Kelly on Trump

What carried Biden in 2020 was 1) trump fatigue and 2) the hope of uncle Joe. A quiet bridge to the next election

What we got was progressive insane joe and the opposite of a quiet bridge. So in 2024 that’s the stink that is weighing down Harris. A proper primary would have replaced Harris and any number of Dems would have had a fresh start to defeat a still stale trump
Don't discount several million fake ballots.
We've been waiting four years now for someone to answer the question of who ordered counts in five states to be halted in the middle of the night....
Well, what else would explain Trump going from being a 62% favorite for reelection in March to an 37% underdog in June?


That doesn’t seem like a coincidence. And if the problem was people figuring out they hated Trump, it seems he’d never have been polling well enough to be favored…then or now.

I just think it was the effects the pandemic had on their lives. It was extremely disruptive. Some people may have blamed that on his handling of it. Others may not have. But it doesn’t really matter - when things go haywire, it’s not surprising that it would fall back on the folks in charge.

I’m just saying that she needs to be focusing on closing the sale on her - rather than focusing on knocking Trump down. That stuff is already baked in the cake.
A few different responses:

1) You just linked a chart referencing what "bookies" thought of the election as evidence of why the electorate voted a certain way. Come on. Be serious. Should I point to a chart referencing what people at the local barbershop thought to counter it?

2) Trump's handling of Covid is the salient thing there. It's part of why many people turned away from him. It's not the Covid. It's the Trump.

3) What else happened right around that same time? It's another big reason why suburban women turned away from Trump and towards Biden.

4) I've already agreed that she needs to spend more time on selling herself. I just don't think it's the only pitch like you seem to.

I think the electorate is complex and that everyone is still grappling with who is actually going to turn out to vote. Harris needs to drive turnout however she can and I'm not sure that her campaign had enough runway to really do it. They've had just four months to piece it together and this has been the most turbulent four months I can remember in an election cycle.

Appreciate the conversation.
I said this right after her interview with Bret Baier. It's not just that she needs to do more interviews, she needs to do them with people who will pose challenging questions as Baier did. I agree with you that it was successful for her. She should find other outlets she can go where the questioning won't be fawning (like "The View", etc.) or just a circle-jerk on dumping on Trump.
Her numbers in the polls and betting markets have went down as she has done more interviews. She’s ranged from meh to not real good in most of them. The more people see of her the more I likable she becomes. Sacks nailed it back in August. She really is a terrible candidate.

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I used to hear how the Democrats need to refrain from likening Trump to Hitler, or other bad guys. But now it is coming from one Republican, after another, after another, after another, after another, after another... x 100.
Like all the others he is butt hurt. Can't stand that Trump didn't like him or take his advice. Can't stand that he put over 45 years into military service only for a reality TV star to run for office and within a year become his boss. Can't stand that Trump won't go along with endless wars. These are the pettiest people alive.

And Trump chose him for CoS.
Like all the others he is butt hurt. Can't stand that Trump didn't like him or take his advice. Can't stand that he put over 45 years into military service only for a reality TV star to run for office and within a year become his boss. Can't stand that Trump won't go along with endless wars. These are the pettiest people alive.

The military budget needs to be drastically cut. Slash it by 200-300 billion and a lot of this shit goes away. Unfortunately, Trump increased it when he was in office.
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A few different responses:

1) You just linked a chart referencing what "bookies" thought of the election as evidence of why the electorate voted a certain way. Come on. Be serious. Should I point to a chart referencing what people at the local barbershop thought to counter it?

2) Trump's handling of Covid is the salient thing there. It's part of why many people turned away from him. It's not the Covid. It's the Trump.

3) What else happened right around that same time? It's another big reason why suburban women turned away from Trump and towards Biden.

4) I've already agreed that she needs to spend more time on selling herself. I just don't think it's the only pitch like you seem to.

