Russia claims to have compromise info on Trump


Now it makes sense why Trump wants to dismantle us intelligence + has been pushing better ties with russia. He is a manchurian candidate. A russian pawn. Dudes apparently had a russian gun to his head for years now. The whole thing actually makes sense now.

I could be wrong, but wasn't the last time US intelligence got it right The Cuban Missile Crisis?
Att, if you aren't somebody who refuses accept the election outcome, then obviously I'm not talking about you.

But there quite obviously are people who are breathlessly desperate to do (or, in this case, believe) anything to try to prevent that oath of office from being taken on January 20th. And I find that pretty ironic, given the talk before the election about how awful it was that Trump wouldn't say definitively that he'd accept the election results.
There are loons out there, can't dispute that. But when the subject turns to racists (for example) we are told by the right that there are so few of them that they don't matter at all. Well, people actively fighting the election probably are fewer than the number of racists.
i blame obama for 2 very serious things.

1. Not forcing garland through.
2. Not having trump + campaign cohorts /russian agents arrested and held. I dont see how this is anything less than treason. If Obama was this gutless and negligent to put our entire democracy at risk his preisdency gets an F- in my book.

How in the world does a president "force" something that requires the consent of some unwilling entity?

That's like saying that a woman could become pregnant without some form of insemination....if only she'd just try really hard. And, if she fails to do so, then she just needs to try harder.

From the moment Antonin Scalia drew his last breath, there was never any chance that Obama was going to fill that court seat. Barack Obama's had plenty of failings -- but that wasn't one of them.
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i blame obama for 2 very serious things.

1. Not forcing garland through.
2. Not having trump + campaign cohorts /russian agents arrested and held. I dont see how this is anything less than treason. If Obama was this gutless and negligent to put our entire democracy at risk his preisdency gets an F- in my book.

1) No president can do that. All McConnell has to do is say "no" or just not do anything. Recess appointments aren't even possible anymore because the senate never fully goes into recess. Well, it's a bit more complicated, but it goes back to the NLRB / Canning case in '12. The senate gets to define when they are in recess, which is now never, technically speaking. Even if President Obama could and did make Garland a recess appt, I think it's only effective for, like, 2 years.
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Trump is now losing his mind on Twitter in a full blown tantrum.

So, so easy to troll that thin skinned man-child.

if you were between the KGB and US incarceration you would probably be losing your shit too.thats a real hard place if there ever was one.
How in the world does a president "force" something that requires the consent of some unwilling entity?

That's like saying that a woman could become pregnant without some form of insemination....if only she'd just try really hard. And, if she fails to do so, then she just needs to try harder.

From the moment Antonin Scalia drew his last breath, there was never any chance that Obama was going to fill that court seat. Barack Obama's had plenty of failings -- but that wasn't one of them.
1) No president can do that. All McConnell has to do is say "no" or just not do anything. Recess appointments aren't even possible anymore because the senate never fully goes into recess

wrong and wrong.
You can't be that naive. Putin won when Trump won. Either (1) Trump is the puppet you say that he is - and I don't disagree - or (2) the US will spend the next 4 years working through an impeachment of the man it just elected president - which will touch off its own constitutional crises, including the potential for a coup in which Trump would seek to establish a plutocratic dictatorship.
Actually, if a Constitutional crisis results in a coup, odds are 50/50 that I would be that plutocratic dictator. Buzzfeed is working up that 'news' as we speak.
Att, if you aren't somebody who refuses accept the election outcome, then obviously I'm not talking about you.

But there quite obviously are people who are breathlessly desperate to do (or, in this case, believe) anything to try to prevent that oath of office from being taken on January 20th. And I find that pretty ironic, given the talk before the election about how awful it was that Trump wouldn't say definitively that he'd accept the election results.
Just like Ladoga, you mention people breathlessly desperate to believe anything. Supremely ironic , since as I mentioned, many in the GOP believed every single thing about Hillary and helped to promote it, including that she had people killed, such as Vince Foster, the pedophile ring etc. Anyone that knows anything about Trump can't be surprised at this. So pardon us for believeing the intelligence agencies that think this looks credible. You guys believed Facebook memes.
There are loons out there, can't dispute that. But when the subject turns to racists (for example) we are told by the right that there are so few of them that they don't matter at all. Well, people actively fighting the election probably are fewer than the number of racists.

