Kamala Harris hits a home run in her first appearance as Candidate

And that same Joe beat Trump by a record margin. Let that sink in...
Yeah, and that just goes to show you how stupid that record numbers of voters really were. Here it is only 3.5 years later and Joe did such a shitty job he's forced out because he has ZERO chance of beating Trump. Let's hope for our country's sake they show better judgement next time.
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One last recommendation. Don’t be afraid to use insults. There are lots of east targets. It’s basically Reaction Score catnip
LOL...I'll try to remember that. I've been really out of sorts about my Reaction Score since I started posting again. It's like 'What the hell do I have to do to get some props here, folks?'
Well, it'll certainly look to history that way if she goes on to lose the election -- that they promoted a fiction with Harris just after finally having to blow up a fiction they'd been promoting with Biden.

But you have to keep in mind: all campaign promotion (in fact, all political messaging writ large) is, at some level, a contrived marketing ploy. Salesmanship.

Every airline ad I've ever seen shows beaches, waterfalls, exotic locales, people hugging and laughing with each other in unnatural ways on the streets of Vienna, frozen daiquiris alongside an infinity pool. The next one that shows people with knees crammed into the seat in front of them, eating a chintzy bag of pretzels sitting next to somebody from a culture that doesn't frown upon body odor, while spending an hour on the tarmac waiting for crews to address some unnamed mechanical repair will be the first.

So...yeah. Of course they're fluffing her up. Can you name the last presidential candidate who wasn't fluffed up by their party and its allies?

Imagine if Political Advertisements had to live by the same Truth in Advertising rules that drug makers do. They'd need to buy 10 minute blocks for a 30 second add, with 9:30 left for the disclaimers at the end heh.
LOL...I'll try to remember that. I've been really out of sorts about my Reaction Score since I started posting again. It's like 'What the hell do I have to do to get some props here, folks?'
It’s criminal. And again when it soars you get nice perks. Took my little minion to six flags. Comped by rivals. Dinner at Texas Roadhouse last week. Comped by rivals. Low rent shit but my minion doesn’t know any better. So I started going after mods. Entire threads attacking mods. Bam 3 days in Miami on rivals. Resort I’d never go to but you get the picture.

I’ll make sure people who respond to your post take the time to like or love it going forward.

It’s all important. You understand.
Imagine if Political Advertisements had to live by the same Truth in Advertising rules that drug makers do. They'd need to buy 10 minute blocks for a 30 second add, with 9:30 left for the disclaimers at the end heh.

Yeah, the political professions have long been a haven for bullshit artists -- which is why I've always gotten a chuckle out of so many of them squawking about Donald Trump being a bullshit artist. Well, he is clearly that. They're not wrong. In fact, most pols are rank amateurs compared to that guy. But let's not pretend he's unique in that regard. He just takes it to a higher level.

And I say that as somebody who has voted for him, despite knowing full well that he's nothing more than a performance artist...a WWE heel in a tailored suit.
Honest question. Is this thread praising her remarks at the Whitehouse with the athletes?

She said Biden has created a great legacy without mentioning any accomplishments and then explained how 10s of millions of people play sports as kids, but only a few win it all later in life.

Tell me this isn't the speech that is being lauded.

Holy hell are we fooked.
Only scored a home run if we have dancin' Kamala


Oh high and mighty Internet, knower and creator of all things funny and meme worthy, please produce an AI dance off video of Trump and Kamala. If you want to set it in the Pulp Fiction dance scene with the same music, that would be doubly awesome.
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Honest question. Is this thread praising her remarks at the Whitehouse with the athletes?

She said Biden has created a great legacy without mentioning any accomplishments and then explained how 10s of millions of people play sports as kids, but only a few win it all later in life.

Tell me this isn't the speech that is being lauded.

Holy hell are we fooked.
She will be in so far over her head that they’ll have to treat her like Biden. Limit her opportunities to speak highlight her at concerts looking energetic, script the shit out of everything. She’s not bright
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For a debate, she'll be much better than Biden. She's coachable, will put in the work I'd imagine, and will have lines memorized to shoot off at Trump (and that he will walk into). She'll "win" the debates according to all major outlets not associated with the right--how well she performs to drive out Dems I do not know.