I think the electorate is complex and that everyone is still grappling with who is actually going to turn out to vote. Harris needs to drive turnout however she can and I'm not sure that her campaign had enough runway to really do it. They've had just four months to piece it together and this has been the most turbulent four months I can remember in an election cycle.

Appreciate the conversation.

The active futures markets like PredictIt had similar charts. But I can’t figure out how go back that far in 2020 to clip the graph. So that’s one I found which paints the same picture.

Trump was favored to win reelection prior to Covid. I remember it well.
The military budget needs to be drastically cut. Slash it by 200-300 billion and a lot of this shit goes away. Unfortunately, Trump increased it when he was in office.

I wouldn’t have any issue with cutting the defense budget (although 20-30% seems a tad extreme and unwise). But I’ve long thought the most politically feasible way to pare spending is to just do it across the board by X%.

It isn’t the best way to do it. But it would be a zoo if they tried to cut some, not others, different levels, etc.

However, it’ll never happen. I think they’re just going to keep monetizing debt - which is a form of taxation…and a very regressive one at that.
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I wouldn’t have any issue with cutting the defense budget (although 20-30% seems a tad extreme and unwise). But I’ve long thought the most politically feasible way to pare spending is to just do it across the board by X%.

It isn’t the best way to do it. But it would be a zoo if they tried to cut some, not others, different levels, etc.

However, it’ll never happen. I think they’re just going to keep monetizing debt - which is a form of taxation…and a very regressive one at that.
Seems to me across the board cuts would also ultimately be very regressive. Most government services don't get better the more you pay. So any decrease in services is going to be felt by the lower classes more.
If fraud were happening on any large scale, we would see it. Voter records are public, recall a Trump official was discovered claiming residence in a mobile home in Virginia.

Let us look at it the other way, GOP states jumped from the compact that alerted a state when a person moved and registered in a second state. They left it because there were requirements they run voter registration drives. Why do Republicans risk the fraud of someone moving from Florida to Indiana and voting in both just to make sure fewer people are registered? You want to eliminate fraud, why drop out of the ONLY system designed to catch people moving between states (it also looks for people who have died or moved in state).

All because states had to contact non-registered voters and offer to register them.

If you don't want fraud, that is a MAJOR loophole. In a 4 year period, how many people do we think change states?
I don’t think effective fraud is as easily detected as you think. Regardless, the election challenge timelines don’t allow detection to be a difference maker. Fraud must be prevented.
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Seems to me across the board cuts would also ultimately be very regressive. Most government services don't get better the more you pay. So any decrease in services is going to be felt by the lower classes more.

If I thought it was politically possible any other way, I’d be all for it. If we had a fiscally responsible, properly functioning government, we could do that and it would be a better way. States do it all the time - because they don’t have the option to borrow money from the very institution that prints it.

I don’t think this way is politically likely, either. I’m just saying that doing it across the board would eliminate the squabbling over what line items are more or less important. Because, naturally, everybody is going to argue that theirs is more sacred and critical than somebody else’s.

We’d have to leave the big entitlements out of it though. That’s where most of the money is - but they’ll need to be reformed in ways that reduce costs…rather than just facing a budget knife.
I don’t think effective fraud is as easily detected as you think. Regardless, the election challenge timelines don’t allow detection to be a difference maker. Fraud must be prevented.

And there are a lot of people registered to vote in multiple states and the Republicans left the one group looking for that possible fraud. Are you ok with that specific fraud? Other Republicans here?

Why leave just because DeSantis did not want to send a postcard encouraging people to register.
We’d have to leave the big entitlements out of it though. That’s where most of the money is - but they’ll need to be reformed in ways that reduce costs…rather than just facing a budget knife.
That would be the way to make it politically feasible. Almost. I fear that too many people view defense spending as just as sacred as entitlements.
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That would be the way to make it politically feasible. Almost. I fear that too many people view defense spending as just as sacred as entitlements.

Some do, yes. But not as many as you think - not outside of the Beltway and the defense industries, anyway.

