The Interview

I was calling both of them idiots when they were each in the Senate. That being said, you are once again unintentionally making my point for me while thinking you are landing one of your own.
Very nice insult. 😂
You're losing it. Trump was literally ahead in Silver's polls yesterday. He's up a point in the betting Polymarket. Harris putting together a few sentences in one interview isn't going to sway voters. Also, the odds of Republicans taking the Senate are around 75%.
Silver's model is based on candidates getting a convention bump that nobody's gotten in the modern era with traditional TV dying and the public being much more polarized and calcified in what party they align with. He's mentioned it's dinging Kamala a couple points. I would also say 1) there's a lack of high-quality polling and 2) there's more GOP-affiliated, suspect pollsters doing polls that Silver throws in his model which throws the averages off.

Polymarket is full of cryptobros betting fake money and isn't predictive at this point.

You're right that Republicans have a very favorable map in the Senate... Dems have a ton of seats to defend and no great pickup opportunities. The current political alignment of the country makes Republicans a heavy favorite in the Senate and the GOP should have owned that chamber if they would have ran less crazy candidates over the years.
Who said that, Kenndy Jr was a left conspiracy theorist. Many Truthers were on the left. Liberals are moonbats, conservatives are wingnuts. There just aren't as many actually elected on the left. .
Your last point is a good and important one. For the most part, 'the left' doesn't lift up their crazies into high office.
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Is Rosie O’Donnell talking about a conspiracy theory really your big zinger?

This is the first - and probably the last - I’m hearing of this. No one cares what Rosie O’Donnell thinks. Are you going to share Carrot Top’s stance on fracking later today?
She is a nutbag. The difference is key though. Everyone will say Rosie O'Donnell is a nutbag. The left, non Trumper Right, and of course the MAGAs.

Now try the same with some MAGA nutbag. Like Ted Nugent, who thinks Hillary Clinton eats babies. The left thinks he's a nutbag. The right non Trumpers think he is a nutbag. MAGA...*crickets*...
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Okay DREAM TEAM I watched the Harris interview. WE’RE COOKED!!!!!!!! Nice. Normal. Calm. Gracious. She maintains that demeanor and approach she’ll win handily. She did a great job and the contrast with trump is night and day.
You’re kidding right? Her values are the same but her staff is telling us her flip flops. Staff lying or Kamala lying?

Edit: 20 minutes and she had all the questions ahead of time. LMAO
When you've lost Frank Luntz and Mr. Meghan McCain it was an absolute train wreck.

You know what, Presidents aren't expected to do anything noteworthy on day one. You're not going to start issuing executive orders that first day. Frankly, I bet the average day one for Presidents is pretty boring. It's become an interview question that reporters ask, but it really doesn't mean anything or require a serious answer. Other than that though she held her own just fine. As for the set, the lighting and design was terrible and CNN is to blame for a lot of it (so much for the MSM helping her out here). She scored big points with independents and undecideds and the only ones who are going to criticize that performance is people like you who are in the bag for Trump. Kamala +1.
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You’re kidding right? Her values are the same but her staff is telling us her flip flops. Staff lying or Kamala lying?
They’re all lying. But 1) people don’t vet 2) the media will continue to shred trump and make her sound like an amalgamation of Winston Churchill and learned hand. Her tough prosecutor bit I guarantee is a farce. I can look at her and and listen to her and guarantee it. That was just another political position. Her name was on the pleadings and that’s what she meant by prosecuting cases. There isn’t a chance in hell she was trying a bunch of murders and serious felonies herself. 3). She sounded calm and positive and aspirational while trump increasingly sounds like an old rambling unhinged lunatic.

Mark my words she will win. And as long as we take senate/house it’ll be like now. Mostly fine. They do damage if they have ctrl like year one Biden. We just have to hope trump hasn’t poisoned too many other races like last time with Herschel etc. This lake in az no one likes.
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She is a nutbag. The difference is key though. Everyone will say Rosie O'Donnell is a nutbag. The left, non Trumper Right, and of course the MAGAs.

