So we have Justice Alito flying upside down flags. We have Trump dry humping our Flag.

Of course. But that’s not who set the 2020 agenda. It was Biden and his team of far left progressives. Let’s think about what the far left advocates. Crackdown on corporate greed. We hear that weekly from biden. End mass incarceration. Bail projects Harris promoted. Climate green. Biden took immediate action after taking office on same. Redistribution. Immigration change. Biden took 94 actions immediately. Throw in some identity politics and race-baiting at every turn if it shuffles like a duck….

Over a 100 members in the progressive caucus. They set the 2020 agenda and from Biden’s race-baiting on campuses and free loans I don’t see much changing.

That’s your party. Own it
Most of that is just silly, but even if not, I’d rather be that party than the morons on the right. You know, the one led by Trump, Marjorie T Greene, Josh Hawley, Matt Gaetz, Lauren BoBo, Ron Johnson, Paul Gosar, Gym Jordan… Enjoy the clowns that lead your shit show.
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My objections are based on issues. People who claim elementary schools should teach about sex, gay sex, and transsexualism are crazy. Mentally defective. People who claim math is racist - same. People who say every bakery in NYC must be compelled to sell cakes with penises on them are bigots complaining about bigotry. People who say history about slavery and Jim Crow is not taught in high schools and colleges are intentionally uninformed. People who claim Lincoln owned slaves are in a cult. People who like class basketball are evil.
Note: Sex Ed has been in the classrooms for decades. People who think history should not be taught are crazy. People who try to ban books are crazy. People who hyperbolize events that rarely happen are intentionally trying to stir the pot or are dishonest or misinformed.
Biden partnered with Bernie. You’re only using words and ignoring facts that you don’t like. No one thinks Biden is in charge. He’s controlled by the far left

Cradle to grave benefits endless stim
Border actions
Tax the rich
Race everything
Student loans

All of these were set by the far left and common knowledge. Mod Dems like sinema and manchin blocked much. It does no good to keep your head in the sand. You’ve done great damage to this country. It’s been overtaken by insane people with absurd policies
Biden partnered with Bernie. Lol. You do realize just because you say the same thing over and over does not make it so? No one gave cradle to grave benefits. The Republicans don’t care about the border except to use it as propaganda or they would have voted for their bill. We’ve already discussed the defund nonsense. I much prefer tax the rich than GOP give all the tax breaks to the rich and the corporations. Hell with everyone else. Get my elite buddies their money. Climate? lol the GOP are certainly leaders there. They think climate change is fake. You know, like the election. Race everything? Dumb. I know you hate student loans. The predatory interest rates are great. Much more important that the wealthy get a break than those who really need it.
Most of that is just silly, but even if not, I’d rather be that party than the morons on the right. You know, the one led by Trump, Marjorie T Greene, Josh Hawley, Matt Gaetz, Lauren BoBo, Ron Johnson, Paul Gosar, Gym Jordan… Enjoy the clowns that lead your shit show.
Josh Hawley a moron? He’s probably the most skilled rhetorician in the senate.

What I wouldn’t give to see you put your house mom/ elementary school teacher bona fides up against Hawley in a debate.

Know your place in this world.
Happy almost pride month to you OS. But could you and your Queer brothers please leave Dolly Parton's music alone?
Dolly is a gay icon. And right on schedule… congrats! I was just talking to friends today about how it’s about time for Trumpers to bitch all month about gay pride month. Congratulations for being the first to come through!! Be proud!!
Dolly is a gay icon. And right on schedule… congrats! I was just talking to friends today about how it’s about time for Trumpers to bitch all month about gay pride month. Congratulations for being the first to come through!! Be proud!!
The gays can love Dolly all they want. Fine with me. Don’t bastardize her music with the crap that was posted. All I ask. She deserves more than that.
Josh Hawley a moron? He’s probably the most skilled rhetorician in the senate.

What I wouldn’t give to see you put your house mom/ elementary school teacher bona fides up against Hawley in a debate.

