Tampon Tim and the Culture War

Boob jobs (whether for show or as a recovery tool from a mastectomy). Botox. Hair plugs. Liposuction. Boner pills.

Those are all gender affirming care. They're all, to one degree or another, about achieving what could be described as a fantasy. You're just against the ones that aren't fantasies you're cool with.

So, it's OK to allow a 12 year girl to get a boob job, butt implants, lip fillers and botox? Or give a 13 year old boy viagra?

All the things you mentioned are for adults, not children.
Why is it even on his list of priorities? I did the math and maybe 1 person a day at each 180 high schools would need a feminine product. Can the nurses office not handle that? Did the governor really need to get involved?
Umm, are you familiar with the fact that groups of women will often have their cycles sync up? Again, not an expert on the subject, but there could be days that you need zero and days that you could need 30.
And before we get too deep in the weeds, I am against any kind of parental assisted gender altering before an age that should at least be in the 14 to 15 year old range (ie. post puberty). If you are a boy and want to dress like a girl and deal with the societal ramifications that come with it, more power to ya. But if you want to start "playing with the plumbing", you need to wait until your body has matured enough and stabilized. 1) Your feelings may change once the hormones change with puberty onset and 2) this is a hard enough strain on your body that it is something that you should only do once. Make sure it's the right call.

The only issue might be that puberty may effect the transition. A boy transitioning to girl likely wouldn't want their voice dropping an octave.

I don't know enough to give an opinion on what should or shouldn't be done to those that are underage. I would think the kid, the parents and the doctor are better suited to making a determination.
The only issue might be that puberty may effect the transition. A boy transitioning to girl likely wouldn't want their voice dropping an octave.
Meh. Why is a girl having a deep voice an issue? That goes back to the societal norms / expectations issue. We all have our quirks. We can't all be fashion models.

Agree with the rest of the post.
The tampon suppliers will put the dispensers in for nothing.
I doubt it. About 99 percent of those machines will go unused and the supplier won’t make any money. They’d lose money if they install them. I bet the schools will have to pay to have them installed.
Umm, are you familiar with the fact that groups of women will often have their cycles sync up? Again, not an expert on the subject, but there could be days that you need zero and days that you could need 30.

Yes, but that would be a statistical anomaly. But all 30 on the same day would be easier. Can plan on the same day each month to hand out 30 tampons from the nurses office.
Meh. Why is a girl having a deep voice an issue? That goes back to the societal norms / expectations issue. We all have our quirks. We can't all be fashion models.

Agree with the rest of the post.

I was just using that as an example to make a point that waiting until after puberty could make things harder for the kid.

And yes, some kids might have a lot of issue having a deep voice in that scenario. Some people feel more pressure to meet societal expectations than others.
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The tampon suppliers will put the dispensers in for nothing.
That's how they get you. Big Tampon and Big Razor Blade will give out the dispenser and shaver for free. After that, you're hooked and keep coming back.

Back to the topic

Kids aren't allowed to make choices that could have lasting ill effects for a reason. A parent wouldn't support their decision to smoke a pack a day or drink a pint of gin every day. How is this argument over transitioning suddenly any different?

How about a 12 year old deciding school just isn't for them?
I am obviously not an expert on this subject. If I had to guess though...
High School has always had its societal rejects. Nerds. Loners. Druggies. Even just ugly looking people.

Alot of those kids over the years have been made fun of just for not acting / looking like something that society believes is an ideal model. I suspect that a decent chunk of these kids are seeing the acceptance of "alternative lifestyles" and have latched onto that as a possible escape. In the end, we all want to be loved in some fashion, and seeing that there is a group out there that acts differently than the societal norm but doesn't let the bullying / rejection affect them is appealing to that individual. Maybe they truly feel the way that group feels. Maybe they are going with the "fake it till you make it" system (trying to convince themselves that they can fit into that sub-society).

It's not going to be a black-and-white situation though. Through whatever biology or upbringing that individuals get, there is rarely going to be a time where you find a group of other people that you fit in with completely and ideally. You try to do your best to find the group of people that "gets you" the most. I think the rise in number is mostly just due to the fact that it simply hadn't been an option before. The backlash had been too great to the point where those sub-society members (and I mean that as a sub categorization, not as a denegration) didn't have enough acceptance to make their beliefs public. As it has become more mainstream, the shame has decreased and the reluctance of others to join has also decreased accordingly. These kids may eventually figure out that what they truly want no longer aligns with this group they identified with. It happens. People grow. People change.

As I noted above, I'm against kids making biological changes until they are old enough to know for sure. You can be open to them exploring the options before then, but it is something you shouldn't force.

There are alot of times when the world really sucks. It's kinda a fact of life. We all are looking for individuals to share the burden with.

