One thing I find interesting is most on both sides seem to believe in individual rights. But there is also a dichotomy between collectivism and individualism.
For example, I would be considered conservative by most but I would say I'm more socially idgaf and fiscally stop blowing our countries money. There are some things thought that are too illogical to ignore.
Anyway, the way I see it, the left is more everyone is an individual and we need to accept them where the right is more do what you want and leave me out of it.
I think
@IUCrazy2 said it best, im paraphrasing/adding. When you try to force acceptance it pisses people off. Do your thing within reason, but when the left comes up with these wild ass ideas and says you must accept it or you're (insert insult, or adjective) then gtfo.
If you really believe in the individual then why try to force acceptance or compel them to act or speak in a certain way. Did we become so sensitive as a society we forgot to tell assholes how to f*ck off? One last thing, why do people seek acceptance from those who won't give it? Forget them and do your thing.