
But he's right. I have no problem with a qualified person being on the bench. But if you're a black woman wouldn't you rather be on the bench because you're qualified rather than your skin color? To me, Biden is shedding is normal negative light by publicly zeroing in on a black woman. All he had to do was keep his big political mouth shut for once and pick his person (black woman) and say it was on merit. Better for all.

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Liberal leaning judges vote "along party lines" way more than the conservative wing. In other words, conservative judges are able to think independently of each other, while the liberal wing is nothing more than a waddle of penguins.
Interesting. Got a link?

We already know with 100% confidence Biden will pick a black woman because everything is about race to him. I would be my house it is a black woman and nobody else will be considered. Now he just has to find the most far left wing activist black woman judge in America.
Great bet, since he ran on the promise of installing a black female to the position.
He may find somebody qualified but the fact he made it all about race and only will consider one race is mind boggling and racist in and of itself. But it is Biden so I am not surprised. The left does not see anything wrong with it but boy if a republican said I am only picking a man or I am only picking a someone of Irish decent they left would lose its mind. They would be screaming racism or sexism to the high heavens like you had never seen. Just like they will scream racism is anyone dare oppose the woman he puts up.
You really think when Clarence Thomas was appointed it wasn’t about race? You really think when Sandra Day O’Connor was appointed it wasn’t about gender? You really think when Kavanaugh was appointed it wasn’t about beer? Explain how this is new? Just one more thing for Trumpsters to get angry about.
You really think when Clarence Thomas was appointed it wasn’t about race? You really think when Sandra Day O’Connor was appointed it wasn’t about gender? You really think when Kavanaugh was appointed it wasn’t about beer? Explain how this is new? Just one more thing for Trumpsters to get angry about.

There's no point in engaging in political discussion because people won't see past their virtual reality.
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This is dumb...beyond dumb. No flipping way the Democrats are making a Republican #2 with Joe Biden in charge. Forget that the guy seems to be seconds away from needing replaced in office, you don't want him running in 2024 and your bench would normally be the VP and you have that role filled by Romney.

Kristol jumped the shark a long time ago.
Seconds away from being replaced? In what way, shape, or form do you believe that? What are the indications for that nonsense?
Don't need 60. See Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett.
Which is another issue. You can’t pass voting rights with just 50, but you can appoint a lifetime Supreme Court position. In this environment they’d never get to 60 no matter who it was.
To be fair, the one thing these “old Republicans” all have in common is that they are openly rooting for the Democratic Party and with that party zooming to the left, that’s not cool.
I think that will change once Trump and Trump lites are not in charge of the party. They recognize the danger to the country.
I think that will change once Trump and Trump lites are not in charge of the party. They recognize the danger to the country.
Danger to the country. Yawn. Rioting and trashing cities without support or because you don't like what a court might do and fomenting racial divides are a danger to the country. Acting like the left is somehow superior morally after the summer of love is laughable. Maxine waters, and harris, and cori bush and aoc and all the bullshit acting like crime doesn't exist and blacks are nothing but victims is a danger to the country. Nonsense. No sense. I'd take Trump heavy over what we're seeing from the left any day.

Dems can't let go of Jan 6 and this silly narrative. If anything Jan 6 demonstrated that our institutions are strong. Look how many courts summarily dismissed Trump's claims. He didn't get a lick of support anywhere. And Biden is president. What will fix the far left's dangerous actions?
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Seconds away from being replaced? In what way, shape, or form do you believe that? What are the indications for that nonsense?
It is me being mean. That being said, he is 78 years old and isn't all there. This discussion has been had many times on the board so I am not going to rehash it.

I stand by my point, given Joe Biden, there is no way in hell that the Democrats are going to put any Republican as the #2. The risk he inherits the job is too high for one and secondly the Democrats are already facing electoral issues, some of which are related to the fracturing of their own coalition along the Progressive and moderate lines. Putting a GOP member as #2 sends Jayapal, the squad, et. al. into guerilla "retake the party" mode.

I don't agree with the Democrats but I don't think any of their leadership is that politically inept to make what for them is a truly, astronomically stupid decision.
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Danger to the country. Yawn. Rioting and trashing cities without support or because you don't like what a court might do and fomenting racial divides are a danger to the country. Acting like the left is somehow superior morally after the summer of love is laughable. Maxine waters, and harris, and cori bush and aoc and all the bullshit acting like crime doesn't exist and blacks are nothing but victims is a danger to the country. Nonsense. No sense. I'd take Trump heavy over what we're seeing from the left any day.

