
That's fine, but for Bailey to come out and to immediately come out and play the race card before Biden can even nominate a appointee is truly what is wrong with people.

See the hypocrisy there.
Biden said he would nominate a black female years ago

black and female are the Biden litmus tests, not qualifications
That's fine, but for Bailey to come out and to immediately come out and play the race card before Biden can even nominate a appointee is truly what is wrong with people.

See the hypocrisy there.
Biden stated in his campaign speeches that he wanted a black woman for the Supreme Court. That's a fact and Bailey knew that. Facts aren't playing the race card.
Biden said he would nominate a black female years ago

black and female are the Biden litmus tests, not qualifications
Well good thing there are plenty of qualified candidates regardless that fit what he is looking for. Not like any of his lead candidates went to Cooley.
There are two Obama's, ya know, and one is a woman.
I don't think that would go over very well but that thought crossed my mind as well. She worked at a large law firm but other than that she is very unqualified.

We already know with 100% confidence Biden will pick a black woman because everything is about race to him. I would be my house it is a black woman and nobody else will be considered. Now he just has to find the most far left wing activist black woman judge in America.
Jeez, Bailey, you don't have either imagination or a sense of humor, either one.

I politely think you're full of it to predict that you know what Biden must do. Obviously, you have no inside information.

But if we assume you are infallible claiming that Biden simply, absolutely must name a black woman, then why not a strong, respected law professor? There can be only one choice in that category for my money:


I'm not saying who it is -- you young kids will have to guess. It'll never happen but she's fairly "young" and highly respected.

And, the odds are sky-high no one signed her high school yearbook with embarrassing comments like Kavanaugh invited.
It’s okay for a legislative body to reflect the makeup of the country; but a court? I don’t think so. Among the qualifications for a SCOTUS nominee, I put race and gender way down the list. That might be okay for a trial court where judges directly find facts and evaluate people. But not at the highest court. Lady Justice is blindfolded for a good reason. Personal lived experience should play no part in how a judge interprets the law. No principle of statutory construction includes that. In fact judicial ethics demand the opposite.

Also, nine old white guys decided Brown v Board of Education.
Nine old white guys also decided Scott v. Sandford and Buck v. Bell.

A Supreme Court with nine old white guys is nothing to drool about.
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an 26, 2022 1:35 PM EST

Liberals who harassed Sinema and Manchin now need them to push Biden's Supreme Court pick through​

Senate Democrats are going to have to do a quick about-face if they want these senators' support in confirming President Biden's upcoming Supreme Court nominee.

LOL in the end they will probably get them but talk about a dumb strategy the way the dems treated them the last few months. They better start gettting ready to give these two whatever they want now becasue they likely will have too. Karma.
It's one thing for them to vote against an "infrastructure bill", because no voter really knows what the hell that is.

It'll be another thing to watch what grounds they give for voting against a qualified black woman if they, in fact, do that. Everybody knows what a black woman is.
Of course you'd claim you made the same argument when Reagan nominated O'Connor, but I doubt it.
Why do you on the left always take ideas and principles to individual levels? You avoid issues which is not a sign of ability or intelligence. I said that gender and race should not be a criteria for a SCOTUS justice. If you want argue that race and gender are legitimate criteria, say so.
Not a risky bet since he pledged to nominate a black woman during his campaign. I think that’s an unfair thing to do to the eventual black woman nominee who many will think was only picked because she’s the best black woman nominee rather than simply the best nominee.
Exactly. That’s one of many issues with using that kind criteria as a criteria.
That's fine, but for Bailey to come out and to immediately come out and play the race card before Biden can even nominate a appointee is truly what is wrong with people.

See the hypocrisy there.
Biden literally promised to put a black female on the court as a candidate for President. Bailey is not playing a race card, he is merely taking Biden at his word.
This is dumb...beyond dumb. No flipping way the Democrats are making a Republican #2 with Joe Biden in charge. Forget that the guy seems to be seconds away from needing replaced in office, you don't want him running in 2024 and your bench would normally be the VP and you have that role filled by Romney.

Kristol jumped the shark a long time ago.
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This is dumb...beyond dumb. No flipping way the Democrats are making a Republican #2 with Joe Biden in charge. Forget that the guy seems to be seconds away from needing replaced in office, you don't want him running in 2024 and your bench would normally be the VP and you have that role filled by Romney.

Kristol jumped the shark a long time ago.
None if it would ever happen but BIll is trying to stay relevant or at least a little relevant. He is no longer a republican though I would argue he never really was one he just grifted and supported bush because bush liked wars. Then he had his failed candidate evan egg mcmuffin so at that point he said I better become a dem so I can continute to grift and get on CNN if I trash Trump enough. I do not think dems every really like him much he is such a phony most people see right through his nonsense. With Trump gone his Trump bashing act does not really sell that good anymore so really he is not left with much of anything
At some point you have to be intentional in your hiring, especially when there are plenty of qualified candidates.

Kruger and Brown Jackson are both Ivy League educated and certainly qualified.

I know you don't like targeting minority candidates for hire, but the Supreme Court has been dominated by white males historically. Finally it is starting to reflect the makeup of this country.
I certainly have no issue with black yellow or green as long as they are qualified intellectually and a moderate with objective intentions.

In other words: Neither AOC nor Tucker Carlson endorses them.

We already know with 100% confidence Biden will pick a black woman because everything is about race to him. I would be my house it is a black woman and nobody else will be considered. Now he just has to find the most far left wing activist black woman judge in America.
Good luck finding anyone to book that bet..
Senate confirmation of a radical seems unlikely to get 60 votes.
I certainly have no issue with black yellow or green as long as they are qualified intellectually and a moderate with objective intentions.