The point that made me go 'not bad' in this kind of discussion previously was the left handed one. Admittedly I'm a messed up left handed to where I write, eat, play pool left handed but shoot (basketball, not guns), throw, bat, play guitar right handed.

Anyway the response is based on restriction control impacts. The analysis states something to the point of in 1930ish, early 1900's only 3% of people were left handed.

That was also when schools forbade it and forced everyone to learn how to be right handed.

When that barrier was lifted, immediately left handedness exploded up to something like 12%, which stayed around that percentage since.

The point being the increase in left handedness wasn't from people choosing to be left handed, more that 12% of people were always naturally left handed but were forced in our society to be right handed.

Anyway that's kind of where the gay, trans % number discussions tend to be the core argument, belief that it's always been true and it's our moving to natural acceptance or the belief of belonging that has allowed for the data to be what it is believed to have always been.

Sure, there are attention whores at every age group so I do believe that some kids do it for social attention but, overall I'm more a believer that the gay, trans percentage was likely underrepresented because of how detrimental in society it was to be labeled gay or trans.
That's how they get you. Big Tampon and Big Razor Blade will give out the dispenser and shaver for free. After that, you're hooked and keep coming back.

Back to the topic

Kids aren't allowed to make choices that could have lasting ill effects for a reason. A parent wouldn't support their decision to smoke a pack a day or drink a pint of gin every day. How is this argument over transitioning suddenly any different?

How about a 12 year old deciding school just isn't for them?
Spot on. It’s illegal in mo until 18. That’s how it should be. Want to cross dress before. Wear makeup. Go for it. You can wait to decide on a life altering change until your brain is more developed
Sad how much time guys like you spend worrying about sexual orientation, pee pees, and such. Suppressed urges perhaps?
Guys like me aren't making aren't obsessed with placating people with mental problems.

Indicative of your own mental problems, perhaps? Sorry - that's just being snarky. No 'perhaps' about it.
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It's mind boggling that the democratic party has been so successful at manipulating a 100 million plus voting block on a platform that affects a miniscule amount of society. The lesbian/queer/transgender community represents a TINY, TINY portion of the American population.

They've become the party of "anything goes" and have grossly manipulated their voting block. And yes, tampons in a boys bathroom is repulsive.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”​

― George Orwell, 1984
There are alot of times when the world really sucks. It's kinda a fact of life.
Exactly. And no matter how we try to pass laws and cater to peculiarities, that fact doesn't change.

It would be much better to put energy into mental health treatments than codifying unnatural behavior.

Some peoples' life journey is more complicated and difficult than others. Life isn't fair.
First of all…I don’t give a shit about tampon dispensers.

My societal norm comment was directed at the “normalization” of fantasies.

Why did your sister quit teaching high school calculus?

I ask because I could see my son teaching high school calculus or college mathematics
If your son goes into teaching mathematics I would strongly advice him to get a job in a honors high school course or college.
It’s made an issue by the left. They’ve highlighted it from White House visits etc and the media has run with it. I get the feeling much of this board lives in small towns. I have no idea if they’ve had reassignment hormone blockers etc

but there are “trannies” based on dress and makeup etc at my daughter’s Jr high and they are at the high school. mean kids will dress themselves into a culture to find friends or acceptance? GTFO

We have kids dressed in goth. We didn't try to start a culture war to stop it.

You were probably one of those popped collar dbags in HS. Other than those guys being dbags we didn't work for any legislative injunctions. What's next, white kids trying to dress like rappers? No...wait...that was the 90's.

My guess is it’s a wtf for us old guys but for her gen it’ll be a nothing burger. Their tolerance is better. The focus on lgbqt etc from this admin seems a bit much given everything else that has transpired. Walz seems a match made in heaven for them

We are going to continue to be a very divided country

There is a discussion to be had in how to handle kids who truly struggle with sexuality. Beyond that, it's always been a nothing burger, but you've been told to care about it.
A 12 year is all of our business with matters line that. A societal obligation that trumps parental rights.
I thought all these leftists believe it takes a village to raise a child? Until it clashes with their dogma, I guess.
Ok. So, my question was: why is this a priority of the governor?
From reporting at the time they did it, it would appear to be that it was pushed by a lot of school & student groups because apparently kids were missing school at least semi-regularly because of a lack of period products. So I imagine that is why it was a priority.

To cover trans kids was probably not so much that THAT PART was a priority but rather that it's a relatively small expansion to what they were going to do anyway to ensure that EVERYONE subject to menstruation would be covered.
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Exactly. And no matter how we try to pass laws and cater to peculiarities, that fact doesn't change.
Laws get passed to allow or compel things because people try to restrict others from living their lives.

