Mar-a-Lago is Under Siege

That’s not how I remember it. I was a Hillary supporter and to me it was like, how stupid can you get? Meaning how stupid can Hillary get to put that on her private server at home. Brain-damaged stupid. Aloha was constantly giving his high security view of the situation and while a few posters here may have argued, there was obviously no good argument against what he was saying.

You’re just making shit up to defend Trump. Have it it pal, but don’t pretend otherwise.
Bull Shit. You may have taken that stance but that was not the sentiment of the majority of the left leaning posters on this board and you provide the evidence for that in your post. Aloha was having to explain why it was a B.F.D. precisely because so many were claiming it was not.

Take your L on this one. You are wrong.
It was Trump himself and his lawyers. The GSA packed up those boxes and shipped them to Trump. They are disagreeing as to what should be his and what should be turned over. The government sent people out to Mar-a-Lago in June to meet with Trump's lawyers. They were shown the boxes in the basement. They requested that a padlock be put on the door to the location and nothing moved. That was complied with.

Less than 2 months later the FBI is showing up to rifle through panty drawers and cut the locks off the rooms the DOJ investigators had asked to be locked.

I know, a bunch of you think Trump is the worstest thing ever and that these are special circumstances but all of this looks like a bull shit political stunt that has never been done before to about half the country. I just want people to remember back to these threads when fishing expeditions are done in retaliation.
If we ever have someone in office as openly corrupt as Trump, I’ll be happy to see the chips fall where they may. No matter what party they are in.
Bull Shit. You may have taken that stance but that was not the sentiment of the majority of the left leaning posters on this board and you provide the evidence for that in your post. Aloha was having to explain why it was a B.F.D. precisely because so many were claiming it was not.

Take your L on this one. You are wrong.
Backatcha bullshit machine. There are certain highly vocal people on both sides of the aisle here at the water cooler who the majority don’t take very seriously. You’re focusing on those lefties who I might even have on ignore. That doesn’t make up the majority of the people on the left.

If you can’t find posts using the search engine then name posters. Name five or 10 left-leaning posters whose opinion matters to most of us who fit your description. Or cease and desist with your lame character assassinations. Trump is Trump and no matter what anybody else does or did trump has to answer for his crimes against humanity.
If we ever have someone in office as openly corrupt as Trump, I’ll be happy to see the chips fall where they may. No matter what party they are in.
You have one now. That's the thing, you think you get to pick and choose what you think is corrupt. Guess what, when the other side gets in power they won't care about your opinion. They have a whole bunch of people like you on their side who wil be itching for revenge too.

That has been my point going back on this for weeks. It opens Pandora's box.
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Backatcha bullshit machine. There are certain highly vocal people on both sides of the aisle here at the water cooler who the majority don’t take very seriously. You’re focusing on those lefties who I might even have on ignore. That doesn’t make up the majority of the people on the left.

If you can’t find posts using the search engine then name posters. Name five or 10 left-leaning posters whose opinion matters to most of us who fit your description. Or cease and desist with your lame character assassinations. Trump is Trump and no matter what anybody else does or did trump has to answer for his crimes against humanity.
And when those names are provided and you move the goalposts again? No thank you. It is a fool's errand to try and please a dishonest fool in this way. So with that, good day sir.
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It was Trump himself and his lawyers. The GSA packed up those boxes and shipped them to Trump. They are disagreeing as to what should be his and what should be turned over. The government sent people out to Mar-a-Lago in June to meet with Trump's lawyers. They were shown the boxes in the basement. They requested that a padlock be put on the door to the location and nothing moved. That was complied with.

Less than 2 months later the FBI is showing up to rifle through panty drawers and cut the locks off the rooms the DOJ investigators had asked to be locked.

I know, a bunch of you think Trump is the worstest thing ever and that these are special circumstances but all of this looks like a bull shit political stunt that has never been done before to about half the country. I just want people to remember back to these threads when fishing expeditions are done in retaliation.
Pretty incredible if this is actually how it went down. I didn’t think it was possible, but the longer they go without saying anything at all, the less certain I become.
There’s also a contingent that believes both were wrong. And that both should be treated according.
That cat is out of the bag. A precedent was already set. Trump should get exactly the punishment that Hillary got.
And when those names are provided and you move the goalposts again? No thank you. It is a fool's errand to try and please a dishonest fool in this way. So with that, good day sir.
Lol lame game James.