In other words: Neither AOC nor Tucker Carlson endorses them.

AOC will be fine with a black woman, as long as it's not a Clarence Thomas type. Tucker won't like anyone Biden names. Won't matter who.
AOC will be fine with a black woman, as long as it's not a Clarence Thomas type. Tucker won't like anyone Biden names. Won't matter who.
If Joe could somehow find a way to get Putin on the high court then Tucker just might be happy.
None if it would ever happen but BIll is trying to stay relevant or at least a little relevant. He is no longer a republican though I would argue he never really was one he just grifted and supported bush because bush liked wars. Then he had his failed candidate evan egg mcmuffin so at that point he said I better become a dem so I can continute to grift and get on CNN if I trash Trump enough. I do not think dems every really like him much he is such a phony most people see right through his nonsense. With Trump gone his Trump bashing act does not really sell that good anymore so really he is not left with much of anything
You should quit turning on Republicans because they dare to have a cross word to say about Trump or otherwise don't agree with Trump on every dumb position he has or asinine statement he utters. Kristol remains more of a Republican than Trump is - or you. I'm not sure what you are other than a Trumpster. You literally will support anything Trump supports. It's a strange phenomenon.
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Yep. That ship sailed in 2017 when McConnell triggered the "nuclear option" and lowered the voting threshold for Supreme Court nominees to 51.
Which followed Harry Reid triggering the "nuclear option" for all other judicial nominations. The idea that Democrats are blameless little angels in this tit for tat is silly.

I actually opposed filibusters for all Presidential nominees (cabinet secretaries, other federal officials and judges) long before they got rid of it, but the responsibility for actually doing it belongs to both parties. I don't hold this one against either and they're both responsible.
Not a risky bet since he pledged to nominate a black woman during his campaign. I think that’s an unfair thing to do to the eventual black woman nominee who many will think was only picked because she’s the best black woman nominee rather than simply the best nominee.
Precisely right. Surely rest of SCOTUS will treat her with the cordiality and professional respect that is due but her self-worth will always wonder if she’d have been picked were Biden not pandering to potential voters while campaigning.
You should quit turning on Republicans because they dare to have a cross word to say about Trump or otherwise don't agree with Trump on every dumb position he has or asinine statement he utters. Kristol remains more of a Republican than Trump is - or you. I'm not sure what you are other than a Trumpster. You literally will support anything Trump supports. It's a strange phenomenon.
To be fair, the one thing these “old Republicans” all have in common is that they are openly rooting for the Democratic Party and with that party zooming to the left, that’s not cool.
Precisely right. Surely rest of SCOTUS will treat her with the cordiality and professional respect that is due but her self-worth will always wonder if she’d have been picked were Biden not pandering to potential voters while campaigning.
Biden’s quote includes something about Black females deserve representation on the court. The problem is that the court is not a representative body. The scary thing would be that such a jurist might actually believe she represents a constituency. .
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To be fair, the one thing these “old Republicans” all have in common is that they are openly rooting for the Democratic Party and with that party zooming to the left, that’s not cool.
I’ve tried to debate several times the issue of whether Trump has really changed the GOP. I haven’t had any takers. I don’t think he has changed it. . He has an outsized and abrasive personality, but that doesn’t change the GOP position on important issues.
I’ve tried to debate several times the issue of whether Trump has really changed the GOP. I haven’t had any takers. I don’t think he has changed it. . He has an outsized and abrasive personality, but that doesn’t change the GOP position on important issues.
Trump has changed the GOP in a few ways, and they’re mostly bad (in my opinion):
  • He has, for way too many people, become the kingmaker for candidates - if u get his endorsement it’s an advantage on the ground. With a man with that size of an ego, that’s not good.
  • His base is far too focused on populism and ignoring foreign affairs. They don’t understand that our dollars spent overseas are investments in our safety and security. Yes there is plenty of work to do domestically but we need to keep several eyes looking out across the oceans.
  • I refuse to believe that our institutions such as FBI, CIA, DNI etc are as corrupt as he claims. Our media is very corrupt I very much agree. But the isolated acts of some bad guys in those agencies does not a failed agency make. But his base thinks them as criminal organizations. That’s unacceptable.
Which followed Harry Reid triggering the "nuclear option" for all other judicial nominations. The idea that Democrats are blameless little angels in this tit for tat is silly.

I actually opposed filibusters for all Presidential nominees (cabinet secretaries, other federal officials and judges) long before they got rid of it, but the responsibility for actually doing it belongs to both parties. I don't hold this one against either and they're both responsible.
You're barking up the wrong tree. I haven't argued here - - or anywhere - - that Democrats are blameless. I simply stated a fact.

And what McConnell did in blocking Obama's pick in 2016 was reprehensible.
I’ve tried to debate several times the issue of whether Trump has really changed the GOP. I haven’t had any takers. I don’t think he has changed it. . He has an outsized and abrasive personality, but that doesn’t change the GOP position on important issues.
Someday you'll have to tell us all about life in your insular little bubble.
I wonder how much pressure was put on Breyer to retire before the mid terms?
Breyer hasn’t said he was going to retire.

The big money Dem donors are so invested in Breyer retiring I wouldn’t be surprised if somebody jumped the gun. I agree, he must be enormous pressure to publicly confirm the leak. Knowing who leaked this, if true, would tell us a lot.

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