It would be much better to put energy into mental health treatments than codifying unnatural behavior.
What if the treatments have determined the best way to handle it is to allow people to live their lives without others trying to tell them?

Meanwhile we have people working to block mental health professionals from helping students.
Guys like me aren't making aren't obsessed with placating people with mental problems.

Indicative of your own mental problems, perhaps? Sorry - that's just being snarky. No 'perhaps' about it.
Dan, just asking why we worry about such a minor issue. As far as the core issue, I know at my school when girls had home games, the visiting girls team used the boys locker room. Perhaps that is one reason to install them at least in that case.
I am obviously not an expert on this subject. If I had to guess though...
High School has always had its societal rejects. Nerds. Loners. Druggies. Even just ugly looking people.

Alot of those kids over the years have been made fun of just for not acting / looking like something that society believes is an ideal model. I suspect that a decent chunk of these kids are seeing the acceptance of "alternative lifestyles" and have latched onto that as a possible escape. In the end, we all want to be loved in some fashion, and seeing that there is a group out there that acts differently than the societal norm but doesn't let the bullying / rejection affect them is appealing to that individual. Maybe they truly feel the way that group feels. Maybe they are going with the "fake it till you make it" system (trying to convince themselves that they can fit into that sub-society).

It's not going to be a black-and-white situation though. Through whatever biology or upbringing that individuals get, there is rarely going to be a time where you find a group of other people that you fit in with completely and ideally. You try to do your best to find the group of people that "gets you" the most. I think the rise in number is mostly just due to the fact that it simply hadn't been an option before. The backlash had been too great to the point where those sub-society members (and I mean that as a sub categorization, not as a denegration) didn't have enough acceptance to make their beliefs public. As it has become more mainstream, the shame has decreased and the reluctance of others to join has also decreased accordingly. These kids may eventually figure out that what they truly want no longer aligns with this group they identified with. It happens. People grow. People change.

As I noted above, I'm against kids making biological changes until they are old enough to know for sure. You can be open to them exploring the options before then, but it is something you shouldn't force.

There are alot of times when the world really sucks. It's kinda a fact of life. We all are looking for individuals to share the burden with.
Two things:

1. With respect to a 15 or 16 year old being "sure", how many people here changed majors in college? For quite a few of these "alternative" people, you see the adults changing what they feel they are on a whim. You can find high profile people "discovering" that they weren't straight, they were demisexual, and then that wasn't their real truth so now are non-binary and should be referred to with "they/them" pronouns and then about two years later come back and say that wasn't feeling right so they are back to being a she/her.

Most of these folks also have a host of other mental issues going on. I would suggest that anybody below the age of 18 should be a complete no-go on making life altering body changes. And the adults who want to do it should have a mental health professional that challenges them in their desires as opposed to facilitating them.

2. Sometimes I get on this forum and feel that we are so far apart that there is just no common ground to be found on these things. I also find it interesting that people I disagree with are aiming arguments to support their position my way that I would also aim back at them. Like, why do you people care about this insignificant shit so much that you force it on everyone else? And yes, you are imposing this on me. mean kids will dress themselves into a culture to find friends or acceptance? GTFO

We have kids dressed in goth. We didn't try to start a culture war to stop it.

You were probably one of those popped collar dbags in HS. Other than those guys being dbags we didn't work for any legislative injunctions. What's next, white kids trying to dress like rappers? No...wait...that was the 90's.

There is a discussion to be had in how to handle kids who truly struggle with sexuality. Beyond that, it's always been a nothing burger, but you've been told to care about it.
i'm never told to care about anything. i think for myself. but please remember the source here: you're the clown who didnt believe dei was in schools either and then just slithered off repeating the same garbage after facts were provided to you. why? because you were told to adopt that position from the inane sources you gather news. and you're not very bright.
Laws get passed to allow or compel things because people try to restrict others from living their lives.

What if the treatments have determined the best way to handle it is to allow people to live their lives without others trying to tell them?

Meanwhile we have people working to block mental health professionals from helping students.
what people? children? your words are so inexact they're meaningless
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It's an interesting valid question. If I had to guess, it's probably kinda both.
Up until the mid '90's, societal norms pretty much relegated you into either the Male / Female / or Gay categories. The "gay" category was a fairly broad catch-all for everything not in the first two.
If you were Lesbian but were the "guy equivalent" in the relationship, you would be called "butch" and those that exhibited those traits were generally looked down upon / made fun of (even beyond the fact that they were gay). At the same time, when a girl performed well at sports (the "Tom Boys"), you would often get jealous boys and girls that would call those female athletes "butch" to try and take them down a peg.

