Musk/Twitter Document Dump

Right. So you can't say they were banned for their political beliefs.
In that case, you can't say anyone in the history of any social media sites were banned for their political beliefs...because their posts disappeared...

Your reasoning is wild
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Elon came out and tweet urged people to vote for Pubs and has already endorsed DeSantis. If that had happened when Dorsey was CEO and he had tweeted a call to elect Dems you'd still be wetting yourself...
Probably. But he explained why he recommended voting GOP. He prefers balances - and so do I.
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Who is Antifa? Can you point out the "Antifa candidates" who ran for office in 2022? Cause the Proud Boys and oath keeper types have integrated themselves into the inner workings of the GOP in multiple states.

Even in the only 2 states where there is an actual Antifa presence (WA and OR) it was still right wing extremists (like Joe Kent) who were on the ballot
Jesus. What a dumbass post. Keep on pretending they don’t exist.
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Kind of ironic you mention NY Post Reporting.
It was cited in Taibbi's tweets. Not sure what's ironic about it. The point is there wasn't anything new in there other than some tweets were pulled. I don't think a non-governmental platform censoring content reaches the level of scandal, let alone free speech.

The real news should be whether or not there is a connection to what Hunter Biden did, if it was wrong, and Joe Biden pulling governmental strings for him. BTW...making requests isn't against the law.
It was cited in Taibbi's tweets. Not sure what's ironic about it. The point is there wasn't anything new in there other than some tweets were pulled. I don't think a non-governmental platform censoring content reaches the level of scandal, let alone free speech.

The real news should be whether or not there is a connection to what Hunter Biden did, if it was wrong, and Joe Biden pulling governmental strings for him. BTW...making requests isn't against the law.
Go back to the basketball board!
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We're old souls in my house so we eat dinner between 4-5 during the school days so I can get homework done, showers in and anything else needing done before bed.

It's kind of weird but when my step-dad died, I lost my appetite and was forcing myself to eat. I got so use to eating that one meal that I've just kept it up (I'll eat a poptart/cinnamon roll every now and then in the morning if I get the urge).

Not entirely sure how healthy it is, but since Oct. 2020, I'm down about 50 pounds. I take vitamins every morning so I'm sure that helps, but I really don't feel like I can eat more then that one meal because I always feel full. I've heard that your stomach can shrink if you don't eat a lot. If true, maybe that happened to me.

The only time I truly feel hungry is if I eat a edible or two. Once that happens, it's on. I had a 20 MG over the weekend because my kids were at a sleepover and the misses was at work.... I damn near at a whole box of cinnamon toast crunch for dinner.
I miss cereal. Honey Nut Cheerios.

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"I don't understand how right wingers have so much trouble understanding freedom of speech", that's rich. This is what the left believes about freedom of speech...if you agree (with me) it's free speech, disagree it's hate speech and must erased immediately. It's gross.
Which government entity is impeding your freedom of speech?
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When you find gas lighting as the last tactic of those you are debating, it is usually best to just disengage. You aren't involved in an honest conversation at that point.

So the New York Post's story was all the Twitter thread was about (it wasn't) and it just rehashed what we already know (a story we all claimed was a Russian Intelligence Op and supported being blocked).

Also, groups that hold a certain ideology, express that ideology the same way, dress the same, share the same symbolism, and proof of an international group that claims all of the same under a specific name doesn't really exist.

There is no point in debating people who do this kind of junk. They wear you down just debating verifiable facts before you can even get to the real point.
When you find gas lighting as the last tactic of those you are debating, it is usually best to just disengage. You aren't involved in an honest conversation at that point.

So the New York Post's story was all the Twitter thread was about (it wasn't) and it just rehashed what we already know (a story we all claimed was a Russian Intelligence Op and supported being blocked).

Also, groups that hold a certain ideology, express that ideology the same way, dress the same, share the same symbolism, and proof of an international group that claims all of the same under a specific name doesn't really exist.