That was the thinking behind including mandatory defense cuts in the sequestration deal struck between Obama and Boehner. The defense cuts were put in there because they thought it would give McCain-style Republicans the incentive to act to avoid sequestering defense funds.

As it turned out, there was no uproar about it happening. I think the DOD can carry out their mission just fine with less funding.
If elected, she would be the most incapable president ever. She confirms that every single day. She can’t think, act or talk in the moment. She can barely manage a scripted event. Her campaign can no longer hide her so they set up fake town halls, and interviews with friendly reporters that turn into train wrecks anyway— even with rehabilitative edits. Of course more interviews with non-friendlies are out of the question after the Brett Baier fiasco.

Her inappropriate laughter is increasing and her message is more and more unhinged Trump screeching.
I’d bet you thought the country would collapse when Obama was elected too. And I seem to remember when the Dancing Orange Orangutan was running against Biden he said the country would collapse. Well we’re still here aren’t we? Bet that sucks fore you in the cult. Can’t wait to hear what you have to say if he loses again. Wait I’d bet it goes something like they cheated. 🤣
I used to hear how the Democrats need to refrain from likening Trump to Hitler, or other bad guys. But now it is coming from one Republican, after another, after another, after another, after another, after another... x 100.
So that’s 600 pubs. List please?
2) Trump's handling of Covid is the salient thing there. It's part of why many people turned away from him. It's not the Covid. It's the Trump.

Maybe. But I don’t really know what he would’ve done differently that wouldn’t have disrupted people’s lives as much as it did. Not, anyway, unless we were going to follow Sweden’s lead in not just shutting everything down.

And, besides, a whole lot of the policy responses were done by states, not the feds.

I just think it was the disruption itself in most cases - which caused political problems for government leaders everywhere.

3) What else happened right around that same time? It's another big reason why suburban women turned away from Trump and towards Biden.

Hoos, my man, we seem to have some timeline confusion here.

You just linked a story from 2022 to explain an event from 2020.

4) I've already agreed that she needs to spend more time on selling herself. I just don't think it's the only pitch like you seem to.

It’s not just me who thinks it. That’s the reason I pulled the quotes from Axe and Murphy - two seasoned political pros who very much want her to win.

If they’re right that Trump’s numbers aren’t movable, then any effort made to try to move them is just as wasted as the energy expended in trying to push an immovable object. It’s not just that it’s futile, it’s that it expends limited resources that could and should be used to do what she needs to do.

And I don’t mean money. That’s not the limited resource. I’m thinking about things like time and attention.

Appreciate the conversation.
Same back atcha. ;)
If elected, she would be the most incapable president ever. She confirms that every single day. She can’t think, act or talk in the moment. She can barely manage a scripted event. Her campaign can no longer hide her so they set up fake town halls, and interviews with friendly reporters that turn into train wrecks anyway— even with rehabilitative edits. Of course more interviews with non-friendlies are out of the question after the Brett Baier fiasco.

Her inappropriate laughter is increasing and her message is more and more unhinged Trump screeching.
Try to get a ride back to earth one. Earth two is the cult world. Oh wait, I forgot, you’re just plain stupid. Please tell me you’re going to DC if he loses and try the coup thing again. This time the herd will be culled.
First, I have no idea what massive voter fraud can be.

I have also have no idea why you would cite Georgia as a counterpoint to my point. Over strenuous Democratic opposition, Georgia passed pretty good election integrity laws. Those laws cost them the all star baseball game. It attracted dirision from the White House and many other Democrats. Biden’s DOJ sued the state and I believe that suit is still going.

Other states are not like Georgia and fraud is easier. The fraud can happen any where in the process from ineligible registrants, lying about eligibility on the ballot, fooling with tabulation software and more.