Now try the same with some MAGA nutbag. Like Ted Nugent, who thinks Hillary Clinton eats babies. The left thinks he's a nutbag. The right non Trumpers think he is a nutbag. MAGA...*crickets*...
How about Mike Lindell, who has met with Trump in the Oval Office and is still invited on stage with him and was at the RNC.

That's the type of nutbag the MAGA right lifts up. Mike Flynn and Rudy Giuliani are other ones that held legitimate roles in the Trump Administration and/or the campaign team. Certified crazy people who clear the low bar of undying loyalty to King Crazy himself.
How about Mike Lindell, who has met with Trump in the Oval Office and is still invited on stage with him and was at the RNC.

That's the type of nutbag the MAGA right lifts up. Mike Flynn and Rudy Giuliani are other ones that held legitimate roles in the Trump Administration and/or the campaign team. Certified crazy people who clear the low bar of undying loyalty to King Crazy himself.
You’d benefit immensely from even an ounce of objectivity. As it is you’re easily one of the three worst posters on the board in terms of value. You hickory and cosmic aren’t worth anyone’s time. Just a tag this threesome is so hyper partisan their opinions should be immediately discarded before anything you post

You’re kidding right? Her values are the same but her staff is telling us her flip flops. Staff lying or Kamala lying?

Edit: 20 minutes and she had all the questions ahead of time. LMAO
I know mcmurtry has voted for Obama and I believe Clinton, along with republicans, so I would expect him to give us a more unbiased perspective. You, on the other hand, are incapable. The people she needed to appeal to she did just fine and it's only your type who will heavily criticize her. No big deal.
I know mcmurtry has voted for Obama and I believe Clinton, along with republicans, so I would expect him to give us a more unbiased perspective. You, on the other hand, are incapable. The people she needed to appeal to she did just fine and it's only your type who will heavily criticize her. No big deal.
I voted for Clinton and Obama but as a caveat re Harris this is an incredibly low bar. Make no mistake she’s terrible. She isn’t in the same stratosphere as Obama and Clinton. She’s a terrible speaker. She just hit the high mark for her within the context of an 80 yr old lunatic as her opponent
Silver's model is based on candidates getting a convention bump that nobody's gotten in the modern era with traditional TV dying and the public being much more polarized and calcified in what party they align with. He's mentioned it's dinging Kamala a couple points. Polymarket is full of cryptobros betting fake money and isn't predictive at this point.
If it's fake money, hurry up and send me 10 Bitcoins. I'll post a wallet you can send it to.
You're right that Republicans have a very favorable map in the Senate... Dems have a ton of seats to defend and no great pickup opportunities. The current political alignment of the country makes Republicans a heavy favorite in the Senate and the GOP should have owned that chamber if they would have ran less crazy candidates over the years.
I'll concede the country is more polarized, but get out of here with the GOP needs to run less crazy candidates. Republicans haven't had more than 55 seats in the Senate for decades. They'll most likely end up with 51 or 52 in 24. Now compare that to Democrats who had 60 seats in 2008-9 and will be under 50 again. You guys haven't had more than 50 seats in a decade. I'd worry about your own crazy candidates.
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I know mcmurtry has voted for Obama and I believe Clinton, along with republicans, so I would expect him to give us a more unbiased perspective. You, on the other hand, are incapable. The people she needed to appeal to she did just fine and it's only your type who will heavily criticize her. No big deal.
i think you're giving mcm a little too much credit over a votes 12+ years ago. Those may end up being known as the "sane years" lol

He's only slightly less biased than the Trumper faction (or Trumpers in denial)
They’re all lying. But 1) people don’t vet 2) the media will continue to shred trump and make her sound like an amalgamation of Winston Churchill and learned hand. Her tough prosecutor bit I guarantee is a farce. I can look at her and and listen to her and guarantee it. That was just another political position. Her name was on the pleadings and that’s what she meant by prosecuting cases. There isn’t a chance in hell she was trying a bunch of murders and serious felonies herself. 3). She sounded calm and positive and aspirational while trump increasingly sounds like an old rambling unhinged lunatic.

