Musk/Twitter Document Dump

Oh God, you're so precious.

You seem to know why Don Jr met with the Russians. You must know a lot more than Mueller and his team of Democrat lawyers.

What info did Manafort share that was classified or illegal to share?

Do tell!
Again, this has been explained to you so many times there is no point in doing it again. You have zero understanding of the Mueller report and what it reported and you prove it every time you whine about the Russian collusion . Again, why did Junior meet with them and why did Manafort share election information?
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What are you guys attempting to sell here? You all know computers better than the technician? Ok. Are you somehow attempting to paint the info on the computer as "fake" because he didn't retrieve the information the way you would have (maybe he should have.).

Who gives a rats ass how he retrieved the info. He retrieved it, and it's real and damning to the Brandon crime family.
In what way is it damning? And in what way does it involve the “Biden crime family?” Pretty funny if you support Trump , Jarred, Ivanka, Eric , Junior and all the things they have done for the last several decades to accuse Biden of being the crime family. We all know about Hunter and his problems. He’s an addict. What are the Trump excuses besides greed and corruption?
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He’s going to need body guards. He’s also going to need great attorneys when Biden sends FBI and DOJ after him.

Nobody f’s with the Biden Family.

There was zero new information in his tweets, short of doxxing a few people. No information on the tweets pulled, even though they have access to them in the database. It was a summation of the NY Post reporting.
The lunatic leftists are everywhere. They don't need these little groups. They are literally everywhere (government, hollywood, pro sports, MSM, etc) infecting nearly every aspect of society. There's a reason all these former staunch liberals now find themselves right of center. A great deal of the left moved so far left, the center line got dragged left. People with backbone (those that didn't swallow everything woke) who still hold the same beliefs found themselves right of the center line.

Maybe you don't recognize the leftist lunatics because they have become the majority of the (your?) party? Let that sink in. Does it scare you? If not, you're probably a leftist lunatic yourself.

Or these leftists became conservative and the dividing line stayed put.

A person demanding to be called Xe instead of he/she is annoying. It does not compare to people who believe chips were in the COVID vaccine, people who believe the Democratic Party is controlled by lizard people running a child sex ring, who thought Jade Helm was real, or are arming themselves for a civil war.

Which is where groups like Weathermen and SDS were in the 60s when leftists we're more crazy and we're carrying out bombings.
In what way is it damning? And in what way does it involve the “Biden crime family?” Pretty funny if you support Trump , Jarred, Ivanka, Eric , Junior and all the things they have done for the last several decades to accuse Biden of being the crime family. We all know about Hunter and his problems. He’s an addict. What are the Trump excuses besides greed and corruption?
Big Guy 10%
Big Guy 10%
Big Guy 10%
Big Guy 10%
Big Guy 10%
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And this, in a nutshell, is why we never have any hope of bridging the divide between the right and left. Your 2nd paragraph is biased and stupid and everything else bad in the world. You couldn't be more wrong. The worst thing is, you actually believe what you say.

It's unfortunate, but I don't believe there's much point in discussions with the opposing team at this point. If the left could ever get past...yeah we have some of that, but it's so much worse on the right, we'd have a chance. As things stand with the leftist lunatics, there's no point.
Oh bless your biased little heart. Please explain: Marjorie Taylor Green, Lauren Bieber, Hershel Walker, Jim Jordan, Paul Gossart, Ronnie Johnson, Matt Gaetz, and all the other Big Lie and other crazies on the right. You have one thing right. There really is no point in discussing until the Republican Party comes back to their senses and gets Trump and all his crazies swept away and some semblance of sanity and intellect back in the party. Intelligence is now considered and “elite” fault for many of you.
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And this, in a nutshell, is why we never have any hope of bridging the divide between the right and left. Your 2nd paragraph is biased and stupid and everything else bad in the world. You couldn't be more wrong. The worst thing is, you actually believe what you say.

It's unfortunate, but I don't believe there's much point in discussions with the opposing team at this point. If the left could ever get past...yeah we have some of that, but it's so much worse on the right, we'd have a chance. As things stand with the leftist lunatics, there's no point.
And let’s not forget the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Patriot Front and all the other right wing nut jobs.
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Oh bless your biased little heart. Please explain: Marjorie Taylor Green, Lauren Bieber, Hershel Walker, Jim Jordan, Paul Gossart, Ronnie Johnson, Matt Gaetz, and all the other Big Lie and other crazies on the right. You have one thing right. There really is no point in discussing until the Republican Party comes back to their senses and gets Trump and all his crazies swept away and some semblance of sanity and intellect back in the party. Intelligence is now considered and “elite” fault for many of you.
24/7 rent free
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The lunatic leftists are everywhere. They don't need these little groups. They are literally everywhere (government, hollywood, pro sports, MSM, etc) infecting nearly every aspect of society. There's a reason all these former staunch liberals now find themselves right of center. A great deal of the left moved so far left, the center line got dragged left. People with backbone (those that didn't swallow everything woke) who still hold the same beliefs found themselves right of the center line.

