Trump doesn’t have an MBA from Wharton

Truth is, I couldn't possibly care less. I didn't realize Wharton was part of UPenn until this thread. If most people associate Wharton with MBAs, and Trump is okay with that wrong assumption about him, fine, whatever. Just one more thing about Trump that's shady, I guess, but it honestly doesn't even register on my outrage-o-meter.
You didn’t know Wharton was Penn? 40 push-ups, bro. Go.
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Ahhhh, but I didn’t feel dissed or anything. Can I still say dissed without looking old?
So, when you meet some stranger at a cocktail party and they ask you where you studied business, you say: "I went to Kelley". I don't believe that, because 99.9% of people have no idea what Kelley is...or even Wharton for that matter.

Is it laborious to say a 13 word sentence?

So I guess I’m an idiot too. Ok I’ll tell people laboriously that I went to Indiana U for undergrad business school and ______ for my MBA.
Huh.....aren't you the one who linked up about 10 people who said they went to Wharton?'re the wannabe, buddy.

And to be honest (although I live in River North now) I did want to live next to the L. I don't know this hangup you have about my former home for which I paid $800,000 and bought the property next door for $430,000 (both in cash)....but there you have it. You can't stop thinking about that. It's beyond weird that you stalk people to find their address, but....that's you. Do you do this for all the people you're jealous of? Maybe if you spent less time stalking and more time working, you'd be more successful. Just a suggestion.

Lol. Anyone that has to try this hard is a nobody and a wannabe. Let us guess, you make so much money, you just prefer to live next to the L and Metra.

Can you hear the trains all night or do you just get used to the rumbling?
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Lol. Anyone that has to try this hard is a nobody and a wannabe. Let us guess, you make so much money, you just prefer to live next to the L and Metra.

Can you hear the trains all night or do you just get used to the rumbling?

Huh.....aren't you the one who linked up about 10 people who said they went to Wharton?'re the wannabe, buddy.

And to be honest (although I live in River North now) I did want to live next to the L. I don't know this hangup you have about my former home for which I paid $800,000 and bought the property next door for $430,000 (in cash)....but there you have it. You can't stop thinking about that. It's beyond weird that you stalk people to find their address, but....that's you. Do you do this for all the people you're jealous of?

You two need to just have weird awkward sex and get it over with already.
I don't. Mjvcaj/JDB has stalked me all over the internet...posted about me on the Rivals national football board (!) under a different handle than he posted under here. You'd have to ask him why, he looked up where I lived, inaccurately priced out my house that used to be a two flat that was turned into a single family home, opined on how close I live to the L (? if that's not bizarre behavior, I don't know what is), and seems slightly obsessed with me. The only time I comment on anything he posts is when he makes a foolish comment about something he has zero knowledge of. He's not in the hedge fund industry. Never has been, and most likely never will be if he's still doing the grunt work of investment banking at this point in his career.

Listen, I get it. This is something I used to see all the time in my business. People think because they have earned a bunch of degrees from Ivy League schools (mjvcaj hasn't even done that) they get upset and jealous because the people who bring in the money make many times more dinero than they do. Unfortunately, this is just a fact of life. We pay their salary and are rewarded for it handsomely. JDB (what a stupid handle, by the way...and an even more stupid avatar) is constantly seething because he can't succeed...when the reality is there are so many Jamie Dimon's Balls out there...he'll never do anything unless he's something special...which he is not or he wouldn't have been washed out of the real industry a decade ago...and it is why he is an "investment banker" who drives a Toyota Camry and lives in Minneapolis. This is not normal in the investment banking world...and he'd get laughed at by the legitimate investment banking community in NY, London, Chicago, San Fran, etc. That's why he can't get a job in any of those cities. I'm not saying he's not a smart guy. He just has no outstanding skill, although he pretends he does. It's good for his self esteem, I guess.

Finance is a tough business. No one is going to hand you anything. Believe it or not, I have a great reputation in hedge fund land. I'm not an expert on breaking down balance sheets or analyzing securities, but I've spent years as a commodities broker, traded OEX and SPX options, and have been in the hedge fund industry ever since. I know enough to be dangerous and enough to tell the story of the fund I represent. I raise money because people like and trust me and I spent a decade building relationships. I was the first one in the office and the last one to leave for my entire career (that's one of the reasons I got to know Cerberus. I called their office and shot the shit with Bill Richter for an hour). He liked me because I did what he did before he founded Cerberus...and Citibank was their prime broker at the time [technical jargon] and he STILL payed me because I became friends with him and I was also buddies with the CIO at Citibank Global Asset Mgt. As we grow older, those junior analysts we started talking to in our 20's become portfolio managers, and then CIOs (another area Jamie Dimon's Balls seems to be lagging)...and we've been friends for many years at that point. Anyway...I get fund managers in the door of places when other people cant. That is just a fact.

