Grooming Behavior

The Trans ideology manifests from the progressive belief that someone’s subjective sense of self identity is the most important thing in life.

It perfectly encapsulates their belief that the source of happiness is self gratification and not community, family, your relationships to others, etc. It’s the same reason they tell women that their career need not take a back seat to a potential husband and family.

“How dare you not validate ME?”

Of course the Women and Trans are miserable. They’ve been told to ignore biological realities and ignore the biological imperative of community in favor of being their “truest self”.
The surprising thing here isn't that Goo appears to believe that women are unhappy because they dark to think they can choose to have a career instead of pumping out babies and being submissive to a potential husband.

The surprising thing is that there are a couple of people who appeared to not be as unbalanced as Goo apparently agree with him. The voting thing was apparently a bridge too far tho. Whew!
Hilarious that you think that professors in college are a major threat. He's/she's an adult by that time and can handle new ideas and points of view.
Hilarious that you think that college is a place for a person getting paid to teach is a place to promote their political views. I always told her that, for the most part, you shouldn't be able to tell a professors political affiliation if s/he is a good professor.
The surprising thing here isn't that Goo appears to believe that women are unhappy because they dark to think they can choose to have a career instead of pumping out babies and being submissive to a potential husband.

The surprising thing is that there are a couple of people who appeared to not be as unbalanced as Goo apparently agree with him. The voting thing was apparently a bridge too far tho. Whew!
Women are unhappy. Google that phrase and you will get hundreds of articles explaining why. Get off the first page and you start getting past Google's filters on why they think that should be.
That’s what they used to say about homosexuals prior to the 70s DSM change.
Lose an argument, change the definition. Again, there is no truth, no facts, nothing. Recession isn't quite what it used to be either. Illegal alien, nope. Feelings are the new "facts". Again, it's all so weak and sad.
Suicide rates of transgenders is astronomical. Probably because they are mentally ill.
People like to say transgenders are people whose minds are different from their bodies. So the therapy is to change their bodies with knives and chemicals. Think about that.

Adults changing kids bodies outght to be a crime. Except for very rare cases, this is issue is between their ears.
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Lose an argument, change the definition. Again, there is no truth, no facts, nothing. Recession isn't quite what it used to be either. Illegal alien, nope. Feelings are the new "facts". Again, it's all so weak and sad.
Do you really not see the possibility that a society that implicitly and explicitly tells people that they're freaks and defective could have a negative effect on mental health and make a marginalized community more prone to suicide?

I'll speculate that there may be a correlation/causation issue you're having. How many LGBTQ kids die by suicide that are embraced & supported by their families/friends/classmates/social networks? How does that compare to the ones must deal with feelings of incredible guilt because of the opposite reaction from their family/social networks? My guess is the latter has a much higher incidence and the former is closer to the population mean. If that is the case, then the issue wouldn't so much be their identity on the spectrum, but the inner conflict cause by people telling them they're defective.
Do you really not see the possibility that a society that implicitly and explicitly tells people that they're freaks and defective could have a negative effect on mental health and make a marginalized community more prone to suicide?

I'll speculate that there may be a correlation/causation issue you're having. How many LGBTQ kids die by suicide that are embraced & supported by their families/friends/classmates/social networks? How does that compare to the ones must deal with feelings of incredible guilt because of the opposite reaction from their family/social networks? My guess is the latter has a much higher incidence and the former is closer to the population mean. If that is the case, then the issue wouldn't so much be their identity on the spectrum, but the inner conflict cause by people telling them they're defective.
I don't care about your guess. Your guess represents your feelings on the subject, imo. Facts don't care about your feelings. The fact is transgenders rate of attempted suicide is astronomical. There is not another group of people that have a higher rate of attempted suicide.

You're completely full of sh!t in my opinion. And people like you are such a huge part of the moral degradation our country is experiencing. I'm confident you'll eventually realize the error of your feelings on this subject. But it really doesn't matter. It is what it is. There is no changing the direction the country is headed.
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Do you really not see the possibility that a society that implicitly and explicitly tells people that they're freaks and defective could have a negative effect on mental health and make a marginalized community more prone to suicide?

I'll speculate that there may be a correlation/causation issue you're having. How many LGBTQ kids die by suicide that are embraced & supported by their families/friends/classmates/social networks? How does that compare to the ones must deal with feelings of incredible guilt because of the opposite reaction from their family/social networks? My guess is the latter has a much higher incidence and the former is closer to the population mean. If that is the case, then the issue wouldn't so much be their identity on the spectrum, but the inner conflict cause by people telling them they're defective.
Isn’t a society that accepts altering physically healthy human beings with knives, drugs, and chemicals saying those people are freaks and defective?
I don't care about your guess. Your guess represents your feelings on the subject, imo. Facts don't care about your feelings. The fact is transgenders rate of attempted suicide is astronomical. There is not another group of people that have a higher rate of attempted suicide.

