
Not really. Not sure why you are concerned with my life or why you might think it's "tough." But I'm fine with it, and that's all that matters. Thanks for your concern, I guess?
You seem to feel the need to tell us your dumbshitradar went off and I was concerned about you. Have you slept in the last 6 years ?
Danger to the country. Yawn. Rioting and trashing cities without support or because you don't like what a court might do and fomenting racial divides are a danger to the country. Acting like the left is somehow superior morally after the summer of love is laughable. Maxine waters, and harris, and cori bush and aoc and all the bullshit acting like crime doesn't exist and blacks are nothing but victims is a danger to the country. Nonsense. No sense. I'd take Trump heavy over what we're seeing from the left any day.

Dems can't let go of Jan 6 and this silly narrative. If anything Jan 6 demonstrated that our institutions are strong. Look how many courts summarily dismissed Trump's claims. He didn't get a lick of support anywhere. And Biden is president. What will fix the far left's dangerous actions?
He didn’t get a lick of support anywhere? You surely have to be joking about this. You’ve missed the recounts in how many states. The ninjas. The number of Republicans who still support and scream about the Big Lie constantly. Republicans are getting primaries if they didn’t support the Big Lie. No support. Try again. Constantly trying to compare protests about police officers killing blacks to what happened January 6 is totally bogus. Politicians weren’t encouraging this and you didn’t see Biden or Bernie flags. Trump knew exactly what he was doing and he was excited it was happening. Interesting that so many old school Republicans are now demonized for parting from Trump. And they are the ones who are calling him and his supporters a danger to the country.
He didn’t get a lick of support anywhere? You surely have to be joking about this. You’ve missed the recounts in how many states. The ninjas. The number of Republicans who still support and scream about the Big Lie constantly. Republicans are getting primaries if they didn’t support the Big Lie. No support. Try again. Constantly trying to compare protests about police officers killing blacks to what happened January 6 is totally bogus. Politicians weren’t encouraging this and you didn’t see Biden or Bernie flags. Trump knew exactly what he was doing and he was excited it was happening. Interesting that so many old school Republicans are now demonized for parting from Trump. And they are the ones who are calling him and his supporters a danger to the country.
Are you seriously this dumb? The Dems were asking/paying for bail funds for rioters.
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Bill is a fraud
He was never a conservative. Any of them like the lincoln project never were. Bill is flat out lying
So he was conservative for 4 decades but you get to say he never was. I can name dozens of Republicans who feel that Trumpmis such an outlier, so unqualified and so corrupt that they are looking at the big picture to get rid of the stink he has left.
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So he was conservative for 4 decades but you get to say he never was. I can name dozens of Republicans who feel that Trumpmis such an outlier, so unqualified and so corrupt that they are looking at the big picture to get rid of the stink he has left.
Wow! Dozens!!! :rolleyes:
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Can you please point out the errors? I read it twice and don’t see them.
How drunk are you? Read it again and see use of plural ''women'' when it should be woman then reversing ''woman '' when it should be '' women''? You teach English?
Of course you do. Everyone believes you don't watch CNN or MSNBC, hon.
Well, good for them, but everyone here knows I read, or anyone who pays attention. Evidently you don’t.
They let you teach children with your attittude? I don't actually have any clue what and who you refer to but ''catturd''?
You really don’t pay attention much on these boards. DMB posts stuff from some moron named Catturd frequently. What attitude is that? Lmao. You really don’t have to pipe in on things you know nothing about, you know?
You really don’t pay attention much on these boards. DMB posts stuff from some moron named Catturd frequently. What attitude is that? Lmao. You really don’t have to pipe in on things you know nothing about, you know?
I forgot you are all knowing on all subjects, want to get back to me on proper use of singular and plural?
Are you seriously this dumb? The Dems were asking/paying for bail funds for rioters.
Ahhhh there we go with the dumb, Mr. Dunning Kruger himself. They paid some funds for protestors, I saw nothing about them paying funds for anyone damaging property. And they certainly didn’t make Martyrs out of them like the January 6 gang. But please feel free to link if they paid for violent rioters to get out of jail.
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I forgot you are all knowing on all subjects, want to get back to me on proper use of singular and plural?
This is the second time you’ve made false accusations of spelling or grammar mistakes. What exactly is your singular/plural issue?
Let's be honest, no they wouldn't. Mitch ruined it forever. There is no one Trump could have nominated that would have gotten a fair shake from the Dems. And for good reason, of course. Because Mitch is burning the structures of our government to the ground for partisan gain. But, yeah, no one had a shot.
I don’t really think there were many complaints about Gorush, were there? The individual, not the way he ended up there.
This is the second time you’ve made false accusations of spelling or grammar mistakes. What exactly is your singular/plural issue?
Seriously you have to ask this? You responded to me in a post not even to you. I'm not going back but read it. READ it , a singular women and a plural woman is the way it as written? You have no where to go on this . Go READ the original post, doubt it has been changed so I will simplify when referring to one person the proper use is woman not one women. When referring in general to women the proper word is women not woman.
Wow! Dozens!!! :rolleyes:
Can you name a time when dozens of prominent Republicans or Democrats felt the need to leave their party because they thought the President was so odious he would harm the country?
Seriously you have to ask this? You responded to me in a post not even to you. I'm not going back but read it. READ it , a singular women and a plural woman is the way it as written? You have no where to go on this . Go READ the original post, doubt it has been changed so I will simplify when referring to one person the proper use is woman not one women. When referring in general to women the proper word is women not woman.
You told me I made a mistake also. Yes, I read his quickly and didn’t see the original woman and women error. Don’t worry, I’ll be there to correct you in the future. I was the proofreader for all our published work at school, so I’m usually better at spotting, but don’t worry. I’ll be sure to point yours out, as you so like to do to others. But I promise I won’t call you dumb or stupid, like you do everyone you respond to.
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You told me I made a mistake also. Yes, I read his quickly and didn’t see the original woman and women error. Don’t worry, I’ll be there to correct you in the future. I was the proofreader for all our published work at school, so I’m usually better at spotting, but don’t worry. I’ll be sure to point yours out, as you so like to do to others. But I promise I won’t call you dumb or stupid, like you do everyone you respond to.
Thank you, so nice of you. You are a proof reader and it took you 3 times to figure that out and it wasn't even in a post directed to you. You like to come across so superior to everyone that isn't a liberal, you are an English teacher and a proof reader and you couldn't see that? I'm sure all of your critiques will have a great bearing on my life!
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But what is your reasoning that he isn’t all there. You watch him do a press conference for two hours and that’s not a realistic conclusion. I’m sure he’s lost a step or two, as anyone has at that age, but it’s just disingenuous to imply more.
It is honestly something we will not see eye to eye on no matter what evidence I present. However, his staff's reluctance to let him talk to just about anyone unless it is in a highly planned environment, comparison of his speaking and speech patterns historically and compared today, along with many moments where he has gone off into a brain fog mumbling lead me to believe that he has lost more than a step.