"Actively", perhaps. Passively, not so much.
since as I mentioned, many in the GOP believed every single thing about Hillary and helped to promote it, including that she had people killed, such as Vince Foster, the pedophile ring etc.'re now wanting to follow in those peoples' footsteps? Is that what you're saying?

So pardon us for believeing the intelligence agencies that think this looks credible.

You believed it because you very badly want it (or something like it) to not only be true -- but to rescue you deus ex machina from your nightmare.

You guys believed Facebook memes.

What Facebook meme did I believe? Be specific -- and provide links if you can.

Put up or shut up, zeke. You're the one who's made a fool of themselves here, not me. Don't try to drag me in the pit you so excitedly jumped in.
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Att, if you aren't somebody who refuses accept the election outcome, then obviously I'm not talking about you.

But there quite obviously are people who are breathlessly desperate to do (or, in this case, believe) anything to try to prevent that oath of office from being taken on January 20th. And I find that pretty ironic, given the talk before the election about how awful it was that Trump wouldn't say definitively that he'd accept the election results.

So what? The PEOTUS himself spent years publicly questioning the legal qualifications for Obama to be in office.....along with a litany of other conspiracy theories.

What's good for the goose.....?

In other thoughts, doesn't the acronym PEOTUS make anyone giggle a little more today?

LOL. Toasted, I've read enough of your posts to know that you're not actually this dense.

There's nothing Obama could've done, there's nothing he still could do. Read this, slowly if necessary: Senate Republicans were never going to consent to Obama filling that seat. And the notion that he could've done it without them is absurd. It's a cruel tease, in fact.

You've lost for so long you've forgetten what winning looks like . . . if you ever knew to begin with. Maybe dahlc was right . . . *snicker*.
Tough to swallow, isn't it, old fraud?
The truth can be painful when one is 'all-in'.
So what? The PEOTUS himself spent years publicly questioning the legal qualifications for Obama to be in office.....along with a litany of other conspiracy theories.

What's good for the goose.....? you sound like zeke.

So, because Donald Trump was giving voice to birther nuttiness, you're wanting to follow in his footsteps with your own kind of nuttiness?
Tough to swallow, isn't it, old fraud?
The truth can be painful when one is 'all-in'.

I'm fine, thank you for asking. I'm delighted you have my personal welfare as a concern.

It's just a matter of time, Len . . . enjoy this while you can because when this term is over, you'll never be on the winning side of a meaningful election again.
you didnt read the articlw...

I've read several articles on it. It didn't happen because it wasn't possible. If it was possible he would have done it on the over a week ago. I guarantee you if the senate was in "recess", it was only long enough for the swearing in ceremony of the new congress. McConnell might be a sniveling weasel, but he's not stupid. He wasn't going to put himself in a position to answer to anyone about "allowing" President Obama to make a recess appt. you sound like zeke.

So, because Donald Trump was giving voice to birther nuttiness, you're wanting to follow in his footsteps with your own kind of nuttiness?

No, I'm not participating, the whole story seems far-fetched.

I do get some level of enjoyment though watching him lose his mind over this spectacle....particularly considering for years he was the nutcase flinging the ridiculous accusations.
I'm fine, thank you for asking. I'm delighted you have my personal welfare as a concern.

It's just a matter of time, Len . . . enjoy this while you can because when this term is over, you'll never be on the winning side of a meaningful election again.
Thank you, Steve. I shall continue to enjoy this for quite some time.
And, given your demonstrated ability at predicting election outcomes, I will defer my angst regarding 2020 for a little while, anyway.'re now wanting to follow in those peoples' footsteps? Is that what you're saying?

You believed it because you very badly want it (or something like it) to not only be true -- but to rescue you deus ex machina from your nightmare.

What Facebook meme did I believe? Be specific -- and provide links if you can.

