Russia claims to have compromise info on Trump

How does one blackmail a guy like Trump?

This isn't to say there isn't any damaging material out there about Trump, one has to assume there is, just cuz Trump is Trump. But blackmail material? I have my doubts.
One blackmails a guy like Trump with proof that will badly hurt him. If he collaborated with Russia during the campaign then one blackmails him with proof of that collaboration. Now if Trump came out and said...of course I did all those is who I am and everyone knows it....then blackmail is impossible...but Trump doesn't say those things instead he denies...Trump's bizarre behavior is consistent with someone being blackmailed. It is not consistent with a guy whose "foibles" are out of the closet.
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You don't see a problem with a presidential candidate(now president) secretly collaborating with an enemy of state?? Jesus.

Oh for cryin out loud.

Collaborating to DO WHAT?

Destroy Israel?
I'll help you hang him.

To "impact an election"?
Not worried.

You wanna talk about collaborating with an enemy?
Is it collaboration for YUM to sell chicken in China?
I'm out.

How about to sell centrifuges to Iran or North Korea?
Yes. Let's hang some folks.

Details matter, and screaming about collusion or collaborating over peanut butter or fake election news will make me watch the IU game.

And sadly, but technically, Putin/Russia is not our "official" "enemy."
it's a serious allegation
Bingo. These fabrications shall be the norm as long as there is a President Trump, because the hatred for him has crossed the line way into irrational territory, and your side is more than happy to provide the fuel for that fire.

I predict there will be violence, invcited and perpetrated by people who refuse to accept President Trump. Is that ok with you?
One blackmails a guy like Trump with proof that will badly hurt him. If he collaborated with Russia during the campaign then one blackmails him with proof of that collaboration. Now if Trump came out and said...of course I did all those is who I am and everyone knows it....then blackmail is impossible...but Trump doesn't say those things instead he denies...Trump's bizarre behavior is consistent with someone being blackmailed. It is not consistent with a guy whose "foibles" are out of the closet.
Collaborate how? Wikileaks? That make no sense. Project Veritas? As far as I know Putin played no role in that one. Any thing is possible, but thinking back on the campaign I can't see anything. Funding? Maybe but there would enough public disclosures to at least raise a question.
Speculation isn't helpful now in my mind. We have no idea if there is a shred of evidence. And if Russia's goal is to destabilize, spreading rumors of such information is a good way to do it.

It should be investigated, but in the meantime we should keep calm and carry on.
We have some folks desperate to believe anything bad anyone could conjure up about Trump, zero evidence notwithstanding. I do not recall ever seeing a group so desperately seeking, after the fact, to obtain that which they they failed to gain. One wonders if there is anything so evil that they wouldn't do it to remove Trump and if there is anything so crazy that they wouldn't believe it at first blush.
We have some folks desperate to believe anything bad anyone could conjure up about Trump, zero evidence notwithstanding. I do not recall ever seeing a group so desperately seeking, after the fact, to obtain that which they they failed to gain. One wonders if there is anything so evil that they wouldn't do it to remove Trump and if there is anything so crazy that they wouldn't believe it at first blush.
You mean the FBI and the CIA? Those evil people? I'm remembering the GOP folks that believe that Hillary was involved in a pedophile sex ring, but wouldn't believe things that Trump himself admitted.
We have some folks desperate to believe anything bad anyone could conjure up about Trump, zero evidence notwithstanding. I do not recall ever seeing a group so desperately seeking, after the fact, to obtain that which they they failed to gain. One wonders if there is anything so evil that they wouldn't do it to remove Trump and if there is anything so crazy that they wouldn't believe it at first blush.
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Here's a question. Why is this being released right now? Less than two weeks before inauguration. Especially since it's been out there for months. Some speculation that I saw was that it was released by intelligence agency because they are upset with all of Trump's remarks about them.
"Golden shower thing," really? That would be sick and compromising.:eek: Like most things, it's best to let this shake out for a day or two because most initial reports are wrong. However, this would obviously be yuuuuge.
Am I the only one that was expecting something more outrageous/depraved than this? I got to that part and thought that's it?
Am I the only one that was expecting something more outrageous/depraved than this? I got to that part and thought that's it?
I was expecting, like, I dunno, orgies with a bunch of underage Russian girls, or something.

You gotta admit, though, the whole "pissing on Obama's memory" angle is pretty Trumpian. Perverse, vulgar and lacks subtlety. Right up his alley.
Am I the only one that was expecting something more outrageous/depraved than this? I got to that part and thought that's it?
Yes. I'm surprised there isn't more. There's lots of rumors out there about
I was expecting, like, I dunno, orgies with a bunch of underage Russian girls, or something.

