14 million elephants in the room

Who’s “we?” Your statement (bolded) is every bit as incendiary and false as “pro-choicers are for abortion on demand until the baby is born.”
I stand by what I said 100%. Those who would shut down all abortions vote for politicians who vote against social programs. Not only do they vote against it, they run against it.

You're pro-choice.
I stand by what I said 100%. Those who would shut down all abortions vote for politicians who vote against social programs. Not only do they vote against it, they run against it.

You're pro-choice.
Well, that makes you 100 percent stupid or dishonest on the issue. You’re making an unsupported statement even about the extreme element of the pro-lifers and there no way it’s true even about them. In fact many of them are also against executing murderers. Most pro-lifers aren’t extreme. I’ll cop to pro-life. I’m against it with exceptions after about 16 weeks but not earlier. That is a pro-choice position too, right? You made a blanket statement about all pro-lifers.
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Well, that makes you 100 percent stupid or dishonest on the issue. You’re making an unsupported statement even about the extreme element of the pro-lifers and there no way it’s true even about them. In fact many of them are also against executing murderers. Most pro-lifers aren’t extreme. I’ll cop to pro-life. I’m against it with exceptions after about 16 weeks but not earlier. That is a pro-choice position too, right? You made a blanket statement about all pro-lifers.

This reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Elaine makes a comment about abortion and a self-satisfied Jerry uses that to push her buttons at Poppy's restaurant and with the moving guy she starts seeing. At one point, people start storming out of the restaurant when they hear Poppy say that he opposes abortion.

Folks, people disagree about it. Good people, who hold good faith positions. We don't need to rip others to shreds just because they hold different opinions than we do. For some reason, whenever that topic is brought up, people start acting like Jihadis to each other.
Well, that makes you 100 percent stupid or dishonest on the issue. You’re making an unsupported statement even about the extreme element of the pro-lifers and there no way it’s true even about them. In fact many of them are also against executing murderers. Most pro-lifers aren’t extreme. I’ll cop to pro-life. I’m against it with exceptions after about 16 weeks but not earlier. That is a pro-choice position too, right? You made a blanket statement about all pro-lifers.
You're not pro-life if you're giving accordances to 16 weeks, and exceptions afterward. You're inherently pro-choice. That you try to cop to pro-life makes you the dishonest one.
This reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Elaine makes a comment about abortion and a self-satisfied Jerry uses that to push her buttons at Poppy's restaurant and with the moving guy she starts seeing. At one point, people start storming out of the restaurant when they hear Poppy say that he opposes abortion.

Folks, people disagree about it. Good people, who hold good faith positions. We don't need to rip others to shreds just because they hold different opinions than we do. For some reason, whenever that topic is brought up, people start acting like Jihadis to each other.
But what Aloha described supporting isn't pro-life.

Meanwhile, there are absolutely a large number of people who are dead set against any abortions, who also support conservative policies that reduce or look to eliminate social programs that help the needy. Those people aren't pro-life. They're pro-birth.
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But what Aloha described supporting isn't pro-life.

Meanwhile, there are absolutely a large number of people who are dead set against any abortions, who also support conservative policies that reduce or look to eliminate social programs that help the needy. Those people aren't pro-life. They're pro-birth.

And we're all blessed to live in a country where people can hold and express whatever views they want to, can vote according to them, etc.

You're getting charged up over....terminology.
You're not pro-life if you're giving accordances to 16 weeks, and exceptions afterward. You're inherently pro-choice. That you try to cop to pro-life makes you the dishonest one.
This is where your view is so slanted. Pro-lifers aren’t in lock step. Many are exactly as I described. You’re looking at the extreme end of the Pro-life range and claiming it’s all of them. This is exactly the same as saying that all those that are against all restrictions up to birth, and they’re out there to include elected representatives, represent all Pro-choicers.
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And we're all blessed to live in a country where people can hold and express whatever views they want to, can vote according to them, etc.
We are, but that also allows me (and others) to be discerning when people don't practice what they preach.

