Musk/Twitter Document Dump

That's the key right? They are private media companies. And this is not the first time our government has done this with private media companies. So we'd need laws and regulations to stop that. And where does that end? Wheres the constitutionality on dictating what a private company can put out as content? What makes it a public forum social media company and not just a small start up one? Does this then apply to news outlets? Editor's no longer can choose what gets run?

We can assume anything. We know the FBI asked. We know Twitter didnt have to do anything but did. But we do not know either motives. We can safely assume Twitters. I'm not sure we can the FBI. Call me naive but I dont think they were trying to influence an election. Most of the leadership at the FBI probably voted for Trump. I'm assuming.
What’s really interesting in a thread about suppressing ideas and speech is the use of a laughing emoji. It’s as if some posters already know what they have to say is so silly they suppress themselves. Well, that does increase efficiency.
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Brad Stevens’ post is the point. And it’s an important one. Coh’s post is also important. Don’t get lost in the legality issue. It’s implications are broader
Oh. Then I get it completely. I think.

You guys are the lawyers. Are their any legal definitions on what "social media" is? At what point does it become a public forum? Do we have anything to base this all on? If we create all that then who oversees them? FCC? What are the ramifications of doing all that on other companies?
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Oh. Then I get it completely. I think.

You guys are the lawyers. Are their any legal definitions on what "social media" is? At what point does it become a public forum? Do we have anything to base this all on? If we create all that then who oversees them? FCC? What are the ramifications of doing all that on other companies?
Yeah it’s all a mess and the laws are behind. Fwiw one of the top guys in the country for all this stuff is at iu. Fred Cate. Real neat guy
Yeah it’s all a mess and the laws are behind. Fwiw one of the top guys in the country for all this stuff is at iu. Fred Cate. Real neat guy
Ok so that's my point. Folks(not you or Brad) are making this into some that, at this time, it cannot be. Because we have no laws to say its anything. That's it.
Ok so that's my point. Folks(not you or Brad) are making this into some that, at this time, it cannot be. Because we have no laws to say its anything. That's it.
You and Brad and...gasp...even mcm 😁 are making some good points in the latter sections of this thread. There's certainly a good discussion to be had about what we want culturally out of social media.

Yeah, there are bomb throwers on this thread and then there are people having a thoughtful discussion about what we as a society should want social media to be. There are the aspirations for that and then there are the business realities of that.

And then there is a larger point that I think you are making...there is a LONG history of asks by government to private business (more specificially, quite often various forms of media) and vice versa. For example, when CBS got a tip about the Brittney Griner deal with Russia, the government asked CBS not to break the story until she had been freed. Is that suppression of free speech?
You and Brad and...gasp...even mcm 😁 are making some good points in the latter sections of this thread. There's certainly a good discussion to be had about what we want culturally out of social media.

Yeah, there are bomb throwers on this thread and then there are people having a thoughtful discussion about what we as a society should want social media to be. There are the aspirations for that and then there are the business realities of that.

And then there is a larger point that I think you are making...there is a LONG history of asks by government to private business (more specificially, quite often various forms of media) and vice versa. For example, when CBS got a tip about the Brittney Griner deal with Russia, the government asked CBS not to break the story until she had been freed. Is that suppression of free speech?
Any bomb throwing in twitters direction is warranted. They were acting in a blatantly partisan and unethical manner.
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You and Brad and...gasp...even mcm 😁 are making some good points in the latter sections of this thread. There's certainly a good discussion to be had about what we want culturally out of social media.

Yeah, there are bomb throwers on this thread and then there are people having a thoughtful discussion about what we as a society should want social media to be. There are the aspirations for that and then there are the business realities of that.

And then there is a larger point that I think you are making...there is a LONG history of asks by government to private business (more specificially, quite often various forms of media) and vice versa. For example, when CBS got a tip about the Brittney Griner deal with Russia, the government asked CBS not to break the story until she had been freed. Is that suppression of free speech?
Are you equating CBS' decision to VOLUNTARILY hold the story with hundreds of posters who were banned, shadow banned, etc. INVOLUNTARILY, and the CEO of Twitter perjuring himself in Congressional testimony, by testifying it never happened?
Did you know that as many as a dozen FBI agents all were hired by Twitter after
President DJT took office?

Are you equating CBS' decision to VOLUNTARILY hold the story with hundreds of posters who were banned, shadow banned, etc. INVOLUNTARILY, and the CEO of Twitter perjuring himself in Congressional testimony, by testifying it never happened?
Did you know that as many as a dozen FBI agents all were hired by Twitter after
President DJT took office?

Off with their heads!! lol
Sorry your wrong. And that's ok.

This is about manufacturing false outrage to divide our country and gain clicks. Congrats. You fell for it. I can hear your clicks from here. The team at Daily Stormer say thank you.
Nothing like the false outrage about "Russian Collusion", which you knew was a lie. And if you didn't, you weren't paying attention when we told you it was a lie and your hero, Schiff, kept lying about having hard proof and then not producing.

You fell for that. Hard.
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That's the key right? They are private media companies. And this is not the first time our government has done this with private media companies. So we'd need laws and regulations to stop that. And where does that end? Wheres the constitutionality on dictating what a private company can put out as content? What makes it a public forum social media company and not just a small start up one? Does this then apply to news outlets? Editor's no longer can choose what gets run?

We can assume anything. We know the FBI asked. We know Twitter didnt have to do anything but did. But we do not know either motives. We can safely assume Twitters. I'm not sure we can the FBI. Call me naive but I dont think they were trying to influence an election. Most of the leadership at the FBI probably voted for Trump. I'm assuming.
You're naive.

Of course Twitter cooperated with the feds. Look at what's happening now, when Biden said they were 'keeping an eye' on Twitter, now that Musk owns it.

