Kelly on Trump

Trump didn’t govern as an authoritarian. All he did was shoot off his mouth, which he does often

On the other hand, the recent suit by the USA vs Virginia is authoritarian in real time.
Engaging in this kind of exaggerated name calling is not only stupid and petty strategic politics, it shows substantial ignorance . . .

You typed that and it fits a certain unfit candidate for President exceptionally well.
Trump’s name calling is ambient noise that is always there. He also talks about important policy issues every day.

The Democrats have no positive policy message. They exhausted abortion. The Project 25 hoax was a bust. The Joy message was always a ruse as was other minor hoaxes. Their resorting to Hitler/Fascist/Nazi as the primary campaign message at this time not only shows they are dumb, it also shows they have no respect for the voters who are interested in issues. Kelly falling in with that message says more about him than Trump. Kelly is in a good position to tell us what Trump got wrong. We get crickets about that.
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lol…it has nothing to do with Trump. Democrats are miserable f#cks. I can’t stand you guys.
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That’s debatable. I think he was unaccustomed to having to work in collaboration with a legislature to advance policy.
Totally agree. Moreover, his staff and many in the cabinet were provided to him. They weren’t compatible and that was a disaster as we’ve mentioned often. There was much less turnover in the second two years of his firm as he brought in his own people.

Trump obviously is not an easy person to work for. There are similar rumors about Kamala.
Trump’s name calling is ambient noise that is always there. He also talks about important policy issues every day.

The Democrats have no positive policy message. They exhausted abortion. The Project 25 hoax was a bust. The Joy message was always a ruse as was other minor hoaxes. Their resorting to Hitler/Fascist/Nazi as the primary campaign message at this time not only shows they are dumb, it also shows they have no respect for the voters who are interested in issues. Kelly falling in with that message says more about him than Trump. Kelly is in a good position to tell us what Trump got wrong. We get crickets about that.
Over two hundred former high level Trump administration Republicans have come to the conclusion that he’s unfit for office. This is truly unprecedented. I just don’t get how anyone can ignore this.

Also I watched Trump today and he provided exactly no policy specifics. He claimed that there’d be no inflation, no wars, no unemployment, no illegal immigration, and on and on if he was President rather than Biden. Then he claimed he’d pretty much instantly make everything great again if he was elected President. Nothing on how that would happen. He would almost immediately end the war in Ukraine and Israel and if he isn’t elected we’re on our way to WWIII. It idiotic BS designed for moronic followers. He’s like a tent revival preacher promising miracles if you just believe in him (and fund him). I just don’t get it.
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Trump’s name calling is ambient noise that is always there. He also talks about important policy issues every day.

The Democrats have no positive policy message. They exhausted abortion. The Project 25 hoax was a bust. The Joy message was always a ruse as was other minor hoaxes. Their resorting to Hitler/Fascist/Nazi as the primary campaign message at this time not only shows they are dumb, it also shows they have no respect for the voters who are interested in issues. Kelly falling in with that message says more about him than Trump. Kelly is in a good position to tell us what Trump got wrong. We get crickets about that.

Yes he talks. And speaks a lot of really terrible ideas.

Trump’s Tariffs Won’t Bring Us Peace and Prosperity
Free trade lowers prices and pre-empts war. Why do some Republicans want protectionism instead?
By Rand Paul
Oct. 23, 2024 5:15 pm ET

Totally agree. Moreover, his staff and many in the cabinet were provided to him. They weren’t compatible and that was a disaster as we’ve mentioned often. There was much less turnover in the second two years of his firm as he brought in his own people.

Trump obviously is not an easy person to work for. There are similar rumors about Kamala.
Provided to him by who? He was the President and probably the best of his appointees were his first appointees as a group. Somehow he alienated a record 60+ percent of his appointees. I see no way to twist that into a positive.
Over two hundred former high level Trump administration Republicans have come to the conclusion that he’s unfit for office. This is truly unprecedented. I just don’t get how anyone can ignore this.

Also I watched Trump today and he provided exactly no policy specifics. He claimed that there’d be no inflation, no wars, no unemployment, no illegal immigration, and on and on. Then he claimed he’d pretty much instantly make everything great again. He would almost immediately end the war in Ukraine and Israel and if he isn’t elected we’re on our way to WWIII. It idiotic BS designed for moronic followers. He’s like a tent revival preacher promise miracles of you just believe in him. I just don’t get it.
The difference is very simple. We don’t buy the hyperbole. We go by the outcomes that can be measured and compared. The public is telling us what they care most about. Well we have comparative data.
Inflation: compare 2016-2020 year to year then compare 2020-2024
Crime: compare trump vs defund and bail projects
Border: compare trump wanting a wall vs dismantling title 42, funding, asylum agreements, remain in Mexico.
Compare crossings 2016-2020 and 2020-2024

Finally all the so scary trump things that are going to happen never did. None of it. During Covid, an actual crisis, he was the least authoritative guy around. He deferred to fauci at every turn.

