Musk/Twitter Document Dump

What I find pretty interesting about these internal discussions is that none of these employees is even thinking about financial matters for the corporation in any of them. It's not even in the mix. That's unusual.
Shocker they were losing money and fired
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What I find pretty interesting about these internal discussions is that none of these employees is even thinking about financial matters for the corporation in any of them. It's not even in the mix. That's unusual.
I don't know this for sure but I am guessing Twitters primary demo skewed to left and under 40. So they could have been thinking of marketing/financials but not outwardly saying it?
Again not 100% but I vaguely remember they were losing users at an alarming rate during Trumps hey day.
Looks like I was wrong. They weren't losing overall users. Can't find numbers on specific demo numbers though. Whether they were gaining or losing in their key demo of 20-35 year old males. That demo(and the entire user base) does lean to the left pretty significantly.

Looks like I was wrong. They weren't losing overall users. Can't find numbers on specific demo numbers though. Whether they were gaining or losing in their key demo of 20-35 year old males. That demo(and the entire user base) does lean to the left pretty significantly.

I'll add that its pretty clear that you old shrivs didn't use Twitter then and still don't now. You sure do like yelling at us young whipper snappers though. Some things never change. VBG. J/K... sort of...
I said losing money. Not users.
According to my link there was some pretty stark dips in revenue during 2020 and early 2021.

Side topic. Its interesting that the high water mark in revenue every year for them is Q4. Guess that is because kids have less schooling during the holidays and more time to use social media. More down time at work too? Or Twitter charges more for ad space in Q4 knowing that overall consumer spending typical peaks in Q4?
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Looks like I was wrong. They weren't losing overall users. Can't find numbers on specific demo numbers though. Whether they were gaining or losing in their key demo of 20-35 year old males. That demo(and the entire user base) does lean to the left pretty significantly.

I wonder how active you have to be in order to qualify. That criteria could effect how those trends look.

I had a twitter account and usually accessed during a calendar year but rarely posted. Most browsing twitter would consider my account to be inactive but I would guess the mere fact of logging in would make it counted as active.
According to my link there was some pretty stark dips in revenue during 2020 and early 2021.

Side topic. Its interesting that the high water mark in revenue every year for them is Q4. Guess that is because kids have less schooling during the holidays and more time to use social media. More down time at work too? Or Twitter charges more for ad space in Q4 knowing that overall consumer spending typical peaks in Q4?

When did truth social get started? It would be interesting if twitter saw a noticeable dip around that time. Wouldn't shock me if conservatives were leaving twitter back then but coming back now with Elon at the helm and thus countering however many liberals are exiting.
Your reading comprehension is woeful.
I made no claim either way of anyone committing 'war crimes'.

I have pointed out numerous instances of acts by the US government which, depending on circumstance, mirror acts in this phase of the long lasting Russian civil war.

I'm still waiting for your production of any post of mine supporting, favoring, or advocating for Russia.
It's not a civil war. Ukraine is a separate sovereign country. Repeating Russian propaganda is supporting and favoring Russia.
I don't know this for sure but I am guessing Twitters primary demo skewed to left and under 40. So they could have been thinking of marketing/financials but not outwardly saying it?
In my experience, internally, employees talk about it. Somebody is bound to bring up how it affects the bottom line.

They aren't hinting at that in what I've seen--they are really focused on what sound like ideological motivations.
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According to my link there was some pretty stark dips in revenue during 2020 and early 2021.

