14 million elephants in the room


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Sep 6, 2001
Democrat primary voters/votes. Just tossed away? If Joe is unable to perform the duties, which he is, and is why Kamala sits on the nomination, then why is the 25th Amendment not being invoked? Isn’t that its purpose? Section 3, is for this exact situation. If he can’t be President, then why is he President?

Not one vote has been cast for Harris. Not one. Yet, she’s the candidate? A One-percenter? How does that work? So, political parties can now just choose who they want? Screw the people, as long as Nancy and Chuck are happy. Bernie has to be saying WTF.

Did I hear someone say ‘threat to Democracy’??
Democrat primary voters/votes. Just tossed away? If Joe is unable to perform the duties, which he is, and is why Kamala sits on the nomination, then why is the 25th Amendment not being invoked? Isn’t that its purpose? Section 3, is for this exact situation. If he can’t be President, then why is he President?

Not one vote has been cast for Harris. Not one. Yet, she’s the candidate? A One-percenter? How does that work? So, political parties can now just choose who they want? Screw the people, as long as Nancy and Chuck are happy. Bernie has to be saying WTF.

Did I hear someone say ‘threat to Democracy’??
If one is not fit to run for President----how can he be President? And why no explanation from Biden, as to why he dropped.
I thought true democracy scared the hell out of Republicans, we always hear how much greater a republic is here. A presidential primary is a republic. A person votes for their candidate BUT what they are really doing is electing representatives who will go to the convention and cast the real vote. Heck, it is a lot like the electoral college. The people showing up at a convention are typically not bound to vote for the candidate they claimed to support in becoming an elector. It is always theoretically possible the "winning " candidate loses.

But if you want true democracy today, you can work to overturn the Electoral College where Republicans keep winning with a minority vote.
Democrat primary voters/votes. Just tossed away? If Joe is unable to perform the duties, which he is, and is why Kamala sits on the nomination, then why is the 25th Amendment not being invoked? Isn’t that its purpose? Section 3, is for this exact situation. If he can’t be President, then why is he President?

Not one vote has been cast for Harris. Not one. Yet, she’s the candidate? A One-percenter? How does that work? So, political parties can now just choose who they want? Screw the people, as long as Nancy and Chuck are happy. Bernie has to be saying WTF.

Did I hear someone say ‘threat to Democracy’??
I see Trump’s super silly talking points resonated with you.

These questions have been asked and answered numerous times. I explained how Joe Biden could be replaced IAW the laws and per party rules even before he dropped out. I guess you don’t like the answers or don’t understand Trump’s just trying to make political hay by continuing to ask these already answered questions. It’s Trump vs. Harris now. Period.

We need basic civics and government classes in schools again.
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Democrat primary voters/votes. Just tossed away? If Joe is unable to perform the duties, which he is, and is why Kamala sits on the nomination, then why is the 25th Amendment not being invoked? Isn’t that its purpose? Section 3, is for this exact situation. If he can’t be President, then why is he President?
I think they would say that he is OK now but is not likely to be able to withstand the rigors of another 4 years. (I don't think he has been OK for awhile, but that would be the claim.)
Not one vote has been cast for Harris. Not one. Yet, she’s the candidate? A One-percenter? How does that work? So, political parties can now just choose who they want? Screw the people, as long as Nancy and Chuck are happy. Bernie has to be saying WTF.
The parties are allowed to pick their candidates how they want. The current system is newer to the block.

What is happening with Harris is how things used to be done sort of. I don't believe she would really make it through a full vetting process of anyone if the table wasn't already set for her. However, with switching candidates less than 4 months before the election, they had to coalesce around a candidate quickly and by grace of already being VP, she kind of fell into it.
Did I hear someone say ‘threat to Democracy’??
Political power is the goal, not Democracy. Everyone is willing to look past some things in order to have their preferred person/party in power (or out of power as the case may be). So some of us will overlook a bombastic, egotistical, womanizing, liar being our candidate and others will overlook a moronic lightweight who passed up her level of ability several jobs ago and admittedly is in her current role mainly because of checking demographic boxes. Why? Because it is better to have "our" political people in charge than "their" people.
Political power is the goal, not Democracy. Everyone is willing to look past some things in order to have their preferred person/party in power (or out of power as the case may be). So some of us will overlook a bombastic, egotistical, womanizing, liar being our candidate and others will overlook a moronic lightweight who passed up her level of ability several jobs ago and admittedly is in her current role mainly because of checking demographic boxes. Why? Because it is better to have "our" political people in charge than "their" people.

Agreed. I think most people are driven this way, but don’t want to admit it about themselves - because it’s perceived negatively.

