Musk/Twitter Document Dump

Well when you make the rules for what words mean, Grover, you can ever be wrong!
Hard to claim someone is an election denier when they certify the election and attend the person's victory lap inauguration.

I didn't change what words mean. You just seem to have trouble grasping simple concepts. Not my fault.
This is dumb. If all this is true, both sides used it to their advantage. I'm not of the illusion that the left took far more advantage then the right, but I have absolutely no doubt that the right would have used it as much as the left had they been able to.

This would just confirm that both sides are corrupt, which we already knew.
There's no way the media would have allowed the right to get away with what the left gets away with.

That's the difference.
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There's no way the media would have allowed the right to get away with what the left gets away with.

That's the difference.

Accept the Trump administration did get posts removed from Twitter, and the media didn't know anything about it until the reveal.

Both sides were doing it... both sides are corrupt. Just because one did it more then the other doesn't make it okay for either to do, if that's the road people want to go down.
No it isn't. Twitter is a not a government entity. They can manage it any way they see you're seeing right now with Musk.

Twitter had rules. When people broke the rules, they were punished or banned. It just so happens that, like every other hate crime or racist nonsense, it's usually a right wing nut who's threatening to kill someone on Twitter and then are surprised they're banned. This was discussed on Joe Rogan in 2019 for about 2 hours:

I don't understand how right wingers have so much trouble understanding "freedom of speech" as it pertains to the 1st Amendment. It's bizarre. And where is this "proof" you speak of? Also, enlighten everyone here as to what's on Hunter Biden's laptop. The Washington Post had a copy of the files:

Oh, you mean like when Biden says they'll be keeping an eye on Twitter?

Funny he wasn't saying that when Dorsey had control.
Accept the Trump administration did get posts removed from Twitter, and the media didn't know anything about it until the reveal.

Both sides were doing it... both sides are corrupt. Just because one did it more then the other doesn't make it okay for either to do, if that's the road people want to go down.
Both sides may have been doing it, but it was done far more often and effectively by Democrats. It's not even close.

Yes, I want to go down that road. That's like pointing to 3 Republicans that voted for impeachment and saying "See, it's bipartisan support for impeachment!".
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"the government is regulating speech" by applying pressure to these social media companies to censor speech that is not favorable to the government."

So which element of "the Govt" was applying pressure to social media companies in the fall of 2020? Congress?

Because if memory serves me, that was the only branch of "Govt" controlled by Dems. Both the Judicial and Executive Branches were controlled by the MAGA GOP, and that includes the heads of various agencies which were all nominated and voted on by (primarily) the GOP...

As to your larger claim that the "suppression" of the story was some coordinated effort, this article from The Hill reached a different conclusion...

"The posts on Twitter’s response to the Hunter Biden story do not show evidence of a widespread conspiracy to limit the content but some chaos, confusion and disagreement among Twitter employees about the platform’s reasoning for censoring it."

I'm still curious as to how "the govt" was involved? And of course Trump, who was POTUS when all this suppression supposedly occurred, is more than happy to use a private company enforcing their own standards as a reason to overthrow an election and have him installed as a leader...

Weren't the folks invested in this story already part of the voters who voted for the GOP 3 weeks ago? If it didn't propel the MAGA team to victory in 2022, why do MAGA types assume it would have changed significant votes in 2020?
Ever heard of Jim Baker? The Jim Baker that pushed the Russian Collusion Lie when he worked for the FBI?

No, no government involvement at all.....

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Both sides may have been doing it, but it was done far more often and effectively by Democrats. It's not even close.

Yes, I want to go down that road. That's like pointing to 3 Republicans that voted for impeachment and saying "See, it's bipartisan support for impeachment!".

I'm with you on going down that road. There should be checks and balances on what gets pulled and what doesn't. Hate speech, porn, that kind of thing, sure, let's ban the people that are posting that stuff. Government should not be stepping in and telling social media what needs to be pulled down.

With that being said, it doesn't make it okay for one side to do it just because the other side did it more. Both were wrong.

