Tampon Tim and the Culture War

Your reading comprehension skills are terrible. You're not very bright.
I'm bright enough to realize you're a fake and a phony. You employ multiple user names. A few weeks back you were posting as two people, having a conversation with yourself and liking your own posts! Who the hell does that? Certainly not anyone with a life. I was surprised that you actually admitted to it when I called you out for the insanity.

You’ve created a fictitious online persona, and I’m certain that most of what you post about yourself is a gross exaggeration or a complete fabrication. Your recent claim that you have an equity interest in five (5) companies, while supposedly living in a crime-infested neighborhood of St. Louis, is truly classic. What businesses exactly? Your kid’s lemonade stand? Girl Scout Cookies, LLC? And all these references to your “partners.” Who are they? Moe and Larry?

You’re a good fiction writer. The question is why, but that's your problem, not mine.
I'm bright enough to realize you're a fake and a phony. You employ multiple user names. A few weeks back you were posting as two people, having a conversation with yourself and liking your own posts! Who the hell does that? Certainly not anyone with a life. I was surprised that you actually admitted to it when I called you out for the insanity.

You’ve created a fictitious online persona, and I’m certain that most of what you post about yourself is a gross exaggeration or a complete fabrication. Your recent claim that you have an equity interest in five (5) companies, while supposedly living in a crime-infested neighborhood of St. Louis, is truly classic. What businesses exactly? Your kid’s lemonade stand? Girl Scout Cookies, LLC? And all these references to your “partners.” Who are they? Moe and Larry?

You’re a good fiction writer. The question is why, but that's your problem, not mine.
ummmm for the tenth time i created that to join and be a paid subscriber as @UncleMark asked. i see you don't pay. sooooooo again you're wrong. i love you when you tried to call out cortez as a friend too. lol who does that. we've been friends for over 20 years. the reality here bowl is that you're so angry. you never joke around here. have no rapport here. and like brad called you out on that's why we enjoy the board and you don't. you're just a not very bright, angry dude living in a small town with a disconnect between arrogance and intellect. in other words a dumb dickhead
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Two things:

1. With respect to a 15 or 16 year old being "sure", how many people here changed majors in college? For quite a few of these "alternative" people, you see the adults changing what they feel they are on a whim. You can find high profile people "discovering" that they weren't straight, they were demisexual, and then that wasn't their real truth so now are non-binary and should be referred to with "they/them" pronouns and then about two years later come back and say that wasn't feeling right so they are back to being a she/her.

Most of these folks also have a host of other mental issues going on. I would suggest that anybody below the age of 18 should be a complete no-go on making life altering body changes. And the adults who want to do it should have a mental health professional that challenges them in their desires as opposed to facilitating them.

2. Sometimes I get on this forum and feel that we are so far apart that there is just no common ground to be found on these things. I also find it interesting that people I disagree with are aiming arguments to support their position my way that I would also aim back at them. Like, why do you people care about this insignificant shit so much that you force it on everyone else? And yes, you are imposing this on me.
I'm in your boat of I'm tired of hearing about transgender stuff. Be happy, don't break laws, do what you like. Own the mistake if it is one.
You, on the other hand, are here to shitpost, defend your MAGA god, and pretend that you're still getting laid.

let's not cut TOO deep.
Exactly--the kids don't care--until they are told they should care and denounce such activity.
the kids don't care but there has been a spike in gender care and you wonder whether that is a product of finally feeling safe to pursue their true feelings or a product of the current milieu and parents who are crazy pushing shit
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ummmm for the tenth time i created that to join and be a paid subscriber as @UncleMark asked. i see you don't pay. sooooooo again you're wrong. i love you when you tried to call out cortez as a friend too. lol who does that. we've been friends for over 20 years. the reality here bowl is that you're so angry. you never joke around here. have no rapport here. and like brad called you out on that's why we enjoy the board and you don't. you're just a not very bright, angry dude living in a small town with a disconnect between arrogance and intellect. in other words a dumb dickhead
Wait a minute here!! You told me your real name Long Duk Dong and now I'm getting the sense that you have lied to me!!!!

I don't understand it! How can someone lie to another person over the internet--totally UNAMERICAN!

Excited Season 4 GIF by The Office
the kids don't care but there has been a spike in gender care and you wonder whether that is a product of finally feeling safe to pursue their true feelings or a product of the current milieu and parents who are crazy pushing shit
Well you and I have dealt with the worst parents in the world--Soccer parents. It would not surprise me if Dad took little tommy to have a sex change so he could excel in soccer
Wait a minute here!! You told me your real name Long Duk Dong and now I'm getting the sense that you have lied to me!!!!

