The Bird is Free

The Democrats won’t be able to censor free speech at Twitter anymore.

The 2020 election might have been different if Musk had owned Twitter. There wouldn’t have been censorship of Republican free speech.

Now Musk will deal with the Democrat weaponization of the DOJ and FBI.

Is this your morning partisan bs post?
The Democrats won’t be able to censor free speech at Twitter anymore.

The 2020 election might have been different if Musk had owned Twitter. There wouldn’t have been censorship of Republican free speech.

Now Musk will deal with the Democrat weaponization of the DOJ and FBI.

Lol sure thing.
The Democrats won’t be able to censor free speech at Twitter anymore.

The 2020 election might have been different if Musk had owned Twitter. There wouldn’t have been censorship of Republican free speech.

Now Musk will deal with the Democrat weaponization of the DOJ and FBI.

How does free speech work on a private platform not run by the government? Was twitter arresting people for their tweets?

If you could explain how the First Amendment works, then that would be great (I believe you have no clue).
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And what is it with the left? Before Trump got elected the left and everyone in Hollywood told him to run. He announces he is running pub and Everyone turned on him like a venomous snake.

Elon was loved by the left. His factories were shut down in Cali and he saw the writing on the wall. He leaves Cali and the dem party, AND for good reason and now the left hates him.

Tulsi was loved by the left, but the party went so batshit left she could not deal with it. Common sense got removed from left ideals. So she leaves and she is hated now.
I’m scared to ask where you get your information. Absolutely nothing in that post is true. Nothing.
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It annoyed the right that Twitter is biased against assholes?
They aren't assholes. Twitter was just straight biased. And it wasn't biased at the low levels against people with 50 followers that did not matter, it was biased against people like I mentioned who got big enough to impact a narrative.

If Twitter was biased against assholes only, there would be a hell of a lot of liberals on that list too. That isn't the case.
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I keep hearing this and I just cannot figure out why a conservative controlled platform doesn't really take off? Twitter and Truth Social are both private companies who can pretty much do what they want as it relates to censorship on their platform. But one is worth billions while the other is not.

In the marketplace of ideas and advertisers, why are liberals winning?
One group wants to preserve their own lifestyle & choices while the other wants to force theirs upon everyone else. Which do you suppose would be more active in using social media, etc?
They didn't ban them because they perceived them as assholes. They banned them because they showcased how loony parts of the left are.
It wasn't just that either. You could make a Twitter handle and post the exact same stuff as LibsofTikTok and not get banned. She got banned because her audience and reach had gotten large enough to impact the narrative outside of Twitter. That was her sin.
That’s all everyone should want. That’s not the way it’s been and any fair minded person recognizes that.
What exactly do you disagree with about how Twitter has been run in the past? Specifics? Because I still see all kinds of batshit crazy conspiracy theorists on there, so they weren’t blocked. I thought you didn’t do Twitter?
It wasn't just that either. You could make a Twitter handle and post the exact same stuff as LibsofTikTok and not get banned. She got banned because her audience and reach had gotten large enough to impact the narrative outside of Twitter. That was her sin.
People with bigger audiences are more likely to be reported.
While there is a lot of hyperbole in some of the statements, the censoring and moderation 100% favors progressive narratives and I’m convinced we’ll find out that they’ve been working with the Biden admin to help direct certain narratives.
Oh you jumping on the conspiracy theory train too? Poor conservatives, everyone is always out to get them. I’ve been getting even more crazy conservative stuff lately , so not sure what happened to my algorithm.
Oh you jumping on the conspiracy theory train too? Poor conservatives, everyone is always out to get them. I’ve been getting even more crazy conservative stuff lately , so not sure what happened to my algorithm.
Sent a friend request to cosmic?
I keep hearing this and I just cannot figure out why a conservative controlled platform doesn't really take off? Twitter and Truth Social are both private companies who can pretty much do what they want as it relates to censorship on their platform. But one is worth billions while the other is not.

In the marketplace of ideas and advertisers, why are liberals winning?
That’s total nonsense, that it was a dumpster fire of liberal content. I’ve been blocking and blocking lately, as I keep getting Ann Coulter, Matt Gaetz, Charlie Kirk, Laura Ingraham, and on and on and on.
That’s total nonsense, that it was a dumpster fire of liberal content. I’ve been blocking and blocking lately, as I keep getting Ann Coulter, Matt Gaetz, Charlie Kirk, Laura Ingraham, and on and on and on.
I get the exact opposite, Biden, Harris, Occupy, and follow it all with one eye open.
I'm guessing Musk is going to focus most of his time on making Twitter more profitable. Its profitability lags its popularity and name-recognition by a large margin.
Elon has been harping for years that Twitter should be making more money than it does, and he said he was the guy who could make it happen. But then he tried to back out of it after he sobered up a bit.

