Musk/Twitter Document Dump

Or these leftists became conservative and the dividing line stayed put.

A person demanding to be called Xe instead of he/she is annoying. It does not compare to people who believe chips were in the COVID vaccine, people who believe the Democratic Party is controlled by lizard people running a child sex ring, who thought Jade Helm was real, or are arming themselves for a civil war.

Which is where groups like Weathermen and SDS were in the 60s when leftists we're more crazy and we're carrying out bombings.
Who is Xe?
Oh bless your biased little heart. Please explain: Marjorie Taylor Green, Lauren Bieber, Hershel Walker, Jim Jordan, Paul Gossart, Ronnie Johnson, Matt Gaetz, and all the other Big Lie and other crazies on the right. You have one thing right. There really is no point in discussing until the Republican Party comes back to their senses and gets Trump and all his crazies swept away and some semblance of sanity and intellect back in the party. Intelligence is now considered and “elite” fault for many of you.
There's no point in discussing because the Republicans now control the House and will win the Senate and Presidency in 2024.

I can't wait to hear the election denying then from you.
There was zero new information in his tweets, short of doxxing a few people. No information on the tweets pulled, even though they have access to them in the database. It was a summation of the NY Post reporting.
Kind of ironic you mention NY Post Reporting.
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My 12 year old gives servers the death stare if they pull out a kids’ menu.

Why (I understand why, all about to cool and old)?

Those kids menus are a great way to interact with the kids. Tic tac toe, color, whatever, but we get little bit of miles out of those things.

It's one of the ways I get my kids off the phones.
Why (I understand why, all about to cool and old)?

Those kids menus are a great way to interact with the kids. Tic tac toe, color, whatever, but we get little bit of miles out of those things.

It's one of the ways I get my kids off the phones.
I don’t know. She hasn’t used a kid’s menu in years. She eats what she orders or takes it home and eats it later so I don’t say anything
I don’t know. She hasn’t used a kid’s menu in years. She eats what she orders or takes it home and eats it later so I don’t say anything

My kids will eat, then take the leftovers home to my fridge where leftovers go to die.

Nobody but me eats leftovers, and I don't eat that much anymore. I generally only eat once a day, so if both kids and myself bring leftovers home, some of it is either going to my dog or in the trash.
My kids will eat, then take the leftovers home to my fridge where leftovers go to die.

Nobody but me eats leftovers, and I don't eat that much anymore. I generally only eat once a day, so if both kids and myself bring leftovers home, some of it is either going to my dog or in the trash.
Fasting? What time do you eat? Fasting is brutal. I’ve been tinkering with it
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My kids will eat, then take the leftovers home to my fridge where leftovers go to die.

Nobody but me eats leftovers, and I don't eat that much anymore. I generally only eat once a day, so if both kids and myself bring leftovers home, some of it is either going to my dog or in the trash.
Yea, same here. Leftovers are left to me or trash
Fasting? What time do you eat? Fasting is brutal. I’ve been tinkering with it

We're old souls in my house so we eat dinner between 4-5 during the school days so I can get homework done, showers in and anything else needing done before bed.

It's kind of weird but when my step-dad died, I lost my appetite and was forcing myself to eat. I got so use to eating that one meal that I've just kept it up (I'll eat a poptart/cinnamon roll every now and then in the morning if I get the urge).

Not entirely sure how healthy it is, but since Oct. 2020, I'm down about 50 pounds. I take vitamins every morning so I'm sure that helps, but I really don't feel like I can eat more then that one meal because I always feel full. I've heard that your stomach can shrink if you don't eat a lot. If true, maybe that happened to me.

The only time I truly feel hungry is if I eat a edible or two. Once that happens, it's on. I had a 20 MG over the weekend because my kids were at a sleepover and the misses was at work.... I damn near at a whole box of cinnamon toast crunch for dinner.
And I would add that this is why so many have so little trust in our elections now. It’s not that votes were “stolen.” It’s that the media and the tech companies have distorted the process with what’s covered and what isn’t. Who controls the information controls the election.
You mean like the phony stacked wingnut polls that were linked here daily in Oct/Nov , which purported to show the Pubs gaining 50 House seats and having 54 seats in the Senate?
By all means. Give us examples of those he is deleting/ silencing from the left.

Do you have any? Because the list of right wing people who were preyed upon by the old regime is as long as my arm.
I will say on a personal note that if Emma (see banned list) disappeared from videos that I otherwise find informative it would not bother me as she irritates the Hell out of me. I've never had occasion to read anything she has tweeted, so I don't know if she's irritating in that context as well.