So no. If you go by outcomes and not hyperbolic fearmongering and speculation the choice is clear. Two shitty candidates but one isn’t a progressive. Trump will be a lame duck president from day one. And that’s a good thing. We saw what “transformative” gets us: high prices and thousands of unvetted criminals running around on a nonconfined docket

Trump is the pos of shit we know. Harris the second most lib senator in a century with that freak walz. The rat on your neighbor authoritarian.

God only knows
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The difference is very simple. We don’t buy the hyperbole. We go by the outcomes that can be measured and compared
Inflation: compare 2016-2020 year to year then compare 2020-2024
Crime: compare trump vs defund and bail projects
Border: compare trump wanting a wall vs dismantling title 42, funding, asylum agreements, remain in Mexico.
Compare crossings 2016-2020 and 2020-2024

Finally all the so scary trump things that are going to happen never did. None of it. During Covid, an actual crisis, he was the least authoritative guy around. He deferred to fauci at every turn.

So no. If you go by outcomes and not hyperbolic fearmongering and speculation the choice is clear. Two shitty candidates but one isn’t a progressive. Trump will be a lame duck president from day one. And that’s a good thing. We saw what “transformative” gets us: high prices and thousands of unvetted criminals running around on a nonconfined docket

Trump is the pos of shit we know. Harris the second most lib senator in a century with that freak walz. The rat on your neighbor authoritarian.

God only knows

Trump proposes policies that are a massive risk with little reward.... And they are policies he can probably achieve via executive action.
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Trump proposes policies that are a massive risk with little reward.... And they are policies he can probably achieve via executive action.
Calls for speculation. I’ll go with his four years on the issues that matter most to people vs Biden/Harris’ four years.
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Trump proposes policies that are a massive risk with little reward.... And they are policies he can probably achieve via executive action.
And twenty I don’t think he’s going to be a panacea for anything. I’m a solid judge of people. And I’ll go with my instinct. I think he will breathe a sigh of relief pardon himself and be the least motivated most ineffectual president in history. He’s 500 yards from 26.2 miles right now. And I’m okay with that
And twenty I don’t think he’s going to be a panacea for anything. I’m a solid judge of people. And I’ll go with my instinct. I think he will breathe a sigh of relief pardon himself and be the least motivated most ineffectual president in history. And I’m okay with that

I hope he's just as vain as you claim and there is really nothing more. I'm not going to ever vote someone who campaigns daily on terrible policy.
I hope he's just as vain as you claim and there is really nothing more. I'm not going to ever vote someone who campaigns daily on terrible policy.
If Biden pardoned him on the way out the door as an act of unity and solidarity it’d take the last wind out of his sail and old trump may even be the unintentional bridge we had hoped for in Biden.

Perhaps a tad optimistic but hey. The Hoosiers are the talk of college football and Messi is in mls. Stranger things….
Provided to him by who? He was the President and probably the best of his appointees were his first appointees as a group. Somehow he alienated a record 60+ percent of his appointees. I see no way to twist that into a positive.
I thinkTrump was as surprised as anyone he won. He was unprepared. He had little knowledge about staff and what they should do. He was in the hands of the party pros. . Reince Priebus became CoS and he was GOP chair. They didn’t fit. Trump canned him. He still supports Trump.
I hope he's just as vain as you claim and there is really nothing more. I'm not going to ever vote someone who campaigns daily on terrible policy.
I can’t find the chart, but when Trump
was President they collected around 40 billion in tariffs. Biden has collected a similar amount. It’s a drop in the bucket. Trump wants a good economy and isn’t going to go insane with tariffs.

The only concern I have is debt. He’s willing to work with Democrats and strike a deal. I could see him agreeing to lower taxes and border security for increased government spending. He’ll want a juiced up economy and growth.
I can’t find the chart, but when Trump
was President they collected around 40 billion in tariffs. Biden has collected a similar amount. It’s a drop in the bucket. Trump wants a good economy and isn’t going to go insane with tariffs.

The only concern I have is debt. He’s willing to work with Democrats and strike a deal. I could see him agreeing to lower taxes and border security for increased government spending. He’ll want a juiced up economy and growth.

Maybe. I don't really know that. A lot of people are basing Trump economic policies based upon what he did mainly in his first two years. Those policies were all driven by traditional Republicans...chiefly Paul Ryan and his allies. Most of which are gone.