This is the last discussion I will have with that douche about my career, where I live, etc. (by the way, how huge of a house do a husband and wife who have no children need? Apparently $1.2 million, at least is not appropriate for two people according to someone who lives in an igloo). If he's so plugged into the hedge fund industry like he says, he's welcome to ask around.

I think he'll be surprised. In fact I welcome it!

You two need to just have weird awkward sex and get it over with already.
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Correct. It's a school of management...not business. My buddy is in town from Phoenix today for the Cubs convention. I'm going to ask him whether he just says he went to Krannert (which I'm sure would be met with blank stares), or if he'll say he got a degree in Management from Purdue, which I've heard him say about a million times. But rest assured, I'll get an answer from an actual graduate. one here doubts that Wharton is a great undergraduate biz school. It's just that (as both articles I linked say) most graduates don't say they went to Wharton unless they received their MBA from there. Not sure why this is so controversial. It's just the way it is, like it or not.

Wait, what? You're joking, right? Yes, it is called the Krannert School of Management, but your're not suggesting it isn't an undergrad business school, right? Krannert is also ranked #5 in Production/Operation Management, #6 in Quantitative Analysis and #10 in Supply Chain Management/Logistics among undergraduate business programs by USNWR.

Oh, and guess what CNBC ranks as the #1 undergraduate business school in the U.S.?
That's right, the "Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania" - not the "University of Pennsylvania."
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I hate to say it because I LOVE IU, but the key point in your point is the "majority of people in business in Indiana know the significance of Kelley's undergrad program." My opinion of this is derived from the fact that my wife went to IU Biz for undergrad, and many of the people I went to school with and remain friends with fall in the same category. No one knows the name of Indiana's business school outside of Indiana. They just don't.

Not one of them says "I went to Kelley" and have anyone know what they're talking about. If you live in Chicago, you probably know what "Booth" is (University of Chicago) or Kellogg (Northwestern), but if I said I went to "Mendoza", would you have any idea what I was talking about?

Look it up.

I'm going to hate myself later for weighing in on this, but here goes.

I started my undergrad at Kelley. Half way through my junior year, I needed to move back home to NE Indiana. A few years later I finished my business degree at IPFW after jumping through a hundred hoops. When people see my degree from Indiana University they ask if I went to Kelley. I promptly tell them I graduated from IPFW. So I'd say that the majority of people in business in Indiana know the significance of Kelley's undergrad program.
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I don't know, but I didn't get run out of town, and my car cost more than your house.

Lol. Anyone that has to try this hard is a nobody and a wannabe. Let us guess, you make so much money, you just prefer to live next to the L and Metra.

Can you hear the trains all night or do you just get used to the rumbling?
Look at my avatar and think about this for a second. You will NEVER in your life own a car like this. Not ever.

You are a mediocre shift best. I'd have you fired if I worked at your company (god knows what boiler room that is) because I've never seen an investment banker spend so much time on an internet forum.

Don't worry, though, Polar Thunder (your wife) will love you regardless of your mediocre rise to "success", LOL.

Lol. Anyone that has to try this hard is a nobody and a wannabe. Let us guess, you make so much money, you just prefer to live next to the L and Metra.

Can you hear the trains all night or do you just get used to the rumbling?
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Look at my avatar and think about this for a second. You will NEVER in your life own a car like this. Not ever.

You are a mediocre shift best. I'd have you fired if I worked at your company (god knows what boiler room that is) because I've never seen an investment banker spend so much time on an internet forum.

Don't worry, though, Polar Thunder (your wife) will love you regardless of your mediocre rise to "success", LOL.

You sound a lot like Trump when you post like this. I find it disgusting and offensive. Not everyone is so well off on here. Unless you are prepared to donate, we don't want to hear about how wealthy you are. Besides, since when is financial success the end all and be all? For every rich person, there are 10 others with more talent and a harder work ethic who didn't catch the right breaks.

If you don't like JDB's posts please just ignore him.
But it's not a mistake. It's reality in my world.

I think the mistake that @DrHoops is making is that, in his circles of financial services professionals, “business school” almost always implies masters level schooling and undergrad is meaningless.