What goalpost have I moved? I ask for evidence to support your character assassinations. You assert that you cannot find posts/evidence using the search engine. OK, tell me who you’re searching for. Goat? Sope Creek? Hoosboot? Hoot1? Rockfish1?
No clue what you are talking about but I can refer you to multiple times when world leaders laughed at Trump to his face, including his speech at the UN. So drink away.
Typically men and women do not laugh directly in the face of senile old men or women it is courtesy. If you don't think world leaders are foaming at the mouth to take advantage of a sitting President who might have issues spelling his name you have obviously drank too much.

The Democratic Party should be investigated for elder abuse for what they are doing to Biden.
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You have one now. That's the thing, you think you get to pick and choose what you think is corrupt. Guess what, when the other side gets in power they won't care about your opinion. They have a whole bunch of people like you on their side who wil be itching for revenge too.

That has been my point going back on this for weeks. It opens Pandora's box.
The problem with this lame argument you keep asserting is that I don’t have anything against George Bush, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, you name them. There’s only one president who has sucked so bad as Trump in terms of being disrespectful of the Office, disrespectful of The duties of the president, disrespectful of our allies, disrespectful of the free press, and so forth. I have no idea if there have been presidents in the distant past who have been so criminally egregious because I don’t study presidential history that well but no one that I know of.
Pretty incredible if this is actually how it went down. I didn’t think it was possible, but the longer they go without saying anything at all, the less certain I become.
Why? Matt Taibi has an article that is behind his pay wall that basically said that this is playing out like these have almost always played out because they are intended to be political stories.

The FBI raids Trump, or gets a FISA warrant to monitor him because "Russians". The talking heads all come out immediately and say that they must really have some dirt on him to go to this extreme. Twitter lights up, "We got that asshole now..." And months from now, nothing. They really went on next to nothing and it is because of the political hacks that are at the top of these organizations making decisions based off their disdain for a guy.

Trump is a dick, an asshole, a huckster, a showman, and worst of all, he drives the left nuts and he stole the continuation of Obama from them and slowed their Manifest destiny. So they have absolutely zero rationality about the guy and it has lead them to do extremely irrational things that have damaged the credibility of government institutions that HAVE to be viewed as nonpartisan. But we chucked all those norms because the orange man wasn't norms and here we are.

Biden was supposed to be a return to norms. That is why some Republicans switched to vote for him as opposed to Trump. I don't feel like norms are restored here.
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That cat is out of the bag. A precedent was already set. Trump should get exactly the punishment that Hillary got.
I said it 5 years ago and I still believe it: I think it is VERY likely that Hillary, by destroying those 30,000 emails, destroyed evidence that kept her out of jail. I also think that action is the largest contributing factor for Trump winning the 2016 election (It is the one definitive thing he could point to and say "See, this is why she can not be trusted").
Hillary didn't go to jail, but lost the election and will likely never hold public office again.

I agree, I believe Trump should get the exact same punishment.
Pretty incredible if this is actually how it went down. I didn’t think it was possible, but the longer they go without saying anything at all, the less certain I become.
Criminal investigations aren't conducted in public. Trump - - not the FBI, not the Justice Department - - went public with this.

Trump's got the warrant, and he knows exactly how it went down and what was taken. He's in the best position to come forward regarding exactly what transpired. But the details are, no doubt, devastating for Trump. He'd much prefer to have his sycophants in the media ramp up the reckless rhetoric and have his low information followers run wild with baseless speculation. He loves being viewed as St. Donald, Martyr, in the Cult.
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Why? Matt Taibi has an article that is behind his pay wall that basically said that this is playing out like these have almost always played out because they are intended to be political stories.

The FBI raids Trump, or gets a FISA warrant to monitor him because "Russians". The talking heads all come out immediately and say that they must really have some dirt on him to go to this extreme. Twitter lights up, "We got that asshole now..." And months from now, nothing. They really went on next to nothing and it is because of the political hacks that are at the top of these organizations making decisions based off their disdain for a guy.

Trump is a dick, an asshole, a huckster, a showman, and worst of all, he drives the left nuts and he stole the continuation of Obama from them and slowed their Manifest destiny. So they have absolutely zero rationality about the guy and it has lead them to do extremely irrational things that have damaged the credibility of government institutions that HAVE to be viewed as nonpartisan. But we chucked all those norms because the orange man wasn't norms and here we are.

Biden was supposed to be a return to norms. That is why some Republicans switched to vote for him as opposed to Trump. I don't feel like norms are restored here.