I think her biggest concern will be what seemed to sink her in the 2020 Dem primary, where she was polling 7th in SCarolina with its large black voting population and California, her home state (those ranks come from a podcast I listened to so dont have the article to link. It might be off? Sounds shockingly low). First, she comes off as condescending, unlikeable, and phony. I don't think that can be changed. Second, she didn't know how to put together a national campaign and really didn't understand the policy issues she weighed in on (probably because she didn't assemble a very good staff to write that stuff up). That will be solved by relying on the already functioning Biden campaign.

For each election, I think the Presidential race is, in part, about sussing out what kind of President each candidate would be. Each can be a different kind--a micromanager, a figurehead, an ideas guy, a CEO, etc.--and focus on different areas while letting his or her team handle the rest (so they need a good hiring team, too). Harris won't be a micromanager and she will rely heavily on Biden's already experienced staff, I would think. That would make her a younger continuation of the Biden admin. with more oversight and input from her, with probably more focus on some progressive projects, which we'll find out about in the coming months.
All valid comments, but she has some fences to mend. She publicly compared border agents to the KKK, she took anti-cop and pro- rioter positions during George Floyd riots, she is pretty conspicuously anti-Israel, and she is very strongly anti-federalism in domestic policy.

She thinks and speaks in platitudes and esoteric nonsense. All campaigns rely on platitudes to some extent, she takes it to excess. That will work to her advantage with the casual or low information voters.
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Because you know absolutely nothing about the Kushner/ PIF deal. The amount of approvals and hoops it had to go through to get done. Especially considering Kushner’s position. It’s all well documented. Readily available. Would you like me to share with you? After about 24 hours of public disclosures would you possibly shut the hell up?
Of all the Wealth Management companies in all the world they pick Jared. Oh, I forgot, another cool 2.5 Billion to Mnuchin's company. Sure it's well documented. It better be. Can you say conflict of interest?
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@BradStevens the big question is a continuation of what policies. The post house lost or the emboldened 2020 attack on energy, open border, cradle to grave benes etc.

Crazed great post and spot on
She'll campaign on whatever polls well. I'd imagine she will govern the same way because she'll want to be reelected if she wins.
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I’ll tell you what else those 880K are.

Yeah that and Trump's attacks on people like EJ Carrol and Kamala are going to drive women to the polls to vote MAGA...:rolleyes:

Kind of strange you'd use Ron's tweet (designed to mock Vance) instead of a tweet from someone "endorsing" Vance's position? Oh that's right, stupid nicknames and dispaaraging attacks on people don't appeal to anyone outside of the MAGA cult.

Please keep trotting out bigoted idiots like Burchett to attack Kamala as the "DEI candidate". Obviously Trump has decided to use Burchett as the liaison to attract Black voters... ;)
Yeah that and Trump's attacks on people like EJ Carrol and Kamala are going to drive women to the polls to vote MAGA...:rolleyes:

Kind of strange you'd use Ron's tweet (designed to mock Vance) instead of a tweet from someone "endorsing" Vance's position? Oh that's right, stupid nicknames and dispaaraging attacks on people don't appeal to anyone outside of the MAGA cult.

Please keep trotting out bigoted idiots like Burchett to attack Kamala as the "DEI candidate". Obviously Trump has decided to use Burchett as the liaison to attract Black voters... ;)
Trump has to be second guessing JD Vance already. Between his views on abortion, hints about his thoughts on the role of women, and his embarrassing takes on race.

Yesterday at a rally he said the left would accuse him of being racist for drinking Diet Mt. Dew. Even the crowd was embarrassed for him. Dude has no original thoughts of his own. No way anyone with self respect changes his stance on Trump the way JD has. Remember when men had character?
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I linked and excerpted this Jason Willick column in another thread. But I'll do so again here, because it seems appropriate in response to what you're saying.