Mark my words she will win. And as long as we take senate/house it’ll be like now. Mostly fine. They do damage if they have ctrl like year one Biden. We just have to hope trump hasn’t poisoned too many other races like last time with Herschel etc. This lake in az no one likes.
Learned Hand? Good lord. Stay in your lane. Ex-wives , booze and sex is what we expect from you here.
Napoleon once said, "Never interrupt you enemy when he is making a mistake". Harris or her team is brilliant for pursuing that strategy. If Trump is going to stand grinning from ear to ear with a thumbs up in front of the grave of a fallen soldier, just stand back. It is working. It will stop working if Trump stops making mistakes. Fortunately for her, losing to a minority woman has to be a real blow to Trump, so he isn't likely to stop looking like the crazy uncle.

That is the second brilliant strategy, not portraying him as a cross between Hitler and Machiavelli but rather the crazy uncle. Someone you feel sorry for but can't stand to be around for long. And certainly someone you wouldn't want making key decisions for you.

I don't know who created this game plan, but it has tightened the race that was over. And if Trump had an ounce of discipline, it would still be over. He was advised against that early debate. Without it, we would be heading to that September debate with Biden in the opposite corner.

Can he stay on message for a while, who knows. History doesn't think so. But this crazy uncle counterpunch creates a real problem for him.
Napoleon once said, "Never interrupt you enemy when he is making a mistake". Harris or her team is brilliant for pursuing that strategy. If Trump is going to stand grinning from ear to ear with a thumbs up in front of the grave of a fallen soldier, just stand back. It is working. It will stop working if Trump stops making mistakes. Fortunately for her, losing to a minority woman has to be a real blow to Trump, so he isn't likely to stop looking like the crazy uncle.

That is the second brilliant strategy, not portraying him as a cross between Hitler and Machiavelli but rather the crazy uncle. Someone you feel sorry for but can't stand to be around for long. And certainly someone you wouldn't want making key decisions for you.

I don't know who created this game plan, but it has tightened the race that was over. And if Trump had an ounce of discipline, it would still be over. He was advised against that early debate. Without it, we would be heading to that September debate with Biden in the opposite corner.

Can he stay on message for a while, who knows. History doesn't think so. But this crazy uncle counterpunch creates a real problem for him.
This campaign is not Harris v. Trump. It’s individuals against the matrix. I’ll explain in a new thread.
I voted for Clinton and Obama but as a caveat re Harris this is an incredibly low bar. Make no mistake she’s terrible. She isn’t in the same stratosphere as Obama and Clinton. She’s a terrible speaker. She just hit the high mark for her within the context of an 80 yr old lunatic as her opponent
Would you vote for Obama, today, if he was the candidate running against Trump? He's also not a Bitcoiner in this scenario.
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Why is a "press comference" so important to you? She has given speeches in that time.

Could it be that you're talking about it because FoxNews is talking about it?

I don't watch Fox News
You’d benefit immensely from even an ounce of objectivity. As it is you’re easily one of the three worst posters on the board in terms of value. You hickory and cosmic aren’t worth anyone’s time. Just a tag this threesome is so hyper partisan their opinions should be immediately discarded before anything you post

Lindell, Guiliani and Flynn have all held spots in Trump's inner circle. That's a fact. What's also a fact is that all of them have espoused or firmly believed in some looney conspiracy shit. Any normal presidential candidate would have distanced themselves from all those guys - or never worked with them to begin with.

I'm not sure what your point was in sharing that picture of someone in drag, but hey whatever floats your boat.
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Lindell, Guiliani and Flynn have all held spots in Trump's inner circle. That's a fact. What's also a fact is that all of them have espoused or firmly believed in some looney conspiracy shit. Any normal presidential candidate would have distanced themselves from all those guys - or never worked with them to begin with.

