Grooming Behavior

So if we pass indecency laws against men dressing like women in public except for restricted areas that bar minors then that should decide morality on that issue as well?
And next you can pass Women can’t dress like men and wear jeans or pants out in public. Slippery slope and all.
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The slippery slope argument is defeated every day. Dire predictions that never come true. Letting gays get married was going to ruin the institution of marriage. As OS already pointed out, there are nudity laws. Silliness
Oh the irony. You do realize this discussion on drag queen story hour is on the same slope as gay marriage don’t you? Just slightly further down the slope from Obergefell.

I’m 2015 this discussion would have been ridiculous on its face.
Why? 10 years ago saying that people are going to be arguing to take kids to drag shows is a great idea in response to the gay marriage debate would have been deemed silly by you too. Yet here we are.

Why is it silly. Spell it out.
Here’s a why…. Why don’t you trust parents to make a decision as to whether to take their kids to a drag show?
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Oh the irony. You do realize this discussion on drag queen story hour is on the same slope as gay marriage don’t you? Just slightly further down the slope from Obergefell.

I’m 2015 this discussion would have been ridiculous on its face.
Nope it isn’t at all.
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I'd want the library to inform me as a parent whenever someone is going to come read in any outfit representing a lifestyle/theology/political belief.

That way I could rearrange my schedule when the nudists read.😆
That’s so stupid. And you were the same people 20 years ago wanting to put gay people in jail. Something about this really seems to threaten men and their idea of masculinity. Not sure what it is but it sure seems to trigger you. For such a big let the parents run the school advocate, why can’t you let the parents decide if they want their kids to attend a drag show? Everyone doesn’t have to follow your idea of morality.

You bring up an interesting point re masculinity and threats. I don’t know if that’s driving people who object, but it might. It might be part of why my initial reaction to this has been “weird.”

I don’t see masculinity as a moral issue. But it is, certainly, something that feels under attack in the West. If people feel this is a part of that, maybe it’s worth exploring? Maybe it’s the seed of a legitimate concern?
Oh the irony. You do realize this discussion on drag queen story hour is on the same slope as gay marriage don’t you? Just slightly further down the slope from Obergefell.

I’m 2015 this discussion would have been ridiculou its face.

But you don’t get to decide for society what is deviant. Sorry.
There is no truth. There is no common sense. Why in the world would anyone want drag queens reading to their kids? Why do people think it's fine for men to be competing against women in sports? The degradation of our society is moving at light speed. It seems like you are all for that?
But they’re not normal. Nothing normal about it. And trying to normalize it is the problem.
Why is it a problem? A lot of people think being an avid basketball fan is not normal. I don’t care and I don’t think it is a problem.
There is no truth. There is no common sense. Why in the world would anyone want drag queens reading to their kids? Why do people think it's fine for men to be competing against women in sports? The degradation of our society is moving at light speed. It seems like you are all for that?
I think the degradation of our society is a lot different than yours for example. I think guns blowing up our kids in classrooms is a much bigger problem than drag shows. I wish Republicans would put as much energy into solving that problem . Are you all for that?
I think the degradation of our society is a lot different than yours for example. I think guns blowing up our kids in classrooms is a much bigger problem than drag shows. I wish Republicans would put as much energy into solving that problem . Are you all for that?
Then you're disingenuous or dumb. Which is it?
The Trans ideology manifests from the progressive belief that someone’s subjective sense of self identity is the most important thing in life.

It perfectly encapsulates their belief that the source of happiness is self gratification and not community, family, your relationships to others, etc. It’s the same reason they tell women that their career need not take a back seat to a potential husband and family.

“How dare you not validate ME?”

Of course the Women and Trans are miserable. They’ve been told to ignore biological realities and ignore the biological imperative of community in favor of being their “truest self”.
It’s an interesting critique. I believe it could be leveled at classical liberalism in general.
Why is it a problem? A lot of people think being an avid basketball fan is not normal. I don’t care and I don’t think it is a problem.
Because a man pretending to be a woman isn’t normal and we shouldn’t pretend it is. And your analogy is dumb.
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You and Crazy both are great at old men screaming at clouds. What’s scary is you aren’t old. What’s comforting is most people your age are much much aware of reality and the changing world.
Young devout Muslims make similar complaints. So it’s not necessarily an age thing. Other cultures value traditional roles and the community over the individual much more than ours.
I think the degradation of our society is a lot different than yours for example. I think guns blowing up our kids in classrooms is a much bigger problem than drag shows. I wish Republicans would put as much energy into solving that problem . Are you all for that?
Guns aren’t blowing up classrooms. People with mental illness are.
Why? Why do you get to define normal?
Why do you?
Why is it a problem? A lot of people think being an avid basketball fan is not normal. I don’t care and I don’t think it is a problem.
So you think we...and by "we" I mean people that actually have kids...

should consider 30-something year old losers, that dress like chicks from some anime nightmare, coming to read stories to our kids, and innocuous and "normal" as some kid from the IU ticket office coming to school to tell kids about the Junior Hoosier Club?