If he were a Republican and was facing similar circumstances and someone brought up the idea of putting a Democrat as #2, I would say they were being daft. Joe Biden leaves about as much room for concern from a health standpoint as about any president in my lifetime, including Reagan who had similar worries floated about him near the end of his term.

My main point in the original post though was that Kristol's original commentary was beyond stupid.
This is just another case. Again not a Trump the person fan but if you are equating Trump with Biden at 79 years old obvious mental lackings it just shows stupidity . Whether you like Trump or not it isnt mental deficiencies you don't like him. Fine. Don't even attempt to equate that with Biden. Biden shouldn't be on a local school board let alone President

Impressive vocabulary display.
He didn’t get a lick of support anywhere? You surely have to be joking about this. You’ve missed the recounts in how many states. The ninjas. The number of Republicans who still support and scream about the Big Lie constantly. Republicans are getting primaries if they didn’t support the Big Lie. No support. Try again. Constantly trying to compare protests about police officers killing blacks to what happened January 6 is totally bogus. Politicians weren’t encouraging this and you didn’t see Biden or Bernie flags. Trump knew exactly what he was doing and he was excited it was happening. Interesting that so many old school Republicans are now demonized for parting from Trump. And they are the ones who are calling him and his supporters a danger to the country.

I personally equate Trumpism with BLM

All simple minded people, protesting complex ideas.. that have no simple answers.
He didn’t get a lick of support anywhere? You surely have to be joking about this. You’ve missed the recounts in how many states. The ninjas. The number of Republicans who still support and scream about the Big Lie constantly. Republicans are getting primaries if they didn’t support the Big Lie. No support. Try again. Constantly trying to compare protests about police officers killing blacks to what happened January 6 is totally bogus. Politicians weren’t encouraging this and you didn’t see Biden or Bernie flags. Trump knew exactly what he was doing and he was excited it was happening. Interesting that so many old school Republicans are now demonized for parting from Trump. And they are the ones who are calling him and his supporters a danger to the country.
There is nothing wrong with challenging the election counts. Every state I'm aware of found minimal errors. Every court threw out the cases. Hence not a lick of support. Who gives a shit what goofy extreme people are supporting him. I'm speaking of and was speaking of our institutions. They worked. There's no danger - save the political currency of continuing to call it a "danger."

