Russia claims to have compromise info on Trump

Those that haven't read the report. Read it. And stop replying in this thread until you've done so. It's your civic duty. Because this ain't going anywhere. It's only going to grow.

Read. The GD. Report. For the love of god.
Trolled by 4chan.
Winning changed the metric.
Winning shouldn't. If Trump lost, this should still be against the law. It seems strange that it is illegal to solicit foreign donations yet we don't care if foreign intelligence agencies intervene? Let's go whole hog, allow foreign donations. Heck, just give Russia 600 Electoral votes.

Now none of that changes the other point, this all may be false. But it needs looked into. The only reason not to is if one is afraid of what might be found.
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I absolutely hated Clintons guts and for a long time contemplated voting for Trump. His rhetoric became so ugly that it forced my hand. Apparently partisanship is so high among Republicans that they would be more comfortable with Putin as defacto Prez calling the shots from Moscow than HRC as Prez. Unbelievable and ugly. Vile.
Trolled by 4chan.

There's no evidence 4chan faked this. The anon post people are linking is from November, which is well after this was floating around. It just says they made stuff up and sent it to Rick Wilson with no proof (which Rick denies on Twitter).

They did fake a screenshot talking about Trump and anime last night, but that was never in the report.
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It's worth repeating that, shortly before the election, many people were incensed at the prospect that Donald Trump wouldn't accept the outcome...

...and I gather that there's a whole lot of crossover between those people and the people who now aren't accepting the outcome.
It's worth repeating that, shortly before the election, many people were incensed at the prospect that Donald Trump wouldn't accept the outcome...

...and I gather that there's a whole lot of crossover between those people and the people who now aren't accepting the outcome.
Except that's really not the issue. Trump was elected fair and square. No one here is denying that. The question is, did he commit treason along the way?
ow does one blackmail a guy like Trump?
His 1995 tax returns were leaked, I don't believe we have seen anything newer than that. Given his refusal to release them, one might surmise there is something in there he wants hidden. Next up, if he did accept Russian help I suspect he would want that hidden.

I am sure everyone who has ever been compromised in the past assumed there was nothing that could get them, but we all have weaknesses.Based on what was said at last night's game, Crean found Dakich's weakness.

Mind you, none of the above changes the usual disclaimer, we know nothing yet. This all might be a setup, some of it real, all of it real. We have no clue. But I have a hard time believing anyone with the power of Trump has never done something even he is embarrassed about. Heck, what if he and Rosie once had a go of it...
This story is total Garbage.

That's what Nixon's folks said at first as well...

This is going to be a slow drip of verified sources and facts.

The info on the server is really, really damning. Soon we'll see someone in the media put together a timeline that matches up with tweets by trump and his team. And I'd bet they match up really, really well.

The best part about this? It was a British intelligence agent behind the reports. That's right- James Bond might have stepped in to help us.
There needs to be a full investigation of this, even if it shows everything in the report is bogus.

The fact that Trump's camp has no defense for any of this in the last several months beyond "it's fake, look the other way at this shiny thing, time to move forward!" as to why he flip-flopped on Ukraine, why the Republican platform got changed on Russia/Ukraine, Manafort's dealings with Russia, Trump's taxes, etc. They've been acting since this started coming out like they have something to hide.
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It's worth repeating that, shortly before the election, many people were incensed at the prospect that Donald Trump wouldn't accept the outcome...

...and I gather that there's a whole lot of crossover between those people and the people who now aren't accepting the outcome.
Wow. That's all you have to say about this? Really?
There needs to be a full investigation of this, even if it shows everything in the report is bogus.

The fact that Trump's camp has no defense for any of this in the last several months beyond "it's fake, look the other way at this shiny thing, time to move forward!" as to why he flip-flopped on Ukraine, why the Republican platform got changed on Russia/Ukraine, Manafort's dealings with Russia, Trump's taxes, etc. They've been acting since this started coming out like they have something to hide.
It appears that Kellyanne was caught in another outright lie on Seth Meyer's last night. He asked her several times if Trump had seen this info before. She repeatedly and emphatically said no.
It's worth repeating that, shortly before the election, many people were incensed at the prospect that Donald Trump wouldn't accept the outcome...

...and I gather that there's a whole lot of crossover between those people and the people who now aren't accepting the outcome.
The world is full of hypocrisy, for sure, but this ain't it. Over and over on this thread we have said the election outcome is valid. Enough people like you were persuaded to vote for Trump that he honest to goodness won the election. But that doesn't mean you have to give him a free pass for all this stuff. Appoint a special prosecutor, have them investigate and file a report with Congress. If the case is bad enough then impeach and replace with Pence or if not Pence then Ryan. You get your Republican wet dream policy wise AND save the country from Trump. What is there for you not to like?
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Now it makes sense why Trump wants to dismantle us intelligence + has been pushing better ties with russia. He is a manchurian candidate. A russian pawn. Dudes apparently had a russian gun to his head for years now. The whole thing actually makes sense now.
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Read the report. I hope you have by now. It's WAY more than just him hooking up with hookers.