Know your place in this world.
Haha. Running Josh? Sure he is. Know your place in the world? Oh little boy, if you had 1/10 the intellect you think you do, you’d be dangerous. Now run along with your little hero and spout more of his big lies.
He’s not dumb, but he’s decided to play dumb to play toward his base or just lie. One or the other.
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Most of that is just silly, but even if not, I’d rather be that party than the morons on the right. You know, the one led by Trump, Marjorie T Greene, Josh Hawley, Matt Gaetz, Lauren BoBo, Ron Johnson, Paul Gosar, Gym Jordan… Enjoy the clowns that lead your shit show.
The material difference is your clowns set the policies that impact us today
Biden partnered with Bernie. Lol. You do realize just because you say the same thing over and over does not make it so? No one gave cradle to grave benefits. The Republicans don’t care about the border except to use it as propaganda or they would have voted for their bill. We’ve already discussed the defund nonsense. I much prefer tax the rich than GOP give all the tax breaks to the rich and the corporations. Hell with everyone else. Get my elite buddies their money. Climate? lol the GOP are certainly leaders there. They think climate change is fake. You know, like the election. Race everything? Dumb. I know you hate student loans. The predatory interest rates are great. Much more important that the wealthy get a break than those who really need it.
I have to say things repeatedly bc you are 1) grossly uninformed and 2) refuse to accept info provided to you. So we repeat.

Bernie and Biden.

Cradle to grave was the goal

Republicans don’t care about the border lmao how ignorant are you? Biden reversed remain in Mexico, asylum agreements, 42 on and on. Compare the numbers under Biden and trump. Crossing exploded under Biden.

Defund was progressive dumbasses who F’d up cities - was so bad normal people not in the cult started refunding but the damage from the cult remains. Who would want to be a cop after the summer of love bs

You need to put down whatever fiction you’re reading and try to learn something about the world around you. Clueless

Biden had control when took office and everything impacting us today from prices to climate to the border are impacted by his vapid virtue signaling policies. Now at the 11th hour he’s trying to reverse shit. Get gas out there. Forgive loans. Buy votes. Play the racist card. Admin is a joke. From Biden to Harris to pete and his 8 billion dollars and 7 chargers. . Time to vote them out. Enough is enough
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MTG and Trump are spreading absolute silliness w their "the federal warrant contained an assassination order" crap. Yeah, that's not destructive to our national morale at all!

A standard warrant, people. Ever served a warrant? I've represented more than a few who did. Not a job for the weary.

Want to get shot? Try interfering w the execution of a search or arrest warrant!

But, no, this was CLEARLY an assassination attempt by Biden and the FBI.....smh.

How do we ever unring this bell of crazy? We have Supreme Court justices towing the MAGA line. Their wives are feverish for MAGA, apparently, what with Ms. Thomas (whose hand I have shook, as well as her husband's - not that that means much, just an aside) so credulous that she believed "Democrats were being rounded up on air craft carriers and sent to Guantanamo"....LOL.....

Guys, that is insane talk! These people, and qanon etc., believe these things primarily because they want to. Everything is confirmation for this group. This country will not survive like this, 100%.
I agree. Actually, a LEO does not need prior permission to use deadly force. It is permitted WHENEVER the officers need to protect themselves or others from death or serious bodily harm.
I am more concerned about the clause that required LEOS serving the warrant not wear any shirts or jackets that identify themselves as LEOs. In cases of serving warrants, everyone involved should clearly be identified as FBI or POLICE.
Fact is I’m not a mod. You are. Shaping the forum falls on those with the hammer.

Ban content free gratuitous posts
Ban personal attacks.

We’ll post as if we’re in open court. I’d welcome it and it would instantly elevate the board.

Save that we just play in the mud until we move on to the next thing

As for hickory both sides have levied complaints. Not just me. He’s the poster child for what inhibits discussion. Like a bagworm on a tree
Bah. Don't dump this on us. We tried to improve the content, and you guys got all shitty because it "wasn't fair." It never occurred to you that it was fair, and that you were just biased against your own deletions or bans, or even (God forbid) the possibility that it wasn't fair, but the reason it wasn't fair was the fact that most of the posters posting shitty content were on your team. So it was demanded we don't mod. It was demanded that we don't use our powers. It was demanded that we sit back and watch your asshole friends destroy the forum. So we did. We followed what we were told. And now you want to blame us for it? F*ck off. This forum sucks becuase you and yours made it suck. And when we tried just a little to not make it suck, you and yours went whining to the owners to prevent us from trying to stop it from sucking. You did this, not us.

So, yes, live in the mud and the dirt, but it is mud and dirt you created, not us.
Bernie Sanders is about as far to the left as any political figure you could name and he got only 9.5 million votes in 2020 for primaries and 1151 votes at the Democrat convention.

However, Biden received 81,283,501 votes in the 2020 election -- any thinking person would realize only a few of those were from "far left" voters. They did not set any agenda.

Here are some things that contradict the Republican-repeated claims that Americans are highly concerned about crime, gas prices, food prices, insurance, Biden's health etc.