You're completely full of sh!t in my opinion. And people like you are such a huge part of the moral degradation our country is experiencing. I'm confident you'll eventually realize the error of your feelings on this subject. But it really doesn't matter. It is what it is. There is no changing the direction the country is headed.
The irony of your second paragraph is palpable. Talk about feelings.

If only there were research on the issue?

Isn’t a society that accepts altering physically healthy human beings with knives, drugs, and chemicals saying those people are freaks and defective?
I don't think it does any more than a society that accepts balding men with hair transplants. It doesn't mean they're defective, it's a cosmetic procedure to make them feel more comfortable with their bodies.

Why has the conversation recently shifted so hard to the gender affirming medical procedures? I haven't seen Tucker Carlson in a few days because I've been busy, did he do a segment or something?
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Hilarious that you think that college is a place for a person getting paid to teach is a place to promote their political views.
How in the world would I weave a political view into one of my chemistry lectures? I suppose in a biology class, if I stress that evolution is a fundamental, bedrock principle, you would call it "political". That would be on you, and ignorance.
The irony of your second paragraph is palpable. Talk about feelings.

If only there were research on the issue?

Seems much more likely the trans people were unhappy, so they made a change. When they realized they were still unhappy after the change...

That's my guess. Do you think that is a possible reason for the enormous number of attempted suicides within the trans community.
How in the world would I weave a political view into one of my chemistry lectures? I suppose in a biology class, if I stress that evolution is a fundamental, bedrock principle, you would call it "political". That would be on you, and ignorance.
I wasn't specially saying that you were or did that but it from things you've said it sounded like you'd be okay with doing it. Besides that you don't have to weave it in.... just make off-handed remarks. I could easily make a remark about Biden or Trump in an off-handed way to make a political point. By the way, neither one would get a positive remark.
Obama wasn't one of my favorite presidents, but I could find positive things to say about him. Like I've said before I think we went after terrorists better than Bush did and I always gave him credit. And whether a person likes him or don't at least he's not dumb like Biden and Trump.
Seems much more likely the trans people were unhappy, so they made a change. When they realized they were still unhappy after the change...

That's my guess. Do you think that is a possible reason for the enormous number of attempted suicides within the trans community.
My wife deals with suicidal kids. The number one reason she hears for considering suicide is parental rejection. That's before any treatment or procedure.
I don't think it does any more than a society that accepts balding men with hair transplants. It doesn't mean they're defective, it's a cosmetic procedure to make them feel more comfortable with their bodies.

Why has the conversation recently shifted so hard to the gender affirming medical procedures? I haven't seen Tucker Carlson in a few days because I've been busy, did he do a segment or something?
It's an interesting comparison. I think, though, that most bald men would say they don't care about being comfortable with their bodies as much as comfortable with how they believe people perceive them. Everyone wants to be both loved and loveable.

Here's an article (not objective since it's from a hair loss clinic) that says 20% of bald men consider suicide:

In searching for another comp (suicide rates among those with dwarfism, which I couldn't find), I found this:

If people under 5'9" have suicide rates twice the rates of "the tall" (undefined in the article), it's not hard to imagine why someone who identifies as trans might be prone to suicide, too.

But then there is this:

Tough to separate out the social stigma of mental illness from the mental illness itself as a cause here, I would think.

On another note, I think it's useful to delineate between surgical and hormonal intervention to change a body in a minor vs. providing them love and acceptance about who they are. Few are going to debate that the latter is wrong but many will on the former.
I know a 12 year old "trans" girl. Grew up w my daughter, they were friends. Goes by "Jesper" now. Pony-tailed little striker that was dangerous up top in 4v4 soccer. Now, jet black HS kid mop hair with blue highlights and rimmed glasses.

Mom and dad divorced when she was about 5. Dad was gay and pursued other interests.

Mom married some other guy with kids and tried to "Brady Bunch" it in the suburbs. Lasted a couple years then divorced.

Now mom and Jesper live in a Deep Ellum loft with a 40-something, career "band guy".

