatable in that respect.
Motherly affection (not in the Joe Briben way, that's just SICK) will stick with many Karen's. I'm at .99999 of the 3rd divorce because a mother that supports a 26 yr old female version of hunter. She WILL NOT see reality, all she see's is her baby. Even if she is forced to live off of dead ants for the protein. It's the max level of going down with your ship, while you knew you are driving a cardboard boat to begin with. FVCKING STUPID.
I support abortion until the age of 27 now. TOTAL WASTE of O2. The really really sad part. they both have cloned themselves as Briben worshipers . He's taught them to do this shit.
Motherly affection (not in the Joe Briben way, that's just SICK) will stick with many Karen's. I'm at .99999 of the 3rd divorce because a mother that supports a 26 yr old female version of hunter. She WILL NOT see reality, all she see's is her baby. Even if she is forced to live off of dead ants for the protein. It's the max level of going down with your ship, while you knew you are driving a cardboard boat to begin with. FVCKING STUPID.
I support abortion until the age of 27 now. TOTAL WASTE of O2. The really really sad part. they both have cloned themselves as Briben worshipers . He's taught them to do this shit.
I wouldn’t wish an addict kid on my worst enemy. I don’t know what I’d do. Saddest of stuff
I wouldn’t wish an addict kid on my worst enemy. I don’t know what I’d do. Saddest of stuff
I now know that I can deal with the addiction part. That is like a long term injury happening (although a self inflicted injury). "We've" went full bore, I'm clean now, but (step)dad makes a shit tom of money so I am not just like a San Fransisco homless person doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, other than (Step) dad has a paid for house so he can pay for me to lay around, while I FEROSIOUSLY (think little karen, chest pumped up, standing behind her mom, caling me every 4 letter word in the book) admitting that she will die before ever helping me on any simple little task (she pulls my cloths out of the laundry so that mine doesn't get washed, intentionally). .... That is where I am and she and her mother thanks Briben for giving them this freedom.

Do I just go ahead and give away 1/2 of a $300k house, a $750k retirement to make them go away? I have a wife and step daughter (with kid) that is the equivalent of San Fran trash, forcing me to pay their way, while bringing NOTHING.

OH, yea go get you another woman Coach. IT'll fix everything.