Maybe you don't recognize the leftist lunatics because they have become the majority of the (your?) party? Let that sink in. Does it scare you? If not, you're probably a leftist lunatic yourself.
You don’t even understand what you are describing is exactly what has happened to Republicans and the cult of Trump. Hard to take you seriously . The Republican Party is and has been beholden to a corrupt clown for 6 years now and they show no sign of letting up. It’s a cult, and it sounds like you are part of it. Let that sink in.
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And let’s not forget the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Patriot Front and all the other right wing nut jobs.
Whatever happened to the Tea Party? They liked to burn effigies of a noosed President Obama because you know... that spells "we need lower taxes"... lol
You don’t even understand what you are describing is exactly what has happened to Republicans and the cult of Trump. Hard to take you seriously . The Republican Party is and has been beholden to a corrupt clown for 6 years now and they show no sign of letting up. It’s a cult, and it sounds like you are part of it. Let that sink in.
Biden has been a joke in the Democrat party for over 47 years. You would vote for him if he were a corpse. Think about that and let it sink in. Talk about a cult , you are a brainwashed member of one.
Hard to claim someone is an election denier when they certify the election and attend the person's victory lap inauguration.

I didn't change what words mean. You just seem to have trouble grasping simple concepts. Not my fault.
Lol your retort on how you get to claim your definition includes your self-styled definition again! Grover, you’re brilliant.
Although Pizza King being my favorite pizza in town, you almost have to steal it because it's so damn expensive.

100% on Papa John's. I'd put Pizza Hut, Dominoes and Little Cesar's in that same boat. They all are horrible and I'd rather eat a PBJ or grilled cheese any day of the week.

If it's up to me, we're going to the hole in the wall places for Pizza. They do it up right.
Pizza is in my list of things you can upgrade to luxury pretty cheaply:

1. Coffee
2. Beer
3. Pizza
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There are leftist lunatics, but compare them to all q-anon or the real crazies at 8-chan. The left crazies just aren't as organized. Other that Antifa, can you name the left moonbats comparable? And for their many warts, Antifa doesn't have near the online presence.

In the 60s and 70s, as much as John Birch existed, left wing crazies were more plentiful and vocal (SDS for example). That has changed, the pendulum swung. That is a far more accurate and fair assessment than "right good, left bad" some want to portray.

Moonbats are right now a smaller group.
Do you mean “other than Antifa - who has caused mayhem and violence during “mostly peaceful protests” resulting in billions of damages”?
The lunatic leftists are everywhere. They don't need these little groups. They are literally everywhere
I just read how DeSantis's lawyers defined woke.

I haven't given it much thought but was curious on your thoughts on their definition.
I’m aligned to the base of that. I’d add clauses such as “resulting in policies or actions that replace ‘perceived injustices’ with clear injustices, discrimination, sometimes violence and that may effect the personal lives and valid careers of those who do not share the same ideas.”
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Pizza is in my list of things you can upgrade to luxury pretty cheaply:

1. Coffee
2. Beer
3. Pizza

The last two, yes.... I can't stand coffee.

My wife was a coffee connoisseur before she got covid, last year. She still doesn't have her taste back so she literally just drinks it black because, as she says, what's the point of nice coffee if I can't taste it.

Saves me a ton of money but I'd rather her be able to taste again.
I’m aligned to the base of that. I’d add clauses such as “resulting in policies or actions that replace ‘perceived injustices’ with clear injustices, discrimination, sometimes violence and that may effect the personal lives and valid careers of those who do not share the same ideas.”

Thank you for that.

I'm gonna have to think about it some more before I make up my mind.
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Or these leftists became conservative and the dividing line stayed put.

A person demanding to be called Xe instead of he/she is annoying. It does not compare to people who believe chips were in the COVID vaccine, people who believe the Democratic Party is controlled by lizard people running a child sex ring, who thought Jade Helm was real, or are arming themselves for a civil war.

Which is where groups like Weathermen and SDS were in the 60s when leftists we're more crazy and we're carrying out bombings.

You forgot space lasers
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The last two, yes.... I can't stand coffee.

My wife was a coffee connoisseur before she got covid, last year. She still doesn't have her taste back so she literally just drinks it black because, as she says, what's the point of nice coffee if I can't taste it.

Saves me a ton of money but I'd rather her be able to taste again.
I used to not care. Then I had "good" coffee. That was probably Starbucks or something.

So the everyday shit in the pot in the morning is Starbucks House Blend.

But I purchase shit online (FOR THE FRESH ROASTINGS) which honestly cost about 15/lb. Lasts two weeks but I only do pour overs or french press. My wife did tell me if I get an espresso maker ( a real one, not some Nespresso shit) she's going to leave me.

