Unhinged Trump compares Biden Administration to Nazi Germany

Then you get this absolute garbage posts from Ohio and bowl about how good the economy is doing? PH*CK YOU!
Fvck off, loser.

I quoted economists writing for the Harvard Business Review. What have you got, other than your usual bullshit from ignorant blowhards on X?
Covid was a pretense for gov expansion and a massive welfare state followed by increased taxes. Progressives….
Caution, country boy analogy forth coming.
As I sat in the woods today, during my vodka meditation, it came to me as the squirrels joyfully jumped around in the trees.
DNC policies are like trapping squirrels, putting orange safety vest on them so hunters wont shoot them. And the squirrels line up to stay safe.......

I'm thinking that the squirrels now, have figured out that hunting season is a bitch to get through.
Fvck off, loser.

I quoted economists writing for the Harvard Business Review. What have you got, other than your usual bullshit from ignorant blowhards on X?
51 alphabet leaders, signed onto the false laptop misinformation to get rid of an election opponent.............. probably a coincidence...

If you step to the line on the left of you, you can wear, for free, this nice comfy orange safety vest. (15aug though 01Jan, I'd suggest you stay in a basement somewhere though).
Caution, country boy analogy forth coming.
As I sat in the woods today, during my vodka meditation, it came to me as the squirrels joyfully jumped around in the trees.
DNC policies are like trapping squirrels, putting orange safety vest on them so hunters wont shoot them. And the squirrels line up to stay safe.......

I'm thinking that the squirrels now, have figured out that hunting season is a bitch to get through.
The economy is a losing argument for Dems. Anyone with an ounce of sense can see it. It’s why with a strong economy Biden is still perceived as a disaster. Why? Bc it’s some amorphous thing to people. It’s illusory. This is what people see. Tangible bills. They are on the gram. On the tok. On face sharing their stories of …. Prices. Bills. Not business review articles

Fdr is the closest match to Biden’s progressives

Fvck off, loser.

I quoted economists writing for the Harvard Business Review. What have you got, other than your usual bullshit from ignorant blowhards on X?
Harvard...another dem shill tank. China owns harvard. If you think...well that aint happening. Let me rephrase, If you wish to believe anything that rolls out of any dem press organization, like Harvard, you go ahead. It took a minute for me years ago to get right, but that fact that you're still riding that pony means that you're a dead horse. You, and 4 dead in, can go make love all you want. 2 purple haired, furry lesbo's, in a snake infested breeding ball going at it. Have Fun.
Harvard...another dem shill tank. China owns harvard. If you think...well that aint happening. Let me rephrase, If you wish to believe anything that rolls out of any dem press organization, like Harvard, you go ahead. It took a minute for me years ago to get right, but that fact that you're still riding that pony means that you're a dead horse. You, and 4 dead in, can go make love all you want. 2 purple haired, furry lesbo's, in a snake infested breeding ball going at it. Have Fun.
****ing poetry man. Love it.

The economy is a losing argument for Dems. Anyone with an ounce of sense can see it. It’s why with a strong economy Biden is still perceived as a disaster. Why? Bc it’s some amorphous thing to people. It’s illusory. This is what people see. Tangible bills. They are on the gram. On the tok. On face sharing their stories of …. Prices. Bills. Not business review articles

Fdr is the closest match to Biden’s progressives

They are all tied up in G string knots, much like a certain navy person here about party loyalty. PARTY. not policy.
By god if it says DEM then it's perfect no matter what cattle car I have to ride in !!!

After just watching the Tattooist of Auschwitz, the similarities from the 3rd Reich and todays DNC is heart breaking. Sadly Legacy Pubs, march in the same uniform, can not see day light between them.
Have friends who spend several hours each week shopping at three or four stores trying to get the best groceries at the lowest prices. Not my cup of tea.

SWMBO makes a sport out of it. It's what gets her out of the house every day. She even hits different Krogers for different stuff -- claims one store has a better selection than another.
Love Bob Costas and his voice. His remarks on Trump: He is by far the most disgraceful person on modern Presidential history. You have to be in a toxic cult to believe that Trump has ever emotionally, Intellectually, or ethically been fit to be POTUS.
Pretty much sums it up. A toxic cult.
That’s getting old. Try some new material.
SWMBO makes a sport out of it. It's what gets her out of the house every day. She even hits different Krogers for different stuff -- claims one store has a better selection than another.

Uncle, God bless your wife for running a household and trying to save money.

My friends who do this don't smile when I ask if they consider gas mileage and whether their time is worth something.

P.S. A housewife's duties if paid by a hired person have been estimated as as high as $80,000 per year.

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SWMBO makes a sport out of it. It's what gets her out of the house every day. She even hits different Krogers for different stuff -- claims one store has a better selection than another.
SWMBO makes a sport out of it. It's what gets her out of the house every day. She even hits different Krogers for different stuff -- claims one store has a better selection than another.
Uncle, God bless your wife for running a household and trying to save money.

My friends who do this don't smile when I ask if they consider gas mileage and whether their time is worth something.

P.S. A housewife's duties if paid by a hired person have been estimated as as high as $80,000 per year.

What housewife performed that calculation

I had grad school prof. Mountain of a man. Black guy. Real neat. Used to picket certain grocery stores bc said they rotated food. Start in a good hood and when the fruit got bad took it to a bad hood. He’d stand right in front of the store with his big sign
My friends who do this don't smile when I ask if they consider gas mileage and whether their time is worth something.

I don't dare bring it up. And it's no big deal anyway. We aren't spendthrifts but we don't need to pinch pennies, either. If she wants to drive across town to get a particular something at a good price and it gets her out of the house, I'm good with it.
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I don't dare bring it up. And it's no big deal anyway. We aren't spendthrifts but we don't need to pinch pennies, either. If she wants to drive across town to get a particular something at a good price and it gets her out of the house, I'm good with it.
Has she, or you for that matter, ever done the super couponing thing? 4-5 years ago my house mate (back when she was a worthy wife) did it, and OMG we had 200 of EVERYTHING. All of the kids cam to our house to "shop". She had a 6" thick 3 ring binder of coupons with certain barcode #'s that applied to hundreds of different things, and multiple phone apps that she would down load coupons to.
It was totally effing amazing to be completely honest!
I kinda miss her doing it.
There were dozens of times, with the correct coupon, she'd buy one product, on a triple coupon day, that was also on sale, and walk out with 9 (for example) of them for free. She totally challenged me for how many bags I could carry in one trip. Sure as hell don't have to worry about multiple bags under the biden regime.
  • Wow
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