Kelly on Trump

She needs get those low-propensity voters who are motivated by their pocketbooks and don’t care one way or the other about Trump or January 6th or any of that - and she needs to convince them that she can best address their grievances.
You think think that's what carried Biden in 2020? People who rarely if ever vote and were motivated by their pocketbooks to vote for Biden? I've never seen anybody make that argument and I'm not sure that's reflected in any exit polling that I've seen if that is what you are claiming.
You think think that's what carried Biden in 2020? People who rarely if ever vote and were motivated by their pocketbooks to vote for Biden? I've never seen anybody make that argument and I'm not sure that's reflected in any exit polling that I've seen if that is what you are claiming.
What carried Biden in 2020 was 1) trump fatigue and 2) the hope of uncle Joe. A quiet bridge to the next election

What we got was progressive insane joe and the opposite of a quiet bridge. So in 2024 that’s the stink that is weighing down Harris. A proper primary would have replaced Harris and any number of Dems would have had a fresh start to defeat a still stale trump
I understand not liking her. But to say a former AG of CA, 2 term Senator from CA, and sitting VP is not "qualified" blows my mind. Esp when the opposition consists of a failed con man businessman who literally was elected by people voting for a reality star, as well as a 1st term Junior Senator who has done nothing in the 2 yrs he's served in Government

How could you retweet something from someone that is obviously an idiot that most likely flunked 6th grade civics? That's DBM level...
I understand not liking her. But to say a former AG of CA, 2 term Senator from CA, and sitting VP is not "qualified" blows my mind. Esp when the opposition consists of a failed con man businessman who literally was elected by people voting for a reality star, as well as a 1st term Junior Senator who has done nothing in the 2 yrs he's served in Government

How could you retweet something from someone that is obviously an idiot that most likely flunked 6th grade civics? That's DBM level...
All just political positions. She won elections in a deep blue state backed by a machine she banged her way into.
I understand not liking her. But to say a former AG of CA, 2 term Senator from CA, and sitting VP is not "qualified" blows my mind. Esp when the opposition consists of a failed con man businessman who literally was elected by people voting for a reality star, as well as a 1st term Junior Senator who has done nothing in the 2 yrs he's served in Government

How could you retweet something from someone that is obviously an idiot that most likely flunked 6th grade civics? That's DBM level...


John Kelly? Bwahahahaha.

He's a giant fraud. Full blown TDS. His nonsense has been refuted repeatedly. Tell me this isn't all you've got.
You’re a F***ing moron. So every general who has spoken up about their interactions with Private Bone Spurs is lying. The only ones refuting these reports are morons like you and your Hitler loving pals at Fox, and evidently the MAGA Republicans in congress. Not one has the stones to say this is disguting. No moral compass and none should be in congress. He made the suckers and losers to Private Bone Spurs in Arlington near Kelly’s son’s gravesite. You need to visit Private Bone Spurs in hell. You’ll likely have a home there. There is no shame in you in the cult. Over 700 former military officers, former administration officials, and national security officials signed an open letter about his absolute danger to the nation and you certainly must believe all are dems.
Well at least he’s got kid rock and Ted Nugent while the dems have Taylor Swift, Eminem, the Boss, Beyoncé and many more.
You’re a F***ing moron. So every general who has spoken up about their interactions with Private Bone Spurs is lying. The only ones refuting these reports are morons like you and your Hitler loving pals at Fox, and evidently the MAGA Republicans in congress. Not one has the stones to say this is disguting. No moral compass and none should be in congress. He made the suckers and losers to Private Bone Spurs in Arlington near Kelly’s son’s gravesite. You need to visit Private Bone Spurs in hell. You’ll likely have a home there. There is no shame in you in the cult. Over 700 former military officers, former administration officials, and national security officials signed an open letter about his absolute danger to the nation and you certainly must believe all are dems.
Well at least he’s got kid rock and Ted Nugent while the dems have Taylor Swift, Eminem, the Boss, Beyoncé and many more.
Kelly accomplishes more with his morning shit than dmbhoosier will ever even dream dream about doing.
The people willing to denigrate a real American patriot in service of Trump are those I can’t understand. We have a professed Marine shitting on Kelly just to defend a person who does not in any way deserve that sacrifice. It’s really sad.
All they have is lies and treachery. The sister has of Vanessa Guillen has completely debunked this atrocious Atlantic story. The National Examiner has more credibility.

You might want to do a little research on that. She did not say it wasn’t true. She didn’t like it being used for political gain. How in Gods name any Hispanic person like her could vote for that piece of crap is unfathomable. Let’s not forget there were very fine people on both sides in Charlottesville. Just wondering if you’re going to attempt a coup again if he loses. If so, just remember that a dem is in charge and he will have plenty of guns to put it down.
You’re a F***ing moron. So every general who has spoken up about their interactions with Private Bone Spurs is lying. The only ones refuting these reports are morons like you and your Hitler loving pals at Fox, and evidently the MAGA Republicans in congress. Not one has the stones to say this is disguting. No moral compass and none should be in congress. He made the suckers and losers to Private Bone Spurs in Arlington near Kelly’s son’s gravesite. You need to visit Private Bone Spurs in hell. You’ll likely have a home there. There is no shame in you in the cult. Over 700 former military officers, former administration officials, and national security officials signed an open letter about his absolute danger to the nation and you certainly must believe all are dems.
Well at least he’s got kid rock and Ted Nugent while the dems have Taylor Swift, Eminem, the Boss, Beyoncé and many more.
Bruce Springsteen and Eminem are really going to help them close strong and win the 2004 presidential election.
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You think think that's what carried Biden in 2020? People who rarely if ever vote and were motivated by their pocketbooks to vote for Biden? I've never seen anybody make that argument and I'm not sure that's reflected in any exit polling that I've seen if that is what you are claiming.