Long story short, you should never trust my business sense more than Elon's, but I suspect Elon is worried about the same thing I would be if I were him: he might have been wrong all along about Twitter's money-making potential.
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This is trending now on Twitter..Facism hilarious.

28.8K Tweets

48.8K Tweets
That’s total nonsense, that it was a dumpster fire of liberal content. I’ve been blocking and blocking lately, as I keep getting Ann Coulter, Matt Gaetz, Charlie Kirk, Laura Ingraham, and on and on and on.
I get the exact opposite, Biden, Harris, Occupy, and follow it all with one eye open.
You guys get what you get because you are classic social media consumers who behave exactly the way the computers expect you to behave.

All social media newsfeed algorithms are based on the same basic principle: show people content they will interact with. If you like posts, if you reply to them, if you retweet them, if you click on them and scroll through all the other responses, any interaction you do is going to tell the giant AI brain to send you more of that.

Now, the people in charge? They are going to have human biases, and might favor some people over others for numerous reasons, including politics. But the computers? They are giving you what they give you because they've figured out that's what keeps you coming back.
They aren't assholes. Twitter was just straight biased. And it wasn't biased at the low levels against people with 50 followers that did not matter, it was biased against people like I mentioned who got big enough to impact a narrative.

If Twitter was biased against assholes only, there would be a hell of a lot of liberals on that list too. That isn't the case.
What dangerous ideas were a big group,of liberals spouting off? Those with big following? I’m not sure where the line should be drawn, but Kanye js been spouting antisemitic stuff that is dangerous, Trump obviously was inciting violence, riling up his base with the Big Lie, even impacting the stock market. There were big groups spreading dangerous Covid misinformation. What does the left have that should have been censored?
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You guys get what you get because you are classic social media consumers who behave exactly the way the computers expect you to behave.

All social media newsfeed algorithms are based on the same basic principle: show people content they will interact with. If you like posts, if you reply to them, if you retweet them, if you click on them and scroll through all the other responses, any interaction you do is going to tell the giant AI brain to send you more of that.

Now, the people in charge? They are going to have human biases, and might favor some people over others for numerous reasons, including politics. But the computers? They are giving you what they give you because they've figured out that's what keeps you coming back.
Mine has totally switched in the last couple months though. I used to see mostly liberal people who I follow. Now I’m getting all kinds of stuff that I haven’t responded to, it just takes time to block it. There is a big group this has happened to recently. Something changed. I can barely find sports stuff during a game, and that’s the main reason I’ve been on Twitter. And puppies….
This is much more conspiracy theory than you usually are.
Sure. I mean we can easily soon forget their covering up the Hunter story back in election season and how guys like Alex Berenson (of whom I’m not a fan) had to sue to get their posting rights back after speaking what’s now accepted as the truth on the vaccines. If you don’t think they were colluding with the Administration that’s fine - but it’s not conspiratorial to see smoke and believe there to be a fire.
What dangerous ideas were a big group,of liberals spouting off? Those with big following? I’m not sure where the line should be drawn, but Kanye js been spouting antisemitic stuff that is dangerous, Trump obviously was inciting violence, riling up his base with the Big Lie, even impacting the stock market. There were big groups spreading dangerous Covid misinformation. What does the left have that should have been censored?
You don’t think Lebron James threatening a police officer is a big deal? You don’t think Kamala jumping to conclusions on Breonna Taylor’s death and fostering further violent unrest is a big deal?

Cmon Zeke. Seriously.
That’s total nonsense, that it was a dumpster fire of liberal content. I’ve been blocking and blocking lately, as I keep getting Ann Coulter, Matt Gaetz, Charlie Kirk, Laura Ingraham, and on and on and on.
I just pick fights in the comments for the lulz.
Sure. I mean we can easily soon forget their covering up the Hunter story back in election season and how guys like Alex Berenson (of whom I’m not a fan) had to sue to get their posting rights back after speaking what’s now accepted as the truth on the vaccines. If you don’t think they were colluding with the Administration that’s fine - but it’s not conspiratorial to see smoke and believe there to be a fire.
You might be right at least with the Hunter story, but I think it's just as likely that a group of executives unfit for the crisis they were navigating simply got duped into making dumb decisions.

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