Tampon Tim and the Culture War

Parenting just isn't that complicated, but too many people make it complicated.

The strict disciplinarian kind suck. It's childhood, not boot camp FFS. Let em be kids within reason.

The helicoptering kind suck. They are gonna get hurt, let em shake it off, rub some dirt on it and move on. Nothing a cast or some stitches won't fix.

The laissez-faire kind suck. No matter what the book says, there is a fine line between free range kids and feral ones, and I'm not taking chances. Keep em on your side of the fence or I will turn the hose on em.

Refrain from being these types, and it will be okay. Use common sense. They need direction (and redirection sometimes) not a best friend. Kick em in the ass when they need it, pat em on the back when the deserve it and at the end of the day let em know you love em.

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Fair enough. You just happen to have more faith in the medical community and how you and I define abuse. Personally, I would find it abusive to allow a child to get a boob job and medical malpractice for a doctor to perform one.

But we can agree to disagree, vote, and try to put forth the values we want in our society.
A child can’t get a boob job. It’s not fda approved for minors save birth defects etc. bloom lacks both common sense and legal issues
The problem you have with your logic is that it's not just about the people who it impacts directly. Some of us care about the rights of others and/or think beyond themselves.

For example, if there is legislation banning a gay couple from getting married, what's really stopping legislate banning interracial marriages. You know, that whole slippery slope thing. Suddenly more people care. Then consider parents, who find some of these archaic ideals and even laws start impacting their kids. Now even more people care. Then those people have friends who support. Now it's more.

Tampons in boys bathrooms is meaningless. It doesn't impact you, even if you're in there.
Kind of like handing out the new testament in the hallways. It is meaningless, it doesn't impact you. You don't like it, don't take it.
Van has repeatedly spread vicious, ugly and baseless rumors about public officials. That's called bearing false witness. If he's going to come here and publicly declare that he's a pastor, then yes, he should be held to a different standard.

And as far as your last paragraph goes, you hate me because my ideology and values are different than yours, I'm able to clearly articulate them, and you lack the mental wherewithal to substantively respond. As Trump would say, you're a low IQ individual. F*ck off.
Really? You can’t see the difference between you telling me to f#ck off and Hickory calling Van a dumbass? I deserve it. Van doesn’t. This shouldn’t be difficult to understand Bowl.

For the record, I dislike you because you’re dishonest and disingenuous. It has nothing to do with your ideology.

Brad’s a self proclaimed socialist who wants the State to seize all of our assets when we die and I like him. I’d love to drink chocolate martinis at 3UP with him. Lars is a leftist and I’d play frisbee golf with him. I’d hang out with Mark and drink PBRs in the trailer park. It has nothing to do with ideology. 90-95% of people are socialist in my opinion.
Oh yeah? Where does that line get drawn?

If parents and medical professionals agree on what should happen, why exactly do you care?
Could you imagine someone trying to tell you how to raise your child?
I would think the line would get drawn at something that would be seen as abuse in any other context. Both mental and physical.

The trans stuff is such a small portion of society and is so meaningless that people like you will defend chopping off teenagers dicks and boobs to adhere to your dogma. For something so meaningless, you guys sure are willing to dig your heels in on some really stupid shit.
A child can’t get a boob job. It’s not fda approved for minors save birth defects etc.

But bloom would allow it for children if it helped with depression. I find that to be a fringe belief so I decided to leave at that and not engage.

I find it impossible to have a discussion with people who are on the fringe. I really don't know how you can continue to engage with Bowl.
But bloom would allow it for children if it helped with depression. I find that to be a fringe belief so I decided to leave at that and not engage.

I find it impossible to have a discussion with people who are on the fringe. I really don't know how you can continue to engage with Bowl.
I engage with bowl as a matter of public service. I want to fix him. Like a priest with a possessed person.

The simple truth is that like boov jobs there are many things we postpone for children until they’re adults. Gender reassignment being subject to laws requiring the person to be 18 is simply in line with same
Answered that 30 posts ago.

Laws that address abuse and neglect.

However, just because you don't agree with something doesn't make it either.
Sorry didn’t see your answer 30 posts ago.

I’ve watched local CPS take kids from parents under dubious circumstances and watch them leave kids with parents that make you shake your head.

Changing the sex of kids before age 18 seems like horrible idea.
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I don't think the name will stick at all, despite the MAGA cult repeating it multiple times.