Put up or shut up, zeke. You're the one who's made a fool of themselves here, not me. Don't try to drag me in the pit you so excitedly jumped in.
I'm making a fool of myself? In what way? By reporting what every single outlet is now reporting? The fools are the ones that are surprised by anything that happens with this person they voted into office. Think that includes you.
So, because Donald Trump was giving voice to birther nuttiness, you're wanting to follow in his footsteps with your own kind of nuttiness?
I hope this doesn't become a rabbit hole we go down. But here's the question, did the birther idiocy slow down Obama's agenda at all? If it did, why wouldn't we predict that Democrats would use the GOP nuttiness against them now that the tables are turned? Everything today has become guerrilla warfare. Fight and contest every inch.
I've read several articles on it. It didn't happen because it wasn't possible. If it was possible he would have done it on the over a week ago. I guarantee you if the senate was in "recess", it was only long enough for the swearing in ceremony of the new congress. McConnell might be a sniveling weasel, but he's not stupid. He wasn't going to put himself in a position to answer to anyone about "allowing" President Obama to make a recess appt.

it was very nuanced, but the point is that by rules of nature there must be a point in time between the end of one congress and the start of another. Please read the linked article before commenting further.
it was very nuanced, but the point is that by rules of nature there must be a point in time between the end of one congress and the start of another. Please read the linked article before commenting further.

I've read that article and several others. Every author of every article has a different interpretation. It all comes down to McConnell. No way on earth he was going back to Kentucky or going on tv after allowing a recess appt to happen. No way. You know how I know this? Because Jan 3rd came went with absolutely nothing happening. I'm quite sure President Obama didn't do it because of possible political ramifications. He's about to retire from public service altogether.
I'm making a fool of myself? In what way? By reporting what every single outlet is now reporting? The fools are the ones that are surprised by anything that happens with this person they voted into office. Think that includes you.

You made a fool of yourself by taking the bait, zeke.

Imagine, for a second, somebody hopping on here to breathlessly post about Hillary Clinton running a child sex ring. Hey...they're just passing along what others are reporting, after all. It's right there! See, it's being reported!

Congrats. That's who you've now become.
Att, if you aren't somebody who refuses accept the election outcome, then obviously I'm not talking about you.

But there quite obviously are people who are breathlessly desperate to do (or, in this case, believe) anything to try to prevent that oath of office from being taken on January 20th. And I find that pretty ironic, given the talk before the election about how awful it was that Trump wouldn't say definitively that he'd accept the election results.
Is the ultimate hypocrisy to simultaneously declaim and engage in it? Even the ultimate hypocrisy is a misdemeanor in my view.
Speaking of irony and the oath of office. Imagine Trump saying the words "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." At that moment we can all be like Trump's newly wedded wife as he pledges to be faithful to us. Would be ironically amusing...if it weren't tragically absurd. Whatever the text says we should hear "blah, blah, blah, yeah whatever".
Sorry, misunderstood. While I still have a TS/SCI clearance requirement for my civilian job, I rarely see any classified information because I have no need to know in most cases. When I do, it's nothing like this, it's more technical information or information related to country specific capabilities. Bing is actually the closest we have to military intelligence because that's what he does in the Air Force primarily, but this is something I very much doubt he would have any eyes on this either. It's not the kind of intel he works in.
I don't know anything classified about it and couldn't say anything if I did. But I don't. :)

If that information is real he's more crazy than I thought he was. I wouldn't put a high level of confidence on this because it was from some private eye kind of guy paid to find dirt and not from intelligence services but if it turns out true than we will have some very interesting times ahead of us. I'm in wait and see what is really true mode.

Now it makes sense why Trump wants to dismantle us intelligence + has been pushing better ties with russia. He is a manchurian candidate. A russian pawn. Dudes apparently had a russian gun to his head for years now. The whole thing actually makes sense now.
How did Putin influence the primary?
You made a fool of yourself by taking the bait, zeke.

Imagine, for a second, somebody hopping on here to breathlessly post about Hillary Clinton running a child sex ring. Hey...they're just passing along what others are reporting, after all. It's right there! See, it's being reported!

Congrats. That's who you've now become.
A child sex ring and Hillary Clinton is absurd, nothing in her character or past that lines up with that. With Trump on the other hand pretty much everything in the allegations is consistent with his character.
You made a fool of yourself by taking the bait, zeke.

Imagine, for a second, somebody hopping on here to breathlessly post about Hillary Clinton running a child sex ring. Hey...they're just passing along what others are reporting, after all. It's right there! See, it's being reported!

