Tampon Tim and the Culture War

I have zero doubt your extreme right wing propaganda machine that you overly consume and has learned how to make an insane amount of profit by scaring an audience of middle aged angry white dudes has told you something like this is proof of an evil cabal of 'woke' power brokers who only want to force it on you (which makes no sense. No one is pushing anything other than advice to stop being a blatant douchbag that everybody hates, get some confidence, stop being susceptible to obvious and blatent fear mongering-especially coming from sources who are obviously looking to generate easy profits. How about try having a humanitarian belief of belonging?) so you better dig deep into your underbelly of emotional insecurity and be angry about it vs what an actual teacher who is much more experienced in actual and recent sociological HS drama and challenges has to say about it.

Again I stated it's just one former teacher's opinion after I asked her about it.

Moral is, just saying I'm wrong, especially on something I freely admit I don't bother myself with unless I'm forced into the discussion from the right, and constantly it's from the right, doesn't change any position of my noted opinion of a teacher who I personally respect more than the current extreme right information silo.

Meaning if you have proof that's reputable and not a YouTube from Matt Walsh or from the Epoch Times, Washington Examiner or Gateway Pundit...that's how you make a better response and avoid the blanket stereotype.

I'm sure you feel better so, if so that's at least a positive thing from a mental health perspective.

Glad I could be of help in that scenario.

I didn't say you were wrong about what you wrote. I said what you wrote was completely irrelevant to the discussion. It has nothing to do with why the law was passed.

Your first paragraph here is crazy as hell.
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Which could be having to have a medical procedure. Or taking a morning after pill. The consequence doesn't have to be childbirth.

That's the law at this point (medical prcedure). I don't have to like it nor do I have to just accep it. I can support changing the law.

The morning after pill is fine. From my reading, it doesn't terminate a pregnancy, but stops ovulation.

I don't understand why plan b is not used by EVERY woman right after sex. But to me, if you're going to have sex that creates life, you should not be able to exterminate that life.
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That's the law at this point (medical prcedure). I don't have to like it nor do I have to just accep it. I can support changing the law.

The morning after pill is fine. From my reading, it doesn't terminate a pregnancy, but stops ovulation.

I don't understand why plan b is not used by EVERY woman right after sex. But to me, if you're going to have sex that creates life, you should not be able to exterminate that life.
Fair enough. I think we should hand out condoms and morning after pills for free.
DUDE, you have this 7.62 mm hole in your chest, I am going to put this in...........

Hang on, let me see the box.. .. reads.. OK I feel better now so go ahead.
Actually, if you do ever find yourself in a situation where you have been shot (especially in a non-immediate life threatening location like an arm or leg), I have heard that a tampon is actually a fairly decent gauze replacement. Stick it in the hole, apply pressure. Get to a hospital ASAP. Beats bleeding out.
Actually, if you do ever find yourself in a situation where you have been shot (especially in a non-immediate life threatening location like an arm or leg), I have heard that a tampon is actually a fairly decent gauze replacement. Stick it in the hole, apply pressure. Get to a hospital ASAP. Beats bleeding out.
Buying and carrying something like a quick clot sponge is better and not that expensive. I used to carry a couple tampons in my backcountry first aid kit and after hearing a presentation on wilderness medicine, decided to do it right.

That and 1 handed CAT tourniquet were added to my kit. I hope I never need them, but....
Buying and carrying something like a quick clot sponge is better and not that expensive. I used to carry a couple tampons in my backcountry first aid kit and after hearing a presentation on wilderness medicine, decided to do it right.

That and 1 handed CAT tourniquet were added to my kit. I hope I never need them, but....
I mean, I guess you could go that route.

Or you could be a man about it....

From the commentary from some folks you'd think he's forced boys to USE tampons.

It seems like such a non-issue.

Premise 1: Trans kids exist
Premise 2: A female-->male trans kid could/would still menstruate
Premise 3: Minnesota doesn't require school bathrooms to be used by kids based on birth sex
Conclusion: There will likely be menstruating kids using the boys' bathrooms somewhere at sometime.

And the only extra cost would seem to be the cost of installing the dispensers in every bathroom. Other than that, the actual stock can still be rotated as needed to avoid product expiration.

But what can ya do? The outrage machine gotta outrage.

And I really only quoted your post for the bolded part. That's something I'm curious about. I wonder how many trans people we actually do see in our day-to-day but don't realize are trans? If we're in cities of any size, I bet we see more than we think. And I'd also bet we see more people who AREN'T trans but get casually identified as such because they have the "wrong" traits for their sex/gender.
I don't care if boys uses tampons or not.

My concern is that this is what this guy is doing with his limited time.
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I don't care if boys uses tampons or not.

My concern is that this is what this guy is doing with his limited time.
I’m having trouble finding the roll call vote, but I’d hazard a guess that this wasn’t too controversial and didn’t spend much time on it.

To say nothing of the fact that unless he was championing it in the legislature, governor just signs or not. Theoretically, the only time he might have spent on it was signing it.
I’m having trouble finding the roll call vote, but I’d hazard a guess that this wasn’t too controversial and didn’t spend much time on it.

To say nothing of the fact that unless he was championing it in the legislature, governor just signs or not. Theoretically, the only time he might have spent on it was signing it.
There are others he championed. He is far from the aw shucks midwestern values guy.
That's the law at this point (medical prcedure). I don't have to like it nor do I have to just accep it. I can support changing the law.

The morning after pill is fine. From my reading, it doesn't terminate a pregnancy, but stops ovulation.

