Jan 20 2025 price of gas

Same. Ripping out what were once starter homes in desirable burbs and building 7 figure homes that look like new construction in Charleston. Very odd
They suck. All out of proportion to the lot size. Ruins the character of a neighborhood.

Lots of towns/villages around here have done that. Fortunately, mine is not one of them.
Let's see how Drill Baby Drill works.

$3.12 today at my go to Marathon here in the People's Republic.
Did you notice how DJT was asking the Saudi's to increase production in his address to Davos today? If our production controlled price, why would he be concerned about Saudi production?

Drill, Saudi, drill. #OPEC
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It’s worth being called a racist white nationalist Nazi homophobic!!!! Welcome!!!!! Ever been to auburn in autumn?
"Who put the headers on this ****ing thing, and where can we get shorty NOW!"


4 year-old article?

Read where one of the 10 active locations are.

Here's a hint... Auburn, Indiana

Read where one of the 10 active locations are.

Here's a hint... Auburn, Indiana
Maybe they like classic cars?

thanks, Donnie

but when it was Biden....

I heard that eggs might go up again since some egg producers are being affected by a bird flu.

Murt will tell us that Biden created that flu bug in his labs in the White House basement.

But... but... but.... all the illegals! And the price of eggs! Low flow showerheads!

1.99 here

Don't get gold plated eggs

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