Tampon Tim and the Culture War

Should? No.

Should be refused it legislatively? Also no.

The parents and doctors know more than legislators. They know more than you.

So who gets to decide what laws are needed to protect children?

If a parent feels meth can help their child deal with depression, are you saying that should be allowed?

If a parent feels a boob job can help their child deal with depression, are you saying that should be allowed?

I am trying to understand your line between acceptable laws to protect children and laws you deem to be overly intrusive and not the business of legislators.
This comes much more often from your side (see mcbradtry, for example). Try calling your boys out for a change.
No it doesn’t. Van has never been a d#ck to anyone and constantly deals with people calling him shit and he never slings shit back. Murt and myself only call people like you names. However, I have never been disrespectful to Lars, Hoot, Brad, and others because they’re never disrespectful.

This isn’t difficult. If a poster is always cordial and refrains from slinging sh#t, have some self control and return the favor. By the way, this is why you’re an asswipe, you’re too stupid to understand it.
No it doesn’t. Van has never been a d#ck to anyone and constantly deals with people calling him shit and he never slings shit back. Murt and myself only call people like you names. However, I have never been disrespectful to Lars, Hoot, Brad, and others because they’re never disrespectful.

This isn’t difficult. If a poster is always cordial and refrains from slinging sh#t, have some self control and return the favor. By the way, this is why you’re an asswipe, you’re too stupid to understand it.
Spot on.
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It is that simple. You're not anyone of authority. Stay in your lane.
Swerve Long Road To Ruin GIF by Foo Fighters
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If I walk down the street and a parent is beating the shit out of their kid with a bat...keep moving...mind your own damned business.
This is another example though of how society's norms have changed over the years. 500 years ago, that was considered proper parenting.
(And to be honest, wouldn't surprise me if there is a good 5 to 10% of the population that would still be fine with that).
No it doesn’t. Van has never been a d#ck to anyone and constantly deals with people calling him shit and he never slings shit back. Murt and myself only call people like you names. However, I have never been disrespectful to Lars, Hoot, Brad, and others because they’re never disrespectful.

This isn’t difficult. If a poster is always cordial and refrains from slinging sh#t, have some self control and return the favor. By the way, this is why you’re an asswipe, you’re too stupid to understand it.
Van has repeatedly spread vicious, ugly and baseless rumors about public officials. That's called bearing false witness. If he's going to come here and publicly declare that he's a pastor, then yes, he should be held to a different standard.

And as far as your last paragraph goes, you hate me because my ideology and values are different than yours, I'm able to clearly articulate them, and you lack the mental wherewithal to substantively respond. As Trump would say, you're a low IQ individual. F*ck off.
Van has repeatedly spread vicious, ugly and baseless rumors about public officials. That's called bearing false witness. If he's going to come here and publicly declare that he's a pastor, then yes, he should be held to a different standard.

And as far as your last paragraph goes, you hate me because my ideology and values are different than yours, I'm able to clearly articulate them, and you lack the mental wherewithal to substantively respond. As Trump would say, you're a low IQ individual. F*ck off.
145 @snarlcakes would run circles around your dumb ass. What’s more he’s funny. Has a personality. You don’t. You bring zero - I trust anywhere you go. Just a lame asshole
I have kids. All with the same woman. All within a single marriage. Very rooted in family values - - like Republicans used to be.
You don’t have choices or temptation. Of course you’re married in Mayberry. You’re a zero. Now get back to work dummy. I can’t imagine you’re much at interviewing
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So who gets to decide what laws are needed to protect children?
Ultimately legislators, no matter how unqualified most of them are, but the latter part of that is addressed in committees to varied degrees of success.

If a parent feels meth can help their child deal with depression, are you saying that should be allowed?
Of course it should be if prescribed. Desoxyn is prescribed for cases ADHD of that don't respond to other forms of treatment. Granted it's extremely rare.

This isn't difficult.

If a parent feels a boob job can help their child deal with depression, are you saying that should be allowed?
If there is enough medical support for it, including surgical and psychological, sure. I would be extremely hesitant allowing my child to have a boob job. Doesn't mean there should be a law against it.

I am trying to understand your line between acceptable laws to protect children and laws you deem to be overly intrusive and not the business of legislators.
Laws are in place to combat abuse and neglect. We're not talking about abuse or neglect here. We're talking about people who disagree with something expressing the desire to challenge the authority of other parents.
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You don’t have choices or temptation. Of course you’re married in Mayberry. You’re a zero. Now get back to work dummy. I can’t imagine you’re much at interviewing
Not that there's anything wrong with it, but I'm not from a small town and never said I was. What an elitist snob you are. And who are are you to disparage anyone's community? Aren't you the guy who claims to live in a crime-infested neighborhood of St. Louis? Pathetic.
Says the social misfit who's unemployed, never goes anywhere, and never does anything - - - except shitpost all day.
Get to work. You’re too dumb to start a business. 60 and still working like a dog. And lord knows no one will invite you to work on their projects. 145. Dumb with no personality. That’s a limited option dude
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My lane is a member of society. Stay in your lane. And don’t have kids
You're no one of authority. You don't get to tell other parents who to raise their children. You assume some who do differently than you are crazy, which is rich with irony since you're calling me arrogant.

Or do this, go stand outside a surgical clinic that specializes in cosmetic surgery and protest.

I know a parent who allowed their son to have a botox injection. You'd be against it. I'd like to see you have that discussion. That would go well. It was to help him deal with migraines, but you know, you wouldn't stay in the discussion long enough to hear that.
Get to work. You’re too dumb to start a business. 60 and still working like a dog. And lord knows no one will invite you to work on their projects. 145. Dumb with no personality. That’s a limited option dude
There you go again, just making shit up. You're right about one thing, though. I do work hard. I get my hands dirty, too. Something you've never done.

Maybe you could benefit from a cognitive test. You do nothing but lie and repeat yourself all day. Loser.
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Ultimately legislators, no matter how unqualified most of them are, but the latter part of that is addressed in committees to varied degrees of success.

Of course it should be if prescribed. Desoxyn is prescribed for cases ADHD of that don't respond to other forms of treatment. Granted it's extremely rare.

This isn't difficult.

If there is enough medical support for it, including surgical and psychological, sure. I would be extremely hesitant allowing my child to have a boob job. Doesn't mean there should be a law against it.

Laws are in place to combat abuse and neglect. We're not talking about abuse or neglect here. We're talking about people who disagree with something expressing the desire to challenge the authority of other parents.

Fair enough. You just happen to have more faith in the medical community and how you and I define abuse. Personally, I would find it abusive to allow a child to get a boob job and medical malpractice for a doctor to perform one.

But we can agree to disagree, vote, and try to put forth the values we want in our society.
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You're no one of authority. You don't get to tell other parents who to raise their children. You assume some who do differently than you are crazy, which is rich with irony since you're calling me arrogant.

Or do this, go stand outside a surgical clinic that specializes in cosmetic surgery and protest.

I know a parent who allowed their son to have a botox injection. You'd be against it. I'd like to see you have that discussion. That would go well. It was to help him deal with migraines, but you know, you wouldn't stay in the discussion long enough to hear that.
Botox dissolves. You don’t understand that difference. You’re too stupid to engage
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There you go again, just making shit up. You're right about one thing, though. I do work hard. I get my hands dirty, too. Something you've never done.

Maybe you could benefit from a cognitive test. You do nothing but lie and repeat yourself all day. Loser.
The guy who doesn’t know this is a paid site accusing people of lying. I’m sure you do get your hands dirty. Must be rough at 60. 145….