Democrats have damaged the credibility of institutions?

You need to change your moniker to Trump light, amigo.
I said it 5 years ago and I still believe it: I think it is VERY likely that Hillary, by destroying those 30,000 emails, destroyed evidence that kept her out of jail. I also think that action is the largest contributing factor for Trump winning the 2016 election (It is the one definitive thing he could point to and say "See, this is why she can not be trusted").
Hillary didn't go to jail, but lost the election and will likely never hold public office again.

I agree, I believe Trump should get the exact same punishment.
So you think Trump should be able to run again and let the chips fall where they may (that is what "happened" to Clinton)?
You have one now. That's the thing, you think you get to pick and choose what you think is corrupt. Guess what, when the other side gets in power they won't care about your opinion. They have a whole bunch of people like you on their side who wil be itching for revenge too.

That has been my point going back on this for weeks. It opens Pandora's box.
That’s nonsense. Comparing Trump corruption with anyone in recent history just doesn’t work. He was proudly corrupt as was much of his administration. He’d been taught his entire life he could get away with anything and he’s lived that way. And there are still people enabling him to live that way. It’s sad.
Criminal investigations aren't conducted in public. Trump - - not the FBI, not the Justice Department - - went public with this.

Trump's got the warrant, and he knows exactly how it went down and what was taken. He's in the best position to come forward regarding exactly what transpired. But the details are, no doubt, devastating for Trump. He'd much prefer to have his sycophants in the media ramp up the reckless rhetoric and have his low information followers run wild with baseless speculation. He loves being viewed as St. Donald, Martyr, in the Cult.
They're not conducted in public, other than when the Leftists want them to be conducted in public through leaks, which happens all the time. When it's time to answer for their corruption, the FBI & DOJ clam up tighter than a nun's.....
Typically men and women do not laugh directly in the face of senile old men or women it is courtesy. If you don't think world leaders are foaming at the mouth to take advantage of a sitting President who might have issues spelling his name you have obviously drank too much.

The Democratic Party should be investigated for elder abuse for what they are doing to Biden.
They did it with Trump, didn’t they? Stop with the senile nonsense. It’s ignorant.
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Both things happened. Why aren’t you an honest person?
Far too vague. Which "both things?"

The post I responded to said ""these people who were unwise to enter the capital had the door opened for them." That is definitely not what happened -- police did not stand aside until they were overwhelmed, injured or disabled.

But if you can post video showing peaceful demonstrators strolling up to a secure Capitol guard station and police graciously opening doors and removing the riot barricades, I'll certainly take a look at it.
They're not conducted in public, other than when the Leftists want them to be conducted in public through leaks, which happens all the time. When it's time to answer for their corruption, the FBI & DOJ clam up tighter than a nun's.....
Right. They were very quiet about Hillary investigation, right? It was the Trump investigation we didn’t know about in 2016. As he was loudly pronouncing they no one under investigation should be allowed to run.
That’s not how I remember it. I was a Hillary supporter and to me it was like, how stupid can you get? Meaning how stupid can Hillary get to put that on her private server at home. Brain-damaged stupid. Aloha was constantly giving his high security view of the situation and while a few posters here may have argued, there was obviously no good argument against what he was saying.

You’re just making shit up to defend Trump. Have it it pal, but don’t pretend otherwise.
Yet some did try to argue against what I was saying. ;)
''As he was loudly pronouncing they no one under investigation should be allowed to run.''

You really need to get whatever it is that you claim writes your posts for you to do a better job
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They're not conducted in public, other than when the Leftists want them to be conducted in public through leaks, which happens all the time. When it's time to answer for their corruption, the FBI & DOJ clam up tighter than a nun's.....
Sure. There have been some notable exceptions. Like when that leftist FBI Director James Comey announced 11 days before the Nov 2016 presidential election that he was reopening the investigation into conservative Hillary Clinton.
Do you ever post anything serious anymore? It’s sad what has happened to people who used to have some interesting things to say.
Do you ever post anything serious anymore? It’s sad what has happened to people who used to have some interesting things to say.
You requesting serious discussion on this board is a joke, Zeke. When’s the last time you provided data? Answered a question asked of you in good faith?

You gleefully call 80,000,000 people “Deplorable.” There is no serious conversation possible with such brainwashed bigotry.
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Trump's destruction of what was once a great party continues. Sad.
To quote my old pal JB...

"Where it all ends, I can't fathom my friends"...