But I'd almost be willing to bet that most people on the Right banned from Twitter previously engaged in some sort of violation of codes of conduct and deserved the ban. People like Jordan Peterson and Matt Walsh who personally attacked individuals and spread malicious lies leap to mind...

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There's no way the media would have allowed the right to get away with what the left gets away with.

That's the difference.
Elon came out and tweet urged people to vote for Pubs and has already endorsed DeSantis. If that had happened when Dorsey was CEO and he had tweeted a call to elect Dems you'd still be wetting yourself...
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Elon came out and tweet urged people to vote for Pubs and has already endorsed DeSantis. If that had happened when Dorsey was CEO and he had tweeted a call to elect Dems you'd still be wetting yourself...
That's called being honest. I know that's a foreign concept to you and all you 'objective' leftists.

Now, tell me who Musk has banned because they disagreed with him politically.
That's called being honest. I know that's a foreign concept to you and all you 'objective' leftists.

Now, tell me who Musk has banned because they disagreed with him politically.

I have no idea about them disagreeing politically, but here's a article on some of the left that has been banned on Twitter since Elon took over.

I have no idea about them disagreeing politically, but here's a article on some of the left that has been banned on Twitter since Elon took over.

You know Business Insider is a totally leftist rag, right?
Do you mean “other than Antifa - who has caused mayhem and violence during “mostly peaceful protests” resulting in billions of damages”?
Who is Antifa? Can you point out the "Antifa candidates" who ran for office in 2022? Cause the Proud Boys and oath keeper types have integrated themselves into the inner workings of the GOP in multiple states.

Even in the only 2 states where there is an actual Antifa presence (WA and OR) it was still right wing extremists (like Joe Kent) who were on the ballot
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You're doing exactly what you complained about in Marvin's post.

You're blaming everything on the left. You've yet to say there is a problem with your party, yet you start calling people "lunatic left".

That's really going to bring people together, huh?
That irony wasn't lost on me as I wrote the post. I decided to post it anyway.
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We're old souls in my house so we eat dinner between 4-5 during the school days so I can get homework done, showers in and anything else needing done before bed.

It's kind of weird but when my step-dad died, I lost my appetite and was forcing myself to eat. I got so use to eating that one meal that I've just kept it up (I'll eat a poptart/cinnamon roll every now and then in the morning if I get the urge).

Not entirely sure how healthy it is, but since Oct. 2020, I'm down about 50 pounds. I take vitamins every morning so I'm sure that helps, but I really don't feel like I can eat more then that one meal because I always feel full. I've heard that your stomach can shrink if you don't eat a lot. If true, maybe that happened to me.

The only time I truly feel hungry is if I eat a edible or two. Once that happens, it's on. I had a 20 MG over the weekend because my kids were at a sleepover and the misses was at work.... I damn near at a whole box of cinnamon toast crunch for dinner.
Yea, stomachs shrink if you don't each much.

That is part of the issue with overeating. You keep eating to be full and it takes more and more to be full when you overdo it.
In what way is it damning? And in what way does it involve the “Biden crime family?” Pretty funny if you support Trump , Jarred, Ivanka, Eric , Junior and all the things they have done for the last several decades to accuse Biden of being the crime family. We all know about Hunter and his problems. He’s an addict. What are the Trump excuses besides greed and corruption?
Focus. We are talking about the Biden/Brandon crime family. They are ultra corrupt. We can talk about the other person another time. Let's just focus on how BAD Biden and his family are. What they represent. What they've done. None of it is good.
You don’t even understand what you are describing is exactly what has happened to Republicans and the cult of Trump. Hard to take you seriously . The Republican Party is and has been beholden to a corrupt clown for 6 years now and they show no sign of letting up. It’s a cult, and it sounds like you are part of it. Let that sink in.
This is literally one of the dumbest takes I have ever seen. Congrats
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Who is Antifa? Can you point out the "Antifa candidates" who ran for office in 2022? Cause the Proud Boys and oath keeper types have integrated themselves into the inner workings of the GOP in multiple states.

Even in the only 2 states where there is an actual Antifa presence (WA and OR) it was still right wing extremists (like Joe Kent) who were on the ballot
Perfect description of Antifa:

"Antifa has gained new prominence in the post-Obama era. They trace their roots back to Nazi Germany. Although they opposed the Sturmabteilung (SA), or Nazi storm troopers, like the SA they also used violence to intimidate political opponents and break up their meetings and rallies. It could be argued that the ideological distance between Antifa and the now-defunct National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, abbreviated as NSDAP) or Nazi Party, is so slight it can be measured in millimeters."