Congrats. That's who you've now become.
Congrats. You voted for the guy that everyone thinks, whether it's true or not, that it is totally in character, to watch prostitiutes pee in a bed. Because he is just petty enough to do that to President OBama. That's YOUR guy. Be proud.
I hope this doesn't become a rabbit hole we go down.

Get used to it.

But here's the question, did the birther idiocy slow down Obama's agenda at all?


If it did

It didn't.

why wouldn't we predict that Democrats would use the GOP nuttiness against them now that the tables are turned?

We would. But it's up to each of us to decide whether or not we're going to become party to that sort of nonsense.

I can't speak for anybody else -- but I can speak for myself. If every post I've ever made pertaining to the birther garbage is still available somewhere, you'll find that not only did I never once entertain it, I had some really harsh words for those who did.

In fact, I've long maintained that, if it had any impact on the course of substantial events, it actually aided Obama. The birthers weren't hurting him. They probably weren't having much of any real impact at all. But, if they were, it wasn't to his detriment.

Everything today has become guerrilla warfare. Fight and contest every inch.

Well, yes. And it's not just today, either. But pick your battles (and how to fight them) wisely. What's going on here is just flailing about, grasping at anything, hoping to prevent the oath of office being taken.
A child sex ring and Hillary Clinton is absurd, nothing in her character or past that lines up with that. With Trump on the other hand pretty much everything in the allegations is consistent with his character.

Fine....Bill Clinton, then.

The point is: it's all absurd. And the only thing one accomplishes by jumping on one of these political paddywagons is to make themselves belong there.
There's no evidence 4chan faked this. The anon post people are linking is from November, which is well after this was floating around. It just says they made stuff up and sent it to Rick Wilson with no proof (which Rick denies on Twitter).

They did fake a screenshot talking about Trump and anime last night, but that was never in the report.

Here's a question. Why is this being released right now? Less than two weeks before inauguration. Especially since it's been out there for months. Some speculation that I saw was that it was released by intelligence agency because they are upset with all of Trump's remarks about them.
You made a fool of yourself by taking the bait, zeke.

Imagine, for a second, somebody hopping on here to breathlessly post about Hillary Clinton running a child sex ring. Hey...they're just passing along what others are reporting, after all. It's right there! See, it's being reported!

Congrats. That's who you've now become.
On the one hand, you have legitimate news sources reporting that the President, President-elect, and the Gang of Eight have all been briefed on a report that Russia claims to have this information about Trump, you have McCain getting a hold of it and being bothered enough to send it to Comey, and you have many people in media confirming the report has been bouncing around for months.

On the other hand, you have a right-wing crank website making up a story about a sex ring out of thin air.

Yeah, totally the same thing.
Congrats. You voted for the guy that everyone thinks, whether it's true or not, that it is totally in character, to watch prostitiutes pee in a bed. Because he is just petty enough to do that to President OBama. That's YOUR guy. Be proud.

Er, so? This has nothing to do with my reasons for voting for him. I've made very clear why I voted for him -- and it has absolutely nothing to do with that. It has to do with a comparison of what sort of policies (and nominations, etc.) I'd reasonably expect to get between him or the other realistic option.

Anybody who voted for Bill Clinton and continued to support him through despite things as the Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey allegations should understand. I'm not sure if you did or not, so I won't direct that to you. But I'm sure there are people here who did.
On the one hand, you have legitimate news sources reporting that the President, President-elect, and the Gang of Eight have all been briefed on a report that Russia claims to have this information about Trump, you have McCain getting a hold of it and being bothered enough to send it to Comey, and you have many people in media confirming the report has been bouncing around for months.

On the other hand, you have a right-wing crank website making up a story about a sex ring out of thin air.

Yeah, totally the same thing.

So...a bunch of well-placed anti-Trump cranks falling for a troll somehow sanitizes people against buying into it and passing it along?

No, it doesn't. People need to use their own sense of caution with anything like this. Otherwise, you risk making a fool of so many people here have.

I mean, we've gotten to the point where people are defending it by saying "'s believable!!"

That's pathetic. Those of you touting this are officially as bad as the birthers. Take a bow.

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