Side topic. Its interesting that the high water mark in revenue every year for them is Q4. Guess that is because kids have less schooling during the holidays and more time to use social media. More down time at work too? Or Twitter charges more for ad space in Q4 knowing that overall consumer spending typical peaks in Q4?
Do all media companies' revenue spike in Q4? Maybe advertisers just spend more in that quarter because of Christmas?
I'll add that its pretty clear that you old shrivs didn't use Twitter then and still don't now. You sure do like yelling at us young whipper snappers though. Some things never change. VBG. J/K... sort of...
I'm not sure why that matters?
I'll add that its pretty clear that you old shrivs didn't use Twitter then and still don't now. You sure do like yelling at us young whipper snappers though. Some things never change. VBG. J/K... sort of...
@mcmurtry66 has spilt more seed in the last year than Katherine Hepburn filling a bird feeder.
(Again…too soon?)
Uh huh. Sure thing. It was my imagine all those responses trying to explain it to you, and then, you as usual ignoring it. I’m not sure what you’d call that, besides plain old fashioned ignorance.
You really are cuckoo for coco puffs.
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You really are cuckoo for coco puffs.
She is right , the rest of her post is plain old fashioned ignorance. I had to read it several times to try and make any sense of it, But she came back strong in the end . See when she makes progress on some self awareness we need to applaud her not give her a bad time.
Again not 100% but I vaguely remember they were losing users at an alarming rate during Trumps hey day.
As the glowies moved from FBI DC, including James Baker, to FBI-Twitter, many who were being censored, shadow-banned, and banned..left, and found other less restrictive places to play.
It's not a civil war. Ukraine is a separate sovereign country. Repeating Russian propaganda is supporting and favoring Russia.
Southern Ukr north through Mariupol is 85% Russian speaking, the Donbass is 90%+ Russian speaking.
Literally all are Orthodox Christian. Same for Crimea.

The Ukr military( what is left of it) continue to use artillery and mrl systems against civilian population in Donbass, as they have for 8-10 years.
Southern Ukr north through Mariupol is 85% Russian speaking, the Donbass is 90%+ Russian speaking.
Literally all are Orthodox Christian. Same for Crimea.

The Ukr military( what is left of it) continue to use artillery and mrl systems against civilian population in Donbass, as they have for 8-10 years.
What does speaking Russian have to do with anything? We speak English - should the British empire annex us? Should Rome consider us part of the Vatican because we're a mostly Christian nation?

No doubt there are Russian sympathizers in those regions, but Ukraine is a sovereign country. That's the part you're leaving out.
I'm not sure what to make of this whole thing--this is a new, evolving area of free speech thought and jurisprudence. Twitter and FB are currently thought of as private forums, but I think that could change and I think the arguments that they have morphed into "traditional public spaces" is worthy of consideration.

But can't we assume that if the FBI was meeting with Twitter and making requests, the FBI, at least, thinks Twitter was influential, contra your suggestion that they are not?
Twitter was the FBI.
Elon is just taking out the trash.
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What does speaking Russian have to do with anything? We speak English - should the British empire annex us? Should Rome consider us part of the Vatican because we're a mostly Christian nation?

No doubt there are Russian sympathizers in those regions, but Ukraine is a sovereign country. That's the part you're leaving out.
They're not sympathizers, they're Russian.

Ukr has been a vassal state of the American empire since at least 2004.
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No, they're Ukranians who want to be part of Russia.

Vassal or not (they're not), Ukraine is a sovereign nation.
Was, until Victoria Nuland and others started choosing the performers for the 'elections'.

It's quite entertaining to watch as everything the DC clown show does blows up in their face.
Southern Ukr north through Mariupol is 85% Russian speaking, the Donbass is 90%+ Russian speaking.
Literally all are Orthodox Christian. Same for Crimea.

The Ukr military( what is left of it) continue to use artillery and mrl systems against civilian population in Donbass, as they have for 8-10 years.
And you're not supporting Russia? Ukraine is a sovereign, democratic country and Russia invaded it. You're on the wrong side..
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And you're not supporting Russia? Ukraine is a sovereign, democratic country and Russia invaded it. You're on the wrong side..
They're a vassal state of the American Empire, just as I said. They've been hustled into the same disastrous trap with South Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
All the shiny lipstick in the world won't change that pig into a prince.
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They're a vassal state of the American Empire, just as I said. They've been hustled into the same disastrous trap with South Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
All the shiny lipstick in the world won't change that pig into a prince.
Ridiculous. What happened to you?
Was, until Victoria Nuland and others started choosing the performers for the 'elections'.

It's quite entertaining to watch as everything the DC clown show does blows up in their face.
Well, we're still a sovereign nation even after the 2020 election.

Nationality isn't determined by the legality of its election.
And here we go again...

Easiest way to read is here:

So twitter struggled finding Trump in violation of their policies?
But they decided to ban him anyway?

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