Are we just numb to news about Trump corruption, even convictions?

Home schoolers don't give a shit about the kids.
Probably care to much, aren't most parents? I'm not in favor of home school, kids need to interact if you have strong home the off the wall garbage taught at some schools is offset. My kids both had teachers we didn't see eye to eye with, but in the end strong parenting won out.
Probably care to much, aren't most parents? I'm not in favor of home school, kids need to interact if you have strong home the off the wall garbage taught at some schools is offset. My kids both had teachers we didn't see eye to eye with, but in the end strong parenting won out.
You prove my point.
You prove my point.
a super great entertaining thing that's gone on with my daughter is that she thinks we're always watching while she's at school. her teacher in first through fifth grade kept an active instagram account and i'd show my daughter pics of what she was doing that day. i told her there are cameras all over her classroom that she doesn't see. but i see. i see everything....

now she's in middle/junior high and one of my best friends is a teacher at the school. she texts me pics of my daughter in the hall and stuff. i see everything....
The real story here, which Posobiec and the other clown are trying to deflect from is that a Special Grand Jury made up of people who knew nothing about Trump's Big Lie, and had never heard the the tape of his phone call to Raffensberger were so blown away by hearing it the first time that they were shocked to discover a US President had behaved in that manner...

On top of that, they spent hundreds of hours listening to testimony and pouring thru mountains of evidence and came away convinced that multiple pro-Trump witnesses had blatantly lied to them. They are a Special Grand Jury, so they have no power to indict but rather can make recomendations to the Prosecuting Attny/DA who has the ultimate decision whether to indict or not. It's pretty obvious multiple indictments will be handed down in this case...

Ultimately Trump will likely be charged with violating election law, obstruction, possibly bribery and multiple of his cronies will likely face charges of obstruction and/or perjury as well.No idea what sort of ridiculous point the idiot tweets you linked to are trying to claim, since the jury has already made their decisions and as of yet no one has been indicted.l Maybe you can explain your point in posting it, because it seems you may not understand the distinction between Grand Jury procedures opposed to the way a Special Grand Jury specific and unique to GA operates...
lmao Haven't you dupes been claiming he will 'likely' be charged for the last 6+ years?

Imma start calling you all the Lost Cause Bunch.
a super great entertaining thing that's gone on with my daughter is that she thinks we're always watching while she's at school. her teacher in first through fifth grade kept an active instagram account and i'd show my daughter pics of what she was doing that day. i told her there are cameras all over her classroom that she doesn't see. but i see. i see everything....

now she's in middle/junior high and one of my best friends is a teacher at the school. she texts me pics of my daughter in the hall and stuff. i see everything....

My youngest's teacher takes pics of her class and sends them through the app we use for school.

She enjoys it and looks forward to seeing the pics when she gets home, the little ham.
a super great entertaining thing that's gone on with my daughter is that she thinks we're always watching while she's at school. her teacher in first through fifth grade kept an active instagram account and i'd show my daughter pics of what she was doing that day. i told her there are cameras all over her classroom that she doesn't see. but i see. i see everything....

now she's in middle/junior high and one of my best friends is a teacher at the school. she texts me pics of my daughter in the hall and stuff. i see everything....
I did that with my two daughters when they were 8 and 5. Something happened in the house and neither one would own up to it. I told them that I had cameras hidden all over the house and I knew who did it, so fess up now. The 5 yrs old says, well shit, ok, my sister did it.
Then I had to fighter with her mother of why the 5 to knew that word.. Dad's never win.
We are numb to Trump and his long list of lies and transgressions. Trump has lowered the bar for every upcoming Prez. In the past, any hint of wrongdoing would exclude a presidential candidate. Gary Hart and John Edwards were finished once word of their exploits hit the press. But Donald Trump cheats on 3 wives and the marriages end up in divorce. Cheats on his current wife with a porn star. The head of the Trump organization gets sent away for 10 years. Trump University. Loans from Russian oligarchs. Held a foreign government ransom if they didn't open an investigation on his political opponent. Tried to overthrow or overturn the 2020 election with a false elector scheme. This list goes on and on. Who's the Republican front runner for the 2024 election? The Donald (unless he's in prison)

I'm not the biggest Biden fan but when someone rips on him it's too easy to respond with the Prez that checked every corrupt box listed.
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Must be odd to love a man enough that you are willing to overlook the transgressions that are staring you in the face.

You hero worshipping types crack me up. I'll bet you still try and get autographs at sporting events.
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Must be odd to love a man enough that you are willing to overlook the transgressions that are staring you in the face.

You hero worshipping types crack me up. I'll bet you still try and get autographs at sporting events.
You crack me up.