I think it was largely due to COVID.

I remember an interview that Tony Fabrizio did with Axelrod on that podcast and he was convinced that, but for COVID, Trump would’ve been reelected. And I got the impression that Axelrod agreed with him.
As Marine,I have followed Kelly for years and I don't trust what he says. He isn't a true Marine that tells the truth every time.
Like all the others he is butt hurt. Can't stand that Trump didn't like him or take his advice. Can't stand that he put over 45 years into military service only for a reality TV star to run for office and within a year become his boss. Can't stand that Trump won't go along with endless wars. These are the pettiest people alive.

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I understand not liking her. But to say a former AG of CA, 2 term Senator from CA, and sitting VP is not "qualified" blows my mind. Esp when the opposition consists of a failed con man businessman who literally was elected by people voting for a reality star, as well as a 1st term Junior Senator who has done nothing in the 2 yrs he's served in Government

How could you retweet something from someone that is obviously an idiot that most likely flunked 6th grade civics? That's DBM level...
If elected, she would be the most incapable president ever. She confirms that every single day. She can’t think, act or talk in the moment. She can barely manage a scripted event. Her campaign can no longer hide her so they set up fake town halls, and interviews with friendly reporters that turn into train wrecks anyway— even with rehabilitative edits. Of course more interviews with non-friendlies are out of the question after the Brett Baier fiasco.

Her inappropriate laughter is increasing and her message is more and more unhinged Trump screeching.
Like all the others he is butt hurt. Can't stand that Trump didn't like him or take his advice. Can't stand that he put over 45 years into military service only for a reality TV star to run for office and within a year become his boss. Can't stand that Trump won't go along with endless wars. These are the pettiest people alive.

Like the hundreds of others. That seems credible to you? No one is looking for endless wars. It be nice of you to retire that nonsense MAGA talking point.
Like all the others he is butt hurt. Can't stand that Trump didn't like him or take his advice. Can't stand that he put over 45 years into military service only for a reality TV star to run for office and within a year become his boss. Can't stand that Trump won't go along with endless wars. These are the pettiest people alive.

What a piece of shit you are.
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I think it was largely due to COVID.

I remember an interview that Tony Fabrizio did with Axelrod on that podcast and he was convinced that, but for COVID, Trump would’ve been reelected. And I got the impression that Axelrod agreed with him.
You think people who rarely vote were motivated to vote because of Covid? Even if that's the case, which seems like a difficult thing to buy, wouldn't you mean his handling of Covid and not the existence of the pandemic? Even then, I'm not sure how Harris aspirationally appeals to people who were driven to the polls for the first time in a generation by a pandemic past presenting calm and level-headedness like she has throughout most of this campaign.
Like all the others he is butt hurt. Can't stand that Trump didn't like him or take his advice. Can't stand that he put over 45 years into military service only for a reality TV star to run for office and within a year become his boss. Can't stand that Trump won't go along with endless wars. These are the pettiest people alive.

Maybe what Kelly can't stand is that Trump denigrated his son's service and sacrifice.. Which is just another example of Trump being a POS...So I'd say Kelly would have a very good reason to want to expose Trump...

Do you think that Trump didn't insult McCain even though he did it in the debate in front of millions? Are you going to pretend you didn't see/hear what we all did? At some point a sane person would t least acknowlege Trump's pretty obvious track record of demeaning people...That's why when Fred Jr says that his uncle suggested he simply let his own son (who is related to Trump as well) die, nobody with half a brain doubts if for a minute. Only Trump would be so crude and cruel...

And what's with continuing to mispronounce Harris's name? She introduced herself by name at the debate, so he can't put out the lying BS that he doesn't "know" how to pronounce her name. It's not hard (comma la) and at this point he's just revealing himself to be a prick...
Interesting discussion that sheds some light on why the Harris campaign has shifted into closing mode with the double message of Trump posing a threat to Democracy and Roe vs Wade. At this point it all boils down to turnout and decreasing margins. That's a good reason it makes perfect sense to close with the two most salient issues for anti-Trump Republicans that are still on the fence...

No Harry. WTF is wrong with you? That you allow yourself to be manipulated so easily? See post #58 for an explanation on how you are being manipulated. The Harris campaign is splicing together comments from several different conversations and drawing bad faith inferences. You need to do better.
The dude lied and tried to steal an election. And whether it be from ignorance, or hate, you are okay with that. Either way, you should be ashamed. But you're not.
You think people who rarely vote were motivated to vote because of Covid?

Well, what else would explain Trump going from being a 62% favorite for reelection in March to an 37% underdog in June?


That doesn’t seem like a coincidence. And if the problem was people figuring out they hated Trump, it seems he’d never have been polling well enough to be favored…then or now.

Even if that's the case, which seems like a difficult thing to buy, wouldn't you mean his handling of Covid and not the existence of the pandemic?

I just think it was the effects the pandemic had on their lives. It was extremely disruptive. Some people may have blamed that on his handling of it. Others may not have. But it doesn’t really matter - when things go haywire, it’s not surprising that it would fall back on the folks in charge.

Even then, I'm not sure how Harris aspirationally appeals to people who were driven to the polls for the first time in a generation by a pandemic past presenting calm and level-headedness like she has throughout most of this campaign.

I’m just saying that she needs to be focusing on closing the sale on her - rather than focusing on knocking Trump down. That stuff is already baked in the cake.