Tampon Tim and the Culture War

No grooming going on there......
So you're questioning how other parents raise their children, or are we to assume those children are there beyond the will of their parents?

Anyone who feels that pictures is an example of grooming is an idiot, including you.
Trans kids do exist. And the heartache and fear they live with exists. They split families.
And they feel the shame from being different to the point that they don't want to live.

Some were raised in church. Some had never seen or been around another trans person to be influenced. And some knew they were trans long before any parent or sibling.

It's an awful way to have to live. Part of the reason you see so many in Blue cities is that they simply can't live in MAGA country. The Blue cities/politicians didn't make them. They've simply accepted them.
no doubt issues about gender and identity exist no doubt kids are troubled by it. But given the nature of the beast, I believe adolescents don’t have the mental wherewithal to decide if the are trans. We should not have prepubescent kids making these decisions that last a lifetime. All of the problems comes from trusted adults who think kids are trans. Once the kid is 18, if they wanna be a different sex, so what?
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no doubt issues about gender and identity exist no doubt kids are troubled by it. But given the nature of the beast, I believe adolescents don’t have the mental wherewithal to decide if the are trans. We should not have prepubescent kids making these decisions that last a lifetime. All of the problems comes from trusted adults who think kids are trans. Once the kid is 18, if they wanna be a different sex, so what?
I agree that it should be at least 18. My anecdotal evidence suggests that it will be hidden until well past 18.

Edit: I think that this is another scare tactic that has been pushed to the forefront.
Most Americans tell their daughters not to go into the boys bathroom.
Well damn, DANC, sometimes emergencies happen. I know it befuddles you that life sometimes strays.

When asked why he didn't get out of the way of the oncoming car to avoid the head on collision, DANC replied, "I'm not supposed to cross over any of those lines."
It's mind boggling that the democratic party has been so successful at manipulating a 100 million plus voting block on a platform that affects a miniscule amount of society. The lesbian/queer/transgender community represents a TINY, TINY portion of the American population.

They've become the party of "anything goes" and have grossly manipulated their voting block. And yes, tampons in a boys bathroom is repulsive.
The problem you have with your logic is that it's not just about the people who it impacts directly. Some of us care about the rights of others and/or think beyond themselves.

For example, if there is legislation banning a gay couple from getting married, what's really stopping legislate banning interracial marriages. You know, that whole slippery slope thing. Suddenly more people care. Then consider parents, who find some of these archaic ideals and even laws start impacting their kids. Now even more people care. Then those people have friends who support. Now it's more.

Tampons in boys bathrooms is meaningless. It doesn't impact you, even if you're in there.
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A 12 year is all of our business with matters line that. A societal obligation that trumps parental rights.
Oh yeah? Where does that line get drawn?

If parents and medical professionals agree on what should happen, why exactly do you care?
Could you imagine someone trying to tell you how to raise your child?
Name calling. Classy. Can't have a discussion or gets challenged so resort to name calling.
This comes much more often from your side (see mcbradtry, for example). Try calling your boys out for a change.
Oh yeah? Where does that line get drawn?

If parents and medical professionals agree on what should happen, why exactly do you care?
Could you imagine someone trying to tell you how to raise your child?
In my state the line is drawn at 18. Why do I care? Bc I’m part of society. We don’t have unfettered freedom in raising children. There are countless laws designed to protect the welfare of children. This is another one. Nothing unusual unless you’re of limited intellect and propagandized. Are you?
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The problem you have with your logic is that it's not just about the people who it impacts directly. Some of us care about the rights of others and/or think beyond themselves.

For example, if there is legislation banning a gay couple from getting married, what's really stopping legislate banning interracial marriages. You know, that whole slippery slope thing. Suddenly more people care. Then consider parents, who find some of these archaic ideals and even laws start impacting their kids. Now even more people care. Then those people have friends who support. Now it's more.

Tampons in boys bathrooms is meaningless. It doesn't impact you, even if you're in there.
^^^^This is a guy who thinks most guns should be banned.
Oh yeah? Where does that line get drawn?

If parents and medical professionals agree on what should happen, why exactly do you care?
Could you imagine someone trying to tell you how to raise your child?
A crazy parent and a med professional who will say what you want? What do you want the Dr to say? I can get you an affidavit by noon
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Exactly. And no matter how we try to pass laws and cater to peculiarities, that fact doesn't change.

It would be much better to put energy into mental health treatments than codifying unnatural behavior.

Some peoples' life journey is more complicated and difficult than others. Life isn't fair.
Laws have to be passed to 'cater' to peculiarities, to counteract laws or rules at lower levels working toward fighting some of them. Something you view as unnatural doesn't mean it's wrong, and the treatment needed is often battling societal 'norms' of people telling them they're in the wrong.

Some people's life journey is more complicated and difficult than others. Quit trying to tell them how to live it.
I was making a point. You wouldn't do that because you love her. So you should be upset when other fathers don't love their daughters as much. To say it is none of your business isn't right.

Most people love their daughters and people are allowed to have different opinions

To say a boob job of another person's kid is your business is laughable. Judge not, lest you be judged. Learn it, live it, love it...if you really are a pastor. What happened to republicans being about personal freedom? Out the window when it comes to medical decisions?
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In my state the line is drawn at 18. Why do I care? Bc I’m part of society. We don’t have unfettered freedom in raising children. There are countless laws designed to protect the welfare of children. This is another one. Nothing unusual unless you’re of limited intellect and propagandized. Are you?
You seem to be, but I digress.

Those laws deal with abuse and neglect. While I realize anyone can go doctor shopping, typically when parents and doctors agree, assuming it's not against the child's will, that's not abuse. It's not even abuse just because you don't like or understand it.

I trust parents and doctors more than I trust legislators. I trust parents and doctors more than I trust you.
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Most people love their daughters and people are allowed to have different opinions

To say a boob job of another person's kid is your business is a laughable. Judge not, lest you be judged. Learn it, live it, love it...if you really are a pastor. What happened to republicans being about personal freedom? Out the window when it comes to medical decisions?
It’s called child welfare. You think a 12 yr old should get a boob job. Some of you lefties get nuttier by the day
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Laws have to be passed to 'cater' to peculiarities, to counteract laws or rules at lower levels working toward fighting some of them. Something you view as unnatural doesn't mean it's wrong, and the treatment needed is often battling societal 'norms' of people telling them they're in the wrong.

Some people's life journey is more complicated and difficult than others. Quit trying to tell them how to live it.
What on Earth are you trying to say about laws. Is it a riddle?
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You seem to be, but I digress.

Those laws deal with abuse and neglect. While I realize anyone can go doctor shopping, typically when parents and doctors agree, assuming it's not against the child's will, that's not abuse. It's not even abuse just because you don't like or understand it.

I trust parents and doctors more than I trust legislators. I trust parents and doctors more than I trust you.
It’s not about trusting me. Just as it’s not about trusting one parent. It’s the reflection of a community standard