Mar-a-Lago is Under Siege

I do want a good answer from lawyers and others on here who care about the Law. My understanding is this Raid was done where Trump's lawyer could not be present. Was there a subpoena? What did it say they were there to look for? Do any of us truly even know what they were looking for? These are questions I ask because if they can do this to Trump then as I said in an earlier post they can do that to us? What about rights of the individual no matter who they are? Why weren't Trump's lawyers not allowed to be on the premises? There was a report I saw where they asked those at Mar-a- Lago to turn off the security cameras. Why would they do this and do they have a legal right to request or demand it?
This sorry search gets stranger by the day.

  • Garland apparently did not sign off.
  • In my state experience the warrant must be served. This one wasn’t
  • The FBI busted a lock and entered a room that the government asked Trump to secure—and he did.
  • Archives publicly said Trump was cooperating.
  • Nobody knows what the FBI was looking for, everything is under seal. Looks like the order for sealing was entered by a documented and admitted Trump hater.

  • FBI didn’t want to be recorded. As far as I know, recording law enforcement is not against the law.

  • SOP is for a law enforcement videographer be present and working when searching a private residence. This is to protect from civil liability.
  • FBI would not allow Trumps lawyer to observe search. Not normal Operating procedure in my experience.
I like the word "Raid" it sounds as if they were going in to get one of the most dangerous men alive. I envision a "Scarface" type of anticipated confrontation. The FBI in the words of my late gradfather "couldn't stop a hog in a ten foot alley" when it comes to real issues so they send 30+ armed agents to a 70+ year old mans residence.

Talk about being the laughing stalk of the world we just hit number 1.
No, we were the laughing stock of the world when Trump was president. World leaders laughed at him to his face. They are wondering what took so long.
No, we were the laughing stock of the world when Trump was president. World leaders laughed at him to his face. They are wondering what took so long.
Ok, I'll have what you are drinking. I wonder if Biden still has his hand out waiting to shake Schumer's hand for the second time? And what would I do if Kamala didn't tell me that people in America are getting pregnant daily?
We are lead by the best! Again I'll have what you are drinking.
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No, we were the laughing stock of the world when Trump was president. World leaders laughed at him to his face. They are wondering what took so long.
You just really blather on to hear yourself talk don't you? Did you have an extra passport for the mini Trump living in your head when you went on vacation?

They are laughing at the doddering old fool that falls up stairs , cant put his own jacket on, his glasses fall off his face and half the time he has no clue what he is even saying. I guess when you are in his cult though you never see that.
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He wasn't Trump appointed.

Wray definitely was.

Sorry, I was wrong about the judge. Guess that was bad info. Edited original post

It still took Wray to sign off on it and he is not a democrat lackey by any stretch of the imagination.
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Ok, I'll have what you are drinking. I wonder if Biden still has his hand out waiting to shake Schumer's hand for the second time? And what would I do if Kamala didn't tell me that people in America are getting pregnant daily?
We are lead by the best! Again I'll have what you are drinking.
No clue what you are talking about but I can refer you to multiple times when world leaders laughed at Trump to his face, including his speech at the UN. So drink away.
No clue what you are talking about but I can refer you to multiple times when world leaders laughed at Trump to his face, including his speech at the UN. So drink away.
NO CLUE , exactly right because you have no clue about most of the crap you post. Its ridiculous and you should really step back and look at how foolish you look to the normal people that aren't in your cult.

By all means refer those to us and tell us in minute detail the conversation and exactly what they were laughing at? My money is on you were standing behind Trump stalking him and they were laughing at you.
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"Show me the man and I'll show you the crime"

Lavrently Beria , head of Stalin's secret police.

Also, the JD's guiding philosophy in it's political prosecutions.
You seem triggered. No worries if he didn’t commit crimes, right? Don’t you wonder why he just didn’t give them back? Don’t you wonder why Trump hadn’t made the affidavit public?
This sorry search gets stranger by the day.

  • Garland apparently did not sign off.
  • In my state experience the warrant must be served. This one wasn’t
  • The FBI busted a lock and entered a room that the government asked Trump to secure—and he did.
  • Archives publicly said Trump was cooperating.
  • Nobody knows what the FBI was looking for, everything is under seal. Looks like the order for sealing was entered by a documented and admitted Trump hater.

  • FBI didn’t want to be recorded. As far as I know, recording law enforcement is not against the law.

  • SOP is for a law enforcement videographer be present and working when searching a private residence. This is to protect from civil liability.
  • FBI would not allow Trumps lawyer to observe search. Not normal Operating procedure in my experience.
Links for your bullshit?
NO CLUE , exactly right because you have no clue about most of the crap you post. Its ridiculous and you should really step back and look at how foolish you look to the normal people that aren't in your cult.

