The Interview


I’ve lived in California, Arizona, different cities in Ohio and Indiana and in the greater DC area. I’ve done marketing, PR, corporate sales and non-profit work that had me traveling all over the country and to most major cities. As a part of the last few jobs I’ve had to work with legislators and government agencies both at the state and federal levels. A sibling is a senior policy advisor for a sitting governor.

I know how the sausage is made. Assuming my current zip code informations my worldview is shortsighted, misguided and wrong.
And your posting history is what it is. I stand by what I said. Would drink beers with you. But politics. Hyper partisan
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I just want everyone to relax on the cooler and understand that my values have not changed.
I’ve always thought that Covid was real, a government mandated monthly shot for the rest of YOUR lives is needed for the greater good, government should tell you and control the value of your real state, that same government should force you to sell your product for a certain price (especially if it’s below your cost of production, you must have empathy for others, DAMNIT!)
If you are privileged to have a two bedroom house, you should be mandated to bring in 12 , illegal families and pay their way ( includes everything, cloths, food, bedding, cars (electric of course), but you are forbidden to provide contraception and they can’t work, since you already do.

I know my words here in the past have been taken out of context. But my values haven’t changed.
I just want everyone to relax on the cooler and understand that my values have not changed.
I’ve always thought that Covid was real, a government mandated monthly shot for the rest of YOUR lives is needed for the greater good, government should tell you and control the value of your real state, that same government should force you to sell your product for a certain price (especially if it’s below your cost of production, you must have empathy for others, DAMNIT!)
If you are privileged to have a two bedroom house, you should be mandated to bring in 12 , illegal families and pay their way ( includes everything, cloths, food, bedding, cars (electric of course), but you are forbidden to provide contraception and they can’t work, since you already do.

I know my words here in the past have been taken out of context. But my values haven’t changed. Bash didn’t challenge her at all.
Camala is going to get by with it.
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She seemed calm and aspirational and like an adult. Trump seems like an 80 year old rambling lunatic. She’ll win. Let’s hope for divided gov to block her bs. The question is how much will the stink of trump cost us elsewhere. Dumbshits like lake who no one wants
Until you actually listen to what she said.
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Is Rosie O’Donnell talking about a conspiracy theory really your big zinger?

This is the first - and probably the last - I’m hearing of this. No one cares what Rosie O’Donnell thinks. Are you going to share Carrot Top’s stance on fracking later today?
You can't handle it when anyone points out the conspiracy theorists on your side. And there are many.

Of course it's the first time you're hearing about it. Duh! We know where you get your information.
Who said that, Kenndy Jr was a left conspiracy theorist. Many Truthers were on the left. Liberals are moonbats, conservatives are wingnuts. There just aren't as many actually elected on the left. .
Talk to Ohio Guy. He's the one who thinks on MAGA are conspiracy theorists.
We'll see. Trump keeps putting his foot in his mouth. He stepped in a pile on the abortion issue with some comments about the amendment in Florida that has created a kerfuffle. His online supporters aren't doing him any favors either....
It doesn't matter what position he takes - there's always going to be a kerfuffle. That's how the media works.
Your last point is a good and important one. For the most part, 'the left' doesn't lift up their crazies into high office.
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Napoleon once said, "Never interrupt you enemy when he is making a mistake". Harris or her team is brilliant for pursuing that strategy. If Trump is going to stand grinning from ear to ear with a thumbs up in front of the grave of a fallen soldier, just stand back. It is working. It will stop working if Trump stops making mistakes. Fortunately for her, losing to a minority woman has to be a real blow to Trump, so he isn't likely to stop looking like the crazy uncle.

That is the second brilliant strategy, not portraying him as a cross between Hitler and Machiavelli but rather the crazy uncle. Someone you feel sorry for but can't stand to be around for long. And certainly someone you wouldn't want making key decisions for you.

I don't know who created this game plan, but it has tightened the race that was over. And if Trump had an ounce of discipline, it would still be over. He was advised against that early debate. Without it, we would be heading to that September debate with Biden in the opposite corner.

Can he stay on message for a while, who knows. History doesn't think so. But this crazy uncle counterpunch creates a real problem for him.
No strategy is going to make Kamala electable. After the debate, it will be obvious.
You can't handle it when anyone points out the conspiracy theorists on your side. And there are many.

Of course it's the first time you're hearing about it. Duh! We know where you get your information.
I liked “League of Their Own” well enough, but outside of that I’m not sure I pay much attention to what Rosie O’Donnell says or does. I don’t necessarily dislike her, it’s just that she’s not really high on my list of people that have an impact on my life or worldview.