Harris/Walz have done a great job so far in framing the GOP ticket as weirdos (because they are). The MAGA cult trying to get a nickname to stick is like the band geek trying to get a nickname to stick on the all-american QB. The general consensus on that is 'whatever, weirdo nerd'.
Harris/Tampon Tim haven’t done sh!t. The corporate media have done all the framing for them. The media are evil, evil people.
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There you go again, just making shit up. You're right about one thing, though. I do work hard. I get my hands dirty, too. Something you've never done.

Maybe you could benefit from a cognitive test. You do nothing but lie and repeat yourself all day. Loser.
should just use the ignore feature and pray no one makes him a mod.
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I find it impossible to have a discussion with people who are on the fringe. I really don't know how you can continue to engage with Bowl.
What are my "fringe" policy positions?

Mcmeltdown can't refrain from engaging with me. He's too insecure. He reads every word I post, in every thread, and usually responds within minutes. A bizarre obsession, it appears.
Of course he does. He shitposts incessantly. And much of it reads as deliberately provocative.

if van was a lib, snarl would understand.

Posters often overlook when their side tosses insults because they often think it is warranted.
Harris/Tampon Tim haven’t done sh!t. The corporate media have done all the framing for them. The media are evil, evil people.
Sounds like sour grapes to me. Harris/Walz are a breath of fresh air, are talking about optimism and people are excited about their message. The media is covering that.

It’s a sharp contrast to your hero, I get it.
What are my "fringe" policy positions?

Mcmeltdown can't refrain from engaging with me. He's too insecure. He reads every word I post, in every thread, and usually responds within minutes. A bizarre obsession, it appears.
when I stopped engaging with him, he apparently moved on to you and shooter.

You're welcome lol
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What are my "fringe" policy positions?

Mcmeltdown can't refrain from engaging with me. He's too insecure. He reads every word I post, in every thread, and usually responds within minutes. A bizarre obsession, it appears.
From the guy finding posts I made in 2022 🤣🤣🤣 oh 145 you really are a special kind of stupid. And it’s so transparent. I just love slappin you around. You’re my little bitch
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Sounds like sour grapes to me. Harris/Walz are a breath of fresh air, are talking about optimism and people are excited about their message. The media is covering that.

It’s a sharp contrast to your hero, I get it.
They’re by far the most radical candidates for president we’ve ever had in this country, from a major party.

Thats not a breath of fresh air to me.
Sounds like sour grapes to me. Harris/Walz are a breath of fresh air, are talking about optimism and people are excited about their message. The media is covering that.

It’s a sharp contrast to your hero, I get it.
Wrong. The media is pushing the Harris/Walz narrative and the sheep are eating it up. The media are playing/have played an enormous role in the USA’s division and downfall. Absolutely evil people. Can’t stand any of ‘em.
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Banning semiautomatic weapons doesn't infringe on anyone's right to own guns.
You advocate banning the sale and possession of the majority of modern firearms, but when called out you resort to the following name calling and deflection.

Don't be the loser who lies about what someone else says.

You're a walking contradiction when it comes to a lot of things.

People can go back and look at your posts on things related to education and then compare them to your posts here on the subject of parenting decisions that aren't in the best interests of young children's health and see the dichotomy.

You can look at this single thread and see it
You advocate banning the sale and possession of the majority of modern firearms, but when called out you resort to the following name calling and deflection.

You're a walking contradiction when it comes to a lot of things.

People can go back and look at your posts on things related to education and then compare them to your posts here on the subject of parenting decisions that aren't in the best interests of young children's health and see the dichotomy.

You can look at this single thread and see it
Bloom is a loon and shouldn’t be taken seriously but damn, that’s gonna leave a mark.
You advocate banning the sale and possession of the majority of modern firearms, but when called out you resort to the following name calling and deflection.

You're a walking contradiction when it comes to a lot of things.

People can go back and look at your posts on things related to education and then compare them to your posts here on the subject of parenting decisions that aren't in the best interests of young children's health and see the dichotomy.

You can look at this single thread and see it
Also, that first quote has got to be very high on the list of dumbest things ever said here.
Bloom is a loon and shouldn’t be taken seriously but damn, that’s gonna leave a mark.
He'll either go straight shooter and ignore it or claim that it doesn't mean what I think it means while throwing in some snide remarks about my intelligence or something else equally juvenile.

I'm not going to go post a bunch of examples. If anyone is interested, they can go do it and see for themselves.
Should be outlawed. Always and forever.

And we should provide tax credits to women based on breast size and if they want to engage in breast enhancements (once 18 yrs. old).
I remember when my brother told us his ex was getting a reduction because of her back pain, but their insurance wasn't covering it. She wasn't an ex yet, so I couldn't tell him what we were all thinking...that she should try to mix in a salad once in a while and drop 45lbs first.