Special Counsel

In Gosport??? Must be a mansion.
I was expecting the total opposite comment from someone. But yes, in Gosport (well 2 miles west).
I borrowed $29,000 from my 401k and had a few thousand cash. Built it, by myself, with my own two hands over about 8 months.
Last year it appraised for $290k. Pretty good ROI and the 401 loan was paid back 4 years ago.
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I now know that I can deal with the addiction part. That is like a long term injury happening (although a self inflicted injury). "We've" went full bore, I'm clean now, but (step)dad makes a shit tom of money so I am not just like a San Fransisco homless person doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, other than (Step) dad has a paid for house so he can pay for me to lay around, while I FEROSIOUSLY (think little karen, chest pumped up, standing behind her mom, caling me every 4 letter word in the book) admitting that she will die before ever helping me on any simple little task (she pulls my cloths out of the laundry so that mine doesn't get washed, intentionally). .... That is where I am and she and her mother thanks Briben for giving them this freedom.

Do I just go ahead and give away 1/2 of a $300k house, a $750k retirement to make them go away? I have a wife and step daughter (with kid) that is the equivalent of San Fran trash, forcing me to pay their way, while bringing NOTHING.

OH, yea go get you another woman Coach. IT'll fix everything.
How old are you? Somebody is going to have to take care of you right?
Do I just go ahead and give away 1/2 of a $300k house, a $750k retirement to make them go away? I have a wife and step daughter (with kid) that is the equivalent of San Fran trash, forcing me to pay their way, while bringing NOTHING.

OH, yea go get you another woman Coach. IT'll fix everything.

Weiss being the special counsel is a joke.
Interesting article, but I don't understand your comment, unless you are worried that Weiss is going after Hunter too hard because he's being influenced by public and political pressure. Somehow, I doubt you are.
Interesting article, but I don't understand your comment, unless you are worried that Weiss is going after Hunter too hard because he's being influenced by public and political pressure. Somehow, I doubt you are.
Yeah, because that would be a bad take, so no, I don't believe he is getting too harsh of treatment.
I don't believe he is, either, but that article doesn't paint a picture of a prosecutor who backed off. It paints a picture of one who decided to get more aggressive under outside pressure.
Yeah, so he doesn't have to testify before Congress.

Do you think this 'special prosecutor' bullshit is fooling anyone?

Weiss will run out the clock on this just like he did for Hunter's other crimes. He'll issue a report after the election that will let Hunter and Joe both off the hook. You know it as well as I do.

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