You give….

Yet Woody is 3-2 against those vaunted PU teams and culture you think is so much better than ours. See that is not opinion that is fact and even if we lose at Mackey the second game he will be 500 which is similar to Keady against Knight. If PU culture and teams are so much better I would think that Painters team would dominate IU. So our screwed-up program has played PU these teams that went in as a one and two seed Woody was three and one against Painter and last year at Mackey Jalen Hood made their number one seeded team look bad. It is a game it happens.
So you are using 2 games as your comparison of culture? We all have established we don’t lack talent.
How about if all the PUkes are required to go back home 24 hrs after their post win/IU loss storming of our boards?
So you are using 2 games as your comparison of culture? We all have established we don’t lack talent.

Culture is developed over time, it's not instant. So, you're comparing a 3rd year coach taking over a defunct dysfunctional program with a 19th year coach that was nurtured into the position of a program that had been functional beforehand. Not a logical comparison.
Culture is developed over time, it's not instant. So, you're comparing a 3rd year coach taking over a defunct dysfunctional program with a 19th year coach that was nurtured into the position of a program that had been functional beforehand. Not a logical comparison.
You don’t think by year 3 he would establish his culture? Culture is also part of who you recruit and how you discipline. X has been here for 3 years now, he has been who he is the entire time and you select him as a captain? Something is off with that judgement
Exactly ... and fwiw I don't have any say in the matter so no sense concerning myself with it either. I'll just watch the team play and let the coach, coach. I'm just a fan, my job is to smoke up, watch and ridicule internet posters who say dumb things..
You're really bad at your job then.
So Woody just needs to play the starters more often and IU wins almost all of its games? Is that what you're saying, then?

Something seems off with their efficiency somehow, because IU's pts per game is currently #158th in the country and their effective FG% is 101st. And, of course, we all know that they're 337th in 3pt shots made per game.

If that is all due to their reserves, then, yep, Woody better start playing his starters 40 mins per game...LOL
You missed one detail though. It shows our bench has been terrible most of the time. Injuries play a part too. Yes the starting players should play more. Imho
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Meh—give me Johnell Davis paired up with EITHER Smith or Cupps, then it gets interesting
You missed one detail though. It shows our bench has been terrible most of the time. Injuries play a part too. Yes the starting players should play more. Imho
So the stats about offensive efficiency included Cupps as the pg, so that removed the injury to X from consideration.

So we're supposed to believe that a starting five of Cupps, Galloway, Ware, MR and MM is the second most efficient offensive lineup in the league? That's what the stats say?

Now while that stat obviously doesn't take into account the defensive inepitude of that group, the eye test tells me that group can't hit a 3, and it goes long periods of time w/o scoring.

But I've certainly been known to be wrong before...
Culture is developed over time, it's not instant. So, you're comparing a 3rd year coach taking over a defunct dysfunctional program with a 19th year coach that was nurtured into the position of a program that had been functional beforehand. Not a logical comparison.
Sounds like excuses to me.
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Culture is developed over time, it's not instant. So, you're comparing a 3rd year coach taking over a defunct dysfunctional program with a 19th year coach that was nurtured into the position of a program that had been functional beforehand. Not a logical comparison.
Actually, in some ways, there are some similarities.
1) Painter took over a team that was generally considered a good program but was not doing well at the time (Keady's last year was fairly crappy). Woodson was taking over an Indiana program that had gotten stagnant under Archie.
2) Painter had a bad first year, but then he picked up the Hummel / Moore / Johnson class, who were really good players and then had some success. Woodson had some pretty high ranked players (TJD, JHS) and got his team to 3rd place last year.
3) Painter had Hummel an extra year, but once all of that first batch of great players was out the door, Purdue tanked for a couple of years. Woodson is kinda experiencing the same thing now that TJD and JHS are gone. Things would have likely been much better if JHS had stuck around for four years.