And of course our politicians supported the rioting. Maxine Waters outright but Harris declaring cops murderers - Cori Bush, Defund the police. That all exacerbated and promoted unrest. It doesn't have to be "go riot" saying "cops murdered" is inflammatory. What's more it was all illusory. There was no empirical data showing unarmed blacks were killed at a higher rate - though evidence certainly should have evidenced same given that they represent 13% of the population yet account for around half the violent crime.

You are extreme in your thinking and lack the ability to be objective about anything political.
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A win is a win. If you think he lost in 202 because of Kristol or any Republicans who also sat out 2016, you're only fooling yourself. He got a helluva lot more Republican votes than any other Republican candidate in history, including McCain and Romney.

You 'solid Republican's' wouldn't have made a damn bit of difference.
Might have won the popular vote with solid Republican votes like mine added in 2016 and might not have gotten waxed in 2020 with our votes.
7 pages of total idiocracy.

as if what sex or race those giving away our freedoms and privacy and economy and anti trust and govt not for sale to the highest bidders, matters in the slightest.
Any thread that includes a post of yours is more idiotic than it would be if you hadn’t posted.

Are you in Pittsburg with your bomb sniffing dogs investigating the bridge collapse?
He didn’t get a lick of support anywhere? You surely have to be joking about this. You’ve missed the recounts in how many states. The ninjas. The number of Republicans who still support and scream about the Big Lie constantly. Republicans are getting primaries if they didn’t support the Big Lie. No support. Try again. Constantly trying to compare protests about police officers killing blacks to what happened January 6 is totally bogus. Politicians weren’t encouraging this and you didn’t see Biden or Bernie flags. Trump knew exactly what he was doing and he was excited it was happening. Interesting that so many old school Republicans are now demonized for parting from Trump. And they are the ones who are calling him and his supporters a danger to the country.
Trump isn't even in office. How on Earth is he a danger to the country outside of your extremely biased thinking. Riots lasted two hours then everyone was back at Texas Steakhouse. During the summer of love instigated by our own VP over 14,000 people were arrested. Can you imagine such a thing? 14,000. The damage. Over 2,000 cops injured. It continued for months. That despicable Cori Bush's car was shot up this week. What's more two cops were shot in Ferguson. She talked about her car. Has she said a word about the cops being shot in Ferguson? You know she marched in Ferguson for Michael Brown and had a shit fit when the cops were rightfully exonerated. She doesn't care that cops were shot. She doesn't care about them.

Your thinking is warped. You're in this bubble of the lefty loons that can't find the forest for the trees. Trump's faults, his many faults, were messaging; his policies were fine. The left, the left to which you fall, have lost their minds and are far more dangerous in ignoring laws to enact whatever far left lunacy they support while ignoring the fact that the majority of people don't want what they are selling. Trump is words - the left is policy. The former is far less scary. A large contingent of the left has lost common sense.

Bill Maher, hardly a "righty," summed it up nicely. I strongly encourage you to get out of your bubble and try to see some reality and watch it. It's a great video espousing common sensical thoughts. The same people calling to defund the police from DC are literally having their car riddled with bullets at home. The policies of this group from the left are far more dangerous than any words Trump could spit out

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Their true colors of not wanting a sexual harasser on the court? Congrats, Republicans got two. If the Dems put someone up and there are similar allegations, I’d hope they would be dismissed.
They were unsupported and unprovable allegations. Additional allegations were proven false. The Democrats’ behavior on that one was unfair and despicable. It certainly didn’t help them politically.
I don’t really think there were many complaints about Gorush, were there? The individual, not the way he ended up there.

There weren't. Of course no Dems were willing to vote to confirm, but that was because of the McConnell hijack, not substantive concerns about his qualifications.
I personally equate Trumpism with BLM

All simple minded people, protesting complex ideas.. that have no simple answers.
With a bunch of people on both sides that can't see anything wrong with their side.
They were unsupported and unprovable allegations. Additional allegations were proven false. The Democrats’ behavior on that one was unfair and despicable. It certainly didn’t help them politically.
That doesn't matter as long as allegations were made. Can you imagine having some of these people on a jury if you were accused of certain things. In their mind you would automatically be guilty so there would be no need for a trial.
Can you name a time when dozens of prominent Republicans or Democrats felt the need to leave their party because they thought the President was so odious he would harm the country?
Plenty of Democrats left the Party to vote for Reagan.

You're surely old enough to remember that. More than 'dozens' left the Party after the Clinton sleaze Administration.

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