Mar-a-Lago is Under Siege

We know DOJ is ramping up its J6 investigation. They've known all along Trump was sitting on these materials they had a legal right to seize whenever they wished. And we've recently learned there's a pattern of missing evidence from key agencies for the afternoon of J6.

So they exercise their right to the materials and have a look. This doesn't seem complicated, political, or sinister.
Pure speculation on your part.
It doesn't ? Just the way you stated it makes it sound very political to me with an election coming up in a few months.
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I’d be worried if I’d tried to steal an election, helped instigate an uprising, was a tax cheat, and stole classified documents . I have t so I’m not concerned. What are you worried about, Van?
Isn't it the Law that the President is the one who classifies or declassifies documents? Also where have you heard this Mara Lago raid was about his taxes? Friend, did you listen to Trump's speech before the January 6 incident? Also these people who were unwise to enter the capital had the door opened for them. Where was the capital police? Why did they just open the door? I actually wonder why people on the Left don't answer these questions.
What am I worried about? It is the rule of law. I am worried when it looks like government agencies are being used to squash their perceived enemies. That is what happened at Mara Logo (or however you spell it) Ok, right now if nothing comes from this RAID will you admit that this was about politics. It was about trying to make sure Trump doesn't run again?
Then you nail him for contempt of court and throw him in jail. Isn’t that the normal course of action?

Why was it necessary to raid the personal home of a former United States president, for the first time in US history, without at least issuing a subpoena first?

Do you guys not even SUSPECT that this might be nothing more than a political stunt?

For all the whining about all the norms Trump broke, you’re here celebrating Bidens doj doing the same thing?
He was already told to return the documents. Trump is responsible for the repercussions
Isn't it the Law that the President is the one who classifies or declassifies documents? Also where have you heard this Mara Lago raid was about his taxes? Friend, did you listen to Trump's speech before the January 6 incident? Also these people who were unwise to enter the capital had the door opened for them. Where was the capital police? Why did they just open the door? I actually wonder why people on the Left don't answer these questions.
What am I worried about? It is the rule of law. I am worried when it looks like government agencies are being used to squash their perceived enemies. That is what happened at Mara Logo (or however you spell it) Ok, right now if nothing comes from this RAID will you admit that this was about politics. It was about trying to make sure Trump doesn't run again?

It is a bit of a loophole to say anything Trump takes automatically becomes declassified. Plus declassified documents are still supposed to be retained in the national archives.
It doesn't ? Just the way you stated it makes it sound very political to me with an election coming up in a few months.
Sounds like a perfect time to rush through a Supreme Court nomination...I can think of a few that should retire.

Plus, I have a feeling there would never be a proper time to confront your master
Trump is being raided by the FBI. Karma Baby.
I do want a good answer from lawyers and others on here who care about the Law. My understanding is this Raid was done where Trump's lawyer could not be present. Was there a subpoena? What did it say they were there to look for? Do any of us truly even know what they were looking for? These are questions I ask because if they can do this to Trump then as I said in an earlier post they can do that to us? What about rights of the individual no matter who they are? Why weren't Trump's lawyers not allowed to be on the premises? There was a report I saw where they asked those at Mar-a- Lago to turn off the security cameras. Why would they do this and do they have a legal right to request or demand it?
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You yourself said they knew the stuff was there so timing seems very political
You can look at it that way. But the pressure on Garland from the left is for an actual investigation, not just to collect missing government property.

And DOJ has said it is closely monitoring the House Committee's investigation, where key gaps in the evidence (missing phone records at EOP, SS, HSA, & DOD) have come to light in the past few weeks. Seems more likely that drove the decision to seize the materials sooner rather than later.
I do want a good answer from lawyers and others on here who care about the Law. My understanding is this Raid was done where Trump's lawyer could not be present. Was there a subpoena? What did it say they were there to look for? Do any of us truly even know what they were looking for? These are questions I ask because if they can do this to Trump then as I said in an earlier post they can do that to us? What about rights of the individual no matter who they are? Why weren't Trump's lawyers not allowed to be on the premises? There was a report I saw where they asked those at Mar-a- Lago to turn off the security cameras. Why would they do this and do they have a legal right to request or demand it?
The raid was approved by Trump appointed Wray and signed off by a judge (edited out inaccurate info).