You're getting charged up over....terminology.
Far from. Those are two vastly different concepts.
This is where your view is so slanted. Pro-lifers aren’t in lock step. Many are exactly as I described. You’re looking at the extreme end of the Pro-life range and claiming it’s all of them. This is exactly the same as saying that all those that are against all restrictions up to birth, and they’re out there to include elected representatives, represent all Pro-choicers.
You're not pro-life.

You're pro-choice.
You're not pro-life.

You're pro-choice.
Jesus Christ! First I have self-righteous dolts with overinflated opinions about their intelligence telling me I’m not Republican because I’m not MAGA, now I have a self-righteous dolt with an overinflated opinion about his intelligence telling me I’m not Pro-life because I don’t conform to his cartoonish beliefs about Pro-lifers.

Just carry on.
Terrible terrible pick
That joint interview with Trump on Fox News was interesting only as Vance continually interrupted Trump, I think Vance has a bit more gray matter and will not be the smiling deferential VP the Don wants. We will see if Trump does make a swap prior to November.
Opting to not seek re-election isn't declaring he can't be President. It's declaring he's not wanting to be President for another four years. You graduated with honors from the famed IU business school. Try not to act this stupid.

Yeah, the people are happy.
Why did he want to be reelected one day and not the next??
Jesus Christ! First I have self-righteous dolts with overinflated opinions about their intelligence telling me I’m not Republican because I’m not MAGA, now I have a self-righteous dolt with an overinflated opinion about his intelligence telling me I’m not Pro-life because I don’t conform to his cartoonish beliefs about Pro-lifers.

Just carry on.
I’m a non MAGA Republican and am against abortion And capital punishment.
Jesus Christ! First I have self-righteous dolts with overinflated opinions about their intelligence telling me I’m not Republican because I’m not MAGA, now I have a self-righteous dolt with an overinflated opinion about his intelligence telling me I’m not Pro-life because I don’t conform to his cartoonish beliefs about Pro-lifers.

Just carry on.
Damn Bloom needed a good ass beating like you and Crazed are giving him.
Nope. ANYTHING goes wrong is a boon for Trump, whether Harris’ fault or not. It’s very unlikely she’d be able to do anything substantial enough to help her cause unless she slings some Executive Orders Sleepy Joe style, only to have them curb stomped.
Yep, she ain’t ever been electable, ain’t electable and won’t be electable.
Joe wasn’t forced out, according to the mainstream anyway, he stepped down, pulled out, etc.

‘Forced out’ implies shenanigans
Oh bullshit. He was told to step down or else he would lose to Trump and he would have no one to blame but himself. Call it what you will, but it was obvious to anyone with any sense what happened.
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Opting to not seek re-election isn't declaring he can't be President. It's declaring he's not wanting to be President for another four years. You graduated with honors from the famed IU business school. Try not to act this stupid.

Yeah, the people are happy.
Come on, Bloom---YOU are smarter than this. Ya really think Joe woke up a feew days after saying "He wasn't going anyhwhere", only to decide he was----has merit? Sure he wants to be President----unfortunately(for him), others, I.e. Obama, Pelosi, Harris, don't.
Oh bullshit. He was told to step down or else he would lose to Trump and he would have no one to blame but himself. Call it what you will, but it was obvious to anyone with any sense what happened.
Pretty sure @mohoosier , was being sarcastic here.

Pretty sure.

He was forced out. Anyone with an active brain cell knows this.
I've been beating up on the Harris campaign a lot. So let me turn my punches to the Trump campaign for a minute.

The below audio features JD Vance promoting a federal response to people facilitating transportation from states which restrict or prohibit abortion to states which do not.

And this is preposterous. Some states have even looked into legislation along these lines. Different states have different laws and Americans have always enjoyed the freedom to travel between the states for pretty much whatever reason they want to. If I was interested in engaging a prostitute and I travel to Nevada to visit a legal brothel, should Indiana have any say? Should the feds?

I agree with you.

But . . .

Philosophically, it’s more complicated. Prostitution and gambling are typically seen as victimless crimes. For the pro life people, you’re traveling to another state to kill a human being from their state. There very much is a victim.

Wonder if Alabama, e.g., could grant residency to a three month old fetus?