If I steal a piece of pizza and my friend steals the whole pie, does it make it okay just I didn't steal as much? Both are wrong.
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There's no way the media would have allowed the right to get away with what the left gets away with.

That's the difference.
Have you ever watched Fox News? They seem to get away with quite a lot. Do you not consider them media?
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Ever heard of Jim Baker? The Jim Baker that pushed the Russian Collusion Lie when he worked for the FBI?

No, no government involvement at all.....

There you go again with the Russian Collusion bit. Could you tell me why Jr met with the Russians? If it’s what I think it is…. Or why Paul Manafort shared voter data with them? Merely a coincidence, right?
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I am not disagreeing it may have been biased, I don't spend my life looking for such stuff. I am saying the degree is often presented as "libs can do anything and all conservatives are stymied" isn't right.

Part of the bias problem is the crazies on places like 4-chan skew right. There are not as many organized crazy left. They exist, they just are not organized in the same way and numbers as the right. So crazy q-anon gets taken down the result is "where is the left being taken down". Well, there aren't nearly as many left q-anon/proud boys/4-chan/8-chan people/groups today.

So yes, I accept bias existed. Part, not all, of bias comes from who wants to push the envelope. People who do not accept rules apply to them will push the envelope.

Where I think a stronger case exists is on cancelling. If people are using Twitter to advance cancelling people it seems to me to run a foul of bullying rules. Yes, even bullies can be bullied.
Yeah, remember how 'organized' those right wingers were during the Summer of Love?

They were bussing in people from outside to riot and shut down, and occupy, parts of cities. Burning federal buildings and harrassing people eating dinner.

Yeah, the crazy left would never be organized enough to do all that mostly peaceful protesting.
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I think your first sentence is the foundation of almost all of our discursive dysfunction. Very rarely do people even take a moment to absorb what's actually being reported and think about what it means. Instead, we see a story, and we interpret it in the most partisan fashion possible, and our misunderstanding of the story becomes the actual story in our minds. A story about Russia favoring Trump becomes Trump colluding with Putin. A story about Warnock pushing for funding for a project in Atlanta becomes a story about him funneling money to his employer.

And I don't think our stupidity or partisanship is ultimately to blame, either. I think the media know exactly what they are doing. I think they know we are poised to make these jumps, and I think they give us stories designed to get us to make these jumps, because that's where the clicks and the ad dollars are.
Your last paragraph was entirely contradicting. You don't think it's our stupidity, but you believe the media are the puppeteers of the citizens? That's stupidity personified.

The media are definitely vile pieces of garbage. And we absolutely are stupid idiots for allowing these vile pieces of garbage to influence us.
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There you go again with the Russian Collusion bit. Could you tell me why Jr met with the Russians? If it’s what I think it is…. Or why Paul Manafort shared voter data with them? Merely a coincidence, right?
Oh God, you're so precious.

You seem to know why Don Jr met with the Russians. You must know a lot more than Mueller and his team of Democrat lawyers.

What info did Manafort share that was classified or illegal to share?

Do tell!
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Which is why the Russian collusion was important.

And many of the election deniers are talking about actual votes, which is why the excessive push to recount votes.

Either you are in the minority or the election deniers have moved on to media bias now that all the recounts came up with zilch
@zeke4ahs your boy is talking about 'Russian Collusion' - so yesterday's news, right?
Cav scouts aren’t 11B anymore - they’re disgustingly associated with armor. 19D and they’re the worst.

11Bs are the greatest humans on the planet.
If you don't believe it, just ask them.
No it isn't. Twitter is a not a government entity. They can manage it any way they see you're seeing right now with Musk.