The proposition that Kamala D. Harris is the Democratic candidate best suited to defeat Donald Trump is about as believable as the proposition that Joe Biden was mentally and physically equipped to serve as president until 2029.​
That is to say: Both are obvious fictions. Democrats coalesced around the fiction of Biden’s acuity during the primary season. Now that Biden has dropped out, they are adopting the fiction that “no one is better” (as California Gov. Gavin Newsom put it on Sunday) to take on Trump in Biden’s stead. Any prospect of a competitive nomination process is evaporating as Democratic politicians — even those previously mooted as possible Biden replacements should he step aside — stampede to Harris.​
Does anyone really believe Harris is the Democratic candidate most likely to block another Trump term? Unable to conceal Biden’s infirmity any longer, panicked Democratic leaders forced the president out of the 2024 race. They have a chance to put forward a strong candidate in a high-stakes election that is likely to be close. If they swiftly coronate Harris, Democrats would be elevating one of the weakest candidates available.​

Thing is: I honestly don't have much problem with the *manner* in which they've coalesced around Harris. Yeah, I get that it opens them up to (rather flimsy) charges of hypocrisy on the issue of "protecting democracy." But, to me, it's a minor thing. The circumstances are what they are. And it seems a foregone conclusion that doing anything to leapfrog Harris at this point would only be pouring fuel on a fire they urgently needed to extinguish.

But Willick hits on what is, to me, a much more important point: that Harris really isn't a great candidate, there are better ones available, but they're going to have to pretend once again that what is apparent to most objective people is, in fact, not even true at all.

Before it was that, despite what we all saw on TV for months (if not years), Biden wasn't having cognitive issues at all. It was merely a stutter. And now it's that Harris was the first and best choice -- not simply the most convenient one. It's like when a basketball program hires their 3rd or 4th choice for a new coach...and insists that he was the only one they ever even offered.

Of course, Harris could go on to win the election -- in which case it will be people like Willick wiping egg from their faces. But, if she doesn't, then the post-mortems on this cycle among Democrats are almost certainly going to involve a lot of finger-pointing over what's been happening the past several days.​
No one is "better" than harris to beat trump?

Nonsense, Manchin would destroy him.
The amusing part is that Kamala and the Democrats covered up Biden’s disabling senility for at least 2 years, they rigged the primaries to eliminate competition,, joes accelerating disability blew the coverup, the Democrat big wigs go crazy, Joe abruptly resigns his rigged nomination with a Tweet, turmoil ensues, the Democrat big wigs and a few billionaires settle on Kamala, and then Kamala gives a speech claiming the GOP is the party of chaos. :D :D :D
No one has received the rigged nomination yet.
No one is "better" than harris to beat trump?

Nonsense, Manchin would destroy him.

I have strong enough doubts about that on its own. But the prospect of Joe Manchin winning a Democratic primary is so far-fetched as to be absurd.

This is almost like somebody saying that Liz Cheney would be the best candidate for the Republican Party -- never mind the fact that most Republicans have, rightly or wrongly, come to despise her.
Trump has to be second guessing JD Vance already. Between his views on abortion, hints about his thoughts on the role of women, and his embarrassing takes on race.

Yesterday at a rally he said the left would accuse him of being racist for drinking Diet Mt. Dew. Even the crowd was embarrassed for him. Dude has no original thoughts of his own. No way anyone with self respect changes his stance on Trump the way JD has. Remember when men had character?
I do remember reading a report (I don't recall if it was ever confirmed, at least by somebody who didn't have an axe to grind) that Trump almost instantly tried to renege on his offer to Pence to be his runningmate in 2016.

So, if that report was true, it's not a stretch to wonder if he might have the same buyer's remorse about Vance. My impression that the Vance pick, as much as anything, was about getting some backing from Thiel and others in Silicon Valley.

But, given that Trump's polling has held up fairly well so far through these recent major events, I guess I wouldn't be so quick to jump on this. If his numbers do turn south, then he'll definitely be looking for somebody to blame -- and, when he does that, he never does it around any mirrors.
What are you talking about? Let’s elect someone who isn’t a criminal, isn’t a sexual abuser, isn’t dumb as a rock and unfit for office ( according to his staff) , isn’t corrupt. Shouldn’t be that hard.
But you voted for Biden.

Let’s elect someone who isn’t a criminal - Biden got payments for him and is family for doing nothing

isn’t a sexual abuser - Tara Reade begs to different. Read her police report. And she even remembers the year it happened, unlike E Jean.

isn’t dumb as a rock - don't even go there with Biden. Graduated toward the bottom of his law class.

and unfit for office ( according to his staff) - Well, guess who just dropped out of the race because of his dementia?

isn’t corrupt - the Biden Crime Family has been grifting America for years.
No one is "better" than harris to beat trump?

