Harris’s two most replayed speech points: are they inconsistent or a nuanced view of reality?


Can't wait for all the zombies for vote for trump again. Death doesn't seem to hold back MAGAdiots.
Yeah, reminds me of somebody parroting "Make America Great Again" over and over and over and over.

Then you ask when it was, seemingly (to him) in the far distant past, that America was great.

Your hear


Some of us believe that America is great RIGHT NOW, and also that it can get better, amazingly.
99% of their complaints about dems are nothing but hypocrisy and is really only about being hyper-partisan.
Goat says get off his pedantic corner Lars.
Hey, Raiders is probably a movie I've watched in full, at minimum, 50 times. Indiana Jones is top 5 all time characters in Hollywood history.

Should have stopped after the 3rd one though. Also, how it hasn't been serialized beyond just the Young Indiana Jones series back in teh day is a mystery to me. Would be perfect on MAX or AppleTV.
What does Pence have to do with this.
There was this nationally televised VP debate, you know, where one person came off as intelligent and the other was noticed only for the fly circling his head like it was a cow patty.
She is really sickening. She has been unburdened of the task of running in the primaries. Tulsi put in her in her place when she tried to run before. She has been handed the nomination probably because those with real aspirations in the Dem Party think it better to wait to 2028 at this point. Certainly they took a roll call but who knows. The Democrat is the biggest threat to Democracy in this country. Probably why they have adopted that as their Party platform against Trump . They want to deflect Americans from them being that threat. Had biden dropped before the primaries started, I doubt that she'd win. Trump can lose to anyone because so many hate him and she may look a bit better vs him in the debate than vs Vance who would of destroyed her. Everyone else is blackballed.
Lighten up Francis. You're as bad as the "Trump is a Nazi" people.
Yeah, reminds me of somebody parroting "Make America Great Again" over and over and over and over.

Then you ask when it was, seemingly (to him) in the far distant past, that America was great.

Your hear


Some of us believe that America is great RIGHT NOW, and also that it can get better, amazingly.
You should ask them how they plan to maga. "Bring back Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben and the Washington Redskins! Make all kids recite the pledge and ten commandments daily! That'll fix things!"
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I’ve seen two clips of hers played a lot. Here’s the one her supporters are rallying around:

I read the nut of her comment as a realistic and essentially conservative one: human beings don’t get to invent themselves out of whole cloth, we are all shaped and exist in context of our world as it is now and as it was before us (that led to where we are now).

Then there is this one:

She can imagine being what can be, unburdened by what has been.

So here, I read her as saying the ideal state of affairs is to throw away the burden of the past and history and strive for the possible.

These two statements aren’t necessarily inconsistent, but I wonder if she links them together at any point ? Is her view that we are born into a circumstances and can change them with imagination (why the first quote then and its emphasis of the inescapability of the past)? How much deference does she want to give the past? How much humility to what has gone before? How much of a burden is tradition?
Up until the time Joe bowed out, screaming and kicking, no one cared what Kamala was saying. Now, suddenly every word of hers is being deciphered for “true” meaning. People, it’s all a power game, an endless parade of changing masks. At the end of a hard fought day, people believe what they choose to believe-wrong, right or indifferent.

Puppet On A String
~ Elvis A Presley, 1965
Don't be jealous.

She likely accomplished more in her professional career than you have before entered the legislative branch. She was more than accomplished enough to take on Pence, who gets the advantage coming in because he likes to hang his hat on "God."


You hate it that others live life differently than you. Makes sense.

You should be happy about that. She runs right of many who would've run against her.

The notion that Vance would destroy her in a debate is laughable. Have you heard him speak? LOL The MF'er is awkward as hell when he's off script.
Dude. You have no idea who I am what I do and why would I be be jealous of some dumb B who has been propped up her life and is part of the elite establishment. You can save your Psychoanalytical BS..

What does Pence have to do with this?
I’ve seen two clips of hers played a lot. Here’s the one her supporters are rallying around:

I read the nut of her comment as a realistic and essentially conservative one: human beings don’t get to invent themselves out of whole cloth, we are all shaped and exist in context of our world as it is now and as it was before us (that led to where we are now).

Then there is this one:

She can imagine being what can be, unburdened by what has been.