We all see:

-- Republicans doing nothing about gun violence themselves and automatically blocking efforts by anyone else to do something about it.
-- cars idling, windows up, AC roaring, gasoline burning in front of every Home Depot, Target or grocery I visit.
-- cars idling, windows up in countless drive-throughs as voting Americans waste gasoline while waiting to waste more money on overpriced lattes and Quarter-Pounders.
-- Republicans opposing every effort to improve (even just a little bit) the national healthcare and pharmaceutical insurance system, no matter how much health and insurance costs rise (and despite all those Republican false promises in 2016 to improve the healthcare system).
-- Republicans claiming Biden is incompetent and senile while, out the other side of their mouths, they claim Biden is masterminding all sorts of brilliant conspiratorial plots (including prosecuting Trump in state courts he has no authority over).

I'm actually not really a strong Democrat at all and have voted for sensible candidates of both parties forever. But so long as the Republicans destroy their own sensible candidates that won't knuckle under to the MAGA poison, I won't be faced with that decision.
We got us another 'REAL' Republican!
Bah. Don't dump this on us. We tried to improve the content, and you guys got all shitty because it "wasn't fair." It never occurred to you that it was fair, and that you were just biased against your own deletions or bans, or even (God forbid) the possibility that it wasn't fair, but the reason it wasn't fair was the fact that most of the posters posting shitty content were on your team. So it was demanded we don't mod. It was demanded that we don't use our powers. It was demanded that we sit back and watch your asshole friends destroy the forum. So we did. We followed what we were told. And now you want to blame us for it? F*ck off. This forum sucks becuase you and yours made it suck. And when we tried just a little to not make it suck, you and yours went whining to the owners to prevent us from trying to stop it from sucking. You did this, not us.

So, yes, live in the mud and the dirt, but it is mud and dirt you created, not us.
Lol that’s about as slanted as anything. People bitched bc the moderating was grossly uneven so @stollcpa was born. Circle, tmp, bhe, hickory and so many others would just post personal attacks with zero consequences yet Cray and others would be banned daily. Had moderating been equal from the start we wouldn’t have gotten to this point.

You created this, not us

You drew first blood

Dream Team
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Bah. Don't dump this on us. We tried to improve the content, and you guys got all shitty because it "wasn't fair." It never occurred to you that it was fair, and that you were just biased against your own deletions or bans, or even (God forbid) the possibility that it wasn't fair, but the reason it wasn't fair was the fact that most of the posters posting shitty content were on your team. So it was demanded we don't mod. It was demanded that we don't use our powers. It was demanded that we sit back and watch your asshole friends destroy the forum. So we did. We followed what we were told. And now you want to blame us for it? F*ck off. This forum sucks becuase you and yours made it suck. And when we tried just a little to not make it suck, you and yours went whining to the owners to prevent us from trying to stop it from sucking. You did this, not us.

So, yes, live in the mud and the dirt, but it is mud and dirt you created, not us.
The poster you're responding to, in a series of unhinged posts yesterday in this thread, called another poster a "dickhead," "asshole," "piece of shit shill," "f'ing moron" and "one dumb motherfvcker." He still has posting privileges today.

You're right about one thing. That poster in particular and a couple of his friends have destroyed the forum with blistering personal attacks and other bad behavior that appear to go unchecked. But if the history you've provided above is accurate, why even bother with the "moderator" title? What's the point? It's becoming increasingly apparent that anything goes.
So, yes, live in the mud and the dirt, but it is mud and dirt you created, not us.

Lol that’s about as slanted as anything. People bitched bc the moderating was grossly uneven so @stollcpa was born. Circle, tmp, bhe, hickory and so many others would just post personal attacks with zero consequences yet Cray and others would be banned daily. Had moderating been equal from the start we wouldn’t have gotten to this point.

You created this, not us

You drew first blood

Dream Team
The poster you're responding to, in a series of unhinged posts yesterday in this thread, called another poster a "dickhead," "asshole," "piece of shit shill," "f'ing moron" and "one dumb motherfvcker." He still has posting privileges today.

You're right about one thing. That poster in particular and a couple of his friends have destroyed the forum with blistering personal attacks and other bad behavior that appear to go unchecked. But if the history you've provided above is accurate, why even bother with the "moderator" title? What's the point? It's becoming increasingly apparent that anything goes.
It's the Coolers version of bail reform. How do you like it now?
It's been reviewed and...... Play on. tweeet.
Lol that’s about as slanted as anything. People bitched bc the moderating was grossly uneven so @stollcpa was born. Circle, tmp, bhe, hickory and so many others would just post personal attacks with zero consequences yet Cray and others would be banned daily. Had moderating been equal from the start we wouldn’t have gotten to this point.