As time has gone by, we've become more accepting of both sides of that spectrum. If I had to guess, it all comes down to the whole "we fear / hate those things we don't understand." The more we get exposed to it (girls doing well in sports, people who don't feel comfortable with the gender they were born with), the more understanding we get.

Change is hard. But it is often inevitable.
It's not about fear or hating things we don't understand, at least for me. I don't give shit what an adult wants to do. It's about not allowing kids to make decisions they don't understand the consequences to.

Also, I draw the line at being compelled to call people by some made up gender or whatever else they demand. I'll do it out of respect if asked respectfully, demand it of me and it's not gonna happen.

I've worked in Bloomington in pharma, so yes, it's happened. Corporate even had annual dei and lbgtq required trainings.
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Dan, just asking why we worry about such a minor issue. As far as the core issue, I know at my school when girls had home games, the visiting girls team used the boys locker room. Perhaps that is one reason to install them at least in that case.
Because it's something the government shouldn't be involved in. Schools aren't supposed to be a social laboratory. I'm only 'worried' about it because it's become a government issue and it shouldn't be.

Where does personal responsibility come in? If a 'girl' needs a tampon and doesn't have one, don't they usually borrow from a friend or go to the nurse's office?

Why are we obsessing about this issue? It's just catering to mental health problems.
From reporting at the time they did it, it would appear to be that it was pushed by a lot of school & student groups because apparently kids were missing school at least semi-regularly because of a lack of period products. So I imagine that is why it was a priority.

To cover trans kids was probably not so much that THAT PART was a priority but rather that it's a relatively small expansion to what they were going to do anyway to ensure that EVERYONE subject to menstruation would be covered.

I appreciate your response, but personally, I don’t want my governor to get involved in issues that principals, superintendents, school boards, county councils, city councils, mayor, etc can handle. Especially since it affects so very few people. My governor should be trying to figure out other, more pressing issues.
Trans kids don’t exist*. Adults (like Walz) pushing kids into believing they are trans exist.

Walz making Minnesota a sanctuary state for trans kids is gives the finger to the whole body of law regarding interstate enforcement of child custody orders. So much for saving democracy.

*chromosome abnormalities are a different issue.
How many trans kids do you know? Zero I would imagine. Need to drag you into the 21st century.

I know 3. My buddy is married to one (second marriage), and she has two. Born two boys who from the moment they started talking a bit, my buddy's wife said "something was off, and maybe they were suffering from something". Fast forward and the boys would like to play with dolls, did sorts of girl things. She assumed that perhaps they were gay. No big deal. As the boys got older they became significantly depressed. See multiple therapists and psychiatrists (MD), who express their concern for the boys well being. Kids finally disclose to everyone that they don't identify or want to be boys and knew it from a very early age. This woman held off until they were 18 years old to see the doctors about gender switching. She went to her priest, counselors for guidance. They all thought maybe it was okay to do this. They did, and after beginning the transition period, the boys were positive for a change, not depressed and far more involved with life. Still happy 5 years later, productive and unbelievable story in my mind. Third one was Northville high school in Michigan were my kids went Girl had a gender reassignment when she was in 8th grade (girl to boy), and nobody in that conservative school once gave that kid shit--well until people said they should be upset. Same backstory, and I still see the kid every once and while. Another happy productive citizen.

I'm the first to say, I don't give two shits about transgender crap on TV. I'm tired of hearing about it. I'm not, however, tired of hearing about happy stories where things make a difference.

The desire to change genders is real. It isn't some folk tale. Not my cup of tea though, but if it makes you happy and doesn't break other laws, why would I care?
Like, to a job? You should try it sometime.
oh yes the one where you must be fixing tickets because you were so afraid to share what you were doing. brad asked you point blank. your account of county was laughable and evinced how clueless you were on the subject of careers. 145 lsat is my guess. that damn reading comp. leaves you fixing tickets in a small town. you're way too dumb to do anyhting of any import
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I used to believe that the transgender thing was rare, but as my kids have been going through high school, it's becoming alot more prevalent. I know one girl who transitioned to being a boy over the course of 3 years. I've known him since she was in junior high. When I asked my son if there were others, he listed off another dozen kids at his school who were either transitioning or going non-binary.
We're in a fringe suburb area of Columbus, OH (just on the edge of where the real farmland starts), so we are not exactly small town, but not big city either. HS class size about 500.

The thing that is interesting is that the kids in his school don't really care / make a big deal about it. It's kinda become an accepted norm and nobody bullies anybody about it. In retrospect, there were probably several kids that I knew in my high school that would have transitioned if it was less of a taboo concept back then.

I kinda agree with the overall point. I think this is a much bigger issue for adults than it is for the 18-25 demographic.

Exactly--the kids don't care--until they are told they should care and denounce such activity.