So here, I read her as saying the ideal state of affairs is to throw away the burden of the past and history and strive for the possible.

These two statements aren’t necessarily inconsistent, but I wonder if she links them together at any point ? Is her view that we are born into a circumstances and can change them with imagination (why the first quote then and its emphasis of the inescapability of the past)? How much deference does she want to give the past? How much humility to what has gone before? How much of a burden is tradition?

I think the two describe a journey we are on. People are still impacted by various things from their birth. We'll go more neutral, even today there is still a "born on the wrong side of the tracks" attitude. I still hear people in Bloomington speak disparagingly about those who live on "Pigeon Hill." So there is a burden.

But the goal overall has been to try and remove that burden. We should strive to let people live unburdened by what has been. And many such burdens have been lessened. It is aspirational to think that way. It isn't a statement of where we are, but an aspirational statement. Who your parents are, color/gender/religion/orientation/political views shouldn't identify one disparagingly but they should be judged on their actual merits and flaws. I see as a contrast between the real world and the ideal world.
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I'm sensing a coup of the DreamTeam by Cortez88. He's quietly amassed a phenomenal RSR, besting @mcmurtry66, and might be eying a takeover.

I'm guessing the same dynamic occurred in the Bloomington group you two ran with.
Yes as if enduring 25 years of his snide sarcastic remarks going back to the chick who lived above sbx better known as the love of my life that got away isn’t enough. Add taking over the dream team to the grievance list
Why should she be different than any politician you've ever voted for?
She can do whatever she pleases. I’d be interested to hear about her pot use and if she supports making it legal nationwide.
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She can do whatever she pleases. I’d be interested to hear about her pot use and if she supports making it legal nationwide.
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Look Brad. I know Murts game. All I’d have to do to complete the take over is actually show up in Auburn, IN.
Look Brad. I know Murts game. All I’d have to do to complete the take over is actually show up in Auburn, IN.
@BradStevens his remark is bc I promise to show for shit and then almost always skip. Things sound good in theory but when that day comes ya never know. You understand.

But trust me Cortez would have zero shot at a takeover. His presence would go like this: hmmmm who selected this music? Are they trying to get people to leave? Bbq spread is, uh, interesting. Glad I ate before I came…..
@BradStevens his remark is bc I promise to show for shit and then almost always skip. Things sound good in theory but when that day comes ya never know. You understand.

But trust me Cortez would have zero shot at a takeover. His presence would go like this: hmmmm who selected this music? Are they trying to get people to leave? Bbq spread is, uh, interesting. Glad I ate before I came…..
My Dream Team playlist will be available for the public to enjoy.
Look Brad. I know Murts game. All I’d have to do to complete the take over is actually show up in Auburn, IN.
What a minute - are all of your from Auburn? I know you all don't live there now, but are all of you from there?
I’ve seen two clips of hers played a lot. Here’s the one her supporters are rallying around:

I read the nut of her comment as a realistic and essentially conservative one: human beings don’t get to invent themselves out of whole cloth, we are all shaped and exist in context of our world as it is now and as it was before us (that led to where we are now).

Then there is this one:

She can imagine being what can be, unburdened by what has been.
She didn't come up with that - some speechwriter did.

All the woke live in the past - who is she kidding?
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She's an idiot. She doesn't have a "view".

And those 2 are no better than her explanation of Russia v. Ukraine; "I've been to the border"; the passage of time; her commentary on community banks; Venn diagrams; "You can see them with your own eyes"; and "Who doesn't love a yellow school bus?".

EDIT: I forgot her explanation of AI....
First of all, it's 2 words......
Honestly didn't know much about Young since I've been gone from IN since before he came into office, but from what I've read, he's the type of person we need. I don't fully align with him on some key issues (e.g., Abortion), but overall he was scored as a moderate conservative and seems to have lots of drafting and influence on legislation. That's the type of guy you want running a national office.

However, to your point, if he is more of a work horse, while that is what we honestly need, it becomes difficult to get elected. Young may have enough show where the point is moot, but there are probably several Congressmen that are too engaged in actually trying to do things vs. campaigning and/or not enough show to make a difference at a national level. And that's too bad.

What does personal wealth have to do with running the country? The Clintons weren't rich when Bill became President.