Twitter had rules. When people broke the rules, they were punished or banned. It just so happens that, like every other hate crime or racist nonsense, it's usually a right wing nut who's threatening to kill someone on Twitter and then are surprised they're banned. This was discussed on Joe Rogan in 2019 for about 2 hours:

I don't understand how right wingers have so much trouble understanding "freedom of speech" as it pertains to the 1st Amendment. It's bizarre. And where is this "proof" you speak of? Also, enlighten everyone here as to what's on Hunter Biden's laptop. The Washington Post had a copy of the files:

"I don't understand how right wingers have so much trouble understanding freedom of speech", that's rich. This is what the left believes about freedom of speech...if you agree (with me) it's free speech, disagree it's hate speech and must erased immediately. It's gross.
I'm with you on going down that road. There should be checks and balances on what gets pulled and what doesn't. Hate speech, porn, that kind of thing, sure, let's ban the people that are posting that stuff. Government should not be stepping in and telling social media what needs to be pulled down.

With that being said, it doesn't make it okay for one side to do it just because the other side did it more. Both were wrong.

If I steal a piece of pizza and my friend steals the whole pie, does it make it okay just I didn't steal as much? Both are wrong.
It depends. Is it Pizza King pizza or Papa Johns? Because stealing a Pizza King pizza is a crime. Papa John's should be giving away that crap.
It depends. Is it Pizza King pizza or Papa Johns? Because stealing a Pizza King pizza is a crime. Papa John's should be giving away that crap.

Although Pizza King being my favorite pizza in town, you almost have to steal it because it's so damn expensive.

100% on Papa John's. I'd put Pizza Hut, Dominoes and Little Cesar's in that same boat. They all are horrible and I'd rather eat a PBJ or grilled cheese any day of the week.

If it's up to me, we're going to the hole in the wall places for Pizza. They do it up right.
I have yanked out many a drive, attached them to my machine, and copied everything off. It seems crazy to do it piecemeal.

I also do not look at anything on a user's computer unless it is the problem ("Word document xyz.doc will not open" then I have to look at xyz.doc. Otherwise I don't open up personal files. I don't know why a reputable technician would).
What are you guys attempting to sell here? You all know computers better than the technician? Ok. Are you somehow attempting to paint the info on the computer as "fake" because he didn't retrieve the information the way you would have (maybe he should have.).

Who gives a rats ass how he retrieved the info. He retrieved it, and it's real and damning to the Brandon crime family.
Although Pizza King being my favorite pizza in town, you almost have to steal it because it's so damn expensive.

100% on Papa John's. I'd put Pizza Hut, Dominoes and Little Cesar's in that same boat. They all are horrible and I'd rather eat a PBJ or grilled cheese any day of the week.

If it's up to me, we're going to the hole in the wall places for Pizza. They do it up right.
Agree on Pizza Hut and Little Ceasars, but I've had some good pizza at Dominoes. Maybe it's the extra grease?

One thing I miss being in Charlotte is Pizza King. And the pizza scene here sucks.
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Part of Twitters reasoning for censoring the Biden laptop story was the information was ostensibly illegally obtained.

Trumps tax returns got no such consideration, even though they were 100 percent illegally obtained.

The double standard is absolutely ridiculous.
What about the rest of the reasoning?
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There you go again with the Russian Collusion bit. Could you tell me why Jr met with the Russians? If it’s what I think it is…. Or why Paul Manafort shared voter data with them? Merely a coincidence, right?

I don't think danc understands what the word collusion means.
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Agree on Pizza Hut and Little Ceasars, but I've had some good pizza at Dominoes. Maybe it's the extra grease?

One thing I miss being in Charlotte is Pizza King. And the pizza scene here sucks.

Yeah, I can't handle a lot of grease. Acid reflux is absolutely brutal, especially at night when it creeps up on you.

We've got a few good pizza joints around here. It's just to bad that you almost have to take out a loan to get Pizza King for a family like mine (family of 5 with two girls that have crazy metabolism and a wife that can eat more then me but looks like my right leg weighs more then she does).
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I am not disagreeing it may have been biased, I don't spend my life looking for such stuff. I am saying the degree is often presented as "libs can do anything and all conservatives are stymied" isn't right.

Part of the bias problem is the crazies on places like 4-chan skew right. There are not as many organized crazy left. They exist, they just are not organized in the same way and numbers as the right. So crazy q-anon gets taken down the result is "where is the left being taken down". Well, there aren't nearly as many left q-anon/proud boys/4-chan/8-chan people/groups today.