I have a tendency to go down rabbit holes.
You don’t even understand what you are describing is exactly what has happened to Republicans and the cult of Trump. Hard to take you seriously . The Republican Party is and has been beholden to a corrupt clown for 6 years now and they show no sign of letting up. It’s a cult, and it sounds like you are part of it. Let that sink in.
Take this cult talk and shove it.

America is slouching toward the banal sameness of consensus, uniformity, and mechanical application of ideology that suppresses free thinking and crushes individualism. There was a time when free thinkers challenged religious dogma. Now free thinkers challenge ideological dogma. A dogma subscribed to by politicians, entertainers, media, and other public opinion influencerers. Along came Trump who kicked all of that in the ass, challenged the established dogma, and championed creativity and free thinking. And your only answer is to scream CULT! No, it’s not a cult. Cult comes up only because those who speak of cult have nothing to say. When I see “cult” I now see people who are comfortable with intoxicating sameness never to escape a comfort zone. So sit back with your almond milk latte and be well.
My oldest is 12...i'm afraid of what will happen when she ages out of the kids menus.

They may never age out... my 16 year old will still get a happy meal from time to time for a snack once she's done with work as a cheap option.
I used to not care. Then I had "good" coffee. That was probably Starbucks or something.

So the everyday shit in the pot in the morning is Starbucks House Blend.

But I purchase shit online (FOR THE FRESH ROASTINGS) which honestly cost about 15/lb. Lasts two weeks but I only do pour overs or french press. My wife did tell me if I get an espresso maker ( a real one, not some Nespresso shit) she's going to leave me.

I have a tendency to go down rabbit holes.

We have a Keurig that she absolutely loves. Since she doesn't have taste, she now buys coffee by how much caffeine is in it.

The more caffeine in the morning, the better mood she is in the morning.

I don't see the appeal, but then again, I drink a 14 ounce chocolate milk every morning on my way to my first stop in the morning. I guess that's my go go juice.
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We have a Keurig that she absolutely loves. Since she doesn't have taste, she now buys coffee by how much caffeine is in it.

The more caffeine in the morning, the better mood she is in the morning.

I don't see the appeal, but then again, I drink a 14 ounce chocolate milk every morning on my way to my first stop in the morning. I guess that's my go go juice.
Strawberry milk and twinkies were my go to when i used to.....

Well, that was a different time.
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Take this cult talk and shove it.

America is slouching toward the banal sameness of consensus, uniformity, and mechanical application of ideology that suppresses free thinking and crushes individualism. There was a time when free thinkers challenged religious dogma. Now free thinkers challenge ideological dogma. A dogma subscribed to by politicians, entertainers, media, and other public opinion influencerers. Along came Trump who kicked all of that in the ass, challenged the established dogma, and championed creativity and free thinking. And your only answer is to scream CULT! No, it’s not a cult. Cult comes up only because those who speak of cult have nothing to say. When I see “cult” I now see people who are comfortable with intoxicating sameness never to escape a comfort zone. So sit back with your almond milk latte and be well.
Cult is her favorite word because in reality she has no clue WTF she is talking about most of the time. She only knows Trump lives in her mind . She is a true member of a cult.
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Strawberry milk and twinkies were my go to when i used to.....

Well, that was a different time.

I'll grab strawberry if we're out of chocolate at work. If out of both, white will do.

Milk is my go to for sure in the morning. Would rather drink that then a soda any day of the week.
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There are leftist lunatics, but compare them to all q-anon or the real crazies at 8-chan. The left crazies just aren't as organized. Other that Antifa, can you name the left moonbats comparable? And for their many warts, Antifa doesn't have near the online presence.

In the 60s and 70s, as much as John Birch existed, left wing crazies were more plentiful and vocal (SDS for example). That has changed, the pendulum swung. That is a far more accurate and fair assessment than "right good, left bad" some want to portray.

Moonbats are right now a smaller group.
Other than Antifa? LMAO! Yeah, they're pretty much the umbrella organization for all the anarchist leftists out there.

You continually bring up the John Birch Society - it was so effective, it's not even in existence now.

But that's the leftist MO - "Look, the right is mostly crazies but we just have a few well meaning crazies".

b, leftists crazies spent the entire summer of 2000 rioting, killing people, destroying private and government property and intimidating innocent people. While the right crazies were being infiltrated and encouraged by the FBI. But the right is so organized...... wow.
Uh racism, lying all the time, inciting people to hate people they disagree with, turning old folks into paranoid , scared individuals, afraid to walk out of their homes. To start with….
Now you're making shit up.

Either post facts or admit you were spouting bullshit.
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Again, this has been explained to you so many times there is no point in doing it again. You have zero understanding of the Mueller report and what it reported and you prove it every time you whine about the Russian collusion . Again, why did Junior meet with them and why did Manafort share election information?
You tell me why - you seem to know. This is your opportunity to explain it to Mueller, too, because he sure as hell didn't see anything wrong with it.

You're a cartoon.
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