Grooming Behavior

I just think it’s funny. To you, we’re all old out of touch Fox News guzzling boomers when we’re actually in the majority.

Now it’s, well, you don’t have to go.

My point has always been everyone gets to choose for themselves. The fact that we are spending page after page arguing about trans and drag shows is the out of touch part.
Then they don’t have to. No one is FORCED to do it. And do you have a link for that? Mine is the minority opinion because it’s a bunch of old dudes ( sorry, but true, ) that are pretty out of touch with the world these days.
Out of touch with the world? WTF does that even mean? There is only one direction for transgenderism. Gender affirming treatment. Mutilating kids with a scalpel or chemicals should always be seen as abuse absent some specific and very rare circumstances. This has nothing to do with the world , polling data, peer pressure, parenting or anything else. If we can’t agree on a public interest in basic child protection, we got nuthin. Some in the world don’t let little girls have an education, some in the world use little girls for sex slaves, others in the world dictate who a girl can marry. The ‘world” has nothing to do with this. Keep that shit in the adult “world”. Let kids be kids.
My point has always been everyone gets to choose for themselves.
You don’t believe tgat. It’s okay for a 14 year old to give his or her teacher a blow job because he or she wants to? I don’t think so. Not even if the parent approves.
That's simply not true.

Although it is nice to see you finally exploring the reasons for your discomfort with the transgendered.
Just stop it. I never expressed discomfort about transgenderism . Every criticism I’ve leveled at transgenderism is about kids. I don’t care if an adult wants to mutilate him or herself.
Note to the many transphobes: It's the other children in their peer group you need to fear. They have far different ideas than you do. You're not going to stop this and the more you complain and try to impose your morality and ideals on the next generation the more it will take hold...

Once your children become multiple partner enbys - if they aren't already as you'll probably be the last to know. Ya know, considering your phobia - you understand better ... and be more accepting.

Until then ...

It's just rock n' roll ...
Note to the many transphobes: It's the other children in their peer group you need to fear. They have far different ideas than you do. You're not going to stop this and the more you complain and try to impose your morality and ideals on the next generation the more it will take hold...

Once your children become multiple partner enbys - if they aren't already as you'll probably be the last to know. Ya know, considering your phobia - you understand better ... and be more accepting.

Until then ...

Rock n' roll ...
Always a thought provoking and worthy contribution.
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You don’t believe tgat. It’s okay for a 14 year old to give his or her teacher a blow job because he or she wants to? I don’t think so. Not even if the parent approves.
Don‘t be ridiculous. Parents get to choose whether they want their children to attend a Drag Show Story Time. That’s really rather perverted you jumped to that.
That's simply not true.

Although it is nice to see you finally exploring the reasons for your discomfort with the transgendered.
I read your posts and shake my head... not in anger, not mocking, not even disbelief, it's more of a very deep disappointment. I'm so disappointed we have seemingly intelligent people believing kids should be mutilated if they so choose. I understand where we are as a country. It's sad.

And the ship has sailed on changing course, at this point. Our only hope is to slow the speed of moral degradation going on here. It's unlikely.

It's all just so disappointing.
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I read your posts and shake my head... not in anger, not mocking, not even disbelief, it's more of a very deep disappointment. I'm so disappointed we have seemingly intelligent people believing kids should be mutilated if they so choose. I understand where we are as a country. It's sad.

And the ship has sailed on changing course, at this point. Our only hope is to slow the speed of moral degradation going on here. It's unlikely.

It's all just so disappointing.
Name one person who who has said they believe children should be “mutilated”. Just one…..
I read your posts and shake my head... not in anger, not mocking, not even disbelief, it's more of a very deep disappointment. I'm so disappointed we have seemingly intelligent people believing kids should be mutilated if they so choose. I understand where we are as a country. It's sad.

And the ship has sailed on changing course, at this point. Our only hope is to slow the speed of moral degradation going on here. It's unlikely.

It's all just so disappointing.
I never said children should be mutilated, choice or not, and the fact that you can't read my posts as anything other than that is a pretty good sign that you're not thinking or reading clearly, here. You're just reactively responding to your own preconceptions.
Don‘t be ridiculous. Parents get to choose whether they want their children to attend a Drag Show Story Time. That’s really rather perverted you jumped to that.
Not really. Who even thinks a kids drag show should be available for kids and what would be the point?
Not really. Who even thinks a kids drag show should be available for kids and what would be the point?
You’ll have to ask the parents who take their kids there. Looked like they are fairly well attended from the videos. Speaking of grooming, who even thinks of talking about kids giving blow jobs?
Got no interest in finding it, but you said gender affirming care is fine for kids if parents consent.
You’re a liar then. I said nothing about “mutilating kids.” I probably spoke about the use of hormones when hitting puberty, if parents and counselors agree. I did not ever say I agree with surgery under 18.
You’ll have to ask the parents who take their kids there. Looked like they are fairly well attended from the videos. Speaking of grooming, who even thinks of talking about kids giving blow jobs?
Your outrage seems disingenuous. You are a strong proponent of kids choosing for themselves. Are you suggesting permanent body altering hormones are okay for a kid to decide but providing sexual gratification for a teacher is not?
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You’re a liar then. I said nothing about “mutilating kids.” I probably spoke about the use of hormones when hitting puberty, if parents and counselors agree. I did not ever say I agree with surgery under 18.
Hormones, including chemical castration, is mutilation.

Edit: Parents and counselors? Are you kidding? Kids got no chance in your world.
Hormones, including chemical castration, is mutilation.
Doctors disagree. I’ll side with them and let them make their own decisions and their decisions for their teenager, especially considering the suicide rates.
Your outrage seems disingenuous. You are a strong proponent of kids choosing for themselves. Are you suggesting permanent body altering hormones are okay for a kid to decide but providing sexual gratification for a teacher is not?
This is really creepy and perverted. I’m not at all a proponent of kids choosing for themselves. Every single time I’ve said the parents. What is wrong with you? And you know you are lying, because right above you quoted me as saying if parents consent.
This is really creepy and perverted. I’m not at all a proponent of kids choosing for themselves. Every single time I’ve said the parents. What is wrong with you? And you know you are lying, because right above you quoted me as saying if parents consent.
Do 14 year old girls need parental consent to get an abortion? Just trying to get it all out there.
Hormones, including chemical castration, is mutilation.

Edit: Parents and counselors? Are you kidding? Kids got no chance in your world.
Your contradictions are ridiculous. Who would you like making decisions beyond their parents, counselors, and doctors? I know you like to think just because you say something it makes it true, but again, I’ll think I’ll side with the drs on this one.
Your contradictions are ridiculous. Who would you like making decisions beyond their parents, counselors, and doctors? I know you like to think just because you say something it makes it true, but again, I’ll think I’ll side with the drs on this one.

What contradiction are you talking about?

I said several times over the time that we have been discussing this that kid gender affirmation procedures should be confined to those kids with objective chromosome anomalies and the diagnosis and treatment be in the hands of experts not including treating docs. .
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This is really creepy and perverted. I’m not at all a proponent of kids choosing for themselves. Every single time I’ve said the parents. What is wrong with you? And you know you are lying, because right above you quoted me as saying if parents consent.
You also said it’s okay for kids to obtain treatment w/o parental consent because some kids would confide in their teacher and not parents.