Little girl never had a chance.
NAMBLA is grinning

If a little boy can decide to have an abortion, he can decide to love up with old men - consent statutes violate sex/privacy Constitutional rights and must be stricken - mostly-peaceful march starts at midnight!
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Women are unhappy. Google that phrase and you will get hundreds of articles explaining why. Get off the first page and you start getting past Google's filters on why they think that should be.
It's interesting that your first instinct is that the source of any unhappiness women may have is having choices.
1) Minors, those under 18, can already legally have sex in just about every state in the Union.
2) Most states, including Indiana, have "Romeo & Juliet" laws in place for situations where society says it's "okay" for adults and minors to engage in sexual relations already.
3) Minors, some younger than 16, can already marry and have sex in some jurisdictions. I don't know the youngest, but the recent news about the legislator talking about 12 year olds getting married because they were pregnant comes to mind.
4) The tweet does NOT accurately capture what the report was saying, and it wasn't by the UN either.
5) Did you or anyone you know make it to 2nd base or greater with a partner younger than 15 when you were 16? If so, you might have committed child molestation. In fact, you it could have been two 14 year olds BOTH committing the offense.

People are lying to you. Resist the outrage machine.

Specific Section:

Consensual sexual conduct, irrespective of the type of sexual activity, the sex/ gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression of the people involved or their marital status, may not be criminalized in any circumstances.

Consensual same-sex, as well as consensual different-sex sexual relations, or consensual sexual relations with or between trans, non-binary and other genderdiverse people, or outside marriage – whether pre-marital or extramarital – may, therefore, never be criminalized. With respect to the enforcement of criminal law, any prescribed minimum age of consent to sex must be applied in a non-discriminatory manner. Enforcement may not be linked to the sex/gender of participants or age of consent to marriage.

Moreover, sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law. In this context, the enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacity of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual sexual conduct and their right to be heard in matters concerning them. Pursuant to their evolving capacities and progressive autonomy, persons under 18 years of age should participate in decisions affecting them, with due regard to their age, maturity and best interests, and with specific attention to non-discrimination guarantees.

Full Version:
I don't think it does any more than a society that accepts balding men with hair transplants. It doesn't mean they're defective, it's a cosmetic procedure to make them feel more comfortable with their bodies.'re ridiculous
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Are the few all here? There are several people in this thread who object to providing love and acceptance.
Maybe I’m reading them wrong, but I’m assuming everyone here believes trans kids should be loved and disagree about what should and shouldn’t be accepted (the person vs. the thoughts/behavior/“illness”) and what that would look like.
No, I think the source of unhappiness is the choices they make, not the choices they have.
Tell me what you know about the choices they make.

It's amusing that you find it so vexing that they might choose something other than submitting themselves to a husband and pumping out babies.
Maybe I’m reading them wrong, but I’m assuming everyone here believes trans kids should be loved and disagree about what should and shouldn’t be accepted (the person vs. the thoughts/behavior/“illness”) and what that would look like.
Not sure how to square that with what you originally wrote, but appreciate the sentiment. It seems to me the "acceptance" you're suggesting here would make the term pretty meaningless.
Tell me what you know about the choices they make.

It's amusing that you find it so vexing that they might choose something other than submitting themselves to a husband and pumping out babies.
I'm not vexed. It isn't my problem for the most part, I am happily married and don't have to deal with the mess out there for the most part. That being said, 50% of white liberal women in this country report suffering from some form of mental illness. They aren't more happy since feminism kicked in back in the late 60's and earlier 70's. That doesn't seem healthy for society does it? And as you have noted, they have far more options than their mothers and grandmothers did. So why the lack of fulfillment? Why do you think they are unhappy?

I have thoughts that aren't necessarily related to submitting themselves to a husband and pumping out babies, but why do you think they aren't happy?'re ridiculous
Maybe a better example be like if you hypothetically had a penile implant surgery? You were suffering through some real interpersonal issues dealing with feelings of self worth after so many years of being made fun of and laughed at in locker rooms and bed rooms and made it hard to take with such a fragile ego. So you made the leap and gained some confidence, good for you! Does that mean your original was defective? Nah, it was a good size and it's the motion of the ocean not the size of the ship that matters. But it made you feel better about yourself and you're not rejecting God by going through with such a life-altering procedure.
Not sure how to square that with what you originally wrote, but appreciate the sentiment. It seems to me the "acceptance" you're suggesting here would make the term pretty meaningless.
I’m trying to see where both sides are coming from. Maybe I’m not capturing it correctly.

Regarding the acceptance being meaningless, it’s not. Do you have a loved one with a mental illness, for example? Finding the dividing line between the “person” and the “mental illness” is painfully difficult. Wondering if there is any line at all, even worse. Trying to then work that into how you deal with them or help them is brutal.

It’s a complicated topic.

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