Dems can't let go of Jan 6 and this silly narrative. If anything Jan 6 demonstrated that our institutions are strong. Look how many courts summarily dismissed Trump's claims. He didn't get a lick of support anywhere. And Biden is president. What will fix the far left's dangerous actions?
You do realize that the SOL you and stoll talk about so much was in 2020, right? And Portland and Minneapolis are not smoking craters, St. Louis notwithstanding.
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Doesn't mean they voted wrong and now that conservatives stole another seat, not much to worry about. All rigged in your favor. congrats.

And do you really think trump was looking for unbiased appointees or going after the biggest partisan lackeys he could find? I think the latter. Those 3 judges haven't been around long enough to making determination how partisan they end up but Trump isn't known to go after moderate anything.
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You do realize that the SOL you and stoll talk about so much was in 2020, right? And Portland and Minneapolis are not smoking craters, St. Louis notwithstanding.
I think the violence that ensued was like tinder for what's carried on with elevated crime thereafter. So summer of 2020 was what 16 months ago and Jan 6 was 12. Close in time. But math so..... I'm still trying to "unsee" the months and months of rioting and destruction, and living with the fear of how close it was to home. It feels like yesterday. Everyday. I wake up with it. Every. Day.
If this is true, it's terrifying. I put nothing past McConnell.

God, Time used to be a respectable source of news. See the "Editor's Note"

Editor’s Note: The original version of this story incorrectly stated that Republicans could use Senate rules to block a Biden Supreme Court nomination. It was based on the author’s incorrect analysis of a May 13, 2021, Congressional Research Service report. The Senate will require a majority of votes to approve Justice Stephen Breyer’s replacement, not 60 votes.
No, if they didn't nominate people that groped women against their will then there wouldn't be an issue. Of course, putting limits on the investigation really showed the Gop's true colors.
Good old hickory defending his libs. You see to hickory kavanaugh it did not matter and kavanaugh is not allowed to defend himself. Just a mere accusation to hickory means guilt if it's his opposition. To hickory you are guilty first and are not allowed to defend yourself. Typical raging leftist who does not believe in an actual due process.
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Trump got no credit from the opposition party for all the campaign promises he followed through on. He did get hell for a couple that he didn’t exactly follow through on (Mexico paying for the wall).

So you mean Biden wouldn't be president right now? hey I am all for ya on that one hickory! especially when they are underage That would be a double whammy
Hickory supports biden no matter who he groped. Its only repubs who concern left wing hickory. Remember he does not believe in due process or free speech for the right. If you listen to him he would be all for shutting down all free speech of his opposition.
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Doesn't mean they voted wrong and now that conservatives stole another seat, not much to worry about. All rigged in your favor. congrats.

And do you really think trump was looking for unbiased appointees or going after the biggest partisan lackeys he could find? I think the latter. Those 3 judges haven't been around long enough to making determination how partisan they end up but Trump isn't known to go after moderate anything.
I don't believe that judges make right or wrong decisions. Democrats appointed judges tend to follow the company line more than GOP appointed judges. I am not saying that is right or wrong, just a fact. Heck, a couple of GOP named judges became very liberal over their time on the court.
I believe that most judges on the Supreme Court are worthy of being there (liberal or conservative). That is where you and I differ.
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Hickory supports biden no matter who he groped. Its only repubs who concern left wing hickory. Remember he does not believe in due process or free speech for the right. If you listen to him he would be all for shutting down all free speech of his opposition.
You, Dan, and DRB have to be the same guy. Fess up...
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We'll need every conservative and Republican influencer and voter or Republicans will be unlikely to win the Presidency again.
Well we won without you and Kristol in 2016 and I'm pretty sure we can win without you again.
I don't believe that judges make right or wrong decisions. Democrats appointed judges tend to follow the company line more than GOP appointed judges. I am not saying that is right or wrong, just a fact. Heck, a couple of GOP named judges became very liberal over their time on the court.
I believe that most judges on the Supreme Court are worthy of being there (liberal or conservative). That is where you and I differ.

That's not how your previous posts sounded. I have more faith in judges appointed a while ago than I do in ones appointed recently given the highly partisan divide and how judges get selected.
God, Time used to be a respectable source of news. See the "Editor's Note"

Editor’s Note: The original version of this story incorrectly stated that Republicans could use Senate rules to block a Biden Supreme Court nomination. It was based on the author’s incorrect analysis of a May 13, 2021, Congressional Research Service report. The Senate will require a majority of votes to approve Justice Stephen Breyer’s replacement, not 60 votes.
The article I read talked about it being blocked in committee.
Well we won without you and Kristol in 2016 and I'm pretty sure we can win without you again.
By the skin of his teeth running against the worst candidate in history (Trump is second worst since he won). He was trounced in 2020 because Kristol and other solid Republicans like me couldn't vote for him.
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Two things I'm gathering about our right wing friends in this thread.

1. They didn't know that all politicians, since the beginning of time, pander for votes.
2. They believe that there couldn't possibly be a black woman qualified for a Supreme Court position.

