Grooming Behavior

Bahavior matters. I wouldn’t let a dude who is open carrying watch my kids either. Some people have loose screws that show up in how they behave. They wouldn’t watch my kids either.
Oddly enough, I wouldn't think twice about letting someone who open carries watch my kids if I knew them. The knowing them part, to me, would seem to be the operative fact. Not what kinds of hobbies they've got.
Parental controls on the remote control allow you to block out Fox News, so that their minds are not poisoned.
My grandkids don't get to watch TV and we didn't let our daughter watch TV except for some animal shows.

And I definitely wouldn't let her watch any of the supposedly "news" outlets. And we tried very hard to get her to think on her own and not listen to professors in college except when they were teaching on the subject and we'd give her examples. She turned out very well in our opinion.... she's more liberal in some things than I am and more conservative in others.
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My grandkids don't get to watch TV and we didn't let our daughter watch TV except for some animal shows.

And I definitely wouldn't let her watch any of the supposedly "news" outlets. And we tried very hard to get her to think on her own and not listen to professors in college except when they were teaching on the subject and we'd give her examples. She turned out very well in our opinion.... she's more liberal in some things than I am and more conservative in others.
Wow, congrats on that.

I had that goal in mind. Lost the battle at about age 3. I suck.
Wow, congrats on that.

I had that goal in mind. Lost the battle at about age 3. I suck.
Some kids are just easier to raise than others. She was always a good kid and never rebelled. Of course we spoiled her badly but she's never acted spoiled. She learned quickly that she wouldn't get her way by whining and complaining.

My wife and I were laughing today about her. We were trying to figure out when she did certain things as a baby so we could compare to our grandkids. My wife wrote down a lot of things she she said and we got to laughing about this one: She got the chicken pox so my wife told her we weren't going to church that day and wanted to know why so my wife said "You don't want to go to church and give it to other people do you?" Our daughter's response was "Yeah I do too because I don't want it" :) :)
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Does anyone on the board know a trans individual or someone that dresses in drag?
A friend's grand child is starting hormone therapy. My friend is struggling with how to respond to the kid. He thinks it's really a compilation of circumstances (father doesn't relate to an artistic personality, too much time isolated during COVID). I don't know the kid or the parents so I can't say.

I also had a player on the girls team I coached this year I was pretty sure wasn't squarely female. The mom referred to the player as "him" in an email after the season. Crazy times. I just try to stay in my lane on this stuff.
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Does anyone on the board know a trans individual or someone that dresses in drag?
My trans principal in Junior High School used her cats UTI as the basis for a metaphor about overcoming obstacles when she gave our 8th grade commencement address. Her rock hard fake nipples were always pointing straight through her shirt when she would get up and speak at assemblies. It was pretty funny.

She was definitely certifiable.
Does anyone on the board know a trans individual or someone that dresses in drag?

I knew/know a person that I used to see and interact with frequently, who started her M->F transition several years ago. It wouldn't have surprised me if he had come out as gay, but I wasn't expecting her to go the trans route. After I had first seen her after she had begun making changes in appearance and dress and such I asked a mutual (gay) friend if this was a cross dressing thing or a full fledged transition and was told she was going trans, and that she was happier than she'd been since either of us had known her. I still see her occasionally and she seems to be doing well. I don't get it, but I'm not about to judge her. I think she'd be great with kids, too. I know the person, and she's a good person no matter how she presents herself.
This is the third active thread on the board in the past week about trans and drag shows. I’ll say one thing for the GOP. They get their message out well. Fox tells you trans and drag shows are the biggest threat to humanity and now you can’t talk about anything else. It’s actually pretty humorous how threatened you all are.

It doesn’t have anything to do with Fox News. I just want fewer people being abused because of the left’s ideology. Also the “doctor” who mutilated this person should be charged.

Not all of us are as gullible as yourself and would prefer to skip the part where the U.S. government and medical community mutilate 1,000s of people.
Guns aren’t blowing up classrooms. People with mental illness are.