"Nice social media company ya got there. Sure would be a shame if any laws were passed to curtail your operations."
Are you equating CBS' decision to VOLUNTARILY hold the story with hundreds of posters who were banned, shadow banned, etc. INVOLUNTARILY, and the CEO of Twitter perjuring himself in Congressional testimony, by testifying it never happened?
Did you know that as many as a dozen FBI agents all were hired by Twitter after
President DJT took office?

I'm comparing the decision by CBS to VOLUNTARILY hold the story with the decision by Twitter to VOLUNTARILY remove information from its platform.

Liam Neeson!
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For example, when CBS got a tip about the Brittney Griner deal with Russia, the government asked CBS not to break the story until she had been freed. Is that suppression of free speech?
"Would you please not go to that concert? The band sends a bad message." The decision is up to you and the fallout of your decision only impacts you.

"Would you please make sure CoH cannot go to that concert? We don't like the message the band sends." So when CoH is at your house you slash the tires to his car so he can't leave. Now the decision you are making removes the ability for CoH to make his own decisions.

Your example is not the same thing.

Be careful of what you are willing to accept because you feel it isn't your ox being gored.
I'm comparing the decision by CBS to VOLUNTARILY hold the story with the decision by Twitter to VOLUNTARILY remove information from its platform.

Liam Neeson!
CBS self-censored their own content..their choice.

OldTwitter, in collusion with agents of the FBI, 14 of whom were hired after PDJT was elected, censored other people's content without their knowledge or consent,
and then lied about it; Jack Dorsey lied many times in Congressional testimony.

"Would you please not go to that concert? The band sends a bad message." The decision is up to you and the fallout of your decision only impacts you.

"Would you please make sure CoH cannot go to that concert? We don't like the message the band sends." So when CoH is at your house you slash the tires to his car so he can't leave. Now the decision you are making removes the ability for CoH to make his own decisions.

Your example is not the same thing.

Be careful of what you are willing to accept because you feel it isn't your ox being gored.
USA/UK: Germany, would you please not use that evil pipeline to protect your population and economy?

USA/UK: BOOM goes the pipeline!
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You're naive.

Of course Twitter cooperated with the feds. Look at what's happening now, when Biden said they were 'keeping an eye' on Twitter, now that Musk owns it.

"Nice social media company ya got there. Sure would be a shame if any laws were passed to curtail your operations."
Actually, in terms of "policy enforcement" Twatter WAS the Fed.
CBS self-censored their own content..their choice.

OldTwitter, in collusion with agents of the FBI, 14 of whom were hired after PDJT was elected, censored other people's content without their knowledge or consent,
and then lied about it; Jack Dorsey lied many times in Congressional testimony.

It's not as effective without the exclamation points!
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"Would you please not go to that concert? The band sends a bad message." The decision is up to you and the fallout of your decision only impacts you.

"Would you please make sure CoH cannot go to that concert? We don't like the message the band sends." So when CoH is at your house you slash the tires to his car so he can't leave. Now the decision you are making removes the ability for CoH to make his own decisions.

Your example is not the same thing.

Be careful of what you are willing to accept because you feel it isn't your ox being gored.
You've got that analogy all wrong. If you want to use concerts, you need to go like:

"Hey, Deer Creek, hoosboot keeps walking on the stage and playing Backstreet Boys songs during the Kendrick concert. Could you stop him from doing that? It's ruining the show."

Deer Creek could say, "Pound sand. My customers think hoosboot's rendition of 'I Want It That Way'"

Or they could say, "Good point. This shit has gotten out of control."

Deer Creek (I know it's actually called Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center, but c'mon :>) chose the latter.

Twitter isn't really like a concert though. It's really more like a karaoke night at some bar.
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Oh. Then I get it completely. I think.

You guys are the lawyers. Are their any legal definitions on what "social media" is? At what point does it become a public forum? Do we have anything to base this all on? If we create all that then who oversees them? FCC? What are the ramifications of doing all that on other companies?
These are all great questions.
Nothing like the false outrage about "Russian Collusion", which you knew was a lie. And if you didn't, you weren't paying attention when we told you it was a lie and your hero, Schiff, kept lying about having hard proof and then not producing.

You fell for that. Hard.
You’d think you’d learn your lesson about Russia after your last tutorial, but I guess not. You’ll be using this false equivalency until you die.
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CBS self-censored their own content..their choice.

OldTwitter, in collusion with agents of the FBI, 14 of whom were hired after PDJT was elected, censored other people's content without their knowledge or consent,
and then lied about it; Jack Dorsey lied many times in Congressional testimony.

You know people from the Trump administration were in most of those meetings, right?
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You’d think you’d learn your lesson about Russia after your last tutorial, but I guess not. You’ll be using this false equivalency until you die.
You're delusional. And it's not just an insult - you really are.
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Stupid, as usual.
You are supporting the country that the US is opposing in a war, right? Look up the definition of treason to see how close you might be. You’re not there, but you’re heading in that direction. I hope you’re not proud of that.
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You are supporting the country that the US is opposing in a war, right? Look up the definition of treason to see how close you might be. You’re not there, but you’re heading in that direction. I hope you’re not proud of that.
I meant stupid.

If you can find one sentence I posted supporting President Putin or Russia, let's see it!

I would not support $.02 worth of US taxpayer money to prop up the utterly corrupt and debased vassal state called Ukraine.

Put up or shut up, Company man.
Uh huh. Sure thing. It was my imagine all those responses trying to explain it to you, and then, you as usual ignoring it. I’m not sure what you’d call that, besides plain old fashioned ignorance.
Glad to see you embrace yourself, there is still time to better yourself

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