Nonsense, Manchin would destroy him.
The first thing the MAGA folks would do is expose Manchin's shady background regarding the coal industry. He (and his daughter) have some skeletons in his closet...

Admittedly Casten comes from the progressive wing of the Dem Party.. But the reality is if Trump felt threatened MAGA would not hesitate to amplify these charges...

"The truth is, Manchin is best understood as a grifter from the ancestral home of King Coal. He is a man with coal dust in his veins who has used his political skills to enrich himself, not the people of his state. He drives an Italian-made Maserati, lives on a houseboat on the Potomac River when he is in D.C., pals around with corporate CEOs, and has a net worth of as much as $12 million. More to the point, his wealth has been accumulated through controversial coal-related businesses in his home state, including using his political muscle to keep open the dirtiest coal plant in West Virginia, which paid him nearly $5 million over the past decade in fees for coal handling, as well as costing West Virginia electricity consumers tens of millions of dollars in higher electricity rates (more about the details of this in a moment). Virginia Canter, who was ethics counsel to Presidents Obama and Clinton, unabashedly calls Manchin's business operations "a grift." To Canter, Manchin's corruption is even more offensive than Donald Trump's. "With Trump, the corruption was discretionary — you could choose to pay thousands of dollars to host an event at Mar-a-Lago or not," Canter tells me. In contrast, Manchin is effectively taking money right out of the pockets of West Virginians when they pay their electric bills. They have no say in it. "It's one of the most egregious conflicts of interest I've ever seen."

...if Trump felt threatened MAGA would not hesitate to amplify these charges...

Well, naturally. What politician wouldn't promote this (or something like it) if they were running against Manchin or thought they might be running against him?

The concept of oppo isn't unique to Trump or any other pol. I've worked on a couple campaigns (for state offices, not federal). And I've seen how this sausage is made. It cracks me up that people actually buy into it instead of seeing it for what it is.
The first thing the MAGA folks would do is expose Manchin's shady background regarding the coal industry. He (and his daughter) have some skeletons in his closet...

Admittedly Casten comes from the progressive wing of the Dem Party.. But the reality is if Trump felt threatened MAGA would not hesitate to amplify these charges...

"The truth is, Manchin is best understood as a grifter from the ancestral home of King Coal. He is a man with coal dust in his veins who has used his political skills to enrich himself, not the people of his state. He drives an Italian-made Maserati, lives on a houseboat on the Potomac River when he is in D.C., pals around with corporate CEOs, and has a net worth of as much as $12 million. More to the point, his wealth has been accumulated through controversial coal-related businesses in his home state, including using his political muscle to keep open the dirtiest coal plant in West Virginia, which paid him nearly $5 million over the past decade in fees for coal handling, as well as costing West Virginia electricity consumers tens of millions of dollars in higher electricity rates (more about the details of this in a moment). Virginia Canter, who was ethics counsel to Presidents Obama and Clinton, unabashedly calls Manchin's business operations "a grift." To Canter, Manchin's corruption is even more offensive than Donald Trump's. "With Trump, the corruption was discretionary — you could choose to pay thousands of dollars to host an event at Mar-a-Lago or not," Canter tells me. In contrast, Manchin is effectively taking money right out of the pockets of West Virginians when they pay their electric bills. They have no say in it. "It's one of the most egregious conflicts of interest I've ever seen."

It's pretty funny coming from a guy who sits on the finance committee and his top 3 contributors in this cycle are Lone Pine Capital, CME Group, and Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers.

He just hasn't had enough time to get to Manchin level grift. He's only a 3 term rep, but he shows great promise.
No way they would. I'd show up for Manchin, but he's not getting the progressive vote. Manchin would be better as a moderate Republican.
He could be a good VP pick. Won't happen but he would be a good VP for Harris. Hed be like Phil Martelli was for Juwan Howard. They only won when Howard was suspended and Martelli was coaching. Lol.
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LOL...I'll try to remember that. I've been really out of sorts about my Reaction Score since I started posting again. It's like 'What the hell do I have to do to get some props here, folks?'
By the way, welcome back. I’ve always read and enjoyed your comments. Hope you stick around for a while.
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I don't think that word means wht you think it means...