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Two things I'm gathering about our right wing friends in this thread.

1. They didn't know that all politicians, since the beginning of time, pander for votes.
2. They believe that there couldn't possibly be a black woman qualified for a Supreme Court position.

I haven't seen anybody mention, or even imply, that there is not a qualified black women. I am sure there are many. Agree with #1
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We'll need every conservative and Republican influencer and voter or Republicans will be unlikely to win the Presidency again.
Bill has jumped from being a person who claims conservativism but being uncomfortable with Trump to someone who has openly switched sides and is calling for the Democrats to win elections and also arguing for political points that would make him a better fit for that party. I make a distinction between the positions.

I guess who he votes for is up to him but I could not care less what the guy has to say.

Edit to add: I would have a little more respect for him if he was trying to influence the party from within. He is not a Trump fan, cool, I can understand that to a certain degree, so back an alternative within the party. He is not going to win any converts with the positions he and the NRO have taken over the past 4 to 5 years.

You can have someone who is not a Trump fan, like a Ben Shapiro, who still is very clearly a conservative thinker and is still making conservative arguments to advance a conservative position as a respectable conscientious objector. I have no issue with your displeasure with Trump either (although I do think that Biden's flaws made him a worse choice than Trump 2.0 and the events of the past year have not done anything to disabuse me of that position) but I don't think you have switched positions much. I think Bill Kristol has.
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By the skin of his teeth running against the worst candidate in history (Trump is second worst since he won). He was trounced in 2020 because Kristol and other solid Republicans like me couldn't vote for him.
A win is a win. If you think he lost in 202 because of Kristol or any Republicans who also sat out 2016, you're only fooling yourself. He got a helluva lot more Republican votes than any other Republican candidate in history, including McCain and Romney.

You 'solid Republican's' wouldn't have made a damn bit of difference.
A win is a win. If you think he lost in 202 because of Kristol or any Republicans who also sat out 2016, you're only fooling yourself. He got a helluva lot more Republican votes than any other Republican candidate in history, including McCain and Romney.

You 'solid Republican's' wouldn't have made a damn bit of difference.
Digging in the polls after the 2020 election, it was white males that lost the election for Trump. I do think that people like Aloha made a difference in the election. I also, respectfully, think they made the wrong call. They were looking for a return to "norms" that I just don't believe exist at this time. I think the leadership we have now is worse than what we had during Trump and his administration had issues. Some of his doing and some because (IMO) the interloper was treated as such by the establishment.

I also think that the "norms" are not all they are cracked up to be. Our system was broken by a whole bunch of the "norms" crowd. Maybe Trump was not the answer needed but D.C. needs a shake up.
Digging in the polls after the 2020 election, it was white males that lost the election for Trump. I do think that people like Aloha made a difference in the election. I also, respectfully, think they made the wrong call. They were looking for a return to "norms" that I just don't believe exist at this time. I think the leadership we have now is worse than what we had during Trump and his administration had issues. Some of his doing and some because (IMO) the interloper was treated as such by the establishment.

I also think that the "norms" are not all they are cracked up to be. Our system was broken by a whole bunch of the "norms" crowd. Maybe Trump was not the answer needed but D.C. needs a shake up.
My point was, they didn't vote for him in 2016 and he still won. He got many - many - more votes in 2020 without that same constituency voting for him.

I doubt, based on 2016 numbers, that there are 7 million anti-Trumpers out there, like Aloha, who would have made up the difference.
I think the violence that ensued was like tinder for what's carried on with elevated crime thereafter. So summer of 2020 was what 16 months ago and Jan 6 was 12. Close in time. But math so..... I'm still trying to "unsee" the months and months of rioting and destruction, and living with the fear of how close it was to home. It feels like yesterday. Everyday. I wake up with it. Every. Day.
I was just yanking ya a little, but we can argue all day on which event was more harmful on which levels: the SOL or 1/6.
I understand St. Louis is in a different place than Indy. I live right downtown in the Mile Square, and have worked in what is known as Center Township for over 30 years. What you describe sounds worse than my day to day.
I was just yanking ya a little, but we can argue all day on which event was more harmful on which levels: the SOL or 1/6.
I understand St. Louis is in a different place than Indy. I live right downtown in the Mile Square, and have worked in what is known as Center Township for over 30 years. What you describe sounds worse than my day to day.
It's sad. I was in KC and even though the weather was shitty (bitter cold) my partners and I walked around downtown, went bar hopping, had some good bbq. Things that you just don't really do in downtown Stl. I've spent enough time where you live. It's infinitely better than here.

I often wonder what cities/states like this would be like if reversed. If instead of all Dems running the cities it was Republicans and instead of all the state offices being Republicans they were filled by Dems
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