This sorry search gets stranger by the day.I do want a good answer from lawyers and others on here who care about the Law. My understanding is this Raid was done where Trump's lawyer could not be present. Was there a subpoena? What did it say they were there to look for? Do any of us truly even know what they were looking for? These are questions I ask because if they can do this to Trump then as I said in an earlier post they can do that to us? What about rights of the individual no matter who they are? Why weren't Trump's lawyers not allowed to be on the premises? There was a report I saw where they asked those at Mar-a- Lago to turn off the security cameras. Why would they do this and do they have a legal right to request or demand it?
- Garland apparently did not sign off.
- In my state experience the warrant must be served. This one wasn’t
- The FBI busted a lock and entered a room that the government asked Trump to secure—and he did.
- Archives publicly said Trump was cooperating.
- Nobody knows what the FBI was looking for, everything is under seal. Looks like the order for sealing was entered by a documented and admitted Trump hater.
- FBI didn’t want to be recorded. As far as I know, recording law enforcement is not against the law.
- SOP is for a law enforcement videographer be present and working when searching a private residence. This is to protect from civil liability.
- FBI would not allow Trumps lawyer to observe search. Not normal Operating procedure in my experience.