It's outright treason. Related question. Is that still punishable by death? Serious question. Not advocating for it, just curious.
You are a long, long way from curious.
If you are truly curious, investigate #Pizzagate.
Paul Wood of the BBC reported that Russia has multiple tapes with video & audio (from Trump visits to Moscow & St. Petersburg). (starts at 3:15 in). Compiled by former MI6 agent.

Allegations are credible, more than one source. More than one tape, audio & video, on more than one date in both St. Petersburg & Moscow.

We have some folks desperate to believe anything bad anyone could conjure up about Trump, zero evidence notwithstanding. I do not recall ever seeing a group so desperately seeking, after the fact, to obtain that which they they failed to gain. One wonders if there is anything so evil that they wouldn't do it to remove Trump and if there is anything so crazy that they wouldn't believe it at first blush.

This entire flap brings up the real possibility that hackers both foreign and domestic could dig up information about our politicians which if known by the public could change elections.

There was a time when we relied on the fourth estate to discover this type of information. These days the press, or what we call the media, doesn't have the financial resources to do investigative reporting as in the past. Nevertheless, there is a strong possibility that hackers in today's world through their own ingenuity and very little money could break through security systems and discover information which if known by the body politic could affect the electability of candidates to win or hold office.

Please don't interpret my remarks as implying that hackers have uncovered information about Trump which could have changed this past presidential election. I am just saying, it could happen.

Now it makes sense why Trump wants to dismantle us intelligence + has been pushing better ties with russia. He is a manchurian candidate. A russian pawn. Dudes apparently had a russian gun to his head for years now. The whole thing actually makes sense now.
I've been reading all of this from journalists on twitter , but was skeptical, since it sounded so unrealistic. The one thing that seemed obvious was that there HAD to be a reason Trump refused to show his taxes. I still find it shameful that he was never pushed more for that. Why else would he not release them? Every time Wikileaks and Hillary stuff came out, my response was you REALLY think they don't have stuff on Trump? And aren't they just waiting to blackmail him? And crickets. So it looks like this James Bond stuff might be the real deal. What a time to be alive right now....
Paul Wood of the BBC reported that Russia has multiple tapes with video & audio (from Trump visits to Moscow & St. Petersburg). (starts at 3:15 in). Compiled by former MI6 agent.

Allegations are credible, more than one source. More than one tape, audio & video, on more than one date in both St. Petersburg & Moscow.

putin has done the exact samething before to opposition politicians ane oligarchs btw.
I've been reading all of this from journalists on twitter , but was skeptical, since it sounded so unrealistic. The one thing that seemed obvious was that there HAD to be a reason Trump refused to show his taxes. I still find it shameful that he was never pushed more for that. Why else would he not release them? Every time Wikileaks and Hillary stuff came out, my response was you REALLY think they don't have stuff on Trump? And aren't they just waiting to blackmail him? And crickets. So it looks like this James Bond stuff might be the real deal. What a time to be alive right now....

i blame obama for 2 very serious things.

1. Not forcing garland through.
2. Not having trump + campaign cohorts /russian agents arrested and held. I dont see how this is anything less than treason. If Obama was this gutless and negligent to put our entire democracy at risk his preisdency gets an F- in my book.
i blame obama for 2 very serious things.

1. Not forcing garland through.
2. Not having trump + campaign cohorts /russian agents arrested and held. I dont see how this is anything less than treason. If Obama was this gutless and negligent to put our entire democracy at risk his preisdency gets an F- in my book.

I would almost pay to see the reaction of half the nation if Obama had Trump arrested and charges brought for treason. The meltdown would be amazing.

Part of me thinks it would lead to massive unrest and violence too. (Wouldn't be too excited about that.)
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putin has done the exact samething before to opposition politicians ane oligarchs btw.
His main objective is to disrupt democracies. Once a KGB agent always a KGB agent. There's nothing more gratifying for Putin than to be able to turn our government on it's head.
His main objective is to disrupt democracies. Once a KGB agent always a KGB agent. There's nothing more gratifying for Putin than to be able to turn our government on it's head.

i dont think that was his main directive here... He wentbeyond that. He was trying to control our country from moscow. Trump apparently was taking direct orders from the russian government. Thats even a higher level of seriousness.
The world is full of hypocrisy, for sure, but this ain't it. Over and over on this thread we have said the election outcome is valid. Enough people like you were persuaded to vote for Trump that he honest to goodness won the election. But that doesn't mean you have to give him a free pass for all this stuff. Appoint a special prosecutor, have them investigate and file a report with Congress. If the case is bad enough then impeach and replace with Pence or if not Pence then Ryan. You get your Republican wet dream policy wise AND save the country from Trump. What is there for you not to like?

Att, if you aren't somebody who refuses accept the election outcome, then obviously I'm not talking about you.

But there quite obviously are people who are breathlessly desperate to do (or, in this case, believe) anything to try to prevent that oath of office from being taken on January 20th. And I find that pretty ironic, given the talk before the election about how awful it was that Trump wouldn't say definitively that he'd accept the election results.
Trump is now losing his mind on Twitter in a full blown tantrum.

So, so easy to troll that thin skinned man-child.

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