Russia claims to have compromise info on Trump

Considering the fact that the report was confined to Obama, Trump and the Gang of Eight, my guess is it's sensitive enough that, even if you or Bing did somehow become in the know, you probably wouldn't share anything here, anyway.
That would in fact be exactly true. :rolleyes:
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This is a surprise? Anybody paying attention had this baked into their election decision-making process.

Here's the more difficult problem; Putin's interference with the election by undermining Clinton's candidacy was for the purpose of undermining confidence in the US election and ultimately confidence in US democracy.

Your reaction is precisely what Putin has targeted to happen.
That is precisely on the nose.

My reaction is exactly what Putin doesn't want. He thought he would have a puppet in power. Hence he + trump are trying to downplay and stonewall this investigation. It's people like myself who will be taking democracy back and away from a traitor and foreign enemy.
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Sorry, misunderstood. While I still have a TS/SCI clearance requirement for my civilian job, I rarely see any classified information in because I have no need to know in most cases. When I do, it's nothing like this, it's more technical information or information related to country specific capabilities. Bing is actually the closest we have to military intelligence because that's what he does in the Air Force primarily, but this is something I very much doubt he would have any eyes on this either. It's not the kind of intel he works in.
Considering the fact that the report was confined to Obama, Trump and the Gang of Eight, my guess is it's sensitive enough that, even if you or Bing did somehow become in the know, you probably wouldn't share anything here, anyway.

That much is obvious goat. I mean a general overview.
Before you blame the rest of the country, do a little self-analysis first. Your cynicism is not nearly as justified as you want it to be, and your analysis is too shallow to grant merit to.

WTF? I really do not understand this reply to what I asked. I even said if its true, I will tie the noose. Now step back and think, this is all unsubstantiated, AT THIS POINT. What would be the point? To me this has the sniff of CIA misinformation. BUT if found true, let me say again, I will tie the GD noose (if asked).
My reaction is exactly what Putin doesn't want. He thought he would have a puppet in power. Hence he + trump are trying to downplay and stonewall this investigation. It's people like myself who will be taking democracy back and away from a traitor and foreign enemy.

You can't be that naive. Putin won when Trump won. Either (1) Trump is the puppet you say that he is - and I don't disagree - or (2) the US will spend the next 4 years working through an impeachment of the man it just elected president - which will touch off its own constitutional crises, including the potential for a coup in which Trump would seek to establish a plutocratic dictatorship.
WTF? I really do not understand this reply to what I asked. I even said if its true, I will tie the noose. Now step back and think, this is all unsubstantiated, AT THIS POINT. What would be the point? To me this has the sniff of CIA misinformation. BUT if found true, let me say again, I will tie the GD noose (if asked).

You had a legitimate candidate to vote for, other than Trump. More than one actually. That's what I'm referring to.
WTF? I really do not understand this reply to what I asked. I even said if its true, I will tie the noose. Now step back and think, this is all unsubstantiated, AT THIS POINT. What would be the point? To me this has the sniff of CIA misinformation. BUT if found true, let me say again, I will tie the GD noose (if asked).

I heard some never-Trump Republicans hinting at this before the election on twitter and before the 2nd round of Comey/Clinton stuff (that Russia had compromising info of Trump, video of him doing things in a Russian hotel room with prostitutes), so it's not anything that the CIA invented out of whole cloth since the election.
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You can't be that naive. Putin won when Trump won. Either (1) Trump is the puppet you say that he is - and I don't disagree - or (2) the US will spend the next 4 years working through an impeachment of the man it just elected president - which will touch off its own constitutional crises, including the potential for a coup in which Trump would seek to establish a plutocratic dictatorship.

If this investigation starts now Trump will be long gone before any kind of dictatorship could take hold. And I've been warning about a Trump dictatorship for weeks now. Better to start the investigation weeks ago. Putin won't win if Trump is out.

I would love to know how the CIA/FBI could possibly be updating Trump on this case however if he/team are the targets of the investigation??
I heard some never-Trump Republicans hinting at this before the election on twitter and before the 2nd round of Comey/Clinton stuff (that Russia had compromising info of Trump, video of him doing things in a Russian hotel room with prostitutes), so it's not anything that the CIA invented out of whole cloth since the election.

Ok so a Pres has video with a whore. That isn't much. other than he got caught, which is stupid. MASSIVE nothingburger. Collusion, now that is just a smidgen different (tic). I'll tie the noose (again) and NO I didn't have another candidate to vote for or I would have.
video of him doing things in a Russian hotel room with prostitutes

If that's all it is, I don't think the American public would care much; it might undercut his candidacy in 2020, but his presidency . . . I don't think so.
I knew it wouldn't be long for a Trump response. FAKE NEWS- A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT.
And yes, he was shouting. That should be the end of that, right?
I heard some never-Trump Republicans hinting at this before the election on twitter and before the 2nd round of Comey/Clinton stuff (that Russia had compromising info of Trump, video of him doing things in a Russian hotel room with prostitutes), so it's not anything that the CIA invented out of whole cloth since the election.
We even had a thread about it here on the Cooler back in October, I think. Although, the urine fetish is a brand new detail, IIRC.
NO I didn't have another candidate to vote for or I would have.

You'd rather vote for a Putin collaborator over a former Secretary of State? That's exactly the cynicism I'm talking about.