And a policy team around Trump that was given to him by the GOP establishment. Something COH mentions above.

2019 was spent on impeachment and battles with Pelosi. And then by 2020 is was mostly all Covid world.

He never really got 'his' people around him... And a President really only has 2 years for most impact in a term.
I thinkTrump was as surprised as anyone he won. He was unprepared. He had little knowledge about staff and what they should do. He was in the hands of the party pros. . Reince Priebus became CoS and he was GOP chair. They didn’t fit. Trump canned him. He still supports Trump.
And most don’t. Trump probably ruined our party for a couple decades.
Maybe. I don't really know that. A lot of people are basing Trump economic policies based upon what he did mainly in his first two years. Those policies were all driven by traditional Republicans...chiefly Paul Ryan and his allies. Most of which are gone.

And a policy team around Trump that was given to him by the GOP establishment. Something COH mentions above.

2019 was spent on impeachment and battles with Pelosi. And then by 2020 is was mostly all Covid world.

He never really got 'his' people around him... And a President really only has 2 years for most impact in a term.
Peter Navarro was enough. Anyone with an ounce of economic intelligence should know better. Great reference with Smoot Hawley, btw.
I’m not voting for Trump. Been there, done that — and I’ll never cast another vote for him again.

And I’ve also never said that Harris was worse. I think they’re both bad…just for different reasons. And it’s not just about Trump’s temperament or character, either. He has some terrible policy positions and he had an atrocious fiscal record as president. And that’s my #1 priority.

Sorry to accuse you of being a Trump voter.

In Indiana, we have options. I seriously may write Aloha Hoosier and Mr Bing. If I were in PA I would have to vote Harris just because I worry more about Trump.

I have a long history of not voting for anyone that can win. So voting Aloha would fit right in.
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Sorry to accuse you of being a Trump voter.

In Indiana, we have options. I seriously may write Aloha Hoosier and Mr Bing. If I were in PA I would have to vote Harris just because I worry more about Trump.

I have a long history of not voting for anyone that can win. So voting Aloha would fit right in.
Maybe. I don't really know that. A lot of people are basing Trump economic policies based upon what he did mainly in his first two years. Those policies were all driven by traditional Republicans...chiefly Paul Ryan and his allies. Most of which are gone.
The traditional GOP certainly helped Trump with traditional GOP policy. But those traditional policies simmered on the back burner until Trump came along and pushed them into effect.
Peter Navarro was enough. Anyone with an ounce of economic intelligence should know better. Great reference with Smoot Hawley, btw.
Using Smoot Harley as a scare tactic is pretty simplistic, isn’t it? Isn’t there important economic policy to be achieved with targeted protectionist tariffs?

Take EV’s. The Biden administration imposed a pretty high tariff on those indirectly by allowing generous government subsidies on domestic EV’s but not imports. . Is that a good idea? Biden also continued many of Trump’s China tariffs.
Using Smoot Harley as a scare tactic is pretty simplistic, isn’t it? Isn’t there important economic policy to be achieved with targeted protectionist tariffs?

Take EV’s. The Biden administration imposed a pretty high tariff on those indirectly by allowing generous government subsidies on domestic EV’s but not imports. . Is that a good idea? Biden also continued many of Trump’s China tariffs.
Hmm, Trump has said, with his own mouth, that he wants a 10% (and another time 20%) tariff on ALL imported goods. Does that qualify as targeted or Smoot-Hawley?

Would All include Mexico and Canada, who we have trade deals with?

If you don't like The Hill, here is CNBC

If any of that is considered targeted, one of us needs their vocabulary checked.
Hmm, Trump has said, with his own mouth, that he wants a 10% (and another time 20%) tariff on ALL imported goods. Does that qualify as targeted or Smoot-Hawley?

Would All include Mexico and Canada, who we have trade deals with?

If you don't like The Hill, here is CNBC

If any of that is considered targeted, one of us needs their vocabulary checked.
You can't take him seriously. Someone will talk some sense into him. Congress will keep him from doing something stupid. Take your pick of popular excuses.
You can't take him seriously. Someone will talk some sense into him. Congress will keep him from doing something stupid. Take your pick of popular excuses.
Trying to keep Trump from doing something stupid or trying to talk some sense into him is like holding up a paper plate against a tsunami and expecting to stay dry.
Trying to keep Trump from doing something stupid or trying to talk some sense into him is like holding up a paper plate against a tsunami and expecting to stay dry.
A lot of Trump voters are hanging their hat on these excuses. They know he has no self-discipline, and they are betting on Vance and others to keep him from doing something stupid.