I don't understand it! How can someone lie to another person over the internet--totally UNAMERICAN!

Excited Season 4 GIF by The Office
No, Long Duk Dong was Eric Swalwell's nanny.

a product of the current milieu and parents who are crazy pushing shit
Look, I know we push our biases on our political opposites but do we really think some lib parents are pushing their kids to have sex change operations? I don't think so. Just like I don't think right wingers are telling their kids to go out and shoot up malls and shit.
Well you and I have dealt with the worst parents in the world--Soccer parents. It would not surprise me if Dad took little tommy to have a sex change so he could excel in soccer
fraudulent inducement. he was guaranteed that if he became she there'd be an ecnl academy spot waiting with a guaranteed chapel hill scholly in the offing.
It would be much better to put energy into mental health treatments than codifying unnatural behavior.
What is unnatural behavior? While this is somewhat akin to the "what is a woman" argument, the definition of unnatural behavior is a very subjective qualification.
Even if you can get a majority to agree on the concept, that concept usually changes over time.
Is polygamy an unnatural behavior? It is biologically not a problem, but some groups have embraced it while others have shunned it.
500 years ago, it wasn't particularly uncommon for daughters to be married off before they had even "come of age". By today's standards, that is usually illegal.

Point being, what you consider to be unnatural behavior isn't always going to be what society agrees with. I am sure the people of 500 years ago would look at us and shake their heads, complaining about our moral degradation, simply because we don't backhand our womenfolk when they speak out of turn.
fraudulent inducement. he was guaranteed that if he became she there'd be an ecnl academy spot waiting with a guaranteed chapel hill scholly in the offing.
**** it, NWSL first rounder or I bolt.
No, Long Duk Dong was Eric Swalwell's nanny.

Look, I know we push our biases on our political opposites but do we really think some lib parents are pushing their kids to have sex change operations? I don't think so. Just like I don't think right wingers are telling their kids to go out and shoot up malls and shit.
i think push might be too strong but i think there are crazy people and there may be enough cultural appreciation that it occurs. i know people act like it isn't prevalent, and i don't think it is either, but wash u has an entire dept and sent out pressers that they are stopping transitioning even existing minors. i'm sure there's data and i bet there has been a spike in the last four years. i'm not taking the time to search
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ummmm for the tenth time i created that to join and be a paid subscriber as @UncleMark asked. i see you don't pay. sooooooo again you're wrong. i love you when you tried to call out cortez as a friend too. lol who does that. we've been friends for over 20 years. the reality here bowl is that you're so angry. you never joke around here. have no rapport here. and like brad called you out on that's why we enjoy the board and you don't. you're just a not very bright, angry dude living in a small town with a disconnect between arrogance and intellect. in other words a dumb dickhead
Hell, you're probably brad. You keep the same 24/7 posting schedule.

Hey, speaking of dicks, you post about your own on a regular basis. What's up with that? Longing for the days when it encountered more than your right hand?
oh yes the one where you must be fixing tickets because you were so afraid to share what you were doing. brad asked you point blank. your account of county was laughable and evinced how clueless you were on the subject of careers. 145 lsat is my guess. that damn reading comp. leaves you fixing tickets in a small town. you're way too dumb to do anyhting of any import
So, lower third. Sounds about right.

Hell, you're probably brad. You keep the same 24/7 posting schedule.

Hey, speaking of dicks, you post about your own on a regular basis. What's up with that? Longing for the days when it encountered more than your right hand?
I could be 80 and in a wheelchair and still pull more ass than you today with your dogshit personality. I’d get lap rides
Two things:

1. With respect to a 15 or 16 year old being "sure", how many people here changed majors in college? For quite a few of these "alternative" people, you see the adults changing what they feel they are on a whim. You can find high profile people "discovering" that they weren't straight, they were demisexual, and then that wasn't their real truth so now are non-binary and should be referred to with "they/them" pronouns and then about two years later come back and say that wasn't feeling right so they are back to being a she/her.