I don't worship any person. Maybe that's your problem. You seem angry. Maybe its because you're getting called out? Funny. You talk about how Turmp calls people names----but do it yourself.

I mean you cant make this shit up.

Is this you Joe?
He's angry because the fool he voted for now is mentally incapacitated - just like we tried to tell him he would be.

Leftists get very angry when they have their nose rubbed in their own shit.
Inflation is down---so I stand corrected there. BUT, prices for food, gas, electric, etc....are not. Which has a direct impact on any type of raise we receive.

I did the bankruptcy----never again. A bill consolidation. Told it would do this, and that--improve credit. Never missed in a payment in 5 years. I am 3+ years removed, and nothing has changed. Credit score hovers around 620---which is awful. Never again. I'd been better off filing a Chapter 7.

My finances are getting better. But COVID, plus other issues, have made it tough. But this administration hasn't done mean any favors---Nor others like me. It shouldn't cost someone $400+ dollars in a weeks trip to get groceries and a full tank of gas.
I just got 2 estimates for front break replacements on my SUV. One was $550 and the other was $450.

It wasn't that long ago I could get front breaks done for under $200.

It's outrageous - I don't see how people get by unless both parents have decent jobs and 1 works 2 jobs. I can understand why men - and women - are loathe to get married anymore. Raising a family is just not feasible, financially, for most.
And that same Joe beat Trump by a record margin. Let that sink in...
And guess what - Trump just beat Biden. He was beating him so bad, Biden cried No Mas. Trump beat Biden like a drum.

Biden is going out a loser.
I think they could have had a more democratic process and I think in some ways the short turn around could have been an advantage to a new candidate. Harris is uniquely bad. We’ll see the “glow up” from the lefties on the board but we have 3 1/2 years of listening to her, her awful approval record, the awful campaign she ran, etc. Shapiro, cooper, Kelly etc could have slid in sounding so much more competent and assured and presented an immediate marked contrast to her AND trump that voters from both sides would embrace. For republicans I know we went from cognitive decline to stupid and annoying. A difference of no moment. Still stuck with trump.

As I said Dems missed an opportunity with this anointed pick who in many ways circumvented the entire process
I think the Dems could have had a real chance with Kelly. I don't know enough about Shapiro.

Cooper would have been an interesting choice. Even though I make fun of him - he really is a Goober - he's just vanilla enough to be accepted by a lot of people. A good old boy who isn't that bright, but you don't have to be to win in N. Carolina. And I mean that for both sides.

Plus, I doubt Cooper has any higher ambition than maybe VP, so if he loses a Presidential bid, it's not that big a deal to him.

I think the Dems are panicking and throwing Kamala out there on the off chance she'll win, but moreso to just finally get rid of her, since she's such an embarrassment.
For a debate, she'll be much better than Biden. She's coachable, will put in the work I'd imagine, and will have lines memorized to shoot off at Trump (and that he will walk into). She'll "win" the debates according to all major outlets not associated with the right--how well she performs to drive out Dems I do not know.

I think her biggest concern will be what seemed to sink her in the 2020 Dem primary, where she was polling 7th in SCarolina with its large black voting population and California, her home state (those ranks come from a podcast I listened to so dont have the article to link. It might be off? Sounds shockingly low). First, she comes off as condescending, unlikeable, and phony. I don't think that can be changed. Second, she didn't know how to put together a national campaign and really didn't understand the policy issues she weighed in on (probably because she didn't assemble a very good staff to write that stuff up). That will be solved by relying on the already functioning Biden campaign.

For each election, I think the Presidential race is, in part, about sussing out what kind of President each candidate would be. Each can be a different kind--a micromanager, a figurehead, an ideas guy, a CEO, etc.--and focus on different areas while letting his or her team handle the rest (so they need a good hiring team, too). Harris won't be a micromanager and she will rely heavily on Biden's already experienced staff, I would think. That would make her a younger continuation of the Biden admin. with more oversight and input from her, with probably more focus on some progressive projects, which we'll find out about in the coming months.
As far as her performance in S. Carolina goes, most blacks in SC know she's not African American 'black'.