Democrats caught stealing an election?

Mail in ballots are only available in very limited, special situations. Show up to vote, in person, with a valid ID. Make the voting period longer or add more locations if the lines are too long as some have suggested.
They did that many places, including Indiana. But then they cut back, saying it was too expensive.
The day Pelosi went from "don't be xenophobic like Trump, come down to Chinatown for sum yung guy", to "we need to distance and stay home"...

It was clear what was going on to the non-partisan.
Wut? Lol
@mcmurtry66 @dbmhoosier is like a bull at a rodeo. You just let him out of the gate and watch him mow down the competition. Bloom, Hickory, Stuffshot, Bowlmania, Cosmo, and numerous others are no match for this Dream Teamer. It’s been a week and he is still at it.
Bless your heart. That’s what you think is happening here?
Dbm is ruthless. Proceed with caution. You were warned.
He is ruthlessly wrong, on just about everything. When we ask him for evidence for his crazy claims, we hear crickets chirping. He probably believes that the Earth is flat and Noah's Ark contained dinosaurs.
He is ruthlessly wrong, on just about everything. When we ask him for evidence for his crazy claims, we hear crickets chirping. He probably believes that the Earth is flat and Noah's Ark contained dinosaurs.
Why was Marc Elias, the mastermind behind 2020, terrified of the Cyber Ninjas checking the signatures in that AZ audit? The DNC literally spent millions to prevent it but welcomed an audit of the voting machines. Same for Ratburger in Georgia.

I attended a seminar on fraud and audit techniques once. Literally the #1 red flag for fraud is the refusal to let anyone see your evidence. "Reluctance to provide information to auditors" was #1. As the saying goes, if you have nothing to hide why do you keep hiding?
There may be some merit in that, but remember -- Republicans hate standing in line as much as Democrats, whether at the bank, grocery, gas station, sports events, whatever. Nobody wants to stand in line. Younger voters seem not to want to show up in person for anything at all.

The suggestion may have the unintended effect of harming voter turnout.
I value a secure election over voter turnout. Some don’t, & that’s their prerogative. If people are too lazy to stand in line or too stupid to get a valid ID they shouldn’t be voting anyway, I don’t care who it is. There are ways to mitigate long lines…
Why was Marc Elias, the mastermind behind 2020, terrified of the Cyber Ninjas checking the signatures in that AZ audit? The DNC literally spent millions to prevent it but welcomed an audit of the voting machines. Same for Ratburger in Georgia.

I attended a seminar on fraud and audit techniques once. Literally the #1 red flag for fraud is the refusal to let anyone see your evidence. "Reluctance to provide information to auditors" was #1. As the saying goes, if you have nothing to hide why do you keep hiding?
dbm. that's 2020. it's less than two months away from 2024. enough about 2020. the dems got him good. that's on trump. now listen to me. that story is as stale as it gets. how are we going to beat the dems in 24? and you know your polls don't mean anything right? they're crafty. they aren't running biden with his awful record and approval rating. they'd be fools. they're going to slide him out at the last moment and replace him with another dem. we can't run trump against a normal dem. he'll get slaughtered in teh states that matter. what's our plan son? we need a pub that appeals to more people and we need to get the mail in vote. waiting and hoping people show up on days they don't feel good, don't care that much, are too tired, etc is stupid.
Why did you say that no other countries have mail in voting, when in 10 seconds you can find the 40 others that also have mail-in voting? Simple question. Fantastic claims require evidence.
What country has unsolicited mail in ballots?
@mcmurtry66 @dbmhoosier is like a bull at a rodeo. You just let him out of the gate and watch him mow down the competition. Bloom, Hickory, Stuffshot, Bowlmania, Cosmo, and numerous others are no match for this Dream Teamer. It’s been a week and he is still at it.
It is indeed a challenge to oppose every instance of blindly-believe-and-rightclick-and-copy-from-conspiracy-websites posted here by the minority party. So far, we're still undefeated.

It's a shame so many electrons are wasted by the "Dream Team" (two of whom have promoted using guns in the past 10 days). That's whom you are supporting.
Collectively, we don't have enough buckets to come close to containing the gusher of misinformation provided by dbm and ftw.
I especially liked debunking the "Dream Team"'s recent suggestion that we analyze a sample of signatures they said were on mail-in ballots.

There are, of course, no signatures on mail-in ballots -- the signatures are on the outside of the mailing envelopes to protect the secrecy of the ballots.

Probably makes no difference to the Screaming Dream Team.
Why was Marc Elias, the mastermind behind 2020, terrified of the Cyber Ninjas checking the signatures in that AZ audit? The DNC literally spent millions to prevent it but welcomed an audit of the voting machines. Same for Ratburger in Georgia.

I attended a seminar on fraud and audit techniques once. Literally the #1 red flag for fraud is the refusal to let anyone see your evidence. "Reluctance to provide information to auditors" was #1. As the saying goes, if you have nothing to hide why do you keep hiding?
You've unraveled the whole thing.

When do you testify to Congress?
So they mail out ballots to people who don't request them?
dbm let's just get someone we know who can win without having to worry about all this stuff. like the bush family and all the other pubs who have won. no one even knows where harris is. or stay at home pete. no one likes that little weasel either. biden is a cadaver. they're going to roll out that no good newsom in a bespoke suit with his slicked back hair and all these suburban moms who don't follow politics are going to come out of the woodwork to vote for him and trounce trump. jeans and his starched white shirt. mercy. fat trump doesn't have a chance. then we'll be crying election fraud. procedure fraud. whine whine whine. and it'll be four more years of dems. we need to a suitable replace for trump. who could it be?
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We're the only country in the world that allows mass mail in ballots. There's a reason the French banned them in their Constitution.
In 1975? France has a Parliamentary system and stringent gun laws as well. Are you going to cherrypick what European characteristics you want to be applied?

Mail in voting is NOT going away in the US, because it's popular with Dems AND Independents, and even some of the GOP minority. In fact prior to 2020 it was the GOP that was most invested in absentee/mail ballots. More revisionism from Trump, playing to the stupids...
dbm let's just get someone we know who can win without having to worry about all this stuff. like the bush family and all the other pubs who have won. no one even knows where harris is. or stay at home pete. no one likes that little weasel either. biden is a cadaver. they're going to roll out that no good newsom in a bespoke suit with his slicked back hair and all these suburban moms who don't follow politics are going to come out of the woodwork to vote for him and trounce trump. jeans and his starched white shirt. mercy. fat trump doesn't have a chance. then we'll be crying election fraud. procedure fraud. whine whine whine. and it'll be four more years of dems. we need to a suitable replace for trump. who could it be?
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She's 39, so a MILF not a coug. Minimum age for a coug has to be late 40s?
hmmmm i don't like when they have kids. means those boobs are fakeees. i'll tell ya what. i've been tuning into this middle east stuff. lots of hot women over there. what's the story with this one you found?