It’s weird and a little sad that you determine “sides” by who likes Trump and who doesn’t.

And the fact that your favorite media outlets are reporting on Rosie O’Donnell is some of the most hopeful news for the November election yet. If they’re not able to report anything substantive for Trump or against Harris, that bodes well for Harris.
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It doesn't matter what position he takes - there's always going to be a kerfuffle. That's how the media works.
Given his coalition, his initial statement on that amendment was stupid. He initially said he was going to vote for an amendment, in Florida, with zero abortion restrictions. It is currently six weeks. Now he may feel that six weeks is too little (he said as much) but to turn around and throw his name behind an amendment that would have next to no restrictions was just stupid. Even if that is his position, it is not the position of a core group of his constituency. They (rightfully) felt it was a stab in the back. It has been walked back at this point, we'll see how much damage was done.

There is a group of people that are all in on Trump, almost no matter what he does. I don't know how large that group is. I get the feeling that he thinks it is really big. I tend to think that most people are like me. This is currently an inconvenient marriage and he is the choice by being better than the alternative. As he continues to shift to the left, the gulf between those choices becomes smaller, and all the bull shit you have to put up with to continue to support them becomes harder to swallow. Lila Rose fired a shot across his bow on the abortion thing. The social conservatives are the only leg on the stool he has left mostly unmolested. I don't think he can chop down all 4 and expect to win in November.

In reference to the legs, I think there are 3 to 4 areas that have mostly defined the GOP coalition in my lifetime: Economic Conservatives, NeoCons/Foreign Policy Conservatives, Social Conservatives, and Libertarians. I think people tend to have opinions on all of those things but for many, one of them is their deal killer identity. Trump has done or said things to hurt himself with all 4 constituencies. I think worst damage to the Foreign Policy/Neocon group. His abortion stance this past week would have wrecked him with the social conservatives. He still would probably get quite a few of them to vote for him, but I think enough of them would throw their hands up in exasperation with him and just stay home that it would cost him any chance he had with the election. I don't think the percentage of people that are slavishly devoted to him is anywhere near what Democrats believe it is.
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Given his coalition, his initial statement on that amendment was stupid. He initially said he was going to vote for an amendment, in Florida, with zero abortion restrictions. It is currently six weeks. Now he may feel that six weeks is too little (he said as much) but to turn around and throw his name behind an amendment that would have next to no restrictions was just stupid. Even if that is his position, it is not the position of a core group of his constituency. They (rightfully) felt it was a stab in the back. It has been walked back at this point, we'll see how much damage was done.

There is a group of people that are all in on Trump, almost no matter what he does. I don't know how large that group is. I get the feeling that he thinks it is really big. I tend to think that most people are like me. This is currently an inconvenient marriage and he is the choice by being better than the alternative. As he continues to shift to the left, the gulf between those choices becomes smaller, and all the bull shit you have to put up with to continue to support them becomes harder to swallow. Lila Rose fired a shot across his bow on the abortion thing. The social conservatives are the only leg on the stool he has left mostly unmolested. I don't think he can chop down all 4 and expect to win in November.

In reference to the legs, I think there are 3 to 4 areas that have mostly defined the GOP coalition in my lifetime: Economic Conservatives, NeoCons/Foreign Policy Conservatives, Social Conservatives, and Libertarians. I think people tend to have opinions on all of those things but for many, one of them is their deal killer identity. Trump has done or said things to hurt himself with all 4 constituencies. I think worst damage to the Foreign Policy/Neocon group. His abortion stance this past week would have wrecked him with the social conservatives. He still would probably get quite a few of them to vote for him, but I think enough of them would throw their hands up in exasperation with him and just stay home that it would cost him any chance he had with the election. I don't think the percentage of people that are lavishly devoted to him is anywhere near what Democrats believe it is.
Or Dbm
It's hard to make a gaffe when you don't take a position.

She said she wasn't going to ban fracking, but said her 'values' haven't changed. WTF does that mean?
Well my family is recalibrating this weekend. Daughter in the ozarks with the outlaws. Ozark Sunday mess. Spend time with that son. That’s the real deal. No bullshit mass. People will be healed!!