By all means refer those to us and tell us in minute detail the conversation and exactly what they were laughing at? My money is on you were standing behind Trump stalking him and they were laughing at you.

I don't think you qualify as normal ;) at least I hope not or we are all doomed
No, we were the laughing stock of the world when Trump was president. World leaders laughed at him to his face. They are wondering what took so long.
Yep. Soleimani laughed his ass off, literally.

The Germans are already ramping up coal combustion because Merkel laughed so hard at Trumps Nordstream warnings.

Oh, and did you catch how hard the Afghanistan women and girls are laughing now?
No clue what you are talking about but I can refer you to multiple times when world leaders laughed at Trump to his face, including his speech at the UN. So drink away.
Also, Trump being a national stain and embarrassment and Biden's aloofness aren't really an either/or thing.

What world leaders said and how they reacted to Trump are VERY different from how the react to Biden for reasons that should be obvious.
Yep. Soleimani laughed his ass off, literally.

The Germans are already ramping up coal combustion because Merkel laughed so hard at Trumps Nordstream warnings.

Oh, and did you catch how hard the Afghanistan women and girls are laughing now?
But what about…
No, we were the laughing stock of the world when Trump was president. World leaders laughed at him to his face. They are wondering what took so long.

Yes......much better off with Russia & China these days. At least if we don't get nuked.
Yep. Soleimani laughed his ass off, literally.

The Germans are already ramping up coal combustion because Merkel laughed so hard at Trumps Nordstream warnings.

Oh, and did you catch how hard the Afghanistan women and girls are laughing now?

lol don't worry, you are the laughing stock of this forum with your constant defense of trump.
Also, Trump being a national stain and embarrassment and Biden's aloofness aren't really an either/or thing.

What world leaders said and how they reacted to Trump are VERY different from how the react to Biden for reasons that should be obvious.
I see the way the leaders of Russia and China have reacted to Biden. It's not good.
This sorry search gets stranger by the day.

  • Garland apparently did not sign off.
  • In my state experience the warrant must be served. This one wasn’t
  • The FBI busted a lock and entered a room that the government asked Trump to secure—and he did.
  • Archives publicly said Trump was cooperating.
  • Nobody knows what the FBI was looking for, everything is under seal. Looks like the order for sealing was entered by a documented and admitted Trump hater.

  • FBI didn’t want to be recorded. As far as I know, recording law enforcement is not against the law.

  • SOP is for a law enforcement videographer be present and working when searching a private residence. This is to protect from civil liability.
  • FBI would not allow Trumps lawyer to observe search. Not normal Operating procedure in my experience.
Shorter COH: Garland didn’t sign off but all my Garland character assassinations still apply.
Also, Trump being a national stain and embarrassment and Biden's aloofness aren't really an either/or thing.

What world leaders said and how they reacted to Trump are VERY different from how the react to Biden for reasons that should be obvious.
"Aloofness" isn't Biden's problem.
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Yep. Soleimani laughed his ass off, literally.

The Germans are already ramping up coal combustion because Merkel laughed so hard at Trumps Nordstream warnings.

Oh, and did you catch how hard the Afghanistan women and girls are laughing now?
It is striking how perfectly inversely proportional your bullshit meter is to the quality of your content.
Yep. Soleimani laughed his ass off, literally.

The Germans are already ramping up coal combustion because Merkel laughed so hard at Trumps Nordstream warnings.

Oh, and did you catch how hard the Afghanistan women and girls are laughing now?
she only cares about women if they are a pregnant Democrat third grader with a penis seeking a combo abortion-transgender clinic
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Isn't it the Law that the President is the one who classifies or declassifies documents? Also where have you heard this Mara Lago raid was about his taxes? Friend, did you listen to Trump's speech before the January 6 incident? Also these people who were unwise to enter the capital had the door opened for them. Where was the capital police? Why did they just open the door? I actually wonder why people on the Left don't answer these questions.
What am I worried about? It is the rule of law. I am worried when it looks like government agencies are being used to squash their perceived enemies. That is what happened at Mara Logo (or however you spell it) Ok, right now if nothing comes from this RAID will you admit that this was about politics. It was about trying to make sure Trump doesn't run again?
Why in the world would an honest man of God say "these people who were unwise to enter the capital had the door opened for them. Where was the capital police? Why did they just open the door?" You yourself saw photos and videos of the rioters breaking windows and forcing doors to get into the Capitol and dragging police officers down the Capitol steps while spraying them with bear spray and poking them with flag poles? Why would any honest person say what you said?