Most of these folks also have a host of other mental issues going on. I would suggest that anybody below the age of 18 should be a complete no-go on making life altering body changes. And the adults who want to do it should have a mental health professional that challenges them in their desires as opposed to facilitating them.
As I said, I think 15 or 16 is the MINIMUM before the topic should even be brought up. I agree that it is a huge change. It is not something that you should entertain lightly. With that said though, part of the problem is that we are trying to compartmentalize all these kids into a certain bracket. I don't know if you can truly ever put a black / white / age 18 / age 15 requirement on it. Probably for 95%, yeah, making 18 the minimum age is a good idea. There is always going to be that outlier case though.
**** it, NWSL first rounder or I bolt.
Count I Misrepresentation:

40. Defendant made certain representations to Plaintiff as follows: (1) ECNL spot in high school; (2) College Scholarship at ACC school; (3) professional contract with NWSL and (4) marrying a wealthy man would be easier than marrying a wealthy woman.

41. Defendant knew or should have know those allegations were false and untrue at the time said misrepresentations were conveyed to Plaintiff.

42. Defendant intended that Plaintiff would rely on such false representations.

43. In reliance upon Defendant's false representations, Plaintiff got a vagina, electrolysis and breasts.

44. Defendant has been injured in the following manner: (1) No ECNL spot provided; (2) No ACC scholarship; (3) no professional contract and (4) no wealthy spouse. In addition, since gender surgery, Plaintiff has been short tempered, bossy, emotional and has to make frequent trips to the bathroom

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Honorable Court award me $10,000,000.00 in damages, mandatory penis purchase and breast reduction
How many trans kids do you know? Zero I would imagine. Need to drag you into the 21st century.

I know 3. My buddy is married to one (second marriage), and she has two. Born two boys who from the moment they started talking a bit, my buddy's wife said "something was off, and maybe they were suffering from something". Fast forward and the boys would like to play with dolls, did sorts of girl things. She assumed that perhaps they were gay. No big deal. As the boys got older they became significantly depressed. See multiple therapists and psychiatrists (MD), who express their concern for the boys well being. Kids finally disclose to everyone that they don't identify or want to be boys and knew it from a very early age. This woman held off until they were 18 years old to see the doctors about gender switching. She went to her priest, counselors for guidance. They all thought maybe it was okay to do this. They did, and after beginning the transition period, the boys were positive for a change, not depressed and far more involved with life. Still happy 5 years later, productive and unbelievable story in my mind. Third one was Northville high school in Michigan were my kids went Girl had a gender reassignment when she was in 8th grade (girl to boy), and nobody in that conservative school once gave that kid shit--well until people said they should be upset. Same backstory, and I still see the kid every once and while. Another happy productive citizen.

I'm the first to say, I don't give two shits about transgender crap on TV. I'm tired of hearing about it. I'm not, however, tired of hearing about happy stories where things make a difference.

The desire to change genders is real. It isn't some folk tale. Not my cup of tea though, but if it makes you happy and doesn't break other laws, why would I care?

As a conservative/libertarian, I don’t care what anyone does. Unless it allows children to make surgical decisions. They do not have the ability to make a decision like that, IMO.

As a society, we wouldn't let a child to decide to become a sex worker and get physical enhancements. We wouldn't allow a child with body integrity dysphoria to amputate a limb. And we shouldn't allow a child to change sexes.

BTW- that is an incredible story - a trans with 2 trans kids. That is like a 1 in a trillion occurance.
Count I Misrepresentation:

40. Defendant made certain representations to Plaintiff as follows: (1) ECNL spot in high school; (2) College Scholarship at ACC school; (3) professional contract with NWSL and (4) marrying a wealthy man would be easier than marrying a wealthy woman.

41. Defendant knew or should have know those allegations were false and untrue at the time said misrepresentations were conveyed to Plaintiff.

42. Defendant intended that Plaintiff would rely on such false representations.

43. In reliance upon Defendant's false representations, Plaintiff got a vagina, electrolysis and breasts.

44. Defendant has been injured in the following manner: (1) No ECNL spot provided; (2) No ACC scholarship; (3) no professional contract and (4) no wealthy spouse. In addition, since gender surgery, Plaintiff has been short tempered, bossy, emotional and has to make frequent trips to the bathroom

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Honorable Court award me $10,000,000.00 in damages, mandatory penis purchase and breast reduction
You know the meat of that petition exists somewhere
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BTW- that is an incredible story - a trans with 2 trans kids. That is like a 1 in a trillion occurance.

I think our friend's group response was "What the f*ck dude, how does that happen".......She seems totally normal though--except for liking to get punched during sex..... I kid on that last part
How many trans kids do you know? Zero I would imagine. Need to drag you into the 21st century.