And I’m taking my minion to bass pro shop this morning. Maybe get a duck call. Perhaps his first toy gun. And why not add a little camo. All his little classmates in j crew and city sc jerseys and vineyard vines with sailboats and beach chairs, let ‘em look across the room now and again and see him in camo with a big orange freedom badge on his shirt. Put ‘em all on notice. They’ve long since learned he doesn’t suffer fools. Let ‘em know he’s entering another stage of business
He is more in on Trump than I am. Listen, there are posters on here where we are probably 90% in lock step with each other who have spilled more digital ink on bashing each other (and other Republicans) than they have on their true political adversaries. There are posters on here that I like and respect on both sides of that argument that leave me wondering, "Why on earth do you think that?" and "Why on earth are you saying this to each other." Truly don't get it. And I will say that I have let that frustration out from time to time.

So I am kind of saying that, to use two posters as examples of the two sides, I like Aloha. I don't necessarily agree with his reasoning right now but I tend to believe that if we went down a list of issues we are going to agree with each other more often than not. Same with dbm. I think he is sometimes a little over the top with the Trump support but we mostly have a simpatico world view. I may push or question people I see in that vein from time to time but I try not to come across like I am "friendly firing" on people.

This is the last Trump cycle IMO. The Democrats have lurched left. I don't see them truly moderating back to Bill Clinton land anytime soon. Their young voters aren't moderate. All of these conservative folks who are fighting over Trump are going to need to figure things out so we don't end up like European conservatives.
He is more in on Trump than I am. Listen, there are posters on here where we are probably 90% in lock step with each other who have spilled more digital ink on bashing each other (and other Republicans) than they have on their true political adversaries. There are posters on here that I like and respect on both sides of that argument that leave me wondering, "Why on earth do you think that?" and "Why on earth are you saying this to each other." Truly don't get it. And I will say that I have let that frustration out from time to time.

So I am kind of saying that, to use two posters as examples of the two sides, I like Aloha. I don't necessarily agree with his reasoning right now but I tend to believe that if we went down a list of issues we are going to agree with each other more often than not. Same with dbm. I think he is sometimes a little over the top with the Trump support but we mostly have a simpatico world view. I may push or question people I see in that vein from time to time but I try not to come across like I am "friendly firing" on people.

This is the last Trump cycle IMO. The Democrats have lurched left. I don't see them truly moderating back to Bill Clinton land anytime soon. Their young voters aren't moderate. All of these conservative folks who are fighting over Trump are going to need to figure things out so we don't end up like European conservatives.
Agree in part disagree in part. Agree on domestic and social shit adamantly agree on coming together if we are desirous of winning again disagree on 90 percent. Trump crowd and old school pubs are miles apart on foreign affairs from what I’ve gleaned. That’s a big deal
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Given his coalition, his initial statement on that amendment was stupid. He initially said he was going to vote for an amendment, in Florida, with zero abortion restrictions. It is currently six weeks. Now he may feel that six weeks is too little (he said as much) but to turn around and throw his name behind an amendment that would have next to no restrictions was just stupid. Even if that is his position, it is not the position of a core group of his constituency. They (rightfully) felt it was a stab in the back. It has been walked back at this point, we'll see how much damage was done.

There is a group of people that are all in on Trump, almost no matter what he does. I don't know how large that group is. I get the feeling that he thinks it is really big. I tend to think that most people are like me. This is currently an inconvenient marriage and he is the choice by being better than the alternative. As he continues to shift to the left, the gulf between those choices becomes smaller, and all the bull shit you have to put up with to continue to support them becomes harder to swallow. Lila Rose fired a shot across his bow on the abortion thing. The social conservatives are the only leg on the stool he has left mostly unmolested. I don't think he can chop down all 4 and expect to win in November.

In reference to the legs, I think there are 3 to 4 areas that have mostly defined the GOP coalition in my lifetime: Economic Conservatives, NeoCons/Foreign Policy Conservatives, Social Conservatives, and Libertarians. I think people tend to have opinions on all of those things but for many, one of them is their deal killer identity. Trump has done or said things to hurt himself with all 4 constituencies. I think worst damage to the Foreign Policy/Neocon group. His abortion stance this past week would have wrecked him with the social conservatives. He still would probably get quite a few of them to vote for him, but I think enough of them would throw their hands up in exasperation with him and just stay home that it would cost him any chance he had with the election. I don't think the percentage of people that are slavishly devoted to him is anywhere near what Democrats believe it is.

His new IVF stance is also a problem for him. Not just with the social conservatives, but also fiscal conservatives. He says the federal government will pay for IVF procedures. What’s the cost of that? I understand it’s very expensive. Also, why would the federal government take that on?