I'm not sure what your point was in sharing that picture of someone in drag, but hey whatever floats your boat.
That’s what the Biden Harris admin favored. Identity over quality. The yabbuts can go back and forth all day but you live in a hyper partisan bubble and admittedly like some on the right really aren’t worth anyone’s time
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That’s what the Biden Harris admin favored. Identity over quality. The yabbuts can go back and forth all day but you live in a hyper partisan bubble and admittedly like some on the right really aren’t worth anyone’s time
You keep saying that thing about the bubble which is weird, misguided and not nearly as dismissive as you think it is. I've lived a lot of places and very likely have way more perspective and a wider outlook than you. You just don't people who challenge your fragile worldview.
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You keep saying that thing about the bubble which is weird, misguided and not nearly as dismissive as you think it is. I've lived a lot of places and very likely have way more perspective and a wider outlook than you. You just don't people who challenge your fragile worldview.
I’ve lived in Missouri Illinois South Carolina Florida Ohio and California. I’ve worked for nonprofits, state government, law firms, and in the private sector. I have three degrees and played D1 soccer and pro all over the country with people from all over the world

Don’t bet on it. Your posts are who you are. Cosmic you and hickory. Not worth the time

And I know you’re a good dude. But politics. Forget it. Closed minded and absurdly partisan.
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Did you actually watch it? I did not. All I'm hearing is that she did okay and didn't have any gaffes.
Yes, and who couldn’t answer questions for 20 minutes or so when you had the questions in advance? Even an idiot like her can handle softball questions for a few minutes.

If she goes on Fox and takes questions for 75 minutes with Bret Baier and handles it, I’ll salute her. She is scared to go on Fox. And she wants to be President. What a joke.

The bullshit with CNN was worthless.
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You keep saying that thing about the bubble which is weird, misguided and not nearly as dismissive as you think it is. I've lived a lot of places and very likely have way more perspective and a wider outlook than you. You just don't people who challenge your fragile worldview.
Keep posting, You're one of the more informed, reasonable posters here.
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Yes, and who couldn’t answer questions for 20 minutes or so when you had the questions in advance? Even an idiot like her can handle softball questions for a few minutes.

If she goes on Fox and takes questions for 75 minutes with Bret Baier and handles it, I’ll salute her. She is scared to go on Fox. And she wants to be President. What a joke.

The bullshit with CNN was worthless.
Can you show me where it's documented she got the questions in advance?
Can you show me where it's documented she got the questions in advance?
No I can’t. Just going by what been reported.

Edit: a first grader would have known the questions were coming that were asked.

Btw why wouldn’t CNN do it live and unedited?
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No I can’t. Just going by what been reported.

Edit: a first grader would have known the questions were coming that were asked.

Btw why wouldn’t CNN do it live and unedited?
This doesn't happen very often, but I have to agree with stoll on this one.
What the hell was she afraid of, Hannity and Carlson weren't asking the questions.
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I’ve lived in Missouri Illinois South Carolina Florida Ohio and California. I’ve worked for nonprofits, state government, law firms, and in the private sector. I have three degrees and played D1 soccer and pro all over the country with people from all over the world

Don’t bet on it. Your posts are who you are. Cosmic you and hickory. Not worth the time

And I know you’re a good dude. But politics. Forget it. Closed minded and absurdly partisan.

I’ve lived in California, Arizona, different cities in Ohio and Indiana and in the greater DC area. I’ve done marketing, PR, corporate sales and non-profit work that had me traveling all over the country and to most major cities. As a part of the last few jobs I’ve had to work with legislators and government agencies both at the state and federal levels. A sibling is a senior policy advisor for a sitting governor.

I know how the sausage is made. Assuming my current zip code informations my worldview is shortsighted, misguided and wrong.

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