Kelly on Trump

Maybe. But I don’t really know what he would’ve done differently that wouldn’t have disrupted people’s lives as much as it did. Not, anyway, unless we were going to follow Sweden’s lead in not just shutting everything down.

And, besides, a whole lot of the policy responses were done by states, not the feds.

I just think it was the disruption itself in most cases - which caused political problems for government leaders everywhere.
If that were the case, wouldn't state governors have also lost their reelection bids overwhelmingly? Only one did though and that's because voters in those states didn't think their governor shit the bed on Covid the way voters felt Trump did. If it was just Covid, we would have seen those governors losing reelection overwhelmingly. But it wasn't. Voters throw out everyone because of Covid. They threw out Trump.
Hoos, my man, we seem to have some timeline confusion here.

You just linked a story from 2022 to explain an event from 2020.
Let's not talk about that. Let's go back to #2. 🍳🤦‍♂️🤣

Totally had my timeline confused and got excited when I remembered it was May...just didn't remember it was May 2022. My bad. I own it and move on (back to that really good point I have about #2 🤣)
It’s not just me who thinks it. That’s the reason I pulled the quotes from Axe and Murphy - two seasoned political pros who very much want her to win.

If they’re right that Trump’s numbers aren’t movable, then any effort made to try to move them is just as wasted as the energy expended in trying to push an immovable object. It’s not just that it’s futile, it’s that it expends limited resources that could and should be used to do what she needs to do.

And I don’t mean money. That’s not the limited resource. I’m thinking about things like time and attention.
Like I've said...I agree with part of it. But I think it's a mistake if you think it's about trying to move Trump's numbers. She isn't trying to move the immovable. I think the campaign is trying to motivate...both her base and her reliable demographics (particularly young voters) who don't tend to actually cast ballots reliably. I think it's a mistake to do only that, but there's value in that, too.
If that were the case, wouldn't state governors have also lost their reelection bids overwhelmingly? Only one did though and that's because voters in those states didn't think their governor shit the bed on Covid the way voters felt Trump did. If it was just Covid, we would have seen those governors losing reelection overwhelmingly. But it wasn't. Voters throw out everyone because of Covid. They threw out Trump.

Let's not talk about that. Let's go back to #2. 🍳🤦‍♂️🤣

Totally had my timeline confused and got excited when I remembered it was May...just didn't remember it was May 2022. My bad. I own it and move on (back to that really good point I have about #2 🤣)

Like I've said...I agree with part of it. But I think it's a mistake if you think it's about trying to move Trump's numbers. She isn't trying to move the immovable. I think the campaign is trying to motivate...both her base and her reliable demographics (particularly young voters) who don't tend to actually cast ballots reliably. I think it's a mistake to do only that, but there's value in that, too.

I’m assuming that virtually everybody who is motivated by Trump - for or against - is already a surefire voter. And I think that’s a safe assumption.

The people she needs to get aren’t. If they were, they would already be in the above group.

And I think you’re saying she should do both. But that’s the point of those comments above from Tapper and Bash. She’s given a great opportunity and platform to make the case and win their support - and she uses it to mostly just keep hammering on Trump…as though if she keeps doing that, eventually she’ll convince them to vote for her just to keep him out of office.

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