You gotta admit, though, the whole "pissing on Obama's memory" angle is pretty Trumpian. Perverse, vulgar and lacks subtlety. Right up his alley.
There have always been lots of rumors about underage girls, but most of those are from years ago. That's what gets me most about this allegation. It's so typical Trump and his pettiness. He got off on peeing on the president's bed, not the prostitutes.
Oh for cryin out loud.

Collaborating to DO WHAT?

Destroy Israel?
I'll help you hang him.

To "impact an election"?
Not worried.

You wanna talk about collaborating with an enemy?
Is it collaboration for YUM to sell chicken in China?
I'm out.

How about to sell centrifuges to Iran or North Korea?
Yes. Let's hang some folks.

Details matter, and screaming about collusion or collaborating over peanut butter or fake election news will make me watch the IU game.

And sadly, but technically, Putin/Russia is not our "official" "enemy."
So if Trump follows through on his hints that he is lifting sanctions on Russia because they are blackmailing him, you'd be good with that?
I was expecting, like, I dunno, orgies with a bunch of underage Russian girls, or something.

You gotta admit, though, the whole "pissing on Obama's memory" angle is pretty Trumpian. Perverse, vulgar and lacks subtlety. Right up his alley.
I thought it was rather juvenile, and yes typical Trump. And you know Trump probably read the report and laughed out loud remembering it.

And point of order - was it really even a golden shower if he was sitting in a chair watching?
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Yes. I'm surprised there isn't more. There's lots of rumors out there about

There have always been lots of rumors about underage girls, but most of those are from years ago. That's what gets me most about this allegation. It's so typical Trump and his pettiness. He got off on peeing on the president's bed, not the prostitutes.
Speaking of rumors of underage girls, are we still discussing Trump or have we moved on to Willy.

I read this thread and truly laugh at loud, although I may have been laughing at the last 2 minutes of the IU game, I forget at this point. Both are remarkably funny. There are a few heads ready to explode here.
Am I the only one that was expecting something more outrageous/depraved than this? I got to that part and thought that's it?

This is all vintage Trump. Obama's farewell address to the nation is knocked off the news by a Trump golden shower.
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So if Trump follows through on his hints that he is lifting sanctions on Russia because they are blackmailing him, you'd be good with that?

I was against The Reset
Were you?

I was against the removal of missiile defense systems from Eastish Europe.
Were you?

So I'll probably be against lighter sanctions - no matter what the reason.

BUT ... if I could assure Russia stopped screwing Ukraine and killed ISIS and al Queda types by the bushel, I might sell them some cheap beer.

We fed the Stalin beast to defeat the Hitler beast.
There's a lesson in there somewhere.
Ok so a Pres has video with a whore. That isn't much. other than he got caught, which is stupid. MASSIVE nothingburger. Collusion, now that is just a smidgen different (tic). I'll tie the noose (again) and NO I didn't have another candidate to vote for or I would have.

Read the report. I hope you have by now. It's WAY more than just him hooking up with hookers.

It's outright treason. Related question. Is that still punishable by death? Serious question. Not advocating for it, just curious.
Speaking of rumors of underage girls, are we still discussing Trump or have we moved on to Willy.

I read this thread and truly laugh at loud, although I may have been laughing at the last 2 minutes of the IU game, I forget at this point. Both are remarkably funny. There are a few heads ready to explode here.
Yes, I can understand why you'd like to live in the past with this train wreck that's approaching .
I see the difference.
He did it secretly.

I don't need a feinting couch.

I'm not naive enough to believe nations don't try and impact elections all the time.

But again, if they don't stuff ballot boxes, if all they do is cause/assist/whatever info to be placed into the election marketplace f ideas, so f'n what?

The NLRB expressly refuses to evaluate campaign info in union elections. "Voters can and should evaluate the truth of campaign info on their own."

Same thing when Dems claim Pubs will throw Grammaw and her wheelchair off the cliff.

If Canada secretly helped Clinton, would you care? No.

But Putin helps a Trump and, well, it's "big word delegitimization."

Intentionally selected outrage over WGAFF.

Show me a jobs plan.
Screw this partisan whiny bs.

Read the report. And tell me you're OK with it.

Your credibility is beyond gone at this point if you still think after reading this that it's no big deal.

You're unbelievable man. If you read the report and follow what was said and done from team Trump, it all fits on the timeline.
Read the report. And tell me you're OK with it.

Your credibility is beyond gone at this point if you still think after reading this that it's no big deal.

You're unbelievable man. If you read the report and follow what was said and done from team Trump, it all fits on the timeline.

Obviously if the report were actually would be a huge story...but that's a big "if" at this point.
But colluding to do WHAT?
Leak stories?

Either show me an e-stuffed e-ballot box or I'm watching cartoons

Those that haven't read the report. Read it. And stop replying in this thread until you've done so. It's your civic duty. Because this ain't going anywhere. It's only going to grow.

Read. The GD. Report. For the love of god.
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Read the report. And tell me you're OK with it.