Why do you?
Where did I try? Tell the dead children and their families. I’m sure that distinction will be a huge comfort for them.
Most parents are opposed to drag queens reading to kids, Zeke.

Yours is the minority opinion here.

I think it’s more likely you’ve been brainwashed.
Then they don’t have to. No one is FORCED to do it. And do you have a link for that? Mine is the minority opinion because it’s a bunch of old dudes ( sorry, but true, ) that are pretty out of touch with the world these days.
Does anyone on the board know a trans individual or someone that dresses in drag?
I have met some trans people, but not really to know, I have two friends who teach in Indy high schools who have had several trans kids. No, to drag queens.
Then they don’t have to. No one is FORCED to do it. And do you have a link for that? Mine is the minority opinion because it’s a bunch of old dudes ( sorry, but true, ) that are pretty out of touch with the world these days.

Also, drag queen story hour has been around for less than 10 years.

Also, drag queen story hour has been around for less than 10 years.
This is what's really wrong with polling. We pick on them for elections, but they actually do a pretty good job at elections. But this stuff. One, I can't trust Rasmussen on a poll on this question. Two, I can't expect polling agencies without such a bias to bother asking the question. Three, I can't imagine 60% of Americans have any idea what "Drag Queen Story Hour" is even intended to reference. Most likely, the vast majority of respondents heard the question and simply responded "Yes" or "No" based on whatever partisan news they ingest pushed their gut reaction to fall back on.
This is what's really wrong with polling. We pick on them for elections, but they actually do a pretty good job at elections. But this stuff. One, I can't trust Rasmussen on a poll on this question. Two, I can't expect polling agencies without such a bias to bother asking the question. Three, I can't imagine 60% of Americans have any idea what "Drag Queen Story Hour" is even intended to reference. Most likely, the vast majority of respondents heard the question and simply responded "Yes" or "No" based on whatever partisan news they ingest pushed their gut reaction to fall back on.
It could be a combination of those things.

Or maybe, and hear me out here, it’s as simple as most parents just don’t think it’s appropriate for drag queens to read to children.
Where did I try? Tell the dead children and their families. I’m sure that distinction will be a huge comfort for them.
It don’t matter the distinction. Guns aren’t committing the crimes. Why is it all the schools that have armed guards don’t have killings everyday? I mean there’s a gun in the school. I’m sure the gun is just itching to go off on a shooting spree.
Also, I always thought drag queens were inherently sexual. Weren’t they originally gay men who dressed up as women in a sort of role playing?

I know I grew up thinking it was a kink thing.
Also, I always thought drag queens were inherently sexual. Weren’t they originally gay men who dressed up as women in a sort of role playing?

I know I grew up thinking it was a kink thing.
In my experience, drag queens are usually gay men who like to perform. The performances don't have to be sexual, but every drag queen I've known was a gay man. Transexuality is a whole different thing. Trans women might choose to dress like women, but they don't do it for the same reasons as drag queens who still identify as men.
It could be a combination of those things.

Or maybe, and hear me out here, it’s as simple as most parents just don’t think it’s appropriate for drag queens to read to children.
And that’s absolutely fine. They have that right. But they don’t have the right to make the decision for other parents and their children.
Also, I always thought drag queens were inherently sexual. Weren’t they originally gay men who dressed up as women in a sort of role playing?

I know I grew up thinking it was a kink thing.
There’s a reason it’s a staple on bachelorette parties.

And it’s not because it’s inherently unrisque.
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It don’t matter the distinction. Guns aren’t committing the crimes. Why is it all the schools that have armed guards don’t have killings everyday? I mean there’s a gun in the school. I’m sure the gun is just itching to go off on a shooting spree.
Schools with guards have had killings. The gun isn’t doing the killing is about the poorest argument I’ve heard.
And that’s absolutely fine. They have that right. But they don’t have the right to make the decision for other parents and their children.
I just think it’s funny. To you, we’re all old out of touch Fox News guzzling boomers when we’re actually in the majority.

Now it’s, well, you don’t have to go.

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