How should history be taught in high school?

That is completely asinine. It would be akin to saying that Washington D.C., NYC, Chicago, hell we’ll just say the entire continental U.S. fell due to invasion from a foreign power and the federal government was overthrown. But the American empire held because we still had Hawaii, Alaska and some of our territories in the South Pacific who still operated under the banner of American.

Stupid ass revisionist history. Just ignorant.
On these questions, a lot is up to interpretation. Claiming certainty is a fool's errand.

Re your analogy, it would be more like if the US moved it's capital to LA because California is richer, better positioned, etc. lasted for a few hundred years in that form, and then it lost everything east of Kansas City to unwashed masses of warring right wingers, who took over and turned that part of the country into more independent "states" led by war lords.

It's true the empire in Constantinople thought of themselves as Romans. But they gave up Latin at some point and only spoke Greek. And dating the fall of that empire to 1453 can be easily challenged. In the 1200s the Crusaders conquered Constantinople, sacked it, and remained for 50 or so years. That sounds like an ending to me.