They have no issues seeing it, and calling it out, for the other guy. Because, unlike them, his intentions are neither pure nor noble.
"The 2024 Democratic presidential nominee will be selected by delegates to the 2024 Democratic National Convention. The national nominating convention is the formal ceremony during which the party typically selects its nominee. In 2024, the Democratic National Committee plans to certify its presidential nominee during a virtual roll call held before the in-person convention."
Then why have the month’s long primaries? Why involve the people at all? What you’re saying is this - put a list of nominees on the board and the delegates will vote. Naaah, not buying it.
I don’t know but whoever’s idea it was to move the first debate to before the convention deserves a fat raise.

They’d really fooked otherwise.
The conspiracy side of me says that was intentional. A pass/fail all in set up by the left’s influencers and powerbrokers. Who are they? Hard to define. Pelosi? Obama? We don’t know. For the right it’s much cleaner. Much simpler. Clay Travis and Buck Sexton
While you’re right, claiming that Trump will ban abortions, etc is just as stupid.

Re: abortion...

I think people need consider the likelihood that any sweeping federal statute that would either restrict/prohibit abortions nationwide or preclude states from restricting/prohibiting abortions would be struck down by the courts.

I seriously doubt the former would ever make its way into law, anyway. The latter could. But while the courts haven't yet declared that Congress lacks the authority to do either one, it's really not that hard to guess that they will.

The issue has been remanded to the states for the time being. And I think it's very likely that it will remain there for the foreseeable future.
Re: abortion...

I think people need consider the likelihood that any sweeping federal statute that would either restrict/prohibit abortions nationwide or preclude states from restricting/prohibiting abortions would be struck down by the courts.

I seriously doubt the former would ever make its way into law, anyway. The latter could. But while the courts haven't yet declared that Congress lacks the authority to do either one, it's really not that hard to guess that they will.

The issue has been remanded to the states for the time being. And I think it's very likely that it will remain there for the foreseeable future.
Agreed. The high and mighty Left on this forum and in life like to throw out insanely false talking points like “Trump will ban abortion!” and “there’s a war on women!” and “cops are smoking hundreds of black people” and then point out Trump’s multitude of lies. It’s par for the course but I’ve had it with the lies of the Left.
Agreed. The high and mighty Left on this forum and in life like to throw out insanely false talking points like “Trump will ban abortion!” and “there’s a war on women!” and “cops are smoking hundreds of black people” and then point out Trump’s multitude of lies. It’s par for the course but I’ve had it with the lies of the Left.

I don't think Donald Trump opposes abortion. In fact, it would be interesting to know how many of them he's paid for throughout his life.

As a pol, I doubt he even wants to go near the issue. Saying "let the states deal with it" is both politically smart for him and also likely to be the state of law and policy on the issue going forward, anyway.

That can't blame Democrats for running on it. Political sentiment is on their side on it. It's the same reason Trump wants to run on illegal immigration and Democrats want to have it sidelined.
I don't think Donald Trump opposes abortion. In fact, it would be interesting to know how many of them he's paid for throughout his life.

As a pol, I doubt he even wants to go near the issue. Saying "let the states deal with it" is both politically smart for him and also likely to be the state of law and policy on the issue going forward, anyway.

That can't blame Democrats for running on it. Political sentiment is on their side on it. It's the same reason Trump wants to run on illegal immigration and Democrats want to have it sidelined.
No doubt. I know I come off as a Trump supporter here, but that’s only to counter the loons with their extensive TDS on this site. In reality, I probably will not be able to bring myself to vote for him, because of January 6. But it’s also true, that nobody in history, at least the history in which I’ve been alive, has been treated more unfairly by mainstream media than he. And I firmly believe that January 6 is at least partly to blame via the constant misinformation spread about him and the nonsense conspiracy with Russia and everything else designed to take him down. But, the buck still stops at the top, and I hold him responsible.

I always remind my religious mother-in-law, who worships at the altar of Trump, that he has very likely paid for no less than a dozen abortions in his life.
Then why have the month’s long primaries? Why involve the people at all? What you’re saying is this - put a list of nominees on the board and the delegates will vote. Naaah, not buying it.
It is how the electoral college works. You elect delegates, your vote doesn't really count. Some states can, and have, fined faithless electors. And if they get wind of an elector changing they can remove them. But it happens, 7 people who never ran received votes in 2016 with Colin Powell receiving 3 votes.