So the question is, do you have faith that Woodson can turn it around like Painter did (perhaps learning some hard lessons in the process) and stick with him, or do you cut bait and try and find the next diamond in the rough that can get the current group of guys to play better together?
Actually, in some ways, there are some similarities.
1) Painter took over a team that was generally considered a good program but was not doing well at the time (Keady's last year was fairly crappy). Woodson was taking over an Indiana program that had gotten stagnant under Archie.
2) Painter had a bad first year, but then he picked up the Hummel / Moore / Johnson class, who were really good players and then had some success. Woodson had some pretty high ranked players (TJD, JHS) and got his team to 3rd place last year.
3) Painter had Hummel an extra year, but once all of that first batch of great players was out the door, Purdue tanked for a couple of years. Woodson is kinda experiencing the same thing now that TJD and JHS are gone. Things would have likely been much better if JHS had stuck around for four years.

So the question is, do you have faith that Woodson can turn it around like Painter did (perhaps learning some hard lessons in the process) and stick with him, or do you cut bait and try and find the next diamond in the rough that can get the current group of guys to play better together?
No faith that he can't turn it around! May or Schertz are viable options.
So you are using 2 games as your comparison of culture? We all have established we don’t lack talent.
No, I hope you actually understand that I am just showing you the difference between some facts and opinion based on observations and belief. Painter has developed a good system for PU over several years like Knight and Keady. Despite that in head to head matchups Woody's team has played Painters team to a 3-2 record. Where did I say anything about comparing cultures just the fact that Woody has fared well against Painter's teams in his 3 seasons. Painter and PU have had more full season success although not much different in NCAA tournament results. This year will most likely spread that gap at the tournament level.
From a Custodian?
Don't worry I won't go crying to the moderator like you did last time. Yep I'm a custodian -you must be a psychic! Amazing how you are as good at guessing one's occupation as you are at comparing Cupps to Smith. You can do better 😀
Can you write me a letter of recommendatio
From a Custodian?
I see - just realized Victor posts on our board and Court got banned but you two are crying about Purdue fans over here - hypocrites - very impressive!
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Don't worry I won't go crying to the moderator like you did last time. Yep I'm a custodian -you must be a psychic! Amazing how you are as good at guessing one's occupation as you are at comparing Cupps to Smith. You can do better 😀

I see - just realized Victor posts on our board and Court got banned but you two are crying about Purdue fans over here - hypocrites - very impressive!
Haven’t posted on your board in nine years and never bothered to create a new user name like so many of you guys do…some twice a week.

Good to see you still here
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Don't worry I won't go crying to the moderator like you did last time. Yep I'm a custodian -you must be a psychic! Amazing how you are as good at guessing one's occupation as you are at comparing Cupps to Smith. You can do better 😀

I see - just realized Victor posts on our board and Court got banned but you two are crying about Purdue fans over here - hypocrites - very impressive!
So… I don’t start threads about IU over there. I also don’t argue until the cows go home. Tell pop I said hello. 👋 it’s all in good fun and not meant to be serious. Pop and the rest take it personal.
I've posted something to that effect before but it was told to me by a friend of Eric Biancardi, and he said Eric said something like "think Braden Smith but a better defender, not quite as good a shooter." I like Cupps, and everyone here is comparing him to a sophomore Braden Smith, who's gotten much better in his second year. Cupps is a worker and I think he'll improve in the offseason and I look forward to them battling over the next couple years.
You are arguing with a bag of hair. If we ignore him perhaps he will go somewhere else to get the attention he so badly needs.
Don't worry I won't go crying to the moderator like you did last time. Yep I'm a custodian -you must be a psychic! Amazing how you are as good at guessing one's occupation as you are at comparing Cupps to Smith. You can do better 😀

I see - just realized Victor posts on our board and Court got banned but you two are crying about Purdue fans over here - hypocrites - very impressive!
Wut? Are you dosing or something?
He’s the only player in the COUNTRY averaging 12 points 5 boards and 7 assists

Ya he’s not all that.

He's been solid this year. But I'll be more impressed if he posts those numbers next year WITHOUT Edey.