So not sure how legitimacy can be questioned.
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You can look at it that way. But the pressure on Garland from the left is for an actual investigation, not just to collect missing government property.

And DOJ has said it is closely monitoring the House Committee's investigation, where key gaps in the evidence (missing phone records at EOP, SS, HSA, & DOD) have come to light in the past few weeks. Seems more likely that drove the decision to seize the materials sooner rather than later.
You are looking at it backwards from my point . he has been out of office 18 months and they wait until now?
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You are looking at it backwards from my point . he has been out of office 18 months and they wait until now?
They were already working on it for a while. Plus they gave Trump months to comply. If they had gone earlier, you would say they didn't give Trump enough time
I do want a good answer from lawyers and others on here who care about the Law. My understanding is this Raid was done where Trump's lawyer could not be present. Was there a subpoena? What did it say they were there to look for? Do any of us truly even know what they were looking for? These are questions I ask because if they can do this to Trump then as I said in an earlier post they can do that to us? What about rights of the individual no matter who they are? Why weren't Trump's lawyers not allowed to be on the premises? There was a report I saw where they asked those at Mar-a- Lago to turn off the security cameras. Why would they do this and do they have a legal right to request or demand it?
Sounds like you've been reading some conspiracy theories.
In every jurisdiction of the United States thats a local law enforcement issue. Only in Garlands world do you go to DEFCON 1 and mobilize the federal agency designed to stop more 9/11 style mass murder. Hell he even by-passed normal FBI law enforcement. Garland has no business being AG.
George Zimmerman is a murderer.
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Isn't it the Law that the President is the one who classifies or declassifies documents? Also where have you heard this Mara Lago raid was about his taxes? Friend, did you listen to Trump's speech before the January 6 incident? Also these people who were unwise to enter the capital had the door opened for them. Where was the capital police? Why did they just open the door? I actually wonder why people on the Left don't answer these questions.
What am I worried about? It is the rule of law. I am worried when it looks like government agencies are being used to squash their perceived enemies. That is what happened at Mara Logo (or however you spell it) Ok, right now if nothing comes from this RAID will you admit that this was about politics. It was about trying to make sure Trump doesn't run again?
Stick to your burpet.
What I think is so funny is the same people who are all over Trump about this (and I think he's guilty as hell) are the same people that were defending Hillary and her lack of judgement.
Typical character assassination without evidence.
Which is precisely why they decided to execute the raid to avoid that type of behavior.
I like the word "Raid" it sounds as if they were going in to get one of the most dangerous men alive. I envision a "Scarface" type of anticipated confrontation. The FBI in the words of my late gradfather "couldn't stop a hog in a ten foot alley" when it comes to real issues so they send 30+ armed agents to a 70+ year old mans residence.

Talk about being the laughing stalk of the world we just hit number 1.
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Who are 'they' in the big conspiracy that's in your head?

Is it the lifelong republican in charge of the FBI or was it the lifelong Republican judge that signed the affidavit?

Both were appointed by Trump.

Please explain how those two facts can exist in your conspiracy.

It can't.

Which means your conspiracy is pure lunacy.

The judge is an Obama donor, a Trump hater, and a low-life drifter, but good try.

I like the word "Raid" it sounds as if they were going in to get one of the most dangerous men alive. I envision a "Scarface" type of anticipated confrontation. The FBI in the words of my late gradfather "couldn't stop a hog in a ten foot alley" when it comes to real issues so they send 30+ armed agents to a 70+ year old mans residence.

Talk about being the laughing stalk of the world we just hit number 1.
The FBI is corrupt as hell, obviously. As is the Dept of Injustice. Not debatable points.
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The judge is an Obama donor, a Trump hater, and a low-life drifter, but good try.

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Where is the Librarian that blew the whistle? Did he retire or is he in the basement with Biden?
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