I don't understand why plan b is not used by EVERY woman right after sex. But to me, if you're going to have sex that creates life, you should not be able to exterminate that life.
There are others he championed. He is far from the aw shucks midwestern values guy.
I used to carry plan b in a mint container

No he’s a far left radical progressive just like Harris. It’s a squad politics equity of outcome ticket. Unfortunately it’s trump on the other side so impossible to gauge how much actual support there is for those policies. I’d be curious to know. Cori bush lost bc of Israel not domestic policies fwiw
I didn't say you were wrong about what you wrote. I said what you wrote was completely irrelevant to the discussion. It has nothing to do with why the law was passed.

Your first paragraph here is crazy as hell.

My bad, I read your reply as a 'you don't know shit dumbass!!' which admittedly is factually correct on many things but without providing a tangent rebuttal to what you told me was BS.

So again my bad, I see so many political fights on the socials that I get tired of them especially when I'm involved in those discussions. So I took your response the wrong way and responded trying to describe my thoughts on why your perceived venom from the discussion was directed my way.

Appreciate the clarification.
Actually, if you do ever find yourself in a situation where you have been shot (especially in a non-immediate life threatening location like an arm or leg), I have heard that a tampon is actually a fairly decent gauze replacement. Stick it in the hole, apply pressure. Get to a hospital ASAP. Beats bleeding out.
Oh I know, I used them as well as Pads, back when I was an EMT. They work very well.
Actually, if you do ever find yourself in a situation where you have been shot (especially in a non-immediate life threatening location like an arm or leg), I have heard that a tampon is actually a fairly decent gauze replacement. Stick it in the hole, apply pressure. Get to a hospital ASAP. Beats bleeding out.
I read a book by a ranger who was in Vietnam. They'd by kotex pads from the px to add to their med kits.
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I think Tampon Tim is a hilarious nickname that will never go away. Regulating that all public boys bathrooms need to have tampons in them is a waste of taxpayer money.

However, IMO, it's low on the list of priorities. I don't know the $ commitment it takes, but I'm confident its a blip (500k?) in the grand scheme of government budgets. We all could put together an unending list of things that the government has wasted way more money on. COVID relief. The RedLine in downtown Indy. The floating pier in gaza. Cyber Ninjas. Etc Etc.

I don't care about Trans policy. I don't know any Trans people. I rarely see any trans people. My kids aren't threatened by trans people.

Maybe I'll care once the inevitable prankster introduces vodka enemas to his friends. Until then, IDGAF about tampons.

DANC - I was motivated by you to stand for something. Tampons.
I was thinking the other day what me and my friends would have done if there were tampons in our bathroom. Perhaps we would find a way to get them out of there (we ain't paying) and use super glue to build something and put it in front of a teacher's office or lounge. I'm just spit ballin here.
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I was thinking the other day what me and my friends would have done if there were tampons in our bathroom. Perhaps we would find a way to get them out of there (we ain't paying) and use super glue to build something and put it in front of a teacher's office or lounge. I'm just spit ballin here.

Who had our pastor supporting vandalism in schools on their bingo card?
From the commentary from some folks you'd think he's forced boys to USE tampons.

It seems like such a non-issue.

Premise 1: Trans kids exist
Premise 2: A female-->male trans kid could/would still menstruate
Premise 3: Minnesota doesn't require school bathrooms to be used by kids based on birth sex
Conclusion: There will likely be menstruating kids using the boys' bathrooms somewhere at sometime.

And the only extra cost would seem to be the cost of installing the dispensers in every bathroom. Other than that, the actual stock can still be rotated as needed to avoid product expiration.

But what can ya do? The outrage machine gotta outrage.

And I really only quoted your post for the bolded part. That's something I'm curious about. I wonder how many trans people we actually do see in our day-to-day but don't realize are trans? If we're in cities of any size, I bet we see more than we think. And I'd also bet we see more people who AREN'T trans but get casually identified as such because they have the "wrong" traits for their sex/gender.
To your third premise, are you saying right now boys and girls use the same bathrooms in Minnesota?
Probably the weirdest situation I ever encountered was out in San Francisco at the Fosters Farm bowl.
Went to lunch at a restaurant down by the wharf. Get up to go use the bathroom and it’s a unisex bathroom. OK, this is a little different, but I went in. In walk 2 female toddlers with their mother. In in the corner, there’s a transient guy, talking to himself and oogling them all the way in. He starts to try to go into the stall where one of a little girls is taking a dump. I push him back telling him that’s her “safe space from creeps.”
One lady looks at me like I’m the one being rude. Another guy thanks me on the way out saying this stuff has gotten all too weird and is the perfect setup to be a pedophiles dream.
Trans kids don’t exist*. Adults (like Walz) pushing kids into believing they are trans exist.

Walz making Minnesota a sanctuary state for trans kids is gives the finger to the whole body of law regarding interstate enforcement of child custody orders. So much for saving democracy.

*chromosome abnormalities are a different issue.
Trans kids do exist. And the heartache and fear they live with exists. They split families.
And they feel the shame from being different to the point that they don't want to live.

Some were raised in church. Some had never seen or been around another trans person to be influenced. And some knew they were trans long before any parent or sibling.

It's an awful way to have to live. Part of the reason you see so many in Blue cities is that they simply can't live in MAGA country. The Blue cities/politicians didn't make them. They've simply accepted them.
Of course they've existed. Same sex attraction has always been around. Who is talking about gay-ness? I thought the issue is trans and changing bodies?

This is a common misconception - that gay-ness is included in the LGTBQLSMFT alphabet. Even gays don't agree, although they may be sympathetic to the trans issue.

We're talking humans here, not seahorses. Let's not get too esoteric.
Trans vs Gay. Fair enough.
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