Kinda like X with us was much better with TJD. And so was JHS. Edey deserves A LOT of credit for how good Smith and Loyer and everyone else looks. They are all solid players but Edey makes them look better than they are and that is not a knock on them.
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He’s the only player in the COUNTRY averaging 12 points 5 boards and 7 assists

Ya he’s not all that.
OMG... Tyler Kolek anyone? 14 pts, 5 R and 7A and is more the focus on D, and there are a handful of guys in the same vicinity... and none of them have the 2X player of the year to toss it to every night and to draw defenders to give him open looks. Smith is very good, better than I expected (and I thought highly of him all along, and thought it was a mistake for IU not to pursue him harder), and improved a ton in his 2nd year, but he's not the only guy averaging those #s, he's not an AA and I don't even think he's the best PG in the conference. I think Boo Buie, how'd that go?
Could be top 3 nationally. The pieces are there but the culture (team) is not.
can I have what you're smoking, or are you doing something more than smoking? Painters a good coach, but it's because he's built a solid and balanced roster and culture and they've been together for 2 years. Smith and his coaching aren't getting this team top 10.
So… I don’t start threads about IU over there. I also don’t argue until the cows go home. Tell pop I said hello. 👋 it’s all in good fun and not meant to be serious. Pop and the res take it personal.

Haven’t posted on your board in nine years and never bothered to create a new user name like so many of you guys do…some twice a week.

Good to see you still here
I'm all done putting you in your place - it was fun for a few minutes but it's gotten pretty boring honestly. You needed a taste of your own medicine but you just aren't that intelligent - painfully obvious. The only reason I even posted here was because you are some message board tough guy who talks down to other posters - both IU and Purdue fans. It's too bad your own moderators don't take out their own trash.
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I'm all done putting you in your place - it was fun for a few minutes but it's gotten pretty boring honestly. You needed a taste of your own medicine but you just aren't that intelligent - painfully obvious. The only reason I even posted here was because you are some message board tough guy who talks down to other posters - both IU and Purdue fans. It's too bad your own moderators don't take out their own trash.
Heck, they don't even remove the visiting trash and you want us to police our own? Of course, if they did take out the trash, you might not be here!
I'm all done putting you in your place - it was fun for a few minutes but it's gotten pretty boring honestly. You needed a taste of your own medicine but you just aren't that intelligent - painfully obvious. The only reason I even posted here was because you are some message board tough guy who talks down to other posters - both IU and Purdue fans. It's too bad your own moderators don't take out their own trash.
Rules with me have not changed in thirty years. You get what you give. Give respect, get respect. Be a tool, you get the hose.

Bye Felicia
Not exactly ....

That stat points to two things ... what Woody runs, works, when he has the correct players to run it.

Secondly the lineup combinations used when he goes to the bench isn't working at all. Or our bench players suck horribly. Or both ...

fwiw - IU has the 4th most efficient 5 man lineup in the nation currently, up from 6th last week. With Cupps at PG instead of X.

Link - Evan Miya

I was wrong about Purdue's starting lineup, it's more efficient with Gillis in. Their starters are 10th.
Your wrong, go back and look, Purdue is 2nd not 10th with Gillis, Purdue is 9th with TKR.
Also forgot to note per your link the Top Players in the country are 1) Zach and 4) Braden,
the Top MVP list has 1)Zach and 6) Braden and Purdue is No. 2 in roster strength behind Uconn!
Heck, they don't even remove the visiting trash and you want us to police our own? Of course, if they did take out the trash, you might not be here!
That's fine with me - enjoy the rest of the season and the nonsense from your own board members!
Rules with me have not changed in thirty years. You get what you give. Give respect, get respect. Be a tool, you get the hose.

Bye Felicia
You don't deserve respect - you are some message board pretend tough guy. It's too bad you can't see your own fan base is laughing at you right in front of your face. Literally nobody cares what you say - again with the fake self importance. Why would they? That's the best part - you actually think fans on a message board are waiting for your next brilliant post when they actually say - "please ignore this guy he's a moron!" Enjoy your fantasy island Tatu - sadly I think that's all you've got!
OMG... Tyler Kolek anyone? 14 pts, 5 R and 7A and is more the focus on D, and there are a handful of guys in the same vicinity... and none of them have the 2X player of the year to toss it to every night and to draw defenders to give him open looks. Smith is very good, better than I expected (and I thought highly of him all along, and thought it was a mistake for IU not to pursue him harder), and improved a ton in his 2nd year, but he's not the only guy averaging those #s, he's not an AA and I don't even think he's the best PG in the conference. I think Boo Buie, how'd that go?
Tyler Kolek does not average 5 boards a game. Close but does not.

Smith is the only player in the country with 12/5/7

And you could argue the exact opposite with your 2x NPOY comment. Smith would average 4-5 more points and 2-3 more boards without Edey.

If you don't think Smith is all that great you haven't watched Smith play.

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