BTW, I'd have voted for half of the GOP field over Clinton, but the GOP cynicism that I'm criticizing you for provided us Trump as a candidate . . . if you voted for Trump, then this sh!^ is on you.
Ok so a Pres has video with a whore. That isn't much. other than he got caught, which is stupid. MASSIVE nothingburger. Collusion, now that is just a smidgen different (tic). I'll tie the noose (again) and NO I didn't have another candidate to vote for or I would have.
That's not the key claim, as far as Trump's legitimacy is concerned. The key claim - the one that supposedly got McCain so up in arms as to pass it along to Comey - is that Russia didn't just help Trump, but actively coordinated their help with Trump's people. Remember that article a few months ago that claimed to find suspicious communication between an Alfa computer and a Trump email server? That fits nicely inside the picture painted by the report.

Of course, it could all be bullshit. Or, even if true, it could turn out to be unprovable. But if it does have wheels, it's a lot worse than just hiring some hookers to piss on a bed because Obama once slept in it.
Of course, here's something to consider. The originator of the report is supposedly a former British intelligence official who gathered the information as opposition research - he had been hired by a Trump political rival. That raises immediate questions:

1. Who?
2. Why wasn't it used?

If this information had been provided to the Clinton campaign, you'd think it would have leaked during the general election. Perhaps the research was commissioned by a primary opponent who was no longer in the race by the time the information was available, but this person didn't want to use it to the detriment of his/her own party.
You'd rather vote for a Putin collaborator over a former Secretary of State? That's exactly the cynicism I'm talking about.

BTW, I'd have voted for half of the GOP field over Clinton, but the GOP cynicism that I'm criticizing you for provided us Trump as a candidate . . . if you voted for Trump, then this sh!^ is on you.
This is exactly right. Many that voted for Trump blame the Democrats for having to vote for Trump because Clinton. It's ludicrous deflection, is immature, and is unforgivable.

He's right @Joe_Hoopsier if you voted for Trump this is on you.
Do we know that already? Seems to me that this hasn't played out yet.
Shoddy insofar as the article in the OP was being supported by gossip and innuendo. Feels a little too much like a liberal wet dream to me, but I won't defend Trump if any of it turns out to be proven true.
You'd rather vote for a Putin collaborator over a former Secretary of State? That's exactly the cynicism I'm talking about.

BTW, I'd have voted for half of the GOP field over Clinton, but the GOP cynicism that I'm criticizing you for provided us Trump as a candidate . . . if you voted for Trump, then this sh!^ is on you.

I would have voted for you, over that corrupt, lieing, using our political system and power over us, unethical POS that didn't represent me, ex Sec. Of State anyday. I thought you said I had another Candidate to vote for. Huge pissing match over her (and parties) leaked emails not becuase they are false, but because they where TRUE.

NOW if Trump did collude, I'll tie the noose. What do you not understand? But when/ if we find this actually true, I will say again. WE have much bigger problems.
I would have voted for you, over that corrupt, lieing, using our political system and power over us, unethical POS that didn't represent me, ex Sec. Of State anyday. I thought you said I had another Candidate to vote for. Huge pissing match over her (and parties) leaked emails not becuase they are false, but because they where TRUE.

NOW if Trump did collude, I'll tie the noose. What do you not understand? But when/ if we find this actually true, I will say again. WE have much bigger problems.

You've been played.

You now need to decide every day whether you're going to continue to be played.

I don't have the "bigger" problems you mention . . . but you do.
If it turns out that this is false or wildly misreported than I think someone, or a bunch of someones, is going to lose a job.
Legitimate news outlets are doing a good job of keeping things relatively generic. I'm sure a lot of them are just dying to publish the details, but aren't doing it because of what you just said.
If it turns out that this is false or wildly misreported than I think someone, or a bunch of someones, is going to lose a job.

Hmmmm . . . good point . . . OTOH, it might be that Trump's eviction notices to sitting ambassadors might be biting him in the arse.
You need to get past the "liberals bad" bubble . . . .
It's just that when PussyGate happened, out come numerous ladies willing to claim they had been assaulted by Trump. Then when their value disappeared, so did they. I think this kind of thing is going to be a staple of Trumps entire term. The Russians are pikers when it comes to delegitimizing the political system in this country, compared to the party which recently lost the White House. The content of those leaked emails show how "liberals" have some climbing to do before they make it up out of the political gutter.

It doesn't matter . . . colluding with Putin is colluding with the enemy.

So if they collude to cure children's ass cancer, that's bad?

No - of course not.

So again the question becomes what did they DO?

And my answer still is if they just leaked anti-Hillary stories, then big whoop.

Illegal voting matters.
Spreading gossip doesn't.
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It's just that when PussyGate happened, out come numerous ladies willing to claim they had been assaulted by Trump. Then when their value disappeared, so did they. I think this kind of thing is going to be a staple of Trumps entire term. The Russians are pikers when it comes to delegitimizing the political system in this country, compared to the party which recently lost the White House. The content of those leaked emails show how "liberals" have some climbing to do before they make it up out of the political gutter.

You need to get the log out of your own eye to see clearly enough to point out the sawdust in mine.
So if they collude to cure children's ass cancer, that's bad?

No - of course not.

So again the question becomes what did they DO?

And my answer still is if they just leaked anti-Hillary stories, then big whoop.

Illegal voting matters.
Spreading gossip doesn't.

De-legitimizing the US election is OK with you?

Just want to make sure I'm clear on your position, cuz if that's the case then de-legitimizing Trump's presidency - and all elements of US democracy beyond that - is just as OK.

Lemme know when you've got your mind all made up . . . in the meantime, you gotta respond to my post to you over on the AOTF.
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