I posted it because it had some of the left that were banned.

Here's another from the observer.

Business Insider is a pay site for me and I'm not paying for leftist propganda, which it spreads.

The Observer article is a bunch of claims by butt-hurt leftists. Until I see what they posted, I can't comment on why they were banned.
I have no idea about them disagreeing politically, but here's a article on some of the left that has been banned on Twitter since Elon took over.

You know Business Insider is a totally leftist rag, right?

It wasn't original reporting from Business Insider. It originally came from a report in The Intercept, which is linked in the BI story for anyone who cares to read before making a stupid comment..

Everyone knows that Andy Ngo is a militia apologist (liar) who was totally exposed over his "reporting" on groups like Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer. The fact that he's an integral part of this exposed scheme surprises absolutely no one...

From the Intercept article...

"All four accounts had been singled out for criticism by Andy Ngo, a far-right writer whose conspiratorial, error-riddled reporting on left-wing protests and social movements fuels the mass delusion that a handful of small antifascist groups are part of an imaginary shadow army called “antifa.” In a public exchange on Twitter on Friday, Musk invited Ngo to report “Antifa accounts” that should be suspended directly to him.

“Andy Ngo’s bizarre vision of ‘antifa’ seems to be the metric used to delete the accounts of journalists and publications, most of which engaged in verifiably good journalism and done so completely above board and TOS observant ways,” Shane Burley, editor of the anthology “¡No Pasarán!: Antifascist Dispatches From a World in Crisis,” observed on Twitter. “Paranoid delusions about antifa are driving it.”
As The Intercept reported last year, Ngo had previously tried and failed to have Loder suspended from Twitter, and also joined a botched attempt to have a court order the researcher to stop tweeting about one of the Proud Boys who took part in the Capitol riot."

If Musk wants to turn Twitter in to a hybrid Truth Social/ Gab type platform it's his business and he can do so. But what little advertisers that still remain will be long gone, and he can watch his money swirl down the drain as the militia types argue amongst themselves and wonder why they keep losing elections...

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Business Insider is a pay site for me and I'm not paying for leftist propganda, which it spreads.

The Observer article is a bunch of claims by butt-hurt leftists. Until I see what they posted, I can't comment on why they were banned.

Nobody can see what they posted unless they were screenshot because their accounts have been banned.

That's the whole point I was making.
Perfect description of Antifa:

"Antifa has gained new prominence in the post-Obama era. They trace their roots back to Nazi Germany. Although they opposed the Sturmabteilung (SA), or Nazi storm troopers, like the SA they also used violence to intimidate political opponents and break up their meetings and rallies. It could be argued that the ideological distance between Antifa and the now-defunct National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, abbreviated as NSDAP) or Nazi Party, is so slight it can be measured in millimeters."

You link an article from some group with Hoover and Heritage Foundation ties and then claim BI is a leftist rag? Is the word irony in your vocabulary?
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You mean like the phony stacked wingnut polls that were linked here daily in Oct/Nov , which purported to show the Pubs gaining 50 House seats and having 54 seats in the Senate?

I will say on a personal note that if Emma (see banned list) disappeared from videos that I otherwise find informative it would not bother me as she irritates the Hell out of me. I've never had occasion to read anything she has tweeted, so I don't know if she's irritating in that context as well.

But I'd almost be willing to bet that most people on the Right banned from Twitter previously engaged in some sort of violation of codes of conduct and deserved the ban. People like Jordan Peterson and Matt Walsh who personally attacked individuals and spread malicious lies leap to mind...

Weren’t JP and Matt Walsh banned for misgendering? It seems to me that’s the opposite of malicious lies, it’s trying to help a mentally ill person understand their true gender.
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You're saying LeBron is irrelevant to this discussion?
Yes. Its exactly what I'm saying. Literally no one here and very few people on earth form any opinions based on what Lebron has to say. And Alyssa Milano? What the ****? Couldn't think of another random 80s sitcom co star? Alyssa Milano? That's almost as stupid as taking cues from James Woods... oh wait...
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What are you guys attempting to sell here? You all know computers better than the technician? Ok. Are you somehow attempting to paint the info on the computer as "fake" because he didn't retrieve the information the way you would have (maybe he should have.).

Who gives a rats ass how he retrieved the info. He retrieved it, and it's real and damning to the Brandon crime family.

I am a "computer technician," as is Marvin. Speaking only for myself, if the methodology he used was described accurately, it's going to be hard to take anything he claims about what was on that computer seriously.

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