How do people like Kari Lake and Taylor-Robson co-exist in the same party going forward, after Lake and her ilk spent the entire Primary campaign (which she ended up winning) that her opponents were cheating and it was a fixed game? We know when all of these election deniers end up losing in the general they'll all play the "cheating" card. But how do you as a party survive when policy differences have evolved into if I lose you cheated preemptive determinations?
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It was Trump himself and his lawyers. The GSA packed up those boxes and shipped them to Trump. They are disagreeing as to what should be his and what should be turned over. The government sent people out to Mar-a-Lago in June to meet with Trump's lawyers. They were shown the boxes in the basement. They requested that a padlock be put on the door to the location and nothing moved. That was complied with.

Less than 2 months later the FBI is showing up to rifle through panty drawers and cut the locks off the rooms the DOJ investigators had asked to be locked.

I know, a bunch of you think Trump is the worstest thing ever and that these are special circumstances but all of this looks like a bull shit political stunt that has never been done before to about half the country. I just want people to remember back to these threads when fishing expeditions are done in retaliation.
Your post reminds of something else.

I've been through a number of office moves and we always numbered the boxes and typed up at least a rudimentary list of what was inside each one. We put one copy inside each box and had several other paper copies plus the copy on the word processor. I'm sure the GSA movers did something similar when Trump moved out.

News stories indicate the National Archives constantly kept lists of documents in the possession of the White House. It is easy to see that, after Trump left office, a lot of people could compare these lists and figure out what was missing.

It's possible some documents were lost innocently, but we know Trump tore up some documents that his staff taped back together (later returned to the National Archives in that condition) and that he tried to flush other torn documents down the toilet. We also know that Trump ordered that his children receive top security clearances that the security officials didn't want to grant and that Trump sometimes used his private unsecure cell phone instead of a government issue secure phone. He chased staff members from the room when he was meeting with Putin.

We all want to know what documents were the reason for the search, but no one can seriously claim Trump gave absolutely no reason for us to think he might not be handling the documents securely.
So you think Trump should be able to run again and let the chips fall where they may (that is what "happened" to Clinton)?
Absolutely. Despite the first 18 months being a disaster for Joe / Democrats, I think Trump has no shot at winning the general in 2024. He already lost in 2020 and his actions since that time have not improved his position / opinion among voters. This latest item will just be another log on the fire of things that can be thrown in his face to prove that.
Evidence of Trump being an actual criminal or just shooting your mouth off as usual?
So Trump has repeatedly claimed that mishandling classified documents (with relation to HRC) was a crime.
Need a refresher?

So that compilation was posted 5 months ago, when his original theft of classified documents was made public and he returned 15 boxes to the National Archives. His hypocrisy was on full display at that time...

Now we have learned that the reason the FBI knew he still had more and was brazenly attempting to keep them, was that someone within his inner circle ratted him out and told the FBI what he was hiding and where...The speculation on who that was will be interesting to watch and will undoubtedly reveal a significant degree of paranoia from within Trump world...

But since you seem confused over "criminal activity", are you now claiming that Trump was lying, or at the very least confused when he declared that Clinton engaged in "calculated, deliberate, premeditated misconduct" and that it was a crime?

You don't think that deliberately refusing to return classified documents once you have been directed to do so falls under Trump's own definition? I mean how can you accept Trump's definition of "criminal activity" and then attempt to absolve him for engaging in the very conduct he's previously condemned?
If Trump wasn’t such an effective rude prick, he'd be more sympathetic here.

As is, everybody on all sides are unpersuadable.

We need prime time hearings!!!
So Trump has repeatedly claimed that mishandling classified documents (with relation to HRC) was a crime.
Need a refresher?

So that compilation was posted 5 months ago, when his original theft of classified documents was made public and he returned 15 boxes to the National Archives. His hypocrisy was on full display at that time...

Now we have learned that the reason the FBI knew he still had more and was brazenly attempting to keep them, was that someone within his inner circle ratted him out and told the FBI what he was hiding and where...The speculation on who that was will be interesting to watch and will undoubtedly reveal a significant degree of paranoia from within Trump world...

But since you seem confused over "criminal activity", are you now claiming that Trump was lying, or at the very least confused when he declared that Clinton engaged in "calculated, deliberate, premeditated misconduct" and that it was a crime?

You don't think that deliberately refusing to return classified documents once you have been directed to do so falls under Trump's own definition? I mean how can you accept Trump's definition of "criminal activity" and then attempt to absolve him for engaging in the very conduct he's previously condemned?
For starters Zeke has been blasting her sh*t long before this was what I was referring to .