There is no point in debating people who do this kind of junk. They wear you down just debating verifiable facts before you can even get to the real point.
Yea, pretty much my view of conservatives on this board given all of the unproven conspiracies and bs they post on this board.
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Yes. Its exactly what I'm saying. Literally no one here and very few people on earth form any opinions based on what Lebron has to say. And Alyssa Milano? What the ****? Couldn't think of another random 80s sitcom co star? Alyssa Milano? That's almost as stupid as taking cues from James Woods... oh wait...
People are stupid. You're being naive if you believe idiots aren't influenced by these idiot celebrities, imo. But I get your point and hope you are right.
I am a "computer technician," as is Marvin. Speaking only for myself, if the methodology he used was described accurately, it's going to be hard to take anything he claims about what was on that computer seriously.
Why, exactly? What about what others are seeing with their own eyes? If this "tech" didn't know how to retrieve files "properly", he certainly couldn't be expected to put fake info on the hard drive.

You guys are clearly searching for excuses here. Whatever helps you sleep at night. You're welcome to bury your head in the sand if you'd like, it's your life. But you are losing credibility quickly with this line of reasoning.
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I am a "computer technician," as is Marvin. Speaking only for myself, if the methodology he used was described accurately, it's going to be hard to take anything he claims about what was on that computer seriously.
Well, no one has disputed his claims - not even the FBI, which had the laptop for 10 months before the 2020 election.
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In that case, you can't say anyone in the history of any social media sites were banned for their political beliefs...because their posts disappeared...

Your reasoning is wild
And most are. You're reasoning is non-existent.
That makes me feel confident. . . .
It's the most incredible thing about this. 3 fvcking years! And they knew the laptop was Hunter's 10 months before the election, yet didn't dispute all 51 'former government Intelligence' experts claim that it was Russian disinformation.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”​

― George Orwell, 1984
It's the most incredible thing about this. 3 fvcking years! And they knew the laptop was Hunter's 10 months before the election, yet didn't dispute all 51 'former government Intelligence' experts claim that it was Russian disinformation.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”​

― George Orwell, 1984
Clapper and Brennan and their buds should all be playing chess in Leavenworth.
It's the most incredible thing about this. 3 fvcking years! And they knew the laptop was Hunter's 10 months before the election, yet didn't dispute all 51 'former government Intelligence' experts claim that it was Russian disinformation.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”​

― George Orwell, 1984
There are people in this thread claiming it hasn’t been proven that the laptop was Hunter Bidens.

There are people in this thread claiming it hasn’t been proven that the laptop was Hunter Bidens.

And the ones that know claim it's no big deal. Because, at the core, if it helped defeat Trump, it was justified in their minds. That's why this will not go anywhere - the media has convinced themselves it's all justified.
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Okay, Andy Ngo .....
Ok Baghdad Bob

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There are people on this forum that claim Trump didn't collude with Russia.

And yet there is more proof of that then anything we have seen on Hunter's laptop.
Has the FBI released the contents of the computer?
You may be correct, you may be wrong.
If and until the content are disclosed everything is conjecture.
There are people on this forum that claim Trump didn't collude with Russia.

And yet there is more proof of that then anything we have seen on Hunter's laptop.
Dumber than ever. Mueller found no collusion. We can agree he obstructed. Words matter, Grover.

You should really consider your standing on this forum. You bring very little to the table and you think you’re the smartest man alive - or at least smarter than all the conservatives. Hint: You’re Not.

Dumber than ever. Mueller found no collusion. We can agree he obstructed. Words matter, Grover.

You should really consider your standing on this forum. You bring very little to the table and you think you’re the smartest man alive - or at least smarter than all the conservatives. Hint: You’re Not.

I’m really not sure why you respond to that guy. I stopped awhile ago.

There’s no point. Everything he posts is some derivative of the same thing, if not an outright lie like the post you quoted.