I’m all for IVF, but that doesn’t mean it’s the taxpayers responsibility to pay for it.
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I liked “League of Their Own” well enough, but outside of that I’m not sure I pay much attention to what Rosie O’Donnell says or does. I don’t necessarily dislike her, it’s just that she’s not really high on my list of people that have an impact on my life or worldview.

It’s weird and a little sad that you determine “sides” by who likes Trump and who doesn’t.

And the fact that your favorite media outlets are reporting on Rosie O’Donnell is some of the most hopeful news for the November election yet. If they’re not able to report anything substantive for Trump or against Harris, that bodes well for Harris.
You’re responding to someone who excitedly promotes “2,000 Mules.” He’s clueless.
Agree in part disagree in part. Agree on domestic and social shit adamantly agree on coming together if we are desirous of winning again disagree on 90 percent. Trump crowd and old school pubs are miles apart on foreign affairs from what I’ve gleaned. That’s a big deal
I think the appearance of the gulf is exasperated by the rhetoric. The foreign policy establishment does not like Trump and he responds prickly to them. I think even a moderately EQ person could bridge that gap fairly easily.

"We cannot retreat from the world. The world needs us. What we do need to be more cognizant of doing is choosing which conflicts and trouble spots are worth our investment and then what type of investment is needed. In areas where our partners around the world are capable, part of our foreign policy should pivot to encouraging them to be more defensively self reliant."

That is just an off the top of the head starter. I think one thing is out of our politicians hands though. These social media platforms put you in touch with some of our allies and when you sit on the conservative side of the aisle, quite a few of them regularly express opinions that make them really, really hard to like. And polling backs up the idea that these folks aren't outliers...I don't know how you rectify that issue. Just saying that having NATO members on things like Twitter talking about how backward and stupid Republicans are doesn't help that equation....
I think the appearance of the gulf is exasperated by the rhetoric. The foreign policy establishment does not like Trump and he responds prickly to them. I think even a moderately EQ person could bridge that gap fairly easily.

"We cannot retreat from the world. The world needs us. What we do need to be more cognizant of doing is choosing which conflicts and trouble spots are worth our investment and then what type of investment is needed. In areas where our partners around the world are capable, part of our foreign policy should pivot to encouraging them to be more defensively self reliant."

That is just an off the top of the head starter. I think one thing is out of our politicians hands though. These social media platforms put you in touch with some of our allies and when you sit on the conservative side of the aisle, quite a few of them regularly express opinions that make them really, really hard to like. And polling backs up the idea that these folks aren't outliers...I don't know how you rectify that issue. Just saying that having NATO members on things like Twitter talking about how backward and stupid Republicans are doesn't help that equation....
Love the quoted
Well my family is recalibrating this weekend. Daughter in the ozarks with the outlaws. Ozark Sunday mess. Spend time with that son. That’s the real deal. No bullshit mass. People will be healed!!

And I’m taking my minion to bass pro shop this morning. Maybe get a duck call. Perhaps his first toy gun. And why not add a little camo. All his little classmates in j crew and city sc jerseys and vineyard vines with sailboats and beach chairs, let ‘em look across the room now and again and see him in camo with a big orange freedom badge on his shirt. Put ‘em all on notice. They’ve long since learned he doesn’t suffer fools. Let ‘em know he’s entering another stage of business

Daughter becoming an old lady a little young, no?
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Outlaws have a house down there. They’re thumpers

I use to work with a couple around here about 15 years ago.... they invited me to their clubhouse a couple times. Only went once, which was enough for me. Would hang out at a bar with a couple of members that's now a Mexican restaurant I believe. Bar would close at 3 but wouldn't leave until sometimes 7 or 8, kind of like Varsity Blues style.

Club House got raided some 10 years or so ago and got shut down. Wasn't surprised in the least from what I saw and who I saw in there.
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Nah. Harris is currently throwing a fit over the muted mics (after agreeing to them previously) precisely because it will impede her ability to do the “I’m speaking” bit. She truly is pathetic.

The Biden team agreed to that. The Trump team doesn’t want them live and the Harris team wants them live for the same reason - Trump won’t be able to control himself and will butt in like an asshole and say something inappropriate. The man has no self-discipline.
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The Biden team agreed to that. The Trump team doesn’t want the live and the Harris team wants them live for the same reason - Trump won’t be able to control himself and will butt in like an asshole and say something inappropriate. The man has no self-discipline.
Got it. So she will only agree to the Biden date and no others (despite not being Biden), but the format is where she draws the line.