So yes, I accept bias existed. Part, not all, of bias comes from who wants to push the envelope. People who do not accept rules apply to them will push the envelope.

Where I think a stronger case exists is on cancelling. If people are using Twitter to advance cancelling people it seems to me to run a foul of bullying rules. Yes, even bullies can be bullied.
And this, in a nutshell, is why we never have any hope of bridging the divide between the right and left. Your 2nd paragraph is biased and stupid and everything else bad in the world. You couldn't be more wrong. The worst thing is, you actually believe what you say.

It's unfortunate, but I don't believe there's much point in discussions with the opposing team at this point. If the left could ever get past...yeah we have some of that, but it's so much worse on the right, we'd have a chance. As things stand with the leftist lunatics, there's no point.
Yeah, I can't handle a lot of grease. Acid reflux is absolutely brutal, especially at night when it creeps up on you.

We've got a few good pizza joints around here. It's just to bad that you almost have to take out a loan to get Pizza King for a family like mine (family of 5 with two girls that have crazy metabolism and a wife that can eat more then me but looks like my right leg weighs more then she does).

Yea, I definitely would go to pizza king if not for the price. Just not worth that.

My family is stuck with Marcos and their option to have white sauce on pizza. Have a kid that doesn't like flavor (red sauce) so that's one of our few options that keeps everyone happy.
And this, in a nutshell, is why we never have any hope of bridging the divide between the right and left. Your 2nd paragraph is biased and stupid and everything else bad in the world. You couldn't be more wrong. The worst thing is, you actually believe what you say.

It's unfortunate, but I don't believe there's much point in discussions with the opposing team at this point. If the left could ever get past...yeah we have some of that, but it's so much worse on the right, we'd have a chance. As things stand with the leftist lunatics, there's no point.

How is he wrong?

I'd there a website for the far left? I honestly don't know, but people sure do know about 4chan, or parlor, or truth social.

He said there were crazies on the left, just not as organized and I would add not out there like the right has. He also said he acknowledged bias for the left.

What is wrong with what he posted?
And this, in a nutshell, is why we never have any hope of bridging the divide between the right and left. Your 2nd paragraph is biased and stupid and everything else bad in the world. You couldn't be more wrong. The worst thing is, you actually believe what you say.

It's unfortunate, but I don't believe there's much point in discussions with the opposing team at this point. If the left could ever get past...yeah we have some of that, but it's so much worse on the right, we'd have a chance. As things stand with the leftist lunatics, there's no point.

There are leftist lunatics, but compare them to all q-anon or the real crazies at 8-chan. The left crazies just aren't as organized. Other that Antifa, can you name the left moonbats comparable? And for their many warts, Antifa doesn't have near the online presence.

In the 60s and 70s, as much as John Birch existed, left wing crazies were more plentiful and vocal (SDS for example). That has changed, the pendulum swung. That is a far more accurate and fair assessment than "right good, left bad" some want to portray.

Moonbats are right now a smaller group.
Yea, I definitely would go to pizza king if not for the price. Just not worth that.

My family is stuck with Marcos and their option to have white sauce on pizza. Have a kid that doesn't like flavor (red sauce) so that's one of our few options that keeps everyone happy.

We have Marcos as well up here. It's been then those that i mentioned, but again, it always has a ton of grease, which I struggle with.

My youngest constantly wants to stick to the six major food groups (cheese pizza, Mac and cheese, peanut butter sandwich, chicken nuggets and tacos (only beef). When forced, she'll eat grapes or a apple, but not much else.

If she didn't look exactly like her sisters, I would think she was switched at birth because everyone else in the house is a garbage disposal a far as caring what they eat.
We have Marcos as well up here. It's been then those that i mentioned, but again, it always has a ton of grease, which I struggle with.

My youngest constantly wants to stick to the six major food groups (cheese pizza, Mac and cheese, peanut butter sandwich, chicken nuggets and tacos (only beef). When forced, she'll eat grapes or a apple, but not much else.