You created this, not us

You drew first blood

Dream Team
Please get a job.
The poster you're responding to, in a series of unhingeposts yesterday in this thread, called another poster a "dickhead," "asshole," "piece of shit shill," "f'ing moron" and "one dumb motherfvcker." He still has posting privileges today.

You're right about one thing. That poster in particular and a couple of his friends have destroyed the forum with blistering personal attacks and other bad behavior that appear to go unchecked. But if the history you've provided above is accurate, why even bother with the "moderator" title? What's the point? It's becoming increasingly apparent that anything goes.
This is a big election for you. I imagine you’re trying to get preggers. Get some mileage out of all that pegging

Now get back to work (asking people for $)
I worry about your mental health McM. Work can be beneficial. Take your mind off of things. Fill your time so you don't feel compelled to post every thirty seconds. Who knows, it could change your luck. A whole new life ahead. Stable relationships.
I worry about your mental health McM. Work can be beneficial. Take your mind off of things. Fill your time so you don't feel compelled to post every thirty seconds. Who knows, it could change your luck. A whole new life ahead. Stable relationships.
I worry about your balls. You have none. But I do like when woke cucks like you get triggered.

And pegging is rarely a stable relationship
Remember. You were asking me for money. If anyone needs a job….

Now go back to begging. At work. At home. Gross little cuck.
It's okay McM. Breathe. Try not to lose it and call everyone names. The name-calling, the threats, the bullying, are all signs of your need for help. There's nothing wrong with seeking help. A good therapist and a job could turn your life around.
It's okay McM. Breathe. Try not to lose it and call everyone names. The name-calling, the threats, the bullying, are all signs of your need for help. There's nothing wrong with seeking help. A good therapist and a job could turn your life around.
Lol I’m good ze. You’re the one who gets triggered and responds to me. But you have no balls so that’s all you can do. So just be you. be a tranny. You’d never make it as a man

Now go back to begging and pegging. What a life
Lol I’m good ze. You’re the one who gets triggered and responds to me. But you have no balls so that’s all you can do. So just be you. be a tranny. You’d never make it as a man

Now go back to begging
Well, I see it's not working. Most people are able to reflect, learn, change, and gain satisfaction in life. I'm rooting for you McM. Don't give up.
Begging and pegging. Probably not a good source for advice lol
Take it or leave it McM. Just know there are people here that are concerned for you. You have posted numerous times about the challenges in your life. There's a pattern. You can break the pattern. Maybe a job is too much right now. That's okay. It's something to work on for the future.
Take it or leave it McM. Just know there are people here that are concerned for you. You have posted numerous times about the challenges in your life. There's a pattern. You can break the pattern. Maybe a job is too much right now. That's okay. It's something to work on for the future.
Well true I don’t have the tranny community to lean on. And I still have my balls. So there’s that.

But you really should get back to begging. No begging how are you going to pay for that pegging?
Take it or leave it McM. Just know there are people here that are concerned for you. You have posted numerous times about the challenges in your life. There's a pattern. You can break the pattern. Maybe a job is too much right now. That's okay. It's something to work on for the future.
If you wanna peg. You gotta beg. Not get to beggin bitch
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Note: Sex Ed has been in the classrooms for decades.
Yeah and it mostly focused on how bodies were changing and the biological function of said bodies....not every myriad concoction of a new "sexuality" that some mentally ill and/or attention seeker could come up with.
People who think history should not be taught are crazy.
I think most people are ok with history being taught. They aren't ok with the nonsense developed by Nikole Hannah Jones being passed off as real scholarship as opposed to the race baiting propaganda it is.
People who try to ban books are crazy.
No books have been banned. Books have been removed from schools for not being relevant to the mission of the education being provided at those levels. Adults had always been pretty keen on monitoring what is being taught in schools and at what levels. You don't see Danielle Steele being marketed to 11 year olds so why should overly sexualized alphabet people be in the same? Short answer, they shouldn't. If you think it is important for 11 year olds to read about how to hook up with older dudes on Grindr, go buy them that book on your own time and dime.
People who hyperbolize events that rarely happen are intentionally trying to stir the pot or are dishonest or misinformed.
I believe on some of this, you are misinformed and the things that keep these more rare than they would be is because of people doing the things you complain about up above. I could go and pull the pictures and examples of the books being defended but you all always scurry like roaches whenever they get rolled out. Defend Gender Queer. That is the type of book being discussed. No need to talk in generalities, at what point is a book that includes drawings of kids giving simulated blowjobs to each other (simulated because it is girls with a strap on dildo) appropriate? 10? 11? 12? 13? 14? 15?

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