The police were outnumbered, were attacked and some of them were injured while others eventually gave up and surrendered to the mob. The police did not open the doors for anyone of their own free will (which used to be an important concept in Protestant churches).
LOL Bowlmania thinks you are making it up because it is not fitting his narrative. Remember he thinks the FBI good squad is great and he has zero issue with targeting political opponents. The guy is the biggest lefty on this whole site and it is not even close.
No, he's requesting links based on past posting patterns.
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Any guesses on who the "rat" is from Trump world that flipped and provided the info to the FBI/DOJ?
It was Trump himself and his lawyers. The GSA packed up those boxes and shipped them to Trump. They are disagreeing as to what should be his and what should be turned over. The government sent people out to Mar-a-Lago in June to meet with Trump's lawyers. They were shown the boxes in the basement. They requested that a padlock be put on the door to the location and nothing moved. That was complied with.

Less than 2 months later the FBI is showing up to rifle through panty drawers and cut the locks off the rooms the DOJ investigators had asked to be locked.

I know, a bunch of you think Trump is the worstest thing ever and that these are special circumstances but all of this looks like a bull shit political stunt that has never been done before to about half the country. I just want people to remember back to these threads when fishing expeditions are done in retaliation.
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Typical character assassination without evidence.

Yeah, nobody was downplaying what Hillary did at all.....

The search feature only went back to 2017 but everyone here who is being honest knows that there were a whole bunch of posters here going to the mat for Hillary to say what she did was not a big deal. Any attempt to deny that on your part is just willful deceit.
You are looking at it backwards from my point . he has been out of office 18 months and they wait until now?
No, the archive agency first raised this issue of missing documents about May, 2021, and various feds talked to Trump more than once in Feb. and June of this year. You don't like it, but Trump had several chances to avoid the search warrant.

By the way, Trump also had the chance to avoid having to sit for formal testimony in the New York case and publicly take the Fifth Amendment 400 times. Michael Cohen pleaded guilty in 2018 and started talking to authorities -- Trump knew four years ago that the NY tax problems were coming. But Trump dragged his feet in both the document and tax matters, daring the others to do something about it.

Well, they did do something about it, didn't they? Trump 2024!
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Why in the world would an honest man of God say "these people who were unwise to enter the capital had the door opened for them. Where was the capital police? Why did they just open the door?" You yourself saw photos and videos of the rioters breaking windows and forcing doors to get into the Capitol and dragging police officers down the Capitol steps while spraying them with bear spray and poking them with flag poles? Why would any honest person say what you said?

The police were outnumbered, were attacked and some of them were injured while others eventually gave up and surrendered to the mob. The police did not open the doors for anyone of their own free will (which used to be an important concept in Protestant churches).
Both things happened. Why aren’t you an honest person?

Yeah, nobody was downplaying what Hillary did at all.....

The search feature only went back to 2017 but everyone here who is being honest knows that there were a whole bunch of posters here going to the mat for Hillary to say what she did was not a big deal. Any attempt to deny that on your part is just willful deceit.
Willful deceit is what they do, what they train to do, what they love to do, what they are best at, what they enjoy most, what they teach their children.
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Yeah, nobody was downplaying what Hillary did at all.....

The search feature only went back to 2017 but everyone here who is being honest knows that there were a whole bunch of posters here going to the mat for Hillary to say what she did was not a big deal. Any attempt to deny that on your part is just willful deceit.
That’s not how I remember it. I was a Hillary supporter and to me it was like, how stupid can you get? Meaning how stupid can Hillary get to put that on her private server at home. Brain-damaged stupid. Aloha was constantly giving his high security view of the situation and while a few posters here may have argued, there was obviously no good argument against what he was saying.

You’re just making shit up to defend Trump. Have it it pal, but don’t pretend otherwise.
she only cares about women if they are a pregnant Democrat third grader with a penis seeking a combo abortion-transgender clinic
Do you ever post anything serious anymore? It’s sad what has happened to people who used to have some interesting things to say.
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Do you ever post anything serious anymore? It’s sad what has happened to people who used to have some interesting things to say.
I think this warrant on Mar-a-Lago has struck a lot of nerves on both sides of the aisle. A lot of Democrats are in glee. I think it’s a lot worse for the Republicans because they have been struggling to appease their own conscience about voting for Trump and this makes that even worse.

They voted twice for someone who got impeached twice and now has had his home and office raided by the FBI. They desperately want to be winners but this just exacerbates how much voting for Trump makes you a loser.
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You should probably take the same advice yourself. Your level or distain for conservatives is just mind boggling. You have nothing better in life than to sit around and hope conservatives go the jail, etc? No hobbies? Nothing else? You kind of prove my point on why I think you are a very unhappy person. Normal people do not sit around wishing people to go prison, etc.
Wait aren’t you the one that just posted he was the biggest leftie on the forum? Like that’s an insult? Maybe look in the mirror there.
What I think is so funny is the same people who are all over Trump about this (and I think he's guilty as hell) are the same people that were defending Hillary and her lack of judgement.
There’s also a contingent that believes both were wrong. And that both should be treated accordingly.
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