Meanwhile, prior to the Trump/ Biden debate people like yourself were saying the mics HAD to be muted because Trump can’t follow the rules.
It’s not complicated. It’s all about Trump’s inability to follow debate rules. There is no other reason.
She and her team have been behaving like spoiled brats while trying to get these debates scheduled. Its unbecoming. And you apologize for them.
Got it. So she will only agree to the Biden date and no others (despite not being Biden), but the format is where she draws the line.

Meanwhile, prior to the Trump/ Biden debate people like yourself were saying the mics HAD to be muted because Trump can’t follow the rules.

She and her team have been behaving like spoiled brats while trying to get these debates scheduled. Its unbecoming. And you apologize for them.
It’s not about me, this is between the campaigns. I really don’t care much one way or the other except it was refreshing not having Trump constantly butting in. To me, the disagreements aren’t very interesting. I care very little about it. They can fight amongst themselves.

Also, pointing out that the original agreement was between the Trump and Biden campaigns isn’t apologizing for anyone. Putting accurate information out is necessary for informed discussion.
I just want everyone to relax on the cooler and understand that my values have not changed.
I’ve always thought that Covid was real, a government mandated monthly shot for the rest of YOUR lives is needed for the greater good, government should tell you and control the value of your real state, that same government should force you to sell your product for a certain price (especially if it’s below your cost of production, you must have empathy for others, DAMNIT!)
If you are privileged to have a two bedroom house, you should be mandated to bring in 12 , illegal families and pay their way ( includes everything, cloths, food, bedding, cars (electric of course), but you are forbidden to provide contraception and they can’t work, since you already do.

I know my words here in the past have been taken out of context. But my values haven’t changed.
I agree, they haven't. They have always been half a bubble off.
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I liked “League of Their Own” well enough, but outside of that I’m not sure I pay much attention to what Rosie O’Donnell says or does. I don’t necessarily dislike her, it’s just that she’s not really high on my list of people that have an impact on my life or worldview.

It’s weird and a little sad that you determine “sides” by who likes Trump and who doesn’t.

And the fact that your favorite media outlets are reporting on Rosie O’Donnell is some of the most hopeful news for the November election yet. If they’re not able to report anything substantive for Trump or against Harris, that bodes well for Harris.
You're weird. And uninformed.
Given his coalition, his initial statement on that amendment was stupid. He initially said he was going to vote for an amendment, in Florida, with zero abortion restrictions. It is currently six weeks. Now he may feel that six weeks is too little (he said as much) but to turn around and throw his name behind an amendment that would have next to no restrictions was just stupid. Even if that is his position, it is not the position of a core group of his constituency. They (rightfully) felt it was a stab in the back. It has been walked back at this point, we'll see how much damage was done.

There is a group of people that are all in on Trump, almost no matter what he does. I don't know how large that group is. I get the feeling that he thinks it is really big. I tend to think that most people are like me. This is currently an inconvenient marriage and he is the choice by being better than the alternative. As he continues to shift to the left, the gulf between those choices becomes smaller, and all the bull shit you have to put up with to continue to support them becomes harder to swallow. Lila Rose fired a shot across his bow on the abortion thing. The social conservatives are the only leg on the stool he has left mostly unmolested. I don't think he can chop down all 4 and expect to win in November.

In reference to the legs, I think there are 3 to 4 areas that have mostly defined the GOP coalition in my lifetime: Economic Conservatives, NeoCons/Foreign Policy Conservatives, Social Conservatives, and Libertarians. I think people tend to have opinions on all of those things but for many, one of them is their deal killer identity. Trump has done or said things to hurt himself with all 4 constituencies. I think worst damage to the Foreign Policy/Neocon group. His abortion stance this past week would have wrecked him with the social conservatives. He still would probably get quite a few of them to vote for him, but I think enough of them would throw their hands up in exasperation with him and just stay home that it would cost him any chance he had with the election. I don't think the percentage of people that are slavishly devoted to him is anywhere near what Democrats believe it is.
I agree with your last sentence. And I wasn't commenting on the value or non-value of his position - just that whatever he does or says, someone will be offended or outraged or triggered by it. Guaranteed.
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She's playing him -- and people like you -- like a fiddle. She's in win win territory on this one.
"Oh, I'm gonna vote for Kamala because she's playing Trump on the debate".

Do you know how stupid that sounds? What does she 'win' by trying to change the agreed-upon rules?
You're weird. And uninformed.
This actually made me laugh out loud.

You came to this conclusion because I don’t subscribe to and hang on every word Rosie O’Donnell says about current events.

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