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Here’s a why…. Why don’t you trust parents to make a decision as to whether to take their kids to a drag show?
It would be better to delineate between drag shows (that are often sexual in nature) and drag Queen’s reading hour.
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It’s an interesting critique. I believe it could be leveled at classical liberalism in general.
I think it was said earlier in this thread. Individual liberty (aka classical liberalism) is nothing without individual responsibility.

Trans are generally horribly irresponsible people. They generally demand empathy from others but have no empathy for them.

THEIR personal journey is the only one that is important.
And it goes both ways...

I certainly respect and admire the anarchist libertarian, that lives in the woods in Southern Indiana, with his armory and homeschooled kids, that hates the government, more than a chick with a dick...

but I don't necessarily want either one of them coming in to read my kid some story in the school library...

it's unnecessary, a unneeded distraction, and just weird.
And it goes both ways...

I certainly respect and admire the anarchist libertarian, that lives in the woods in Southern Indiana, with his armory and homeschooled kids, that hates the government, more than a chick with a dick...

but I don't necessarily want either one of them coming in to read my kid some story in the school library...

it's unnecessary, a unneeded distraction, and just weird.
There’s a shortage of common sense these days.
I think it was said earlier in this thread. Individual liberty (aka classical liberalism) is nothing without individual responsibility.

Trans are generally horribly irresponsible people. They generally demand empathy from others but have no empathy for them.

THEIR personal journey is the only one that is important.
Are trans=drag queens? I don’t know. In the video, one of the drag readers says he is a cis male.

One of the unsaid issues in this thread: some drag queens are sexually titillated by dressing as a woman and being seen. It complicates things.
So you think we...and by "we" I mean people that actually have kids...

should consider 30-something year old losers, that dress like chicks from some anime nightmare, coming to read stories to our kids, and innocuous and "normal" as some kid from the IU ticket office coming to school to tell kids about the Junior Hoosier Club?

I'm sure some kids from the IU ticket office are into stuff that would make you cringe.

I bet you're into some stuff that would make other people cringe.

Why wouldn't you let a drag queen or otherwise trans person watch your kids? Because they make you uncomfortable or because you're afraid your kid will be abused? If the latter, why do you think they're more likely to abuse your kid than say a church leader, scout leader, or sports coach?

I 100% get that cross-dressing makes people uncomfortable. I have that initial reaction too. But then I have to challenge myself as to why and it's honestly just because it's unfamiliar to me. Just like it was the first time I met an out gay person. Now some of my best friend's are gay. NOT being weirded out by something and judging a book by its cover, so to speak, takes challenging your comfort zone and realizing that someone being different and weird based on your experience doesn't make them a bad or dangerous person.
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This is the third active thread on the board in the past week about trans and drag shows. I’ll say one thing for the GOP. They get their message out well. Fox tells you trans and drag shows are the biggest threat to humanity and now you can’t talk about anything else. It’s actually pretty humorous how threatened you all are.
Most parents are opposed to drag queens reading to kids, Zeke.

Yours is the minority opinion here.

I think it’s more likely you’ve been brainwashed.
Most parents are opposed to drag queens reading to kids, Zeke.
And those parents can all CHOOSE not to send their kids to the library to participate in that reading program. Pretty simple, huh? Let the parents decide who ought to read to their kids.
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I'm sure some kids from the IU ticket office are into stuff that would make you cringe.

I bet you're into some stuff that would make other people cringe.

Why wouldn't you let a drag queen or otherwise trans person watch your kids? Because they make you uncomfortable or because you're afraid your kid will be abused? If the latter, why do you think they're more likely to abuse your kid than say a church leader, scout leader, or sports coach?

I 100% get that cross-dressing makes people uncomfortable. I have that initial reaction too. But then I have to challenge myself as to why and it's honestly just because it's unfamiliar to me. Just like it was the first time I met an out gay person. Now some of my best friend's are gay. NOT being weirded out by something and judging a book by its cover, so to speak, takes challenging your comfort zone and realizing that someone being different and weird based on your experience doesn't make them a bad or dangerous person.
Bahavior matters. I wouldn’t let a dude who is open carrying watch my kids either. Some people have loose screws that show up in how they behave. They wouldn’t watch my kids either.