None of us know what is in these documents and just because some ''informant'' told the FBI something makes it true? I have no idea and neither do you but again I was referring to Zeke yammering about this constantly long before this. Did Trump destroy cell phones with a hammer? I mean that is beyond obvious but I'm sure doesn't bother you.

I almost had some sympathy for you the other day but sometimes karma is a bitch and seeks people out.
Backatcha bullshit machine. There are certain highly vocal people on both sides of the aisle here at the water cooler who the majority don’t take very seriously. You’re focusing on those lefties who I might even have on ignore. That doesn’t make up the majority of the people on the left.

If you can’t find posts using the search engine then name posters. Name five or 10 left-leaning posters whose opinion matters to most of us who fit your description. Or cease and desist with your lame character assassinations. Trump is Trump and no matter what anybody else does or did trump has to answer for his crimes against humanity.
Your definition of humanity is different than mine! Trump did nothing to hurt humanity ! He also had a common sense approach to climate change!
Right. They were very quiet about Hillary investigation, right? It was the Trump investigation we didn’t know about in 2016. As he was loudly pronouncing they no one under investigation should be allowed to run.
Republicans actually may have reason to like the way Hillary's investigation was handled.

The FBI surprised everyone by reopening her case about one week before the 2016 election, and this surprise may well have put Trump over the top to get elected.
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Then again, Trump may have taken something he shouldn't have taken but didn't know it.

They are the same far as we know. Trump allegedly has classified documents he should not have and did not hand them over. Clinton had digital classified documents on her server she should not have and did not hand over the servers until she had tried to erase everything.

Garland a criminal? I guess it depends on the definition. I think he is a political hack using the justice system to even political scores. I think he has proven time and time again the McConnell refusing to even consider him for the Supreme Court was the best decision of McConnell entire career. I see him as another in a long line of "Justice" Department members who have gone out of their way to burn the confidence in our "justice" system (and Nat Sec agencies) to the ground in an attempt to settle political scores and impact elections.

You had an agency that lied about all sorts of crap I have no interest in rehashing right now basically saying, "trust us" as they do something completely unheard of in our Democratic Republic. So much for "norms".

As I said, this will be answered in a tit for tat. You can see that from people on the right who were not even Trump supporters saying "WT actual F are you idiots doing."
We know that the judge who signed the warrant was a Trump appointee, and that he has requested the warrant be unsealed by Aug 15. We also know that the reason the FBI was made aware of additional documents not being willingly returned was that someone in Trump's inner circle turned informer. The fact that someone was privy to the knowledge of what had been kept and informed the FBI of it after the Archives had previously picked up 15 boxes, basically blows a hole in any claim that Trump was unaware of the fact that he was committing an unlawful act.

You'll notice none of the denials focus on claiming there were NO classified documents seized, and both the warrant and the list of seized materials are in Trump's possession and could be released by him at any time. And as has been pointed out, the FBI chose Monday because it was just outside the 90 day threshold (92 days) prior to the midterms. The irony is that while many people are attempting to mindlessly complain about the FBI engaging in "political tactics", the exact opposite is true.

The FBI actually went out of their way to avoid violating Trump's privacy or to prejudice his public image. The primary example of that is the fact that they did not even announce the raid or acknowledge that it had occurred. That info was released by Trump, and he decided to do so long after the raid actually concluded, mainly to portray himself as victim. There were no news crews on site that had been alerted by the FBI. As far as the FBI was concerned it was a secret operation...

They purposely chose a day when he was not at the site, to avoid any pics or videos from news reports showing him being present and confronted by FBI agents. Basically the opposite of a perp walk, although they never intended to arrest him or put him in any handcuffs. They also dressed in plainclothes (not the usual FBI jackets) to avoid any type of photos which might possibly display prejudice against him. Reports are that the decision makers at the FBI deliberated for weeks over the pros and cons of staging the raid, after they received the info from the informant.

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For starters Zeke has been blasting her sh*t long before this was what I was referring to .

None of us know what is in these documents and just because some ''informant'' told the FBI something makes it true? I have no idea and neither do you but again I was referring to Zeke yammering about this constantly long before this. Did Trump destroy cell phones with a hammer? I mean that is beyond obvious but I'm sure doesn't bother you.

I almost had some sympathy for you the other day but sometimes karma is a bitch and seeks people out.


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