I know 3. My buddy is married to one (second marriage), and she has two. Born two boys who from the moment they started talking a bit, my buddy's wife said "something was off, and maybe they were suffering from something".
The statistical probability of that is astronomically small. Mom or Dad screwed them up
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As a conservative/libertarian, I don’t care what anyone does. Unless it allows children to make surgical decisions. They do not have the ability to make a decision like that, IMO.
Are you pro-choice?
I think our friend's group response was "What the f*ck dude, how does that happen".......She seems totally normal though--except for liking to get punched during sex..... I kid on that last part
Wait What GIF by Bounce

The mom, who your buddy married, is trans as well? Is your buddy gay? Was his first marriage to a chick or dude (one with a dick)? F#ck this is confusing.
I am obviously not an expert on this subject. If I had to guess though...
High School has always had its societal rejects. Nerds. Loners. Druggies. Even just ugly looking people.

Alot of those kids over the years have been made fun of just for not acting / looking like something that society believes is an ideal model. I suspect that a decent chunk of these kids are seeing the acceptance of "alternative lifestyles" and have latched onto that as a possible escape. In the end, we all want to be loved in some fashion, and seeing that there is a group out there that acts differently than the societal norm but doesn't let the bullying / rejection affect them is appealing to that individual. Maybe they truly feel the way that group feels. Maybe they are going with the "fake it till you make it" system (trying to convince themselves that they can fit into that sub-society).

It's not going to be a black-and-white situation though. Through whatever biology or upbringing that individuals get, there is rarely going to be a time where you find a group of other people that you fit in with completely and ideally. You try to do your best to find the group of people that "gets you" the most. I think the rise in number is mostly just due to the fact that it simply hadn't been an option before. The backlash had been too great to the point where those sub-society members (and I mean that as a sub categorization, not as a denegration) didn't have enough acceptance to make their beliefs public. As it has become more mainstream, the shame has decreased and the reluctance of others to join has also decreased accordingly. These kids may eventually figure out that what they truly want no longer aligns with this group they identified with. It happens. People grow. People change.

As I noted above, I'm against kids making biological changes until they are old enough to know for sure. You can be open to them exploring the options before then, but it is something you shouldn't force.

There are alot of times when the world really sucks. It's kinda a fact of life. We all are looking for individuals to share the burden with.

I got this, Aloha.

A lot. 🤣

(By the way, I agree with your post).
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Meh, I asked my older sister who was a HS calculus math teacher (now retired and does tax service) and she said the Tampon dispenser was based out of needs and consideration.

Because teen girls were dealing with menstrual embarrassment when they'd have one and would not be able to access them because the girls bathroom was full/closed.

Secondly HS opposing female athletes had similar issues because they were commonly assigned the boys locker room, ya know since they don't share a locker room with the home team and it's common to have two locker rooms, maybe three in total that can be separated.

So the basis of the tampon dispenser controversy seems to be coming from the similar group think who fought title 9 with much more fervor when it was being legislated, which doesn't surprise me that you guys are now all concerned about women's athletics, hopefully because you see how successful and popular women's sports have been for teen girls confidence and identity when back in the day you (Republicans in general) to my understanding (I was 2 years old) argued that no one watches women's sports so they don't make any profits and the religious nuts stacked on they shouldn't be doing that anyway so title 9 just encourages girls to be active playing sports which is dangerous to our Trad Fundy wife beliefs.

So, a certain groups opinion of social norms vs another groups opinion of easy solutions to help female kids from having to go through the incredible social embarrassment of menstruating through their clothes.

I would think that most normal Americans would be cool with that, particularly those who have daughters.

You're full of it. Your first 3 paragraphs have nothing to do with the reason the law was enacted.
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What is unnatural behavior? While this is somewhat akin to the "what is a woman" argument, the definition of unnatural behavior is a very subjective qualification.
Even if you can get a majority to agree on the concept, that concept usually changes over time.
Is polygamy an unnatural behavior? It is biologically not a problem, but some groups have embraced it while others have shunned it.
500 years ago, it wasn't particularly uncommon for daughters to be married off before they had even "come of age". By today's standards, that is usually illegal.

Point being, what you consider to be unnatural behavior isn't always going to be what society agrees with. I am sure the people of 500 years ago would look at us and shake their heads, complaining about our moral degradation, simply because we don't backhand our womenfolk when they speak out of turn.

Love the last paragraph and agree.

This isn't the thread topic but one of the simple Harris campaign slogans is to chant 'we're not going back'.

For me, I think it's a very creative way to have a direct counter to the MAGA slogan.

Before that the political campaign response was around 'what time period are you wanting to go back to' trying to refer to a time where social groups supposedly 'knew their place', society was much more segregated, etc.

Anyway by having a simple counter slogan with 'Not going back', its a much easier vibe to tap into.

