Please provide a link of some MAGAs alleging Shokin was investigating Hunter.
How about we provide examples of MAGA trying to talk about an issue they are clueless about and lying in the process? We'll use DANC as the example...
"You are so gullible.
Shokin investigated Burisma the same year Hunter joined. Then Biden demanded his resignation in 2016.
From the article you linked: "It's true that Joe Biden leveraged $1 billion in aid to persuade Ukraine to oust its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, in March 2016."
Shokin wasn't hired till early March 2015, and Biden's trip to Kyiv was in Dec 2015. There was pressure to remove Shokin in 2016, but it came from US Senate, Ukrainian portestors, some of Shokin's fellow prosecutor co-workers,and the IMF.
You're basically hitching your wagon to one of the most ignorant people on this board, when it comes to Shokin/Ukraine. DANC knows NOTHING- he actually thought Shokin was fired the day Biden threatened to end US loan guarantees in Dec 2015.
Apparently he also thought Shokin was hired in 2014, when in reality Shokin wasn't hired until March 2015. And undoubtedly DANC has no knowledge of the scandals that plagued Shokin at least 5 months BEFORE Biden issued his threat in Dec 2015...
Bginning July 2015...
In Feb 2015 David Sakvarelidze a pro-western, reform oriented prosecutor was appointed as Deputy PG. The next month, old style, former PG Viktor Shokin was brought out of retirement by his political crony Poroshenko and against the advice of many reinstated to the same role he had held under Yanukovych as PG.
The reform minded eager Deputy prosecutor immediately clashed with the old style, business as usual Shokin, who was much more interested in just going along rather than going after the oligarchs. People describe him as Lazy", but actually many of the men he was hired to target had served with him as members of the Yanyukovych regime.
In July 2015, a witness came forward to Dep Prosecutor
Sakvarelidze complaining of two men who were extorting $$ hundreds of thousands from business owwners. When they searched the apt belonging to the two men they discovered bags full of cash and diamonds and other precious stones. But that wasn't all they found, as they discovered links to Shokin...
"Police found copies of Shokin’s passports, property registration certificates and even his licence to carry firearms. One of the two men, it transpired, was Shokin’s former driver who had subsequently climbed the ranks behind his boss."
"For Sakvarelidze, there were clear suspicions the two men may have been carrying out the business of the chief. But his attempts to investigate were frustrated."
So Shokin was never charged,because he was a member of Poroshenko's ruling party and the two had been tied to the hip politically for a decade. But reformers and opposition members of the Rada (Parliament) who already mistrusted him due to his Yanyukovych ties called for his ouster.
His entire tenure was marked by calls from Rada members for him to resign, demonstrations by reform minded citizens calling for him to be fired, and the belief in the West that he was ineffective at best that he tolerated coruption and was likely corrupt himself.
A number of his fellow ministers declared they couldn't work with him, and resigned in protest. The Rada entertained attempts to oust him and gathered 127 of the 150 necessary signatures on a petition to call for a vote on his ouster, with members of Shokin's own party crossing over to sign the pledge. Polls showed that only about 5% of Ukrainians supported him, and calls for his ouster grew louder.
These events occurred before Sept 2015 when US Ambassador Pyatt called out corruption in the PG's office and reiterated US concerns over Shokin. Then following an anti-Shokin protest on Halloween 2015, the Atlantic Council published an editorial echoing calls for Shokin's removal. On NOV 4, 1 month BEFORE Biden urged Porosheno to fire Shokin, this appeared in the Atlantic Council, outlining exactly why the US had decided Shokin needed to go.
"Elected on a promise to reform Ukraine and fight corruption,
reformers now fear Poroshenko has gone off course."
Why refusing to fire Shokin was causing the West to lose faith in Poroshenko.
"The current imbroglio centers on Shokin, a Poroshenko ally and protector of the country’s corrupt old guard. Ukrainian reformers, including prominent civil society organizations and more than 100 members of the Verkhovna Rada, have demanded that Poroshenko fire Shokin—a request Poroshenko has ignored. Here’s why Poroshenko’s ongoing support for Shokin is so dangerous."
The article points out that Poroshenko and Shokin are old school, and come from a system when political officials use the role of the PG to control the opposition and protect their position of power...
Poroshenko’s majority in the Verkhovna Rada is not very stable, and investigating corruption in his own coalition could lead to the loss of his parliamentary majority."
But that is NOT the role the EU,IMF,and US saw as the role of the PG in the post Revolution era when the task was to battle corruption, which Shokin had not done...The West was interested (and had contributed BILLIONS towrds) ROOTING OUT CORRUPTION, not protecting oligarchs and political allies and preserving the old system...
"Ukrainians stand to pay a high price for Poroshenko’s focus on self-preservation. According to Kaleniuk, Poroshenko’s support for Shokin not only jeopardizes visa-free access to the EU, but risks costing Ukraine $4.4 billion in desperately needed financial assistance—$1.2 billion from the EU and $3.2 billion from the International Monetary Fund."
Again this article preceeded Biden's DEC trip where he urged Poroshenko to fire Shokin and used far less ($ 1 MIllion) in US loan guarantees as leverage. But some very stupid,facts averse people keep trying to claim that Biden was acting to "protect Burisma". And that's just the corruption aspect of the anti-Shokin drive. It doesn't even mention his lack of initiative to go after the murderers of the demonstrators shot by Yanyukovych's militia during Maidan...
kraine’s civil society reformers are right to demand the Prosecutor General’s ouster—and Poroshenko’s decision to protect Shokin is inexcusable. If Poroshenko continues down this path, he will surely receive more visits from the determined activists of the Euromaidan."
On October 31, protesters parked ninety-three cars outside the private residence of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to demand that he fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin. Protesters held signs demanding change and a few held placards supporting the President. The atmosphere was...
Now if you're read all the facts I've presented here and still believe that Shokin was some sort of quality PG who was sacked to protect Burisma, then you're hopeless. In that case you earn the title DANC brain...