If she didn't look exactly like her sisters, I would think she was switched at birth because everyone else in the house is a garbage disposal a far as caring what they eat.

I was the picky one in my family growing up but my kids take the cake.

Oldest - cheese and flour (cheese quesadilla, mac n cheese, buttered noodles with parmesan, cheese pizza but no red sauce). Sometimes chicken fingers or cheeseburgers.

Middle - doesn't seem to ever know what she wants. doesn't like whatever she orders lol (other than from mcdonalds and olive garden)

Youngest - likes donuts, tacos, mac n cheese (easy mac...not boxed lmao), turkey (only 1 brand) or pizza. not much else. not liking sandwiches is a major headache. Almost bad as the oldest not liking anything with red sauce.

Our marcos doesn't seem that greasy. Not like Greeks pizzeria or Pucinis.
There are leftist lunatics, but compare them to all q-anon or the real crazies at 8-chan. The left crazies just aren't as organized. Other that Antifa, can you name the left moonbats comparable? And for their many warts, Antifa doesn't have near the online presence.

In the 60s and 70s, as much as John Birch existed, left wing crazies were more plentiful and vocal (SDS for example). That has changed, the pendulum swung. That is a far more accurate and fair assessment than "right good, left bad" some want to portray.

Moonbats are right now a smaller group.
The lunatic leftists are everywhere. They don't need these little groups. They are literally everywhere (government, hollywood, pro sports, MSM, etc) infecting nearly every aspect of society. There's a reason all these former staunch liberals now find themselves right of center. A great deal of the left moved so far left, the center line got dragged left. People with backbone (those that didn't swallow everything woke) who still hold the same beliefs found themselves right of the center line.

Maybe you don't recognize the leftist lunatics because they have become the majority of the (your?) party? Let that sink in. Does it scare you? If not, you're probably a leftist lunatic yourself.
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I was the picky one in my family growing up but my kids take the cake.

Oldest - cheese and flour (cheese quesadilla, mac n cheese, buttered noodles with parmesan, cheese pizza but no red sauce). Sometimes chicken fingers or cheeseburgers.

Middle - doesn't seem to ever know what she wants. doesn't like whatever she orders lol (other than from mcdonalds and olive garden)

Youngest - likes donuts, tacos, mac n cheese (easy mac...not boxed lmao), turkey (only 1 brand) or pizza. not much else. not liking sandwiches is a major headache. Almost bad as the oldest not liking anything with red sauce.

Our marcos doesn't seem that greasy. Not like Greeks pizzeria or Pucinis.

The crazy thing about my youngest is she won't eat cheese unless it's on pizza.

My middle kid was picky, but then figured out the joys of flavor. I'm hoping my youngest does the same.
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The lunatic leftists are everywhere. They don't need these little groups. They are literally everywhere (government, hollywood, pro sports, MSM, etc) infecting nearly every aspect of society. There's a reason all these former staunch liberals now find themselves right of center. A great deal of the left moved so far left, the center line got dragged left. People with backbone (those that didn't swallow everything woke) who still hold the same beliefs found themselves right of the center line.

Maybe you don't recognize the leftist lunatics because they have become the majority of the (your?) party? Let that sink in. Does it scare you? If not, you're probably a leftist lunatic yourself.

You're doing exactly what you complained about in Marvin's post.

You're blaming everything on the left. You've yet to say there is a problem with your party, yet you start calling people "lunatic left".

That's really going to bring people together, huh?
The crazy thing about my youngest is she won't eat cheese unless it's on pizza.

My middle kid was picky, but then figured out the joys of flavor. I'm hoping my youngest does the same.

My oldest is 12...i'm afraid of what will happen when she ages out of the kids menus.
What are you guys attempting to sell here? You all know computers better than the technician? Ok. Are you somehow attempting to paint the info on the computer as "fake" because he didn't retrieve the information the way you would have (maybe he should have.).

Who gives a rats ass how he retrieved the info. He retrieved it, and it's real and damning to the Brandon crime family.
How is it damning to the Biden family?

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