Again successful campaigns are all about energy, much more than policy discussions (to my chagrin as I personally believe it's most important but I understand that people groups find policy discussions as slow and boring, not as inspirational and energy driving).

As far as Walz, during this campaign timing he's been the generating the most energy from I think understanding how to communicate effectively to the masses, especially compared to other Dems in general.

As I think JamieD said, he's got much more HS teacher, HS coach and dad vibe energy than a corporate bureaucrat but he's generated buzz with it as he's also more gregarious and out front.

One admitted progressive influencer was laughing giddly about his introduction at the Philly rally and jokingly called him John America. A white, small town Midwestern dude who covers all the stereotypes....he hunts, fishes, farms, has 24 years of armed service, coached, taught, drinks, tells dad jokes with his kids, loves dogs, lol.

He mentioned politically he has Eisenhower vibes. Not sure if that's true but, again highlights first impressions and why it works for building energy for a campaign.

Political campaigns are all about the energy vibes.
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How many trans kids do you know? Zero I would imagine. Need to drag you into the 21st century.

I know 3. My buddy is married to one (second marriage), and she has two. Born two boys who from the moment they started talking a bit, my buddy's wife said "something was off, and maybe they were suffering from something". Fast forward and the boys would like to play with dolls, did sorts of girl things. She assumed that perhaps they were gay. No big deal. As the boys got older they became significantly depressed. See multiple therapists and psychiatrists (MD), who express their concern for the boys well being. Kids finally disclose to everyone that they don't identify or want to be boys and knew it from a very early age. This woman held off until they were 18 years old to see the doctors about gender switching. She went to her priest, counselors for guidance. They all thought maybe it was okay to do this. They did, and after beginning the transition period, the boys were positive for a change, not depressed and far more involved with life. Still happy 5 years later, productive and unbelievable story in my mind. Third one was Northville high school in Michigan were my kids went Girl had a gender reassignment when she was in 8th grade (girl to boy), and nobody in that conservative school once gave that kid shit--well until people said they should be upset. Same backstory, and I still see the kid every once and while. Another happy productive citizen.

I'm the first to say, I don't give two shits about transgender crap on TV. I'm tired of hearing about it. I'm not, however, tired of hearing about happy stories where things make a difference.

The desire to change genders is real. It isn't some folk tale. Not my cup of tea though, but if it makes you happy and doesn't break other laws, why would I care?

I don’t know the kids you write about, but here is what I do know

All kids are subject to a high degree of influence by trusted adults. (Which is why trusted adults are in a special category of crimes against juveniles)

All kids are subject to much peer pressure.

Many adolescents struggle with all self perception issues. Gender has nothing to do with this.

We don’t trust adolescents to make life altering decisions.

The gender dysphoria diagnosis is 100% subjective and self report. There is no objective test.

Even if adults believe a particular kid might be trans, there is no good reason to begin permanent and life altering medical treatments until the individual reaches age of consent— probably 18, but even that might be too young.
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Love the last paragraph and agree.

This isn't the thread topic but one of the simple Harris campaign slogans is to chant 'we're not going back'.

For me, I think it's a very creative way to have a direct counter to the MAGA slogan.

Before that the political campaign response was around 'what time period are you wanting to go back to' trying to refer to a time where social groups supposedly 'knew their place', society was much more segregated, etc.

Anyway by having a simple counter slogan with 'Not going back', its a much easier vibe to tap into.

Again successful campaigns are all about energy, much more than policy discussions (to my chagrin as I personally believe it's most important but I understand that people groups find policy discussions as slow and boring, not as inspirational and energy driving).

As far as Walz, during this campaign timing he's been the generating the most energy from I think understanding how to communicate effectively to the masses, especially compared to other Dems in general.

As I think JamieD said, he's got much more HS teacher, HS coach and dad vibe energy than a corporate bureaucrat but he's generated buzz with it as he's also more gregarious and out front.

One admitted progressive influencer was laughing giddly about his introduction at the Philly rally and jokingly called him John America. A white, small town Midwestern dude who covers all the stereotypes....he hunts, fishes, farms, has 24 years of armed service, coached, taught, drinks, tells dad jokes with his kids, loves dogs, lol.

He mentioned politically he has Eisenhower vibes. Not sure if that's true but, again highlights first impressions and why it works for building energy for a campaign.

Political campaigns are all about the energy vibes.
Not going back is the perfect trope for a party perpetuating racial divides and dependency through cradle to grave benefits

They probably stole cori bush’s text
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