If an election comes down to 2 or 3 electoral votes, we could easily have the winner changed by the EC.
I thought true democracy scared the hell out of Republicans, we always hear how much greater a republic is here. A presidential primary is a republic. A person votes for their candidate BUT what they are really doing is electing representatives who will go to the convention and cast the real vote. Heck, it is a lot like the electoral college. The people showing up at a convention are typically not bound to vote for the candidate they claimed to support in becoming an elector. It is always theoretically possible the "winning " candidate loses.

But if you want true democracy today, you can work to overturn the Electoral College where Republicans keep winning with a minority vote.
Speaking of Stupidity ☝️☝️☝️
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If an election comes down to 2 or 3 electoral votes, we could easily have the winner changed by the EC.

I forget all the revisions Congress made to the Electoral Count Act in the wake of 1/6. But they were pretty substantial -- and targeted at preventing things like this from altering the certified outcome.

I'm not saying faithless electors can no longer attempt to alter the outcome. But I don't think such a gambit would succeed.
Does America have enough natural gas to support all the Democrat gaslighting? Joe became the presumptive nominee because of gaslighting about him being lucid. He dropped out because he was <40% and becoming irrelevant. This “new generation” stuff is more gaslighting.

Now the Democrats are gaslighting Kamala’ border assignment by denying it and gaslighting her being the most left wing loon senator by taking down ratings data.

And the media and the democrats are Just warming up with bloodbath and Project 2025 gaslighting.
Does America have enough natural gas to support all the Democrat gaslighting? Joe became the presumptive nominee because of gaslighting about him being lucid. He dropped out because he was <40% and becoming irrelevant. This “new generation” stuff is more gaslighting.

Now the Democrats are gaslighting Kamala’ border assignment by denying it and gaslighting her being the most left wing loon senator by taking down ratings data.

And the media and the democrats are Just warming up with bloodbath and Project 2025 gaslighting.
Can you run for office CO, I’d like to vote for you.
Just a thought here. I’m reading the sentiment that if Biden is so weak and tired now, then he should step down immediately. My intuition here is that installing Harris now via the 25th would only strengthen her chances of getting elected. (Re-elected?)
Just a thought here. I’m reading the sentiment that if Biden is so weak and tired now, then he should step down immediately. My intuition here is that installing Harris now via the 25th would only strengthen her chances of getting elected. (Re-elected?)
Stepping down is one thing, invoking the 25th is quite the other.
Imbecile = IQ of 25-50. So max MO IQ = negative 50. The Cardinal logo is worth some negative points but not clear how many. MO, I don’t know how to calculate
Your IQ
I graduated with honors from IU’s famed Business School. So, now you’re dissing IU? How dare you!

Cards - oh, another jealous MLB fan, get in line. LMAO
Democrat primary voters/votes. Just tossed away? If Joe is unable to perform the duties, which he is, and is why Kamala sits on the nomination, then why is the 25th Amendment not being invoked? Isn’t that its purpose? Section 3, is for this exact situation. If he can’t be President, then why is he President?

Not one vote has been cast for Harris. Not one. Yet, she’s the candidate? A One-percenter? How does that work? So, political parties can now just choose who they want? Screw the people, as long as Nancy and Chuck are happy. Bernie has to be saying WTF.

Did I hear someone say ‘threat to Democracy’??
You are afraid,very afraid
Just a thought here. I’m reading the sentiment that if Biden is so weak and tired now, then he should step down immediately. My intuition here is that installing Harris now via the 25th would only strengthen her chances of getting elected. (Re-elected?)
Nope. ANYTHING goes wrong is a boon for Trump, whether Harris’ fault or not. It’s very unlikely she’d be able to do anything substantial enough to help her cause unless she slings some Executive Orders Sleepy Joe style, only to have them curb stomped.
Nope. ANYTHING goes wrong is a boon for Trump, whether Harris’ fault or not. It’s very unlikely she’d be able to do anything substantial enough to help her cause unless she slings some Executive Orders Sleepy Joe style, only to have them curb stomped.
FOLLOW the constitution.
Stepping down is one thing, invoking the 25th is quite the other.
A lot of people don’t realize that, in addition to the VP and cabinet moving on it, removing a POTUS from office by the 25th amendment requires a 2/3 vote in each house (I believe POTUS has to formally object to the removal for this).

I can’t see that happening.
A lot of people don’t realize that, in addition to the VP and cabinet moving on it, removing a POTUS from office by the 25th amendment requires a 2/3 vote in each house (I believe POTUS has to formally object to the removal for this).

I can’t see that happening.

It was drawn up and passed after the JFK murder. People wanted a process that could have dealt with him surviving but being a vegetable. They also wanted to cover situations like Woodrow Wilson.