I hear the M&A people talk like this at work too.
Correct. It's a Management school, not a Business school. I'm not arguing that it's not a great school, because it is.

Yes, but Purdue's Krannert School of Management is consistently ranked very high among MBA programs (although technically thy award MS degrees rather than MBAs). In fact, I believe that Krannert is in the top-10 for several fields (e.g., logistics).
Well, for some bizarre reason Jamie Dimon's Balls/Mjvcaj (He has multiple handles) has stalked me all over the internet trying to discredit me. Not sure what his obsession is, but it's an unhealthy one.

You sound a lot like Trump when you post like this. I find it disgusting and offensive. Not everyone is so well off on here. Unless you are prepared to donate, we don't want to hear about how wealthy you are. Besides, since when is financial success the end all and be all? For every rich person, there are 10 others with more talent and a harder work ethic who didn't catch the right breaks.

If you don't like JDB's posts please just ignore him.
Well, as you know, I'm a die hard liberal and I max out my donations to liberal causes. I don't think I deserve a tax cut, when there are so many people to whom it should be targeted.

I just feel like when a washed out/laid off "investment banker" who cant even find a job in the entire city of Chicago tries to call ME out when I've built my business here since the day I got my degree from Indiana, he needs to be corrected. Which he has been.

Believe me, I am not an obnoxious person in real life. You will never meet someone more down to earth. That's the truth.

You sound a lot like Trump when you post like this. I find it disgusting and offensive. Not everyone is so well off on here. Unless you are prepared to donate, we don't want to hear about how wealthy you are. Besides, since when is financial success the end all and be all? For every rich person, there are 10 others with more talent and a harder work ethic who didn't catch the right breaks.

If you don't like JDB's posts please just ignore him.
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Well, as you know, I'm a die hard liberal and I max out my donations to liberal causes. I don't think I deserve a tax cut, when there are so many people to whom it should be targeted.

I just feel like when a washed out/laid off "investment banker" who cant even find a job in the entire city of Chicago tries to call ME out when I've built my business here since the day I got my degree from Indiana, he needs to be corrected. Which he has been.

Believe me, I am not an obnoxious person in real life. You will never meet someone more down to earth. That's the truth.

I generally agree with your politics, but let me tell you where I'm coming from. And before talking about my situation, while you are sitting in your fancy car, there are people in this world, children, who are STARVING through no fault of their own. They didn't choose that life. They didn't have the option to work hard. They are kids who happen to randomly be born at the wrong place and time. Donating to liberal causes is great, but words and behavior matter too.

I came to London only because of this stupid travel ban so my wife could join me. I am a student here. My wife and I saved for 3 years to plan toward our future. I am a masters student here, but I won't become rich from my pursuits. My wife has been unable to land a job. This was totally unexpected as I thought the job market here was booming in the IT field. The salaries are 2-3 times worse than the US and positions are hard to find. If you aren't a permanent resident it's also much more difficult. She is now doing an unpaid internship for 1 month at a cheap ass company doing work on sentiment analysis battling with a jerk for a paid position that will pay peanuts. I have taken a $20,000 student loan to pay my tuition in addition to us planning to spend all of our savings. ($60,000). Recently, I've battled shingles (at age 25) probably due to stress as a result of being nervous about her visa + worrying about finances and a backup plan if she is rejected.

Then I come on here and read about someone posting that their new car is worth more than peoples houses. And that their house is worth this much. Show some more humility. Other people are struggling. Be humble. Let your achievements speak for themselves.

I don't know why someone goes around the forums talking about you, but there are other ways to handle it. Bragging about this and that is not the way. It's petty, immature, and totally turns people off. You are better than this.

I would like to start an organization for people affected by the travel ban after my wife successfully procures a visa. (I'm afraid being very vocal and public now could backfire in our own case)

I will make sure to contact you for a donation after I'm up and running ;) :p
I agree...and I apologize. I would be happy to make any phone calls I can to help you guys in London, although I'm only in the financial space.

All I can say to make you understand my position is when people say you and your girlfriend need to do something idiotic (in your mind) and minimize your relationship and standing, it's really difficult not to react.

I do apologize for offending you and I will block JDB's nonsense (and often racist) posts. When I'm in London next, I will also buy you a pint....and if you happen to be in Chicago, we can really get into some trouble.

I will most definitely donate. Sometimes miserable people bring out the worst in me. It always makes me ashamed later that people who I respect around here read what is the worst in me. For that, I apologize.