In a country where we have the means to have pretty secure elections, the Democrats want a system that guarantees questions, challenges, and litigation in the event of a close result. .
Yeah they passed a law that prohibits people from giving water to anyone waiting in line. Yep that’s good for election integrity or could it possibly be voter suppression. Nah. Why would republicans want to suppress the vote in a city like Atlanta?
Bruce Springsteen and Eminem are really going to help them close strong and win the 2004 presidential election.
Whoa. Are we using the way back Time Machine for the 2004 election? I’d bet W wins again.
And the Boss and Eminem have a much larger following in the swing states than say kid rock or Ted Nugent. Washed up aholes. But you left out the secret weapon Taylor Swift. You guys hate her because she came out for Harris. If she endorsed Agent Orange you’d be on cloud nine.
Yeah they passed a law that prohibits people from giving water to anyone waiting in line. Yep that’s good for election integrity or could it possibly be voter suppression. Nah. Why would republicans want to suppress the vote in a city like Atlanta?
If the Georgia law was intended to suppress votes - particularly Democratic votes - then it failed miserably.

Georgia turnout with the law in effect wasn’t just higher than it had been before, voters there elected two Democratic US Senators.
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Don't discount several million fake ballots.
We've been waiting four years now for someone to answer the question of who ordered counts in five states to be halted in the middle of the night....
Keep reaching the dumb ass. His own republican officials said it was the safest election ever. But hey show us the proof that 60 plus judges called bs. You guys just can’t accept losing. I love it. Same old tired cheating obsession.
John Kelly? Bwahahahaha.

He's a giant fraud. Full blown TDS. His nonsense has been refuted repeatedly. Tell me this isn't all you've got.
And you know this how? Have you ever worn the uniform? I’m guessing no. Or if you did you got a DD. You get dumber with every post.
Whoa. Are we using the way back Time Machine for the 2004 election? I’d bet W wins again.
And the Boss and Eminem have a much larger following in the swing states than say kid rock or Ted Nugent. Washed up aholes. But you left out the secret weapon Taylor Swift. You guys hate her because she came out for Harris. If she endorsed Agent Orange you’d be on cloud nine.
I’d be happier if she got married and had kids and stopped preaching to young women that being a 34 year old embracing their arrested development is chic.

Even if it meant she still supported Democrats.
If the Georgia law was intended to suppress votes - particularly Democratic votes - then it failed miserably.

Georgia turnout with the law in effect wasn’t just higher than it had been before, voters there elected two Democratic US Senators.
They passed the law after the 2020 election in 2021. Try to keep up.
We aren’t talking about singing happy birthday here. Hitler did good things as dictator that has lasting positive effects.
What like gassing 6 million Jews? He’s responsible for over 50 million deaths total. Yeah you’re right he did some good things. You have to be a Nazi to think that. But you’re Orange Jesus’s kind of Nazi.
They passed the law after the 2020 election in 2021. Try to keep up.
The turnout I was referring to was for the 2022 midterm (57.02%) as compared to the 2018 midterm (56.8%). And Warnock was elected in 2022, after the law went into effect.
A few different responses:

1) You just linked a chart referencing what "bookies" thought of the election as evidence of why the electorate voted a certain way. Come on. Be serious. Should I point to a chart referencing what people at the local barbershop thought to counter it?

2) Trump's handling of Covid is the salient thing there. It's part of why many people turned away from him. It's not the Covid. It's the Trump.

3) What else happened right around that same time? It's another big reason why suburban women turned away from Trump and towards Biden.

4) I've already agreed that she needs to spend more time on selling herself. I just don't think it's the only pitch like you seem to.

I think the electorate is complex and that everyone is still grappling with who is actually going to turn out to vote. Harris needs to drive turnout however she can and I'm not sure that her campaign had enough runway to really do it. They've had just four months to piece it together and this has been the most turbulent four months I can remember in an election cycle.

Appreciate the conversation.

This is what I’m getting at about her using time and attention to do what she needs to do instead of wasting it on harping about Trump.

These are comments from friendly media people on her town hall performance…


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