Your credibility is beyond gone at this point if you still think after reading this that it's no big deal.

You're unbelievable man. If you read the report and follow what was said and done from team Trump, it all fits on the timeline.
What credibility?
In defense of the Donald, after reading the report again, it seems there were other examples of his "unorthodox lifestyle" besides the golden showers. It mentioned having accumulated information throughout the years.
Obviously if the report were actually would be a huge story...but that's a big "if" at this point.

It all pretty much lines up. The timelines. The tweets. The rumors.

I hope to God it's NOT true. But the man'a unnatural defense of Putin and Russia had to come from somewhere.

And don't forget, this isn't some fiction novel. This is stuff compiled by highly respected intelligence operatives.

If you had seen the meet the press interview this past Sunday with McCain and Graham, it's pretty obvious they had some idea about all of this.

Again, I hope none of it's true. But, even if any of it is, it's totally unacceptable.

How the hell did this country elect this guy? I'm seriously at a loss over this.

I guess the pubs get what they really wanted all along after all this plays out- Paul Ryan as president. Because I'd bet almost anything that's what needs up happening.
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This is a surprise? Anybody paying attention had this baked into their election decision-making process.

Here's the more difficult problem; Putin's interference with the election by undermining Clinton's candidacy was for the purpose of undermining confidence in the US election and ultimately confidence in US democracy.

Your reaction is precisely what Putin has targeted to happen.

From Manafort's connections to Putin's pals in Ukraine,to Trump refusing to release his taxes,anyone remotely awake KNEW the Russians were part of the equation.

Trump not paying taxes didn't lose him any votes with the wacky wingnuts-they admire someone who doesn't pay taxes.So he could have easily released his taxes and the same nuts who wouldn't turn on him if he shot someone would still be in his camp.

But if he released his taxes and it showed him in hock to Russian oligarchs,then even the Rushbos and Hannitys of the world would be stripped of plausible deniability and have to confront the reality of Putin's claws being deep into Donnie.Imo,that is why we'll never see his Tax returns...
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In defense of the Donald, after reading the report again, it seems there were other examples of his "unorthodox lifestyle" besides the golden showers. It mentioned having accumulated information throughout the years.
So you're saying it's wrong of us to assume that Presidential bedwetting is his only fetish? Well, that's good to know. Glad we didn't jump to conclusions!
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From Manafort's connections to Putin's pals in Ukraine,to Trump refusing to release his taxes,anyone remotely awake KNEW the Russians were part of the equation.

Trump not paying taxes didn't lose him any votes with the wacky wingnuts-they admire someone who doesn't pay taxes.So he could have easily released his taxes and the same nuts who wouldn't turn on him if he shot someone would still be in his camp.

But if he released his taxes and it showed him in hock to Russian oligarchs,then even the Rushbos and Hannitys of the world would be stripped of plausible deniability and have to confront the reality of Putin's claws being deep into Donnie.Imo,that is why we'll never see his Tax returns...

Don't forget his deep ties to China (edited from Russia- its late). There was a recent story about his son in law and his meeting recently with a company rumored to be owned in part by the Chinese government. And the report that is the subject of this thread mentions that Trump has DEEP ties to China, and in ways that could be very compromising.

Those ties, and the Russian ones, are exactly the reasons why you'll never see his tax returns.

Still can't believe that wasn't disqualifying for him as a candidate- either in the primary or the general. But then again, a whole host of things should've been disqualifying. But somehow, NONE of this stuff is relevant to a vocal minority on this board.

It's amazing.
Don't forget his deep ties to China (edited from Russia- its late). There was a recent story about his son in law and his meeting recently with a company rumored to be owned in part by the Chinese government. And the report that is the subject of this thread mentions that Trump has DEEP ties to China, and in ways that could be very compromising.

Those ties, and the Russian ones, are exactly the reasons why you'll never see his tax returns.

Still can't believe that wasn't disqualifying for him as a candidate- either in the primary or the general. But then again, a whole host of things should've been disqualifying. But somehow, NONE of this stuff is relevant to a vocal minority on this board.

It's amazing.
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You mean the FBI and the CIA? Those evil people? I'm remembering the GOP folks that believe that Hillary was involved in a pedophile sex ring, but wouldn't believe things that Trump himself admitted.

Of course not. Pussy grabbing is his limit (caveat: whilst in America)

But who knows what happened in Moscow.
As they say, what happens in Moscow, stays in Moscow.... for now.
Ok so a Pres has video with a whore. That isn't much. other than he got caught, which is stupid. MASSIVE nothingburger. Collusion, now that is just a smidgen different (tic). I'll tie the noose (again) and NO I didn't have another candidate to vote for or I would have.
Better hold up a little.
Don't swallow this troll.
4chan started this to demonstrate how willingly the msm prints fake news. Watch out.