I generally agree with your politics, but let me tell you where I'm coming from. And before talking about my situation, while you are sitting in your fancy car, there are people in this world, children, who are STARVING through no fault of their own. They didn't choose that life. They didn't have the option to work hard. They are kids who happen to randomly be born at the wrong place and time. Donating to liberal causes is great, but words and behavior matter too.

I came to London only because of this stupid travel ban so my wife could join me. I am a student here. My wife and I saved for 3 years to plan toward our future. I am a masters student here, but I won't become rich from my pursuits. My wife has been unable to land a job. This was totally unexpected as I thought the job market here was booming in the IT field. The salaries are 2-3 times worse than the US and positions are hard to find. If you aren't a permanent resident it's also much more difficult. She is now doing an unpaid internship for 1 month at a cheap ass company doing work on sentiment analysis battling with a jerk for a paid position that will pay peanuts. I have taken a $20,000 student loan to pay my tuition in addition to us planning to spend all of our savings. ($60,000). Recently, I've battled shingles (at age 25) probably due to stress as a result of being nervous about her visa + worrying about finances and a backup plan if she is rejected.

Then I come on here and read about someone posting that their new car is worth more than peoples houses. And that their house is worth this much. Show some more humility. Other people are struggling. Be humble. Let your achievements speak for themselves.

I don't know why someone goes around the forums talking about you, but there are other ways to handle it. Bragging about this and that is not the way. It's petty, immature, and totally turns people off. You are better than this.

I would like to start an organization for people affected by the travel ban after my wife successfully procures a visa. (I'm afraid being very vocal and public now could backfire in our own case)

I will make sure to contact you for a donation after I'm up and running ;) :p
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Correct. It's a Management school, not a Business school. I'm not arguing that it's not a great school, because it is.
As I said in a later post, apparently Krannert does award MBAs now. Also, I never heard anyone distinguish between the MS program at Krannert and an MBA program. I’m not suggesting it’s as highly regarded as Kelley or Kellogg or Wharton, but I was always led to believe that it was the equivalent of an MBA. In fact, for at least 20 years Krannert has been listed in all of the rankings of MBA programs without any indication that it awarded a degree that was somehow different from an MBA.
As for people saying they went to Krannert, I heard that all the time when I was at Purdue as well as after I graduated. However, I only recall hearing someone say that in conversations with other Purdue grads. Most people would not know where Krannert was. Heck, before I read this thread if someone told me they got their MBA “from Kelley” I might respond with “Kelley? Kelley who?” (But I did know where Wharton was.)
Not picking a fight. Just passing along marginally relevant information. Then again, this whole thread was marginal to begin with. ;)
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Sorry, Noodle...I took it off the rails. My apologies.

As I said in a later post, apparently Krannert does award MBAs now. Also, I never heard anyone distinguish between the MS program at Krannert and an MBA program. I’m not suggesting it’s as highly regarded as Kelley or Kellogg or Wharton, but I was always led to believe that it was the equivalent of an MBA. In fact, for at least 20 years Krannert has been listed in all of the rankings of MBA programs without any indication that it awarded a degree that was somehow different from an MBA.
As for people saying they went to Krannert, I heard that all the time when I was at Purdue as well as after I graduated. However, I only recall hearing someone say that in conversations with other Purdue grads. Most people would not know where Krannert was. Heck, before I read this thread if someone told me they got their MBA “from Kelley” I might respond with “Kelley? Kelley who?” (But I did know where Wharton was.)
Not picking a fight. Just passing along marginally relevant information. Then again, this whole thread was marginal to begin with. ;)
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Believe me, I am not an obnoxious person in real life. You will never meet someone more down to earth. That's the truth.

Self-awareness is an extremely precious commodity that you should look into dabbling in sometime. It's something we struggle with! ;)
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I agree...and I apologize. I would be happy to make any phone calls I can to help you guys in London, although I'm only in the financial space.

All I can say to make you understand my position is when people say you and your girlfriend need to do something idiotic (in your mind) and minimize your relationship and standing, it's really difficult not to react.

I do apologize for offending you and I will block JDB's nonsense (and often racist) posts. When I'm in London next, I will also buy you a pint....and if you happen to be in Chicago, we can really get into some trouble.

I will most definitely donate! Sometimes miserable people bring out the worst in me.

My only advice is don't bring yourself down to someone else. The best thing you can do is to ignore them. If they continue to defame, there are appropriate avenues to address this. (I'll leave that to the attorneys) Having to chase someone around forums who is defaming you is nuts. Don't play their childish games.

If you know anyone who does trading with Iran or is interested in trading with Iran she worked in a commodities firm for 3 years in Tehran. Otherwise, anything in fintech is good. She is writing a thesis for a masters in computational linguistics. Right now she is doing sentiment analysis/data science of twitter (cryptos + forex) for a fintech startup. Doesn't have a lot of working experience.

If you come to London, the pint is on me as I'm the host. I'll also invite you over for a homemade Persian dinner. That's a standing offer to everyone on the forum, except Lucy.

Hopefully the court rules in our favor and there is no need for my organizational idea. Unfortunately, Obama and the Republican Congress did something really horrible, which was institute something called AP for citizens of these countries. As a result, a great number of people wait 1-2 years for visas in limbo for "background checks". Why on Earth background checks of grandparents take months to years, no one knows. It's an administrative hell being used against innocent people to delay visa issuance.
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I don't know, but I didn't get run out of town, and my car cost more than your house.

Haha. You must buy a lot of crappy cars because every time you brag about your car it's a different car. I don't see a ski rack, bicycle rack, or other accouterments of a full interesting life--it's just a car for the sole purpose of getting you from your garage to the valet at the local cafe.
Self-awareness is an extremely precious commodity that you should look into dabbling in sometime. It's something we struggle with! ;)

I think the internet often brings out the worst in us because of the anonymity and lack of accountability. There is stuff I post here that I would never say to someone's face. That's the case for most of us.
One of my buddies is Lebanese and is a sugar trader in the mid-east, with a firm based here in Chicago. I know Iran isn't the mid-east, but perhaps it might be of help? Does she speak Arabic or only Farsi?

My only advice is don't bring yourself down to someone else. The best thing you can do is to ignore them. If they continue to defame, there are appropriate avenues to address this. (I'll leave that to the attorneys) Having to chase someone around forums who is defaming you is nuts. Don't play their childish games.

If you know anyone who does trading with Iran or is interested in trading with Iran she worked in a commodities firm for 3 years in Tehran. Otherwise, anything in fintech is good. She is writing a thesis for a masters in computational linguistics. Right now she is doing sentiment analysis/data science of twitter (cryptos + forex) for a fintech startup. Doesn't have a lot of working experience.

If you come to London, the pint is on me as I'm the host. I'll also invite you over for a homemade Persian dinner. That's a standing offer to everyone on the forum, except Lucy.

Hopefully the court rules in our favor and there is no need for my organizational idea. Unfortunately, Obama and the Republican Congress did something really horrible, which was institute something called AP for citizens of these countries. As a result, a great number of people wait 1-2 years for visas in limbo for "background checks". Why on Earth background checks of grandparents take months to years, no one knows. It's an administrative hell being used against innocent people to delay visa issuance.
One of my buddies is Lebanese and is a sugar trader in the mid-east, with a firm based here in Chicago. I know Iran isn't the mid-east, but perhaps it might be of help? Does she speak Arabic or only Farsi?

Only farsi. In general, she prefers something in tech as that's what she has studied for. If she finds an opportunity in something related to trading, she will probably take it as the money wouldn't hurt.

One thing that has killed the Iranian economy is the US banking sanctions, which were not tied to the nuclear deal. As a result, the Iranian embassy in the UK does not even have a bank account! It has really hindered companies from investing in Iran post-nuclear deal.
Hahaha! Well, I stupidly got rid of my 911 because I didn't think it was practical (to be honest, I'm in the midst of an amicable divorce [and yes, I'm embarrassed about saying that]). So, I bought this SUV, from Mercedes called a GLE43 AMG Coupe, kind of the X6M, except for by Mercedes. I drove that around for about 4 months and I just couldn't stand it. I felt like I was on a boat. So I decided that since the 911 is going to be totally redesigned in 2019, I didn't want to buy back into it and have the last version of the old model. At the same time Mercedes came out with the AMG GT-S, and I started looking at the youtube videos and it is a monster. 503 HP, top speed 193 mph....and I got fixated.

So, that's what I went and got. Not so great in the winter, but it keeps me off the road after cocktails. I'm going to keep this one for a while.

Haha. You must buy a lot of crappy cars because every time you brag about your car it's a different car. I don't see a ski rack, bicycle rack, or other accouterments of a full interesting life--